The Perfect Pop-Up

Dec 5, 2002

There is another annoying thing about pop-windows in IE, they seem to hang your browser, if you have more than a couple (4-5 or more) browser windows open.

Anyone else experience this? I think has to do with the way the popup is coded. I discovered if you don't specify a name in the Javascript call ther seems to be no delay.

false; - where the '' is where you normally would name the window.

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Perfect Function Forwarding

Dec 27, 2005

Today, I have a function:

function f()

and am looking for a way of distinguishing, from inside f, whether it
has been called with new, or not.

function f()
if( ... )
return new forwardedFunction(...);
return forwardedFunction();

Iow, are we [[Call]]ed or [[Construct]]ed. Can't get around it...

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AJAX :: Works Perfect In All Browsers Except IE?

Jan 1, 2009

OK, never seen anything like this before. I have this AJAX shopping cart I am developing where they add a product and the side bar of the site updates what's in the cart automatically. Works perfect in all browsers except IE (6 and 7).In IE it works the first time you add a product then after that the sidebar does not update AND there are no JavaScript errors. The cart is actually updated because when you refresh the page all the items you added are there.... got me scratching my head to say the least.Here's the scripts that run it (a little messy because I am still tinkering with it:

Code JavaScript:
function add_to_cart(id) {
variables = "product_id=" + document.getElementById('prod_id_' + id).value;


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Screen Resolution Accessibility - A Perfect Solution?

Dec 20, 2010

I began working on a "best" solution for screen res widths of 1024+ for centralised fixed width pages with potentialy large (or any size) left and right margin graphics and have come up with something I'm very happy with: an outside wrapper set to 100% + overflow hidden (removes the horizontal scrollbar on all screen res)

a wrapper inside that set to 1000px with margin auto (allows the central page to be in the middle of, or to fill the page of all screen res - brilliant because originally one main objective was for a left margin not to push the page to the right and out of view on a lower res screen) an inside wrapper inside the centralised one above set to for example, width 1800px and left 400px, allows both margins to be viewable for all screen res larger than the central page (1000px+)ok, so the final hurdle in what for me would be a perfect solution is for any screen res lower than 1000px - currently the horizontal scroll bar is removed - therefore the central page has its right potentialy chopped off.... and so with some research, I've put together the following JavaScript:

<SCRIPT language="JavaScript">
if (screen.width<1000)
{document.getElementById('outsidewrapper').style.cssText='overflow: visible;';}

This is my best effort at JavaScript - I am slowly and steadily learning more. I feel its on the right track, to return the overflow on the outer wrapper would bring the horizontal scroll bar back, but on IE (lower than 1000 res screens) this causes an error and does not work on any to get this code to work, it'd make for me today a good day, if any of this is difficult to understand without seeing, the site is: http:[url]....

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Ajax :: Not Working In IE, Works Perfect In Firefox?

Feb 23, 2009

I've been banging my head against this for a bit now and have been reading all kinds of things - but, everything I try has failed. So, I thought I'd ask.I've just begun working with Javascript/Ajax .. in the last day to try and accomplish a task but, I can't seem to get this code to work in IE it works fine in Firefox.Perhaps someone can enlighten me - Basically, this is calling back from a php file that updates from a database to choose dropdowns/checkbox based on the users choices.

function getSex(theSex, myParent){
var ajaxRequest;


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JQuery :: Cycle Plugin Not Loading In IE7 (and IE6), Works Perfect In All Other Browsers

Sep 14, 2010


The slides load as one huge stack in IE7, almost like the script isn't loading or something?

This is what I'm working with:

<script type="text/javascript">
$(document).ready(function() {
$("#gallery").css("overflow", "hidden");


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JQuery :: Working Perfect Offline But When Upload It It Doesn't Work?

Aug 21, 2009

I have an html file with an Ajax form submit which works perfectly locally but when I upload it onto a server it works partially except for the:success: function(){}doesn't initiate, it actually inserts the data into the database and everything like it's supposed to but it doesn't process that it's successful.

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JS Code Works Perfect On Internet Explorer But Doesn't On Firefox?

May 18, 2010

I am trying to make comments system and i want to add smileys.the content of each comment is written in TEXTAREAI have a JS code that gets a "smiley code" like :) and adds it into the TEXTAREA. i mean it adds :) :( XD ;) or what i sent to the function.the TEXTAREA code:

function Add_Smiley(smiley)


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