Adding Table Fields Dynamically?
Jul 13, 2011
I want to add rows and columns on click. So, i have a table with columns and rows and I had a add and remove button. So I want the user to be able to add/remove more rows if they have multiple inputs/outputs.So what I want is when the user clicks on add.png, I want another row of Input and Description to appear underneath the current oneHere is my code..
<img src="images/add.png" width="15" height="15" align="right" >
<div class="open">
<table width="200" border="0">
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May 26, 2010
how I would dynamically add another table once text fields in the existing table is clicked on. So pretty much what I have is a table with 5 textboxes lined up horizontally in the first row along with couple of buttons in the second row. What I want is that once one text box is clicked, another table like the one above is created and appears below that initial table. So this is the inital table that should be replicated on each click:
<td><input type="text" /></td>
<td><input type="text" /></td>
<td><input type="text" /></td>
<td><input type="text" /></td>
<td><input type="text" ></td>
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Nov 2, 2004
My client wants to upload multiple files to the server using the FILE type input of the form. Their requirement says that once they click the browse button of the FILE INPUT type , besides file browsing window another FILE FIELD is added at the bottom of this one. and when the user clicks the browse button of second, it adds another until the user clicks the UPLOAD button to submit the form.
I dont know it is possible or not ???? if yes then please tell me how.
The alternate way is to give drop down menu with number and when the USER chooses certain number then ..that amount of FILE FORM FIELDS will be added. i.e if user chooses 3 then three file fields are there to upload 3 files at a time.
I have written a script that i am pasting here, but when i choose the drop down menu and select value the FILE FIELDS are shown but the original drop down menu vanishes..
Please review my code and modify it or refer some script to me.
IF The first choice is possible, i mean adding each FILED by browse button click , then tell me its code, other wise modify this code that i am pasting or give me some link to download a premade script. Code:
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Nov 21, 2010
I'm having some trouble with my dynamically generated form fields.
As you can see I'm generating new form fields, but the problem lies within the grade field. I have it set up now so that when you change the grade the color of the <select> box changes relative to the grade. A-D are green, F is black with white text, Not Taken is just regular white with black text and In Progress is lightly shaded grey.
I want it so that each one can be changed individually, but I can't seem to be able to figure out how to do that. Heck if you change the first one's grade field, that colour follows the rest of the clones.
This is the jQuery I'm using to change the color of the thing.
$(this).each(function () {
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Mar 22, 2010
i am having a table with some rows, which are shown under some categories. how can i dynamically add some rows to the table. there is a '>>' symbol infront of each category names. when i click on that symbol, i want to enlarge this category by adding more no of rows under this. And the symbol must turn to '<<'. when click on this, the reverse thing, ie, remove some rows and shows the initial rows.
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Sep 5, 2010
I have a table with onw row and one column.I have set class for column also written function for click event for class.Now added table row dynamically and set same class.But click event works only for existing row not for newly added row.
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May 1, 2009
i'm creating a ASP page, which is going to have a form in it that needs filling out. part of the form will be a table with a header row, then the next rows will have text boxes that need filling out. is there a way of putting in a dropdown box that contatins numbers that will dynamically show the rows. for example if i select 5, then five rows of text boxes will appear. if i select 14 then 14 appear.
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Sep 6, 2011
I will like to know if there is anyway to view all the rules that I have currently in the Jquery validation plugin. Currently, I am trying to add in rules dynamically through the rules(add) function after adding some dynamic fields through the user inputs. the rules are added in this manner.
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Nov 25, 2005
At this point I have been able to add the row. But what I want to do and am having trouble with is alternating the row colour to the dynamically added row element.
Sample of code I am using:
var tbody = document.getElementById('tableItems');
var row = document.createElement("tr");
var remainder = tbody.rows.length % 2;
if(remainder) {
row.setAttribute("class", "rowLightGreen");
var td1 = document.createElement("td");
One thing that puzzles me, is that even after adding a row the table my table.rows.length still = 0.
Does anyone know how I can determine the appropriate amount of rows so that I can apply the appropriate class?
Or is there just something blatantly wrong in my approach?
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Jul 28, 2005
I have a page setup where it lists an item. I have three input boxes. One for actual cost, one for actual shipping and one for actual total.
The first two are pre-populated with what it should be. Now the first two are editable. Basically I want the third box to keep a running total of the first two from the when the page generates up to someone changing one of the numbers.
How would I go about doing that. I have it setup now where ONKEYUP its adds box one and two into box three, but I am running into the problem were if its an odd number then the third box ends up with 68.039999999 instead of 68.04.
parseFloat(times.actual_cost.value) + parseFloat(times.actual_ship.value)"
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May 10, 2011
I have a script that calculates the $ amount when someone enters a number. For example, if you enter 2, it's $200 if you enter 3 the total is $300.I then have code that adds a $ amount based on a check box. So if check box is clicked it's supposed to add $10. All of this works, however, my last piece of code which combines the two totals isn't working right.1st of all, it doesn't display the total right away w/o checking the check box. That is, people should be able to just enter a 2 and go on with their business. Instead my code makes them check/then uncheck the box to see the total. I've posted the code below in chunksHere I calculate the TOTAL based on how many they selectCode:
function CalculateTotal(frm) {
var order_total = 0
// Run through all the form fields
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Sep 22, 2010
I'm attempting to sum/add up values within 4 different form fields on the fly, but keep getting a result of NaN....not sure what I'm doing's my code:
function calculate(totalElement) {
for (var i=1,app_pend_end=0;i<5;i++)
app_pend_end += what.elements['textField' + i].value - 0;
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Dec 27, 2004
I have a script that I am trying to get working in IE. It works great in Firefox, but will only work one time in IE.
The idea is that the user is presented with a field. As soon as the user types in the field the script adds a new field under it. To keep from adding more than one field there is a variable called probURLnumKeep that gets incremented only if the field being typed in is the last field created. Code:
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Apr 10, 2007
I'm working on what is currently a simple form, which will include a list of the users friends. However, seeing as everyone's going to have a different number of friends to submit, I'd really like to just have 1 "Friend" field and a button to "Add another friend" next to it.
The idea is that when someone clicks on the "Add Friend" button, another text field will appear (with another Add button), allowing the user to input more contact details.
I think I'm right in saying that I'd need JavaScript to do this, but other than that I really don't have any idea.
Would somebody be able to let me or know? Or post up a link to a relvant tutorial?
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Aug 10, 2010
i'm trying to make a form in which a user can add additional fields by pressing on a button. At the moment, my code looks like this:
<FORM id = "myform" name = "myform" method = "post" action = "somefile.php">
<table border = "1" name = "datatable" id = "datatable">
some html
<td colspan = "7"><A HREF = "javascript:addElement(datatable);" name = "add" id = "add"> Add another searchfield</A></td></tr>
However already this doesn't work, and refuses to delete anything. The function does load successfully when the link is clicked ( I tested this by adding an alert).
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Jul 23, 2005
How can I add more <input type="file" /> -fields by the click of a
button? The idea is that the clients should be able to upload a number
of files from the same form, but I shouldn't need to know how many
fields they need to begin with. Would be good to have an option to
remove fields as well.
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Apr 20, 2009
I am new to the AJAX world and would like to do something simple, but have not found any examples of it. Maybe I am searching the wrong things.I have a simple form.
<form action=process.php method=post>
<div class=field><input type=text name=field1></div>
<input type=hidden name=num_of_fields value=1>
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Feb 14, 2011
I am inexperienced in JavaScript. I have an html page with several numeric input fields which are an array. At the bottom of the screen is a running total of the numbers entered.
The html is like:
<INPUT TYPE=TEXT NAME='array[0]' onchange='addup()'>
<INPUT TYPE=TEXT NAME='array[1]' onchange='addup()'>
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Feb 23, 2011
we use sage crm which has a back end sql database and a web front end which is a combination of html and java script.on a particular screen we have 24 numeric fields, these have names / IDs which are flq_glh1flq_glh2flq_glh3.... and so oni would like to total these 24 fields and display the result in another numeric field called total_glh
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Jun 24, 2011
I created a form that contains about 10 form fields and would like to add the option to dynamically add more sets of those 10 fields if a user clicks a word or a button but I need help. I'm a beginner when it comes to JavaScript. This is what I need to generate dynamically.
<div id="dynamicInput">
<li><input name='textfield1' type='text' size='10' /></li>
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Jan 20, 2011
I need to make a form in which I have to enter upto 20 email addresses. But I want to show only 5 fields first and then an Add More button. Upon pressing the Add More button it should add another field into the form and displayed. I have seen this type of thing on several websites but don't know how to do it.
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Feb 13, 2007
I've created the code below which automatically adds two fields together (drop-down boxes),without the need for a submit or input button.Now,I am trying to do the same again, but this time instead of having drop-down boxes,i need to have text input boxes.(eventually i will be adding monetary values together).
<script type="text/javascript"><!--
function updatesum() {
document.form.sum.value =[code]......
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Dec 13, 2010
I have a form that has 9 pairs of fields on it. I'd like to change this so that there are only two blank pairs of fields displayed. As the user fills out a pair of fields, it adds another pair of blank fields. This way, the user can fill out as many as their heart desires, but those who don't have that much information to provide, aren't confronted with an unnecessarily huge form of blank fields.
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Feb 15, 2010
I want to do is add the values of seven text fields on a form and pop that value to an eighth field. I thought the code below would work, but I get "NaN" on the sum field.
function addHazWaste() {
document.getElementById('HazardousWaste').value = 0;
var HazWasteTotal = 0;
var HazWaste1 = 0;
var HazWaste2 = 0;
var HazWaste3 = 0;
var HazWaste4 = 0;
var HazWaste5 = 0;
var HazWaste6 = 0;
var HazWaste7 = 0;
HazWaste1 = parseInt(document.getElementById('HazardousWasteSentToLandfill').value,10);
HazWaste2 = parseInt(document.getElementById('HazardousWasteSentToWasteToEnergy').value,10);
HazWaste3 = parseInt(document.getElementById('HazardousWasteIncinerated').value,10);
HazWaste4 = parseInt(document.getElementById('HazardousWasteRecycled').value,10);
HazWaste5 = parseInt(document.getElementById('HazardousWasteReused').value,10);
HazWaste6 = parseInt(document.getElementById('BiohazardousWasteSentToLandfill').value,10);
HazWaste7 = parseInt(document.getElementById('BiohazardousWasteIncinerated').value,10);
HazWasteTotal = HazWaste1 + HazWaste2 + HazWaste3 + HazWaste4 + HazWaste5 + HazWaste6 + HazWaste7;
document.getElementById('HazardousWaste').value = HazWasteTotal;
If I run a separate function that just sets all form field values to zero (including the first line of this function). The summing works!!! Why won't it work the way I wrote it??? It won't work if I set the default value for the sum field to zero, either...
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Apr 4, 2006
I want to give the user the abillity to add extra fields as needed.
I've got it working in IE (surprsingly this works in IE but not in
Firefox), however, basically I have an input field for a paragraph. If
the user decides they want two paragraps then they can click an image
and a new textarea field is show that allows them to add another
paragraph. The fields are named as an array for example name="para[0]"
the next one would then be name="para[1]". Firefox creates the field
and shows it to the user however when you submit the form the new field
does not come through. My array of paragraphs consists only of the
original number I started with. Any added by the javascript are lost.
Again IE this works fine, Firefox it works till you submit the form.
Any ideas?
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Jul 8, 2010
The site I am working on has a few forms that allow the user to add new form fields (textbox, textarea, etc.) dynamically. I am using a structure smiler to:
<label>Name : </label> <input type = "text" / >
<label>Age : </label> <input type = "text" />
<span id = "add_field"> Add Field </span>
<script type = "text/javascript">
//create a new field then append it before the add field button
var new_field = " <label>Name : </label> <input type = "text" / >";
new_field+="<label>Age : </label> <input type = "text" />";
As you can see I create the field using javascript and just insert it before the add field button. However I have seen lots of other sites have a smiler sort of function but they seem to make an ajax call for the field as they use a loading-type animation during the few seconds it takes for the field to be added. My questions are : Which is a better way of doing this type of thing? And why is one better than the other? If it is better to create the field client-side should I change how I am doing it? Instead of creating a string representing html and appending it should I be doing it a different way?
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