Time Delay On A Function
Apr 12, 2011I want to put a time delay on a function. This is how I'm going implementing it, however it's not working......
function loadXMLDoc()
I want to put a time delay on a function. This is how I'm going implementing it, however it's not working......
function loadXMLDoc()
i am using jquery for ajax request response.Is there any javascript functions which can cause some time delay like
ajaxStart(function() {
Is there another JS function that I can use to force a time delay without having the code continue to run? I'm using the setTimeout() function but the call to this function doesn't stop the code flow. I need to stop the code flow while waiting. I guess I need a Sleep() type of JS function.What I'm trying to do is display some blank text on the screen using a for loop (I'm using <BR> to give the appearance of "opening up" a vertical window section in the browser) and I need this 'text' to complete before allowing the following code in the function to execute. The following code will display a Table with rows of data. I'm trying to use a timing function to give a visual impression of a window opening up just before the data displays.
View 1 Replies View RelatedPretty simple, I just want to display a <div> after say 20 seconds or any predefined value. Ideally with jQuery :)
View 5 Replies View RelatedI have a drop down menu system, however at the moment when you accidently leave the drop-down, it disappears straight away. I would like there to be a half a second delay before it goes away, any idea how I might add this to the onmouseout function?
View 16 Replies View RelatedHere is the script i'm working on:
The script currently asks for the amount of tabs to open then opens them when the amount is selected.
What i need to do is slow down the time between each open window to like 1000 millisecs i have tried using thread.sleep but then it only opens 1 tab.
[URL]. The second link to the right "Eat our Famous" is the link in question, you'll notice the div on the left has about a 3 second delay.
View 5 Replies View RelatedI've got a selection of 4 images/banners there all the same size and fit into the website layout perfectly, what I'm after is a small bit of java that will change the image from 1 - 4 and then loop to do it again all on a timed delay.
The code I'm using was pulled from a slide show exsample and i've just removed asmuch of the code as was possible.
I need to delay a page from opening a new window for a minimum of 5 seconds to allow some php processing (inserting a new record into a table) to occur first. the open window code works fine without the time delay, but as soon as i attempt to put a delay in, nothing happens eg, the page no longer opens a new window called newrecord.php.
A submit button calls the function like so:
I am using jquery validation plugin successfully to validate certain fields against my server. The thing is sometimes user types too fast, and the validation plugin sends the word if not equal to the previously sent word. This causes some problems with my mod-evasive that I run in apache. Is there anyway to slow down these requests, or say post to server each 300ms. The jquery UI autosuggest has this feature, where you can set a delay time.
View 1 Replies View Relatedis there any feature to slide the images in accordion form left to right and right to left with minimum time frame(delay)?
View 1 Replies View RelatedI want to try and keep my syntax all encapsulted, but I'm not sure how to go about this.
So I add in some html to a div
$('#slideStage').append("<div id='popupTiming' style='display:none'>" + formatTime(currentCuePoint.time) + ' minutes</div>')
So the resulting html would be
I have this function delayLoad()
function delayLoad()
setTimeout('window.open('test.swf','FacNews', 'width=303,height=757,left=1005,top=0')',3000);
test.swf is a flash file within the same folder. I am invoking this function using
<body onload="delayLoad()">
What am I doing wrong for this not to delay the load by three seconds? I am having a system login that spawns a child window so I need to delay the window load of the swf so that it is on top. Its been years since I've done javascript, is there some other kind of methodology that I could possibly use?
I want to have a delay on a jquery function and am unsure about how to do this. My code is(jscrollpane):
HTML Code:
I want to be able to display the whole contents of a text file containing 4 paragraphs of text, on a static web page, as soon as a video finishes playing on the page. The video is to be set to autorun as soon as the page loads in the browser.
The text file mentioned above, is to remain hidden when the page initially loads and the video is playing. Please I need your advice about what JavaScript code to use to achieve this effect, and where to place the code in the HTML code of the web page. I am new to website design and the use of JavaScript code.
I have seen examples of code used for the timed delay of the display of an image file, after a video has finished playing. I do not know how to apply this to the display of a text file.
Why not a plugin like (small correction void should be a string)
$.fn.delay = function(delay){
if(typeof delay==="undefined") delay = 1000;
return this.animate({"void":0}, delay);
This way you can call it like this
How to know the execution time of a function? For example, which of these functions run in less time? That is, which of these functions are more weightless to run?
document.getElementById("my_image").src = "images/picture.png";
document.getElementById("my_image").style.webkitTransform = "rotate(45deg)";
how to call two functions at the same time... and is it possible calling them with the onShow command?
View 3 Replies View RelatedI have an unordered list of links, which on click append a new <li> with the appropriate image, and then slide the whole <ul> left, allowing the image to show through the window. My problem is that after the first time around, the rest of the function executes, but the animate left doesn't.[code]
View 2 Replies View RelatedI am trying to taking this embedded script
<!-- Begin
var strDay;
if ((now.getDate() == 1) || (now.getDate() != 11) && (now.getDate() % 10 == 1)) // Correction for 11th and 1st/21st/31st
strDay = "st ";
else if ((now.getDate() == 2) || (now.getDate() != 12) && (now.getDate() % 10 == 2)) // Correction for 12th and 2nd/22nd/32nd
strDay = "nd ";
else if ((now.getDate() == 3) || (now.getDate() != 13) && (now.getDate() % 10 == 3)) // Correction for 13th and 3rd/23rd/33rd
strDay = "rd ";
strDay = "th ";
document.write(dayName[now.getDay()] .....
// End -->
and turn it into a function called time.
XHTML Source
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.1//EN" "[URL]">
<html xmlns="[URL]" xml:lang="en">
<strong><script type="text/javascript">time()</script></strong>
Javascript Source
function time() {
var strDay;
if ((now.getDate() == 1) || (now.getDate() != 11) && (now.getDate() % 10 == 1)) // Correction for 11th and 1st/21st/31st
strDay = "st ";
else if ((now.getDate() == 2) || (now.getDate() != 12) && (now.getDate() % 10 == 2)) // Correction for 12th and 2nd/22nd/32nd
strDay = "nd "; .....
But when I do the out put returns nothing. Why this might be. I initially thought that I had the formattingsyntax wrong for the function it self but this doesn't seem to be. [URL]
I've been having trouble with a seemingly simple function...I have a form where 3 of 5 field values are generated by a script tied in with Google Search (like a business address). The user is prompted to enter their business license #, and as soon as the input field has val().length == 9 characters, I want to execute an ajax call among some other functions... The problem is the function works when there are 9 characters in the field, but only after I generate a new and different set of values for the generated fields (i.e. the first generated values, coupled with those 9 characters isn't enough to set off the function, although when i use a second set of generated values, the function kicks in). Here's the applicable code...although there's a lot more to the picture...
function randOrd(){ return (Math.round(Math.random())-0.5); }
var cardArray = [
[1, "hundo", "dog"], [2, "kato", "cat"],
How come the random function has no effect on the second array it was given to randomize?
How to avoid the execution of a function at the time of defining.
Here i am giving the details.
I am creating the following div container through DOM.
<div id="content">
<a href="#" onclick="displayDiv('content')" Click</a>
The Code is:
var category_list = document.getElementById('category_list');
var dom_div = document.createElement('div');
dom_div.id = 'content'
var dom_link = document.createElement('a');
dom_link.href ='#'
dom_link.onclick = displayDiv();
val = document.createTextNode('Click');
The displayDiv Funcion
function displayDiv()
dv = document.getElementById('content'); //Here is the error.
The Problem is when the following script:
dom_link.onclick = displayDiv('content');
is executed it is calling the function displayDiv(name)
Here we have the code
which throws the error.
The reason is the div container is not yet created.
What I need is the function should be called only on the click event. It should not be called while I define it to the Click Event. (ie it should not be called at the time of defining)
How to achieve this.
We're trying to enhance and optimize the forms in our projects with jQuery, but I don't know if something we want is possible. Nowadays we are using simple javascript to enable and disable elements in our forms, we have a part to execute when the document is loaded and another that is executed with the interaction of the user.
For example, we have a simple select with "Race" : "Caucassian", "African" and "Other", when the user selects something we enable or disable a textfield (where the user specifies the other race) depending of the election; and when the user saves the data and reopen the form to modify the elements, we execute a function that evaluates the value of the select (previously loaded from the database) and enable or disable the textfield.
We need to optimize this because we've got really large forms (sometimes with 400 different fields) and it would be great to do this in 1 step and have one file with the behaviours instead of doing this once for the interaction and once for the reload. I've been thinking in a way for subscribing to the onchange and execute it at the same time, but I don't know if there's any way of doing that...
function update(value1){
doAjax("behind_scan.php" , "id="+value1);
}function doAjax(url , str ){
if (xmlhttp==null){
alert ("Browser does not support HTTP Request");
}function stateChanged(){
if (xmlhttp.readyState==4){
document.forms.myform.scanner.value = "";
}}function GetXmlHttpObject(){
if (window.XMLHttpRequest){
// code for IE7+, Firefox, Chrome, Opera, Safari
return new XMLHttpRequest();
}if (window.ActiveXObject){
// code for IE6, IE5
return new ActiveXObject("Microsoft.XMLHTTP");
} return null;
This pages calls a function on a separate php page to run 2 mySQL queries, the value must be put in the text 3 times in quick succession before the database is altered. I've tried all the other functions and they seem to be fine, AJAX is my weakness but I need it for the main functionality of my website. I need this to work.
i've got a program that gets input from a user, and then stores it in a cookie. That bit is fine, what is a problem is that its just overwriting the data each time a new entry is made, i believed this to be something do do with it not being numbered entry's, so i added a number into the entry, but for some reason it wont add 1 to the number variable each time the function is called
<title>Grader 101</title>