Valid Navigator.AppName Values
Sep 1, 2005Where can I find a list of valid names for Navigator.AppName?
View 13 RepliesWhere can I find a list of valid names for Navigator.AppName?
View 13 RepliesI have this code and I don't understand why this isn't working.Head section:
function IEorMoz(){
// get browser resolution
ps I know the 2 div's are the same, but this is only for testing.
navigator.userAgent returns information about the user operting system,
Browser etc.
Usually you get somthing like:
Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 6.0; Windows NT 5.1)
Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 6.0; Windows NT 5.1; .NET CLR 1.0.3705; .NET
CLR 1.1.4322)
Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Windows NT 5.1; en-US; rv:1.4) Gecko/20030624
Netscape/7.1 (ax)
imho there is too many information, most of it confusing for the user. What
I would like to do is, evaluate the information and
reduce it to the opereting system and browser version.
MSIE 6.0, Windows XP
Netscape 7.1, Windows 98
- As far as I know, the structure of the data returned by
navigator.userAgent depends on the browser.
So a specification for each browser would be a good starting point, any
ideas where to find?
- Why do I get "Windows NT 5.1" instead of "Windows XP"? Any other
I neither tested it on macs nor linux systems...
Why is /MSIE (5.5)|[6789]/.test(navigator.userAgent) true
when navigator.userAgent == "Opera/7.0 (Windows 2000; U) [en]" ?
I need to know that navigator (IE or FF) was restarted or just know that cache was deleted.When I change sth in JS script, my old script is still in user navigator cache. I need user to use my new script, so he/she must clear cache or restart navigator (or maybe sth else). I show allert() that he/she mast do it, but how can I ckeck he/she did it?
View 1 Replies View RelatedI am trying to read all the navigator object elements
1. Using the navigator.length returns undefined, cant use for loop;
2.Using and array of known elements like
var a = Array("appCodeName","appName","appVersion");
I seem to miss something to get it combined like navigator.a[i]
I am trying to test changes to my site (made only on my local machine so
far) in IE v6, Mozilla 1.6, and Opera 7.5.
When I test "navigator.javaEnabled in IE it corretly reports true/false
depending on whether javascript is enabled.
However, both Mozilla and Opera *always* return false. How can I properly
test to see if javascript is enabled/disabled in these two browsers? (If you
have a reference on the web, please point me to it as I've spent several
hours trying to find what I need.) Code:
I dedicated some time creating my own carousel with images, and got a little problem:
It works perfectly when I´m on the website, but when I change between the tabs on firefox/chrome, it seems that the function make some kind of queue, and when I come back to the website, it execute the function a lot of times at the same times, passing between the images in less than half second (I configured to change every 5 seconds).
function circCar (car) {
Here is the code, and if anybody wants to see the problem, open this url, open another tab (blank or another website) and stay on it about 15 seconds, when you come back to my site, you will see the queued function. [url]
I'm picking apart the Yahoo! UI event.js library and stripping it down
to just what I need. I'm also trying to make the parts I use better.
I'm stumped on how to fix the code for the getPageX() method. This
method is supposed to give the same value in IE as other browsers for
the event position relative to the left of the page. This value will be
greater than the position relative to the left of the browser if the
browser is scrolled to the right. What would be the appropriate feature
detection to use for the conditional in the following line?
if ( this.isIE ) {
Thank you,
isSafari: (/Safari|Konqueror|KHTML/gi).test(navigator.userAgent),
isIE: (!this.isSafari && !navigator.userAgent.match(/opera/gi) &&
getPageX: function(ev) {
var x = ev.pageX;
if (!x && 0 !== x) {
x = ev.clientX || 0;
if ( this.isIE ) {
x += this._getScroll()[1];
return x;
_getScroll: function() {
var dd = document.documentElement, db = document.body;
if (dd && dd.scrollTop) {
return [dd.scrollTop, dd.scrollLeft];
} else if (db) {
return [db.scrollTop, db.scrollLeft];
return [0, 0];
How do I verify that a given URL exist before actually loding it using
I do not know javascript but I just wanted to check to see if this is valid javascript across all browsers that support js.
<script type="text/javascript">
function locate(page)
thePage='' +page
<a href="#" onclick="locate('page.php'); return false;">Send</a>
It works in IE, should I expect any problems in any other browser?
Is the window.status still useful nowadays or is it outdated? If it is still used, why doesn't this work?
<a href="javascript_status_bar_messages.cfm"
onMouseover="JavaScript:window.status='Status Bar Message goes here'; return true"
onMouseout="JavaScript:window.status=''; return true">Hover over me!</a>
An easy XHTML1.1 valid way of aligning divsfunction XHTMLAlign(tagid, align){
var viewportwidth;
var viewportheight;
// the more standards compliant browsers (mozilla/netscape/opera/IE7) use window.innerWidth and window.innerHeight
if (typeof window.innerWidth != 'undefined')
viewportwidth = window.innerWidth,
viewportheight = window.innerHeight
// IE6 in standards compliant mode (i.e. with a valid doctype as the first line in the document)
else if (typeof document.documentElement != 'undefined'
&& typeof document.documentElement.clientWidth !=
'undefined' && document.documentElement.clientWidth != 0)
viewportwidth = document.documentElement.clientWidth,
viewportheight = document.documentElement.clientHeight
// older versions of IE
viewportwidth = document.getElementsByTagName('body')[0].clientWidth,
viewportheight = document.getElementsByTagName('body')[0].clientHeight
var tag = document.getElementById(tagid);"absolute";
if( == ""){ = "0";
if( == ""){ = "0";
if( == ""){ = "0";
if( == ""){ = "0";
if( == ""){
if (tag.width != ""){ = tag.width;
} else { = "0";
if( == ""){
if (tag.height != ""){ = tag.height;
} else { = "0";
if ( align=="left" ){ + "px"; viewportwidth - (parseInt( + parseInt( + "px";
} else if ( align=="right" ){ + "px"; - (parseInt( + parseInt( + "px";
} else if ( align=="center" ){ ((viewportwidth - parseInt( - parseInt( + parseInt( + "px"; ((viewportwidth - parseInt( + parseInt( - parseInt( + "px";
if ( align=="top" ){ + "px"; viewportheight - (parseInt( + parseInt( + "px";
} else if ( align=="bottom" ){ + "px"; - (parseInt( + parseInt( + "px";
} else if ( align=="vcenter" ){ ((viewportheight - parseInt( - parseInt( + parseInt( + "px"; ((viewportheight - parseInt( + parseInt( - parseInt( + "px";
setInterval('XHTMLAlign("divid", "center")', 100);
setInterval('XHTMLAlign("divid", "vcenter")', 100);
Say I have three variables: month, year and day. How do I check whether they form a valid date, i.e. not "Februrary 31 1999"?
View 5 Replies View RelatedI've been doing a bit of research and haven't found anything too easy. Can anyone point me to an article that has a function written in javascript that validates that a date that has been submitted via a form that it is a valid date?
View 4 Replies View RelatedI am building a custom validator. I don't want any suggestions on using a jQuery framework, i just want to ask a few question on how best to continue.
<script type="text/javascript">
//Validator Strings And Expressions.
var Letters = /^[A-Za-z]+$/;
This is the "on page" validation. This, as you can see calls functions held in an included file onkeyup. This all works well, also the username check ajax call works great. However I have 2 questions that I need to sort before this will work correctly.
1. Using M_USERNAME form as an example. If I start typing in there it will begin validating, which is great, However, if i typed in "matt_thomas" based on the validations, Empty:Pass, ValidChars:Fail, Range:Pass, Check:Pass.
So I know that it isn't empty, it's the correct length and it's not already in the DB. But it fails because of the "_". This should mean that I receive the error i have setup for that failure. But I don't. Because I don't stop on a Fail, I receive the success message of the last function.
So my question is; How Can I stop running any more functions when one fails?
2. Looking at the above code, How can I make sure that a submit will only work when ALL fields validate correctly?
I have to send the variable ii on the url so i can show a form on the thickbox:
<a href="#?ii='.$resul[$i]['id_nota'].'&TB_inline&height=255&width=300&inlineId=hiddenContent" title="News" class="thickbox" >
If button is clicked, want form to be validated. If the validation passes then bring up print dialogue
I have got the validation (using dreamweaver) working, however if the form is correct , how do I get the print dialogue (window.print()) to appear?
here's the code
<script language="JavaScript" type="text/JavaScript">
function MM_findObj(n, d) { //v4.01
var p,i,x; if(!d) d=document; if((p=n.indexOf("?"))>0&&parent.frames.length) {
d=parent.frames[n.substring(p+1)].document; n=n.substring(0,p);}
The following script generates three SELECT menu's... one for days one for months and one for years. Each time a new year or a month is selected the menu's are updated to allow only valid dates. Its only just been finished and could probably use commenting more, but im always open to suggestions, advice and criticism.
View 19 Replies View RelatedI try to make a script which check's input's value every time when value changes. There must be ready example somewhere, but I just could not found it. The value shoud be hex-color-value (like #FFFFFF), so script should check if the first character is # and after that only characters a-f, A-F and 0-9 are ok. I guess it goes something like this:
function checkHex(value) {
// if value string includes only characters # a-f A-F 0-9 value is ok
// else value is not ok
<input type="text" id="hex_input" onkeyup="checkHex(this)" />
iam trying to do a form with some validation on it and when the user enter an invalid entry the validation alert the invalid message and every thing works fine the problem is : after hitting okay button all the previous data entered in the fields is no longer exist so the user enter every thing again how do i keep he valid entry for the user in the fields
View 5 Replies View RelatedGot this snippet of code, but getHTTPObject(); is not valid. What .js library need to get this working?
<script src="json2.js"></script>
var request;
function runAjax(JSONstring){
// function returns "AJAX" object, depending on web browser
// this is not native JS function!
request = getHTTPObject();
request.onreadystatechange = sendData;"GET", "parser.php?json="+JSONstring, true);
// function is executed when var request state changes
function sendData(){
// if request object received response
if(request.readyState == 4)
// parser.php response
var JSONtext = request.responseText;
// convert received string to JavaScript object
var JSONobject = JSON.parse(JSONtext);
// notice how variables are used
var msg = "Number of errors: "+JSONobject.errorsNum+"
- "+JSONobject.error[0]+"
- "+JSONobject.error[1];
To test for Valid International Email Addresses?
Also, which version of javascript (1.2 ?) is needed for same?
I have an online shopping cart and some of the products are sold in boxes of 6. So I am trying to write some code that will alert the customer if they have entered a quantity that isn't some multiple of six.
I've tried using the modulus operator as well as dividing by 6 and then checking to see if the result is a whole number but inevitably the alert box pops up no matter what I enter.
This is what I'm trying to use now:
Is there a better way to check if the entered quantity is a multiple of 6?
I was hoping that someone could give me a hand with a regex quetsion. I'm quite new to it all, but managed to get things working pretty much how I would like them except for allowing special characters such etc.
I have the google analytics code but it is presenting itself as not valid.
<script type="text/javascript">
var gaJsHost = (("https:" == document.location.protocol) ? "https://ssl." : "http://www.");
document.write(unescape("%3Cscript src='" + gaJsHost + "'[code]....
ALso is this script suitable to link to externally?