Checking For A Valid Date?
Feb 13, 2007
I've been doing a bit of research and haven't found anything too easy. Can anyone point me to an article that has a function written in javascript that validates that a date that has been submitted via a form that it is a valid date?
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Jun 11, 2011
I have a signup form that the user fills out. Among other textboxes, there is an Email textbox, and a Password textbox. These are the two I want to do some Ajax work on.
Right now I'm choosing to go the onblur approach, but is there something better? I'd really like Ajax to go into affect when the user has stopped typing. I know there is key up and key down, but that won't really be too good for what I'm doing. Besides that though, this isn't the real problem.
My problem is this, when the onblur function is called, I want it to return text to a specific element on my HTML page depending on if the fields are valid or not.
Here's the part of my HTML page:
<div id="signuperrorsection">
<span class="error"></span>
<span class="valid"></span>
Anyway, if the email address for example is valid, I want the valid class to get the response. If it's invalid I want the error class to get the response.
Here's my javascript (right now I'm only trying to implement the Email field):
function checkErrors(str)
if (str=="")
Now the way I have this set up now, both classes are going to get the text, correct? Well I of course don't want that. I don't know how to have it set up so that only one class gets the response depending on what the result is.
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Jan 22, 2008
I'm wondering if there is a way to check if a form is valid withouttriggering UI feedback for invalid fields in the form? I tried boththe $('#myform').valid() and validator.form() methods, but they bothtrigger the UI.
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Oct 14, 2001
Say I have three variables: month, year and day. How do I check whether they form a valid date, i.e. not "Februrary 31 1999"?
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Jul 8, 2004
The following script generates three SELECT menu's... one for days one for months and one for years. Each time a new year or a month is selected the menu's are updated to allow only valid dates. Its only just been finished and could probably use commenting more, but im always open to suggestions, advice and criticism.
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Jan 20, 2010
I'm working on a website where users can add films to a film directory through a form. One of the fields that can be filled in is a "Release date" field, where a correct release date can be filled in. The form uses dropdown boxes for selecting the date; this is much less confusing in terms of how to format the date than if one would just use a text input field. Here's a screen shot:[URL]..
I've been looking for a Javascript script that does three things:
1) Validate the entered date (i.e. no "31st of February" dates).
2) Check whether the date entered doesn't exceed today's date (so no release date in the future is allowed). This could be combined with PHP to find the today date.
3) If the "I don't know the release date" box is checked, simply skip the whole validation process (no need to validate something that won't be used).
I've been looking for Javascript code that does this, and I found a couple of scripts (like this one) [URL].. /date_validation.asp), but they all make use of text input fields where the user has to input it in a certain format (mm/dd/yyyy et cetera). This is not what I'm looking for, but having zero knowledge of Javascript I am completely unable to write my own code or adapt this code to what I want.
I already figured out the PHP that does all of the above, but I would also very much like to have some code that checks the date before the data is processed so that users who have made a mistake don't have to fill in the whole form a second time.
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Sep 22, 2011
I have a javascript that should convert any date into a number between 1 and 260. Based on the outcome of that calculation, a viewer is directed to a specific web page.How can I verify the calculation? How can I see what number javascript is arriving at so I can backtrack to the error? It is not serving up the correct page.
I have compared the results to a calculator on another website [URL] that uses a different script to calculate the same result -- that's why I am saying the end results are not correct. On the other website, scroll down to where you enter a date. It returns a name just above the date (example: July 25, 1970 returns Electric Star). The script I included above returns Yellow Sun. July 25, 1970 should = 68.
function calculate() {
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Sep 13, 2010
I have a problem checking that a date is in the past or future.Everything seems fine but the alert always comes back saying the date is in the past.
function OpenTimesheet(TSdate)
var SelectedDate = new Date(TSdate)
TSdate is in yyyy/mm/dd format and looks fine, in both alerts the dates are written correctly, it just always says they are a 'BEFORE' date regardless.
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Dec 8, 2010
I am having some trouble with my code in that I am trying to take the value from the date of birth field and check to see if over 18 years old. I they are not over 18, a window.alert dialog box pops up to tell them. Below is the check if 18 validation.
Script section in the document head:
//check if over 18
function overAge(){
var age;
Code for body section:
Date of Birth: <br/>
<input type = "text" name = "date" value = "(mm/dd/yyyy)"/>
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Dec 3, 2006
Just looking for the simplest. right now my perl script returns an
error messge to the user if the date string is invalid. would like to
do this before accessing the server.
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Mar 16, 2011
I am having difficulty trying to change the format of selected date from date picker. This is a test so my code is very simple. Here it is.
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Feb 6, 2010
I have a start date and end date text boxs. What I would like to achieve is when a submit button is clicked all the available dates between start and end dates should be displayed together with 3 check boxes next to each date (please see below). I am just wondering whether that'sachievablewith jquery, and if so, how I might be able to implement this.
Start date End date
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Jul 20, 2005
How do I verify that a given URL exist before actually loding it using
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Mar 11, 2003
I do not know javascript but I just wanted to check to see if this is valid javascript across all browsers that support js.
<script type="text/javascript">
function locate(page)
thePage='' +page
<a href="#" onclick="locate('page.php'); return false;">Send</a>
It works in IE, should I expect any problems in any other browser?
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Feb 14, 2011
I have added a booking form to a website with belongs to fastbooking.You can see a temporary website here. http:[url]....It works perfectly fine in Mozilla Firefox, Google Chrome, Opera and Safari but it does not load on Internet Explorer.On the other browsers the form loads todays date and the year is generated but on IE the date stays on 01-01 and no year is generated.I'm using wordpress as a cms.I think the code that is not loading is <body onLoad='start();'>But I'm not sure. The code of the year is
<select name='fromyear' class="input" onChange='update_departure();'>
<option value="0"></option>
</select> But since it's no just the year I assume its the onload code.
I tried to add the onload to the header function like this
<body onLoad='start();' <?php if(function_exists('body_class')) body_class(); ?>>
So now wordpress generates the following code when it loads the page
<body onLoad='start();' class="home page page-id-6 page-template page-template-default logged-in">
But sadly the date still does no load on Internet Explorer.
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Aug 31, 2009
I am trying to use the jquey datepicker. I want to show the date chosen by the user in a <span> element with a particular format. However my code maintains the default format. What am I doing wrong?
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May 26, 2011
We have a little callendar on our website. I have set the format of the date to "dd-mm-y" because I want the date to be saved europian, not american. When comfirming the form, the date is saved as 0000-00-00. The date shows correctly on the form itself. I have two scripts: Calendar.js and Calendar-en-GB.js. Calendar-en-GB.js contains the 'settings'. (Including date format). I can't figure out the problem and thought maybe one of you could. I have uploaded the scripts in one .zip file: [URL]
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Sep 9, 2010
I want to change date format to insert date in mysql. I tried as below code
<script type="text/javascript">
$(function() {
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May 31, 2011
Is the window.status still useful nowadays or is it outdated? If it is still used, why doesn't this work?
<a href="javascript_status_bar_messages.cfm"
onMouseover="JavaScript:window.status='Status Bar Message goes here'; return true"
onMouseout="JavaScript:window.status=''; return true">Hover over me!</a>
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Apr 24, 2007
An easy XHTML1.1 valid way of aligning divsfunction XHTMLAlign(tagid, align){
var viewportwidth;
var viewportheight;
// the more standards compliant browsers (mozilla/netscape/opera/IE7) use window.innerWidth and window.innerHeight
if (typeof window.innerWidth != 'undefined')
viewportwidth = window.innerWidth,
viewportheight = window.innerHeight
// IE6 in standards compliant mode (i.e. with a valid doctype as the first line in the document)
else if (typeof document.documentElement != 'undefined'
&& typeof document.documentElement.clientWidth !=
'undefined' && document.documentElement.clientWidth != 0)
viewportwidth = document.documentElement.clientWidth,
viewportheight = document.documentElement.clientHeight
// older versions of IE
viewportwidth = document.getElementsByTagName('body')[0].clientWidth,
viewportheight = document.getElementsByTagName('body')[0].clientHeight
var tag = document.getElementById(tagid);"absolute";
if( == ""){ = "0";
if( == ""){ = "0";
if( == ""){ = "0";
if( == ""){ = "0";
if( == ""){
if (tag.width != ""){ = tag.width;
} else { = "0";
if( == ""){
if (tag.height != ""){ = tag.height;
} else { = "0";
if ( align=="left" ){ + "px"; viewportwidth - (parseInt( + parseInt( + "px";
} else if ( align=="right" ){ + "px"; - (parseInt( + parseInt( + "px";
} else if ( align=="center" ){ ((viewportwidth - parseInt( - parseInt( + parseInt( + "px"; ((viewportwidth - parseInt( + parseInt( - parseInt( + "px";
if ( align=="top" ){ + "px"; viewportheight - (parseInt( + parseInt( + "px";
} else if ( align=="bottom" ){ + "px"; - (parseInt( + parseInt( + "px";
} else if ( align=="vcenter" ){ ((viewportheight - parseInt( - parseInt( + parseInt( + "px"; ((viewportheight - parseInt( + parseInt( - parseInt( + "px";
setInterval('XHTMLAlign("divid", "center")', 100);
setInterval('XHTMLAlign("divid", "vcenter")', 100);
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Oct 30, 2010
I am building a custom validator. I don't want any suggestions on using a jQuery framework, i just want to ask a few question on how best to continue.
<script type="text/javascript">
//Validator Strings And Expressions.
var Letters = /^[A-Za-z]+$/;
This is the "on page" validation. This, as you can see calls functions held in an included file onkeyup. This all works well, also the username check ajax call works great. However I have 2 questions that I need to sort before this will work correctly.
1. Using M_USERNAME form as an example. If I start typing in there it will begin validating, which is great, However, if i typed in "matt_thomas" based on the validations, Empty:Pass, ValidChars:Fail, Range:Pass, Check:Pass.
So I know that it isn't empty, it's the correct length and it's not already in the DB. But it fails because of the "_". This should mean that I receive the error i have setup for that failure. But I don't. Because I don't stop on a Fail, I receive the success message of the last function.
So my question is; How Can I stop running any more functions when one fails?
2. Looking at the above code, How can I make sure that a submit will only work when ALL fields validate correctly?
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Aug 5, 2010
I have a problem setting the default date of my jquery datepicker to the date that I retrieved from my database. I'm currently using the jquery datepicker linked to selects/ drop downs. I auto-fill my selects (month, day, year) from an external javascript. (fbDateTime.js)
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Mar 3, 2011
I want to display the alert when user enters the time less than the system time and date should be current date and if the date is greater than current date it should ignore the alert box. Here is the code
<script type="text/javascript">
function check() {
var now = new Date(),
timeParts = document.contact_form.time.value.split(':'),
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Oct 14, 2008
Can anybody give me complete code and steps wherein i can implement the dtpicker in only "yyyy-mm-dd" format. i want the user to select the date using this dtpicker and the selected date should show in the textbox on the form.
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Aug 19, 2009
My question is.. I have one text box there user types the date as follows (d-m-yy) 5-4-09 or 15-3-94 how can i convert them into exact (dd-mm-yyyy) 05-04-2009 or 15-03-1994 is there any 'javascript' code to convert the given date into my desired formt...
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Sep 1, 2005
Where can I find a list of valid names for Navigator.AppName?
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