Ajax :: Open A Link From Tree Into A Specific Frame?
Nov 16, 2010Code... I can open it up in the current page, but the menu is in a frame and I need to open it in a fram called "home".
How can I do that?
Code... I can open it up in the current page, but the menu is in a frame and I need to open it in a fram called "home".
How can I do that?
I have a code like this to swop images in a menu:
<a href="javascript:staySet('btn-contact')""><img border="0" src='../images/btns-menu/btn-contact.png' id='btn-contact' onmouseover="SwapImage('btn-contact')" onmouseout="SwapImage('btn-contact')" alt='''.>
I need to create a onClick event which tells te link to open a html file <blabla.html> into a frameset name.
I have a page with 3 iframes it has a link to open up a page and when the user clicks on a link on that page - I want the new page to close and the link to open in the second iframe on the original page
View 4 Replies View RelatedMake the links below open in the "top" or "parent" frame of a window. For example, in HTML, code...
I just do not know how to make the links below perform in the parent window. (or even a new window if that is only possible.)code...
How to open a specific tab via an external link?
View 3 Replies View RelatedHow to make an image map link to another page AND open a specific accordion section?I guess I need a script that knows which area of the image map was clicked and not only navigate to page 2 but opens the section via slide toggle I need it too.Here is the the page with the image map (although image map version not upload yet so I have what will be uploaded below)[URL] ...and the page I need to navigate to based on the area of the image map clicked and also slidetoggling the div I need it [URL] Here is the image map:
<html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml">
<img src="/Img/Illustrations/kicktalkv2.jpg"" alt="Kick Talk" usemap="#kicktalk_map" />
I am currently using this template by flowplayer.org: [URL]. The functionality I need is the ability to link directly to a specific ajax tab (i.e. Seagram Building, Barcelona Pavilion, New National Gallery). As of now they are just line items without any anchor tags.
View 9 Replies View RelatedI need a script that will open a new window (popup / new link) in a specific size, but will also close the old window (where the popup came from). I know the popup window is easy but finding a work-able close window script as the new window is opened is impossible!!
View 3 Replies View RelatedI have a little problem, I structure my site with a main page index.html with a frame in the central whit name CENTRALE, so every other page I will open within this frame. Now I need to have a direct link to these internal pages, give an example I wish it were possible to go to the page clothing giving a direct link to that section of the site type www.indirizzo.com / clothing.html because the state of things if I take the 'direct address to that page I open only the part inside of the frame, but I wish I would open inside the "main frame, there is a solution in javascrip to overcome this problem?
View 4 Replies View RelatedI want to execute some code when a node is either selected or deselected but I only want specific nodes not the whole tree.
Normally, I think you bind an event when you create the tree like $ ('.sidecontent').bind(........).jstree(data.tree); but that's for the whole tree, which I don't want. I have a selector for the nodes I want like $('a[id*="room_1"]') but I don't know how to bind an event to those nodes only. Is this possible? If it is, then what event should I use?
I have two frames (frameset, let's call it frame1 and frame2). Frame1 has links..., and frame2. When some link in frame1 is clicked, it must be changed content of the frame2. Here's example: click. How to do that? (I don't see any javascript code)
View 2 Replies View RelatedI have a domain: example.com; which is the parent.And a subdomain: api.example.com; which page 'receiver.html' is being loaded in an iframe, child of parent. Both pages set document.domain = example.com.
I'm trying to adapt this code:[url] but Idon't want to load jQuery from the <iframe> again but I need to have the method $.ajax() working from the <iframe> otherwise it would be a cross-domain request and the browser would abort it. I tried ingenuously to set via $('iframe')[0].contentWindow.$.ajax = $.ajax() and I just got a shortcut to the parent page jQuery method. I also tried to "clone" it using $.expand (true...) but the method doesn't work for me; probably because of the complexity of the objected I'm trying to clone. So is there a way for me to use jQuery to have only a $.ajax() method in the <iframe> ? I've thought even about creating a XHR in the child-iframe and then use that in the $.ajaxSetup ({xhr: THATNEWXHR}) but I couldn't do it. I mean, I want to use the XHR factory from jQuery (which has fallbacks for IE, etc) but it has to be created from the iframe-child.
Maybe there is other way to make the AJAX call come from the child-iframe.
If you're wondering "why don't you load jQuery from <script> in the child-iframe", there is a reason... As I'm using jQuery plugins + my own custom javascripts + other independent scripts I created a compiler which minifies each file and bundle them in one. The advantage of this is the reduction of HTTP requests. So "why don't you load that bundle inside the child-iframe?", because it's ugly and Twitter doesn't... Yeah, I like to take Twitter as a reference and I think if they were able to make it so can I;
I got to work in most browsers except IE and Operaby doing it with pure javascript.
I'm "attaching" the code for you guys to test. If you open it with Chrome, Safari or Firefox you will receive 2 alerts one with the return of $.get() and another with the return of a request made via XMLHttpsRequest object. Otherwise (if you open it with IE or Opera) you'll get 'undefined' in the first alert but the real return in the second.
This is the example.com/index.htm:
I'm creating an AJAX page that is built using a PHP Class, ie the php looks a bit like this: PHP Code:
$wp_parser->page = "userpolicywindow.php";
within this page that has been created, there is an AJAX tree folder which calls another page to be loaded into a DIV by AJAX again. Code:
I don't know why it doesn't work because the page has been loaded with the JS file, but as soon as the link is added afterwards it doesn't work. I take it this is because it doesn't know where to find the JS, but how can I overcome this?
I have a javascript menu based off of unordered lists that only shows the subnav links when you click on the main nav links. is there a way to keep any subnav items open after you click on a link and are transferred to a new page? Code:
View 3 Replies View RelatedI have a page with 4 frames in it. If I click on a button in the 4th frame, a new window has to be opened and the value of the listbox in the 3rd frame hoas to be passed ....
My code works fine in IE, but doesn't in Netscape .....
First, the value of the listbox .... I try to get it with
parent.frame3.form.listbox.value ... But an alert of this (as a test)
does nothing .... I tried several combinations like parent.frames[2]
and parent.frames[frame3] but nothing happens ...
Another problem is that the frame4 is blanked ... strangely enough ...
I'm just doing window.open('blablabla');
It felt like 99% of everything I do with jQuery involves a database some tree-structure so I figured I'd try jsTree out. I uploaded the demo and the way it seem to work is for every parent in the tree it calls a function get_children (PHP) with AJAX which makes a SELECT-query for that node to get the immediate children.
Am I missing something or isn't that extremely demanding on the database? The way I always do is get as much as I can from the database in one go then put it into PHP-arrays. With that plugin as I've seen a lot is that they put all the database-calls inside a class, do all those queries get pre-loaded or something when you call "new Database"? Or is a SELECT-query for a few rows just not that demanding at all?
How do I force a window, pened alone, to be displayed in its frame set?
tried this:
if (parent.location.href == self.location.href) {
window.location.href = '../'
the problem is that the original page is replaced by the main.htm page (the
default page for the 'main' frame)., because the open event of the menu page
calls for the main.htm to be loaded. Is there a way that I could pass a page name as an argument to the index page at all? Something like
window.location.href='index.html?Loc=IT_Study___In formation.htm'
I have a page of 2 frame:
menu (menu.php)
corpo (corpo.php)
In menu.php i have:
What I'm trying to do is make it so when a visitor or a search engine tries to view a page outside of the parent frame it reloads that particular page inside the parent frame. All the scripts I've tried WILL redirect the visitor back to the parent frame, but NONE of them will then load the previously viewed page into the 'main' frame. I don't want visitors to have to navigate through the site to find the particular page they were viewing.
I have seen this script before but I can't remember which site was using it, also without a redirection to the frames the site won't display properly and navigation would be difficult. Code:
I'm trying to create a website so when the small image is rolled over a new page opens in the frame ( called main) i will upload it now to [url]...
View 1 Replies View RelatedHi, I have a curius problem, I hava a flash in a html page. In flash I have a button to open a pop up with this code:
View 1 Replies View RelatedIm currently building a new discount-webpage and Im looking for a solution to be able to hover over a discount button to reveal a small text without clicking. And after clicking on the button that the text in the flash button is copied into the clipboard and a new page open with a small frame from my window with the new page underneith. examples of this kind of script can be viewed on this page: [URL]... Im not looking for someone to do this for me. All I want to know if there is another language to do this with like possibly java? and maybe some links to tutorials. (the current page solves this with flash which I havent worked with before.)
View 3 Replies View RelatedI have a slideshow on the "Projects" page. The javascript is external.
There's a link on the homepage that when clicked needs to open the Projects page with the appropriate slide loaded. How do I do that?
Here's the code I have for the slideshow code...
I have a site with 2 frames. The navigation frame is on the right side and the larger main frame is on the left. The navigation frame is nothing but a bunch of thumbnails that scroll when the mouse hovers over “up/down�. The links are the thumbnails. I hope you get the picture… a user would click on a thumbnail and go to a site. The problem is that I want the thumbnail to link to a site and open it in the frame on the left (the main frame.) The only options I have (through Dreamweaver) is _blank, _parent, _self, _top.
The script I think that might need to change is below. Can anyone help me and figure out what needs to be changed? Code:
I have a pdf document toolkit.pdf (202.81K)Number of downloads: 81 that serves as a home page or table of contents for reference materials. This is NOT a web-based document. We use this as a reference tool in a face-to-face classroom setting. Each item on the list or table of contents is a button that the user clicks on to see a dropdown menu of reference documents. Javascript is used to execute the individual documents in the dropdown menus. I am trying to get a document sfract.pdf (112.5K)Number of downloads: 72 in the dropdown menu to open at a certain page. I don't want to set this at the document level, because we have several references that open the same document at different pages.
The javascript is:
if (cChoice=="Boating Infrastructure Grant Program")
var otherDoc = app.openDoc
("sfract.pdf", this);
How can I get the document to open "sfract.pdf" to a certain page (like page 30)? I have attached the home page/table of contents (toolkit.pdf) and the document I want to open to a certain page (sfract.pdf).
I am a beginner and I am trying to make a script that will open a window when mouse hovers over an image and close when mouse leaves the image
So far I only have the open window part,
<img id='buttons' src="buttons/buttons.png" onmouseover="window.open ('http:DreamInCode.net');" />
PS: im using DIV so i can CSS it later(which is probably obvious, but still)