Add If Statement To Limit Number Input By User To Less Than 20?
Oct 29, 2009How would I add an if statement to limit the number input by the user to less than 20?
View 4 RepliesHow would I add an if statement to limit the number input by the user to less than 20?
View 4 RepliesI need to get a piece of code that will allow me to have a user input a number, say 1-200 and that variable would make up the last part of an IP Address that the user wants to browse to.
Is there a script that will allow me to do that?
I have a form that collects information about up to 5 items. I would
like the user to be able to select from a drop down menu how many items
for which they want to compare information, and then have the form
change the number of input fields accordingly.
In other words, if the user selects enter info for 3 items, then input
fields for only 3 items are shown, if they change it to 4 items, then a
fourth column shows up in the table with the appropriate input fields.
How do I ensure a number has no more than 4 digits and 2 decimal places (adds .0 or .00 as necessary) onblur using reg expressions?
View 8 Replies View RelatedI wrote a short javascript code to try to solve a math puzzle. It involves iterating 50,000 times through a for loop. Nested in each of those iterations is another for loop with 50,000 iterations of its own. I think that's 2.5 billion altogether. Each times it compares two numbers that are being incremented.
I'm doing this in JS because I can't any of the Java I learned a few years ago...
I tested the code with much smaller numbers and it worked. With the big numbers my browsers are not responding, not surprisingly (I'm using the latest firefox on the latest mac os).
Will the code finish running tonight? Next week? In 10 years?
Have a dynamic table in JS that adds rows. Want a max of 8 rows. How can that be done?
<script language="Javascript" type="text/javascript">
function addRow()
I'm using the following code to display the latest threads from my vBulletin forum in my footer, however I'd like to limit the number of characters that are shown in the Thread title.
Can anyone show me what needs to be changed to say limit it to the first 20 or so characters?code...
I have a form with checkboxes. I have the results being stored as an array, that gets sent to a mysql database.
how can i limit the number of checkboxes selected? I am looking for a max of 15 selections.
i've been able to set the max when the checkboxes are not stored as an array, but for simplicity storing as an array is the way i need to go.
There will be a number of list boxes and other controls, with pop-up windows
to edit certain properties. It's the kind of thing I would normally have
done in VB but I want it to be browser-based. I've only used javascript for
trivial things before so this would be my first serious javascript
development. I would like it to run on all reasonably recent browsers.
The form starts with all the initial values being received from the server
(presumably just by pre-initialised data structures). The user tinkers with
it and when he is happy he presses 'submit' and the whole lot is submitted
to the server (presumably as a form post). This would be a few kb of data,
possibly 100 individual values but obviously in various data structures. I
guess there would be a few hundred lines of javascript code to manipulate
My question is, is there likely to be a problem with manipulating and
sending this amount of data in Javascript. Sorry if this is a dumb question,
but like I said, I only used javascript for tiny programs before, so I'm a
bit unsure about its capabilities.
Awhile back I posted a script that was working fine in IE but not in Firefox. This is again my dillema with another piece of code.It is supposed to limit the number of characters accepted by a textbox.Here's the JS:
<script type="text/javascript">
function textCounter(field,cntfield,maxlimit) {
// if too long...trim it!
I'd like to limit the number of selections a user can make in a
multiple select listbox. I have a note on the interface to say that
only x no. of items should be selected and I check the number server
side but I'd like to implement some javascript to do the same on the
client side. Ideally I'd like the javascript to work in IE5+ and
is it possible to limit the number of displayed items in a dropdown list? for example list of countries will display only 5 and people scroll down to see the rest of the list?
View 5 Replies View RelatedI'm trying to get my script below working. I've managed to get it to add fields dynamically but the remove function isn't right... and I can't think of a way round it. how can i incorporate a way for a limit on the number of fields that can be added?
<script type="text/javascript">
function addInput()
var x = document.getElementById("inputs");
x.innerHTML += "<input type="text" />";
function removeInput()
ah, i've just looked into the operators in more details and -= is just for numbers... so this won't work. i presume this is going to be the wrong method then.
I have this script that is supposed to check if a number the user guesses is the same as the randomly generated number.Problem is that the random number generated at the start of the program keeps on changing everytime I click on the "Check if I'm right" button, the random number gets generated again and I never ever get to reach the correct answer
<html xmlns="" xml:lang="en" lang="en">
Here is a script for limiting text area input. It also shows the remaining characters. Simply change the start value for "Characters remaining" to adjust the max length of the form.
<script type="text/javascript">
//Original Script By: Adam Matthews
//Date: 05/05/2005
//Posted at:
var max=0;
function showChar(obj)
var obj3=document.getElementById("char");
var cur=max*1;
var obj2=document.forms[0].elements['comm'];
var str=obj2.value.substring(0,max*1);
return false;
var obj2=document.getElementById('char');
var str=document.createTextNode(cur);
return true;
<textarea name="comm" cols="20" rows="3" value="" onkeyup="showChar(this);" onblur="showChar(this);"></textarea>
<br />
Characters Remaining: <span id="char">200</span>
Example for FirstName data input: Characters a-z,A-Z, hyphen, space are permitted. 0-1, !@#$%^&*()- etc are not permitted.
The plugin looks great but I am not able to figure-out how to limit which characters an end-user is allowed to input. Not just which characters are permitted but also which characters are not permitted.
I'm trying to get an element from <td colspan="4" align="left" id="mkv"></td>which receives its value via ajax, then comparing it with a number, unfortunately, I kept gettingillegal character if (parseInt($(#mkv).html()) > 50000)in firebug?What am I doing wrong?
Below is my code
if (parseInt($(#mkv).html()) > 50000)
how to output a reformated number to a form?? This is what I have so far:
if (!
alert("Phone number missing. Please enter a valid phone number to continue.");;
return false;
I need help with user input. I need to restrict the user to input age greater than 17 and weight restricted to the range of 80-300.
My code is not working:
I am working on a Phone Number Form. The link of script: [url]
(1)I wanted to know if code this script so that instead of the phone number appearing as: (123)456-7890
So that it appears as: (123) 456-7890 with a blank space after the ")"
(2)If that's simple, is there a way to error-check it so that only numbers can be entered into the phone number input field?
I am starting to learn javascript and I had a quick question. I know actionscript and java, so this my mistake here is probably context...but I cant seem to figure it out. I'm trying to figure out how to create a conditional statement based on what button a user clicks. Here's my code:
This doesn't seem to work. Am I referencing this.value incorrectly? If so, what's the proper way to get information about what the user clicked?
I am trying to create a text area input filed for user input, and i want to be able to allow the user to format thier text, just like the ones used in this user forum. I am writing my website in html, php, javascript and css with a MySql database. I am trying to understand how to create such an format-able text area for input.
View 1 Replies View RelatedBelow is a working code.
1. if($('input[name="test"]').is(":checked"))
2. {
3. // my other code
4. }
I want to remove "test" and put a variable there instead
I tried this way but it does not seem to work.
1. newData="test";
2. if($('input[name=$(newData)]').is(":checked"))
3. {
4. // my other code
5. }
I'm trying to add a textbox to my div -- the code to add does work but when I add in the if statement to make sure that there won't be multiple inputs, the code does not work...
1. How do I debug my own scripts? I've been learning slowing but I don't know the quick way to catch an error and print to page.
2. Is there something I'm missing with this code?
if(!document.getElementById('post_rep_box')) document.getElementById( += "<input type='text' name='post_rep_box'/>"
I've also tried (
Create a function that prompts user for a number. Develop the program so that it continues to prompt until it receives valid information. Then create a multiplication table that displays the number multiplied by 1 through prompted number.
View 6 Replies View RelatedI need to create a script that allows a user to enter a number, in either celsius or fahrenheit textbox....then they can click the button and the conversion is placed in the blank textbox
C = (F 32) * 5 / 9
F = C * 9 / 5 + 32
<table border="1">