Allow User To Input A Number Say 1-200 And That Variable Would Make Up The Last Part Of An IP Address
Feb 5, 2011
I need to get a piece of code that will allow me to have a user input a number, say 1-200 and that variable would make up the last part of an IP Address that the user wants to browse to.
Is there a script that will allow me to do that?
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Aug 30, 2011
I found this forum while running out of ideas and being extremely desperate to fixing a probably small javascript error in a script. the script is supposed to open a small form window that allows the user to input an email address and update it to proceed. the form item is initially unchecked, but as the user clicks it and enter his email address, it updates the value of the email address and the box becomes "checkable". the problem is that with both IE and firefox, the box doesn't close again, doesn't get checkable and basically doesn't work. in the firefox debugging console, I found the following error:
The part responsible in the javascript for this section is:
And the html code that is supposed to pop up the box is:
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Oct 29, 2009
How would I add an if statement to limit the number input by the user to less than 20?
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Apr 15, 2010
I'm having to write a program that generates a random number between 1-1000 and then allows the user to make guesses in a text box, answering to high or to low, until the correct answer is entered. I had the program working fine with using strictly prompts and alerts but when I tried to create a form I started having trouble.
<?xml version = "1.0" encoding = "utf-8"?>
<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Strict//EN"
<html xmlns = "">
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Oct 29, 2009
I'm using simpleCart() javascript shopping machine for my page.The script accepts values in a specific syntax:onclick="simpleCart.add('name=Some name','price=23.4','quantity=1');"But because the price of the product is not always the same but comes up after previously made calculations, i want to parse the values in simpleCart() through another function. I have made the following one which gets the price from a textbox (resultAlmires) of a form (Almires), then converts it to american format (. instead of ,) makes it have one decimal only and finally parse it to simpleCart() with the use of a variable.However it doesn't seem to work:
function addAlmiri() {
var timi = document.Almires.resultAlmires.value;
timi = timi.replace(/,/,".");
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Jan 4, 2006
I have a form that collects information about up to 5 items. I would
like the user to be able to select from a drop down menu how many items
for which they want to compare information, and then have the form
change the number of input fields accordingly.
In other words, if the user selects enter info for 3 items, then input
fields for only 3 items are shown, if they change it to 4 items, then a
fourth column shows up in the table with the appropriate input fields.
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Oct 20, 2011
I've been assigned to make an earnings calculator with user input I'm just having trouble in making the final sum work I just get NaN for an answer
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Oct 14, 2011
is it possible to track whether user is typing in the browser's address bar or aside google search box ( which appears in most of the browsers besides address bar)? if yes, I would like to know HOW? references are welcome.
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Nov 11, 2011
I have this script that is supposed to check if a number the user guesses is the same as the randomly generated number.Problem is that the random number generated at the start of the program keeps on changing everytime I click on the "Check if I'm right" button, the random number gets generated again and I never ever get to reach the correct answer
<html xmlns="" xml:lang="en" lang="en">
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Apr 18, 2011
let's say the URL of the page is: here's the javascript:
var directory = location.href.indexOf("directory");
var slash = location.href.indexOf("/", directory);
// looks for the first slash after "directory", the one right before "10"
var afterSlash = location.href.indexOf("", slash + 1);
// this variable starts at one character after "/", which is "1"
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May 15, 2011
I am trying to define a variable as follows:
var music_id = $(this).attr('id');
var mix_class = $('#le' + music_id);
In other words, if music_id is mix3, I want mix_class to be #lemix3.The above code is not working for me and I would like assistance as to the syntax to produce such a result
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Jul 20, 2005
How do I separate the integer and decimal part of a number, ie. If I had
123456, and divided it by 1000 = 123.456,
how do I obtain 123 and 456 as seperate variables?
This is the sort of thing that is done using the "int" and "mod" function
in Excel...
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Sep 14, 2011
im trying to make a program that passes an array to a method. the method then finds the smallest number in the array and passes that number back to the main where its printed out. I am getting an error saying: "error: number cannot be resolved to a variable". I am using drjava. here is my code.
import java.util.*;
public class homeWorkTwo{
public static void main(String[] args)[code].....
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Feb 24, 2009
I need help with user input. I need to restrict the user to input age greater than 17 and weight restricted to the range of 80-300.
My code is not working:
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May 4, 2011
I have a situation in which I have to track clicks (links etc..). The problem is, I have a larger div ie - parentDiv - like 300px height, 400px width - approximate. This div has a background image. Now, the issue arises because over this div (parentDiv), I have another div "announceDiv" on top of it showing information.
I ONLY want the parts of parentDiv that is NOT covered by announceDiv to be clickable. Just to reiterate, I have a big div that I want clickable (so I can add a link to the click), but over this big div I have a smaller div showing content ie, information, that links to its own stuff. BUT I want to be able to link from this background image that is in the parentDi without affecting when I click in the smaller div that is superimposed over it.
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Aug 9, 2010
I have a form with a number of inputs and also a div element that acts as an input. I want to make it so that if someone is in the input before the div, and they hit "tab", it'll tab to that div.
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Dec 8, 2011
I have several classes named 'ratings_colored'. They all contain a number from 1 to 10. If the number is below 5.5, the number should become red. If not it should become green.
The code below works, but if the first .ratings_colored is higher than 5.5 it will make ALL the classes green. Even the numbers below 5.5! I tried using the 'this' but it didn't work either.
$(document).ready(function () {
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Oct 18, 2010
I'm sure this is probably a simple question, but I'm going to ask anyway. I need to extract part of a URL and place it into a variable for use elsewhere on the page. The part to be extracted will be of varying lengths.
As an example, if I have the following [URL] I need to extract "SS". Basically, anything that appears between "static.nsf/" and "/Steve's_APT_test_page". That value needs to be put into a variable and called elsewhere on the page. For testing purposes, I'm using the following code, just to see if it works (which, so far, it doesn't):
<script type= type="text/javascript" language="javascript">
var page_url = window.location.href;
var segments = page_url.split("/");
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Feb 1, 2009
I am creating this small Script to to take a url address from the user and then it present it them as a link.
<HTML><HEAD><TITLE>Page Download</TITLE>
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Apr 4, 2011
I have a page divided into various divs, each with an unique id.The user can navigate through these divs using a nav bar at the top of the screen, which is pinned in position with 'position:fixed'.I want to fire a JavaScript event whenever the user views a different div.I have attached an event handler to the links in the nav bar. Correspondingly when the user uses the nav bar to move around the page the desired event always fires.However, if the user uses the address bar to navigate nothing happens, e.g. if someone is viewing "" and then types into the address barthey are moved to the corresponding section of the site, but no event fires.Is there any way to achieve this?
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Jan 27, 2010
My objective is to make a map that lets the user click the map to make a pin and write a description. Like this [URL]
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Aug 3, 2011
I want only the Text to be clickable in the accordion-header. I thought the header option is the right way to do so, but it doesn't work. Instead of h3 i want only the link to be clickable:
$(function() {
$( "#accordion" ).accordion({header:'a'});
<div id="accordion">
<h3><a href="#">First header</a></h3>
<div>First content</div>
<h3><a href="#">Second header</a></h3>
<div>Second content</div>
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Jun 4, 2011
My goal right now is to make a two-part navigation bar where you don't have to reload the whole site, when you click on a link. The navigation bar consists of two <ul> lists with <li> float:left and <a> display:block, so I basically have two lines. It's probably easier to understand if you see it for yourself: jsfiddle (had to change the css style, because I use .less but it works)
When you load the page it's just like that, you have your main category (A,B,C,D,...) and the sub-category (A1,A2,A3,...). What I want: If you click on B, the sub category changes to B1,B2,.... If you click on a sub category the site loads the requested page (with ajax = best solution?!)
My thoughts
At first I thought about just changing the name and href attribute of the second list, but the main categories have different amounts of sub categories, so I would need to add or remove <li>'s. Then I thought about using .load() but I somehow screwed up (of course) and the loaded <ul> doesn't have any css style (wrong order?) and I can't see anything. (with a loaded test.html site containing only the word "test" it worked) Is ajax "overkill" as a solution?
CodeIgniter and the URL
I use CodeIgniter (a PHP framework) for the website and URLs like this: (e.g. That's no problem at all, if I don't use any javascript and reload the whole site every time. But is it possible to change the URL with jQuery when the user clicks through the navigation bar? You click on B, the URL changes to all the subcategories change to B1,B2,...When you click on B2 the URL changes to and the site loads the requested page (I guess with ajax, so the navigation stays the same?!)
Minor problem: when you load the site, click on B, then B3 for example, you would get the url If you now save this link, close the site and reopen it with the link, CodeIgniter would load the right site and everything, but the navigation would show A1,A2,.. in the sub category.
Hover vs click
Almost every page where I saw this kind of menu they used hover to change the sub category. But I thought click would be better, so you don't have to avoid touching B,C,D,.. if you want to go from A to A9 for example. Only downside is that you have to click before you see the sub categories.
A two part navigation menu you can use without reloading, changing URLs (when possible) and probably ajax to load the actual content.
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Sep 10, 2007
I am working on a online video portal build on flash/actionScript.
If I enter a url of a video when another video is playing, it doesn't playing the new video but it keeps on playing the old video. The reason I think is as it is a RIA, it doesn't refreshes the page and looks for a flash object and its already cached so it doesn't makes any http request in order to play the new video.
So I am planning to claer the cache.
how to clear the cache when a user enters something in address bar and press enter key?
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Sep 13, 2011
I have one site that has a bunch of cool easy javascript tricks that allow the user to change the page designs and other things. I had put a lot of time, effort, and $$$ into this site, and it was where I make partial income to provide for my family. Lately, I have noticed that some browsers (Chrome) will not allow the user to paste my javascript codes into their address bar.
Example: if user pastes "javascript: alert(2+2);" into their address bar in Chrome (and some IE I have heard from visitors) it will do a google search on alert(2+2) and will completely strip the "javascript" part out.
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Mar 27, 2010
Actually FF 3.6 does make it visible (if by default) but earlier versions (2) and Mozilla don't seem to. the code - this is the invokation function, the findObj is to set all lists to item 1 and can be ignored in the context of the question.
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