I've got a script that toggles the visibility of a div on "dashboard.html":
$("#add_networks_wrapper, .remove_box").hide();
$("#add_networks_wrapper, .remove_box").slideToggle();
On "dashboard.html" it works great. The div "add_networks_wrapper" is hidden until I click the link that toggles it. What I need is a link from a different html page (say "account.html" or whatever) to open "dashboard.html" with the hidden div's visible.
I am creating a website as part of a university project. as part of this i am trying to make a menu in the top right. after looking around i have found javascript top be the best way to do this. how would i go about making it so that when i click on one div (called map) a separate div (called mapMenu) visibility is toggled.
I have just started trying to use jquery and though it looks cool and simple I'm having really problems working out how to do a really simple thingAll the examples I've seen use css selectors to target an element in the page but i need to use an id.basically I have a list of <a href> links and a load of <div>s that are all display:none by default when the page loads. The <a href> links and <div> elements are written dynamically by a php loop.What I would like to do is click on an <a href> link and make a specific <div> visible using its id. Sounds simple doesn't it ? But I can't figure out how to do this with jquery syntax.In traditional js syntax I would write a function that would receive the id of the target div as an argument when the <a> tag is clicked. Then I would loop through all the divs and make them all display:none and then display the target div.would i still need to put an onclick event in the <a href> links ? or is there a way of getting the id of the <a href> and using that to target the correct <div> ?
I found this little script and it works fine but the only thing is when the page first loads it displays the "This is foo" text. I would like it to not display the text until it is clicked. So instead of it displaying "This is foo" when the page loads I would like it to not display anything.
Here is the script: Code: <body> <script type="text/javascript"> <!-- function toggle_visibility(id) { var e = document.getElementById(id); if(e.style.display == 'block') e.style.display = 'none'; else e.style.display = 'block'; } //--> </script> <a href="#" onclick="toggle_visibility('foo');">Click here to toggle visibility of element #foo</a> <div id="foo">This is foo</div> </body>
I got the functionality of this plugin working tonight. It allows for a checkbox or link to make the password field of a form show the hidden characters, because sometimes it's nice to see them. I turned it into a plugin, and because I still consider myself a beginner with javascript, I thought I'd ask for a review so hopefully I can learn something. I tested it in FF5, IE7, IE8, IE9, Latest Opera, Latest Chrome, and Latest Safari.
I've a frameset in my application. 1. A header Frame. (header) 2. A Tree Frame (left) 3. A Main Frame for displaying main contents. (mainFrame)
Well, I just want to toggle the visibility of the Left Tree frmae to provide more space to the Contents page when required. > There can be a button which will have the label as HIDE when frame is visible. > And when frame is hidden, the buttons label should be SHOW, clicking on which should show the frame baxck in its place.
I am working on a project that shows archived data as well as current data on the same page. When the page builds, current data is shown, archived data is hidden (by using a div with id="archive"). I found comments here that getElementsByName was not a good cross browser way to handle this (and I'm not sure how to use that anyway). Can someone suggest the correct way to handle this?
There should be a link that, when clicked, will grab each element on the page with id="archive" and toggle the display property (none or block).
Here is the current code:
function archives(toggle) { if (typeof(toggle) != "undefined") { if (document.getElementById(toggle).style.display == 'none') { document.getElementById(toggle).style.display = 'block';
This works just fine, but only for the first element that it finds. I need many elements with the same name to be effected.
I'm pretty new to JavaScript and I've been searching for a way to toggle the visibility of many divs with images inside. Basically I want to have nothing visible, then I have three links that represent three categories of the images. So for example if the user clicks the link "Illustration" I want all the divs with the class illustration to appear. But when the user chooses a new link say, "typography" I want to hide the divs with class illustration and then show the divs with class typography.
I'm having problems with the jQuery 'if' statement. When the div 'accord3' is hidden, I'd like the class 'linklast' to be added to 'Schools' --> the bottom corners are rounded. When the div 'accord3' is visible, the bottom corners must be square, meaning the class 'linklast' has to be removed. This has to be able to switch back and forth while I toggle the visibility.
This is using jquery by the way. I have a list of ethnicity on a form for a person to enter that are checkboxes. One option is 'Other, specify'. When 'other specify' is checked, I would like a text box to pop up and disable the other boxes (if you pick other, you can't pick from the previous ethnicities). If 'other, specify' is unchecked, I would like for the text box to disappear and re-enable the checkboxes. I had the appearing box working just using JS. I can't seem to get the syntax right to use the toggle feature of jquery to make the box disappear when unclicked.
I've got rows of divs in this manner <div class="row">This is row 1 <a href="click">click here to show more</a></div> <div class="hidden row"><p> hidden text for row 1</p></div> <div class="row">This is row 2 <a href="click">click here to show more</a></div> <div class="hidden row"><p> hidden text for row 2</p></div> <div class="row">This is row 3 <a href="click">click here to show more</a></div> <div class="hidden row"><p> hidden text for row 3</p></div> <div class="row">This is row 4 <a href="click">click here to show more</a></div> <div class="hidden row"><p> hidden text for row 4</p></div> I wish to have some javascript to toggle the hidden row for its corresponding link.
I'm using the jquery.treeview plugin to build an outline. Each element within the outline has a link to the side of it that runs a javascript function. I'd like to have users click on this without triggering the toggle of the element. Below is a very simple html file that shows the problem- each element has a [+] to the side of it- when you click on that link, in addition to the alert, the group will expand or contract. Any ideas how to suppress that when clicking on the [+], but allow it when clicking on the text itself?
I've just recently become enlightened by jQuery and would like to add it to my site, but I'm having a little trouble. I made this basic function: function showPanel(id) { var panel = $(".further_info." + id + ""); panel.slideToggle(); $(this).toggleClass("minus"); $(this).toggleClass("plus"); }
To give an example of its use: <a class="panel_control plus" onclick="showPanel(0);"></a> <div class="further_info 0"></div> The panel is displayed correctly, but the classname of the link isn't toggled between "plus" and "minus."
When I click Existing members, it dissapears and Close Login appears. When I click Clos Login panel it dissapears but Existing Members does not re-appear.
I have tried using toggleClass() as well as using :hidden & :visible selectors. I am at wits end.
I have a textual "link" that, when clicked, I want the text to change, and I want a number of checkboxes to be toggled on or off. Here's my code. Currently, I just have the text changing - I don't know how to simultaneously check/uncheck checkboxes.
<head> <script language="JavaScript" type="text/JavaScript"> <!-- toggle off and on, currently unused --> function checkAll(checkname, exby)
first of all, it seems fine - I can toggle the targeted sibling, but why after the first toggle at any parent, I have to click twice sometime to hide other siblings when I click/ toggle at the current parent? [URL]
i'm looking for something special i guess. cause normaly i'm googling for something i have in mind, put jquery to the search string and voila, but this time i've searched for almost 3 days and give up now.
i am trying to implent a references site. the idea is that you have 1 html site with a list likereference 1reference 2reference 3 ..... with clickable links underneath.
then you have an element centered or somewhere else on the site (e.g. defined as a div area)
now if you click on reference 1, the centerde div should fade in the text, maybe with pictures too. if you click on reference20, the centered div you fade out and the content of reference 20 should fade in an the exact same place.
Trying to have plain text that you can click (div of newslink) which toggles the right parameter of other element (div of rightSidebar). Set rightSidebar initially with css: #rightSidebar {right:200%}
Here's what I have for script, but still not working:
I am trying to create a Link that changes its currently displayed text and also toggles the css.display property from inline to hidden. I'm sure there are solution outs there btu I have not been able to find one that does both functions with one click properly and is also easy to implement for people not as familiar with html and javascript. Obviously I am trying to create a show more, show less type link. currently this often shared code works fine to change the current state of the target ID's css.display from none to inline. My end goal is to be able to not only toggle the display of the LONG1 div but to also change the innerhtml of 'short1' from "Show More" to "Show Less".I am still learning about JS so Im really rough around the edges. I tried some different techniques btu I dont ahev them posted on my work pc.
How to make an image map link to another page AND open a specific accordion section?I guess I need a script that knows which area of the image map was clicked and not only navigate to page 2 but opens the section via slide toggle I need it too.Here is the the page with the image map (although image map version not upload yet so I have what will be uploaded below)[URL] ...and the page I need to navigate to based on the area of the image map clicked and also slidetoggling the div I need it [URL] Here is the image map: