Adding A Field Value To A Var Causes A NaN In Explorer

Oct 11, 2005

var totalpoints=0;

for (counter=1;....){


//the fields in elements[] are always numbers


In Internet Explorer the field numbers are not added while in Mozilla
everything works ok.

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Adding Options In Select Widget Not Working In Internet Explorer?

Apr 24, 2010

I have a javascript function which adds a label and value to a select widget in its parent window. The function is working fine in firefox and chrome without any errors or warnings. But it is not working in internet explorer.


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InnerHTML Field IDs And Internet Explorer

Apr 20, 2010

I'm developing a web application. Where you are supposed to be able to click on a table data cell in order to activate a script which hides / unides the information. The script works fine in all browsers except IE, I sat the ID for the table data as a string containing the number of the text element. In internet explorer the field modified is not the one it is supposed to modify. I tried to solve this by setting the unaffected data cells to have the name and id #. (assuming that IE auto sets the IDs if unspecified) I also tried modifying the name column as IE uses the name above the ID for the fetch element by ID call.

function determin_action (field,mid){
var field2 = document.getElementById(field);
if (field2.innerHTML == "...[Click To Display]..."){
expand_field (field,mid);
collapse_field (field);

function collapse_field (field){
var field = document.getElementById(field);
field.innerHTML = "...[Click To Display]...";

function expand_field (field, mid){
var field = document.getElementById(field);
field.innerHTML = data [mid];
} function populate_data (){
var table = document.getElementById("messagesTBL");
var cells = table.getElementsByTagName("td");
var collapse = true;

for (var i = 0; i < cells.length; i++) {
if (cells [i].id == "last_read"){
collapse = false;

if (cells [i].id == parseInt(cells [i].id)){
data [cells [i].id] = cells[i].innerHTML;
if (collapse == true){
collapse_field (cells [i].id);

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Invoice Form - User Can Add - Input Field - After Adding A New Input Field - The Content In The Other Fields Is Deleted

Sep 1, 2011

I'm now working on kind of invoice form which in it the user can add as much input field as he wants.

The problem is that after adding a new input field - the content in the other fields is deleted.


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Adding Value Into Input Field?

Apr 22, 2010

I am working on an iPhone Web App using HTML & CSS. I have currently got the JavaScript/HTML5 Geolocation picking up my current location and showing me it on a Google Map using Lat & Long values. I also want to add these Lat & Long Values into the 'address' text field on the page so I can submit the details.

Here is the link: [URL]

When I click 'find me' I would like the lat and long to be added to the 'address' input field.

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Adding Onkeyup To Input Field

Oct 20, 2006

I have this function that doesn't work. I pass it the td element and
an id, and it makes an input field inside the td. That part workds.
What doesn't work is that I want to add an "onkeyup" on the input
field. Any help? Please??? I don't get any error on my javascript
console in firefox, and I am not seeing any errors in IE.

// makes an input field that submits itself using setCalendarValue()
when it's blurred (it will be blurred if [enter] is pressed)
function makeCalendarInputField(el,hoursId,which){
var; ......

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Values Get Removed After Adding Another Field

Nov 21, 2009

I type something on the current textarea/input and all the values get removed after I add another field.

<script language="Javascript" type="text/javascript">
//Add more fields dynamically.
function addField(area,field,limit) {
if(!document.getElementById) return; //Prevent older browsers from getting any further.
var field_area = document.getElementById(area);
var all_inputs = field_area.getElementsByTagName("input"); //Get all the input fields in the given area.
//Find the count of the last element of the list. It will be in the format '<field><number>'.

If the
//field given in the argument is 'friend_' the last id will be 'friend_4'.
var last_item = all_inputs.length - 1;
var last = all_inputs[last_item].id;
var count = Number(last.split("_")[1]) + 1;

//If the maximum number of elements have been reached, exit the function.
//If the given limit is lower than 0, infinite number of fields can be created.
if(count > limit && limit > 0) return;
//Older Method
field_area.innerHTML += "<li><textarea id='steps' name='steps[]' rows='5' cols='40'>

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Adding Text Field Inside DIV Tag

May 18, 2011

I want to add a text field inside a div(div with id "my_div") tag dynamically(By clicking "Add" button). The code below shown is adding the new textfield after the submit button not inside the "my_div" div .

<script language="javascript">
function add()
{ .....

I had given as following:
for adding textfield inside div.But it showing errors..

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Adding Text Field That Insists On Numeric

Mar 26, 2011

I'm trying to add a text box to a form that has some other complications. My "mcomment" in the code below does work but will only accept numbers, and the whole idea was text.

function n_od(type) {
var f = document.forms.create_account;
$("#id_od").html("<img src='images/nr_loading1.gif' border=0>");
subcat3 = escape($("#subcat3").val());
if (type == 2)
else {

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Adding Text Field In Specific Divs?

May 9, 2010

I'm inexperienced with Javascript and I found this script, but I'm not sure how to alter it to do what I want. I have a PHP script that creates forms in a loop. $z in this case could equal 3, and 3 forms each containing 1 Position/Office field will be created including 1 Candidate field. If a user wants to add a new candidate for that specific position, I want to be able to add a Candidate text field just relevant to that Office/Position. With this script, I've only been able to pop up a text field under one Office/Position and not under any other Office/Position. I think it has something to do with my divs.


var inival=0; // Initialise starting element number
// Call this function to add textbox
function addTextBox()


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JQuery :: Adding A Hidden Field To HTML?

May 26, 2011

I am writing a web application and had a question regarding the best was to append values to an HTTP Post.

For my get requests, I am using jQuery to append auxiliary data using .load as indicated here:

As you can see I am sending along extra value's with my get requests that controller Servlet uses to send back the right data.

In addition to the get requests, I would like to add some extra data to my forms so that I can have Servlet controller perform the appropriate tasks.

Is the best way to do this by adding a hidden field to HTML?

Code HTML4Strict:

If it helps, here is what I am doing with my jQuery submits ....

Code JavaScript:

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Dynamically Adding A File Upload Field?

Jun 15, 2011

I am trying to make it where someone can upload a .csv file, and I want to allow them to add multiple ones if they need more than the two that are already there.

What I did was add a div field:

<div id="fields" style="display: none;">
<p><label>File Field:</label><br /><input type=file name=file size=45 class=formfield /></p>


The problem with that is once they choose a file or two on those first two, then click the add a new field, it does add the new field so it works, but then the files they chose are gone, so now they have to rechoose them. every time.

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JQuery :: Adding Numeric Validation To Dynamic Field?

May 23, 2009

I am trying to add numeric validation to a field that I generate once a button is clicked. The code is:

function addFormField()
var id = document.getElementById("id").value;
"<table width='820' border='0' cellspacing='0' cellpadding='5' align='left' style='margin-top:10px;margin-bottom:10px;margin-left:-2px;clear:both;'>"+


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JQuery :: Adding / Removing Form Field Elements?

Mar 29, 2009

I have just got myself a copy of SWFUpload to show the progress of file uploads, however, it has a few problems, one of which I am trying to fix with the aid of jQuery. Essentially, if JavaScript doesn't load, then a standard input file element will be shown. But, if JavaScript is enabled, then jQuery removes this, and replaces it with all of the input elements that SWFUpload requires. Is this the best way of doing it, or should I be looking at another option? If so, how would I go about telling jQuery to remove and insert the form field, and each and every attribute the HTML will require?

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Adding Focus To First Form Field Without Using Onload In The Body Tag

Feb 12, 2004

Is this possible? I'm sure it's something simple with window.onload

Here's the 1st field I'm using:

<input type="text" maxlength="65">

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Adding A OnKeyUp Function To Change The Radio If The Value Of Another Field Is Larger Than 1

Jan 27, 2011

I am adding a onKeyUp function to change the radio if the value of another field is larger than 1. But this code isn't working...

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Oncheck Adding / Subtracting Not Adding Up?

Mar 4, 2010

I'm having a problem when I uncheck the box it should subtract the amount from the total which it does kind of. It subtracts a number other that one selected. When I put a alert into the function it pops up with the right on "comps"uncheck the box under the zillow should remove the amount of SqFt under the little table under the map.The only one that I've established is the zillow.[code]

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JQuery :: Detecting Field Value On Page Load And Clearing Field Label

Oct 14, 2010

I'm having trouble detecting if there is value in a field when the page loads and manipulating the fields label class accordingly. Below is my code. I'm using it to display the field label inline with the field, and when the user starts typing, the label is hidden. The problem I'm having is, since this is for a login screen, if the user has typed in an incorrect password, the username still remains entered when the page reloads and I see my label stacked underneath.

How can I detect if that field has a value and apply a class to the label to hide it? I don't have to have to specify each field by their ID, because I'd like to use this all over (member profile management area).


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JQuery :: Replace Dots And Commas In A Field And Then Use That Value To Auto Populate Another Field?

Oct 27, 2010

I'm using Google Maps to calculate distance between cities. I need to use that distance value for some basic calculations. Distance has to be in "Angloamerican" format (1,234.00) but in metric system. So, Google Maps answer for Madrid - Berlin query will be one of these two:

a) <span jscontent="distance['text']" jsdisplay="distance" jstcache="7">2.320,1 km</span>
b) <span jscontent="distance.text" jstcache="23">2.320,1 km</span>

notice the differences in span "classes" (jstcache is 7 or 23) and lack of any "id" or "name" attributes.

What I want to accomplish is:

1) Convert these Google Maps distance values to "Angloamerican" format (2,320 km) or (even better) format without thousands separator which would only use dots as decimal separator (2320.1 km)

2) Use that filtered value to populate a text field called distance

Populate hidden form element value with the value of a text field on form submit (jQuery)

It helped me a bit with the auto-populate part, but I can't make it work in combination with this Google Maps code. Here is my current code:

<script type="text/javascript">
function submitMyForm(){


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Form Validation Field Values Not Saved If One Field Is Not Completed/invalid?

Feb 3, 2009

The following form validation script works, currently if one of the five fields are completed, a message appears the remaining field(s) must be completed etc. Although the information the user has inputted in the first field is cleared. How can this information be available, if there is one problem in the form it doesn't make sense that the user must re-input all the information again. I look forward to hearing your response,

function validate_form ( )
valid = true;


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JQuery :: Highlight A Radio Field And Then Pop Up An Input Text Box Field?

May 13, 2010

I am trying to make some dynamic effect to a HTML page using JQuery.<br/> 1.<br/> When the user clicks a Radio field, the field will be highlighted.<br/> 2.<br/> When the user clicks the Radio 'Man', <br/>a Input text box will be provided immeditely just below it.

Here is my simple HTML page, but I don't know how to do with the JQuery part:



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Validate Correct Entry In A Field As Well As It Can Accept Empty Field?

Feb 9, 2011

that a javascript which is validating a phone number accepts only digits but if the text field is left empty it should accept the entry as an empty entry...

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Update A Txt Field With The Current Date With Onchange Dropdown Field?

Aug 7, 2009

I want to create a javascript function where I have a dropdown list and onChage I want to update a txt field with the current date in the dd/mm/yyyy format.

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Hiding A <div> In Explorer

Nov 9, 2007

is someone know a good way to show/hide a div in explorer as style.display do not work at all for me. I also try with visibility but then, it doesn't work in Firefox as I still see the scrollbar.

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Is There Any Way To Make A SELECT Field In HTML As A Read Only Field?

Jul 23, 2005

Is there any way to make a SELECT field in HTML as a read only field?

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JQuery :: Validate Is Failing On A Field That Is Not A Required Field?

Nov 19, 2010

I have a credit card field that is only mandatory if they select a credit card as a payment type.

If they select Gift Certificate, then I set the card to not be mandatory:

validationRules.rules.CardNumber.required = false;

however the validation still fails on the creditcard field. If I enter this in to Firefox's console:


it returns false.

To make matters more confusing, this validation only fails on my form when I am passing a particular parameter in the URL string. I've scoured my code and cannot figure out why that parameter would have any impact whatsoever on this matter.

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