JQuery :: Working Perfect Offline But When Upload It It Doesn't Work?
Aug 21, 2009
I have an html file with an Ajax form submit which works perfectly locally but when I upload it onto a server it works partially except for the:success: function(){}doesn't initiate, it actually inserts the data into the database and everything like it's supposed to but it doesn't process that it's successful.
I am trying to make comments system and i want to add smileys.the content of each comment is written in TEXTAREAI have a JS code that gets a "smiley code" like :) and adds it into the TEXTAREA. i mean it adds :) :( XD ;) or what i sent to the function.the TEXTAREA code:
I've been banging my head against this for a bit now and have been reading all kinds of things - but, everything I try has failed. So, I thought I'd ask.I've just begun working with Javascript/Ajax .. in the last day to try and accomplish a task but, I can't seem to get this code to work in IE it works fine in Firefox.Perhaps someone can enlighten me - Basically, this is calling back from a php file that updates from a database to choose dropdowns/checkbox based on the users choices.
function getSex(theSex, myParent){ var ajaxRequest; try{
i have this site everything works perfect offline(local) but when i put it on my server theres a few things that mess up. What isnt working.. I have a little readmore link beside a main quote on everypage and this uses ceebox to open it. Within this lightbox it shows an html page that i made with just a little write up, at the bottom is a little nav and onclick it should be opening the corresponding hidden div while closing the lightbox. this works offline perfect, i cant seem to figure out why it wont once uploaded. I have gone over all folder names, etc and im positive this isnt the problem. this is the main page html snippet with the read more link
This is a makeshift sort function for a table. I want to replace a div contents with a javascript function call. It works fine if I define the individual case, but the general case doesn't work. The problem lies with the +divHold+ part. It never converges to the passed value on the 2nd iteration. This is my Div:
I have an upload form that is working fine with a submit button, but I really would like it to submit on its own without a submit button onChange when a user selects an image. I have it sending the form with onChange but it is not sending the uploaded file like when you hit the button! It is sending it as "example.jpg" instead of actually sending the file for upload.
I have a problem with the latest version of the jQuery Form Plugin (2.80). To be more precise, I guess I am doing something wrong, and with an older version (2.67) somehow it didn't matter.With the old version, the file was uploaded without problems. Now Firefox opens a new Tab on clicking the submit button and nothing is done. Chrome doesn't open a new tab, but also nothing happens. In Wireshark I can see that there is no file attached in the POST message with the older version, the file was sent.My first guess was that my file handling on the server side is erroneous - but on the other hand, when there is no file attached, what should I handle there?
I have create a web site using wysiwyg . and its include java script file.my web hoster (synthasite)doesn't give a chance to upload a js file . so any way how can I do this?
I'm was able to successfully use your plugin for firefox, safari, chrome. When the form submits the request with file upload, here is the html I send back to the browser (via Rails): <textarea>{'status': 'success', 'avatar_url': '<%=@user.avatar.url(:medium)%>'}
I tried to use fade in the code below, it works in firefox but not ie7.
<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-transitional.dtd"> <html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml">
I have a problem with hide() method on ie9: if I put this command after a flag, it (hide) doesn't work anymore.Obviously the same code works pertefect on firefox.[code]
For my work i need to make a form. At some points you have to choose an option from a dropdown select box. After you have chosen one of those some other field appear under the dropdown thing. I use the slideToggle event for this effect. In firefox its all working fine, but in ie 6.0 and 7.0 it doesnt work. What do need:A dropdown menu with a few options in it. You can choose one of those and after you select it a few other options apear under the dropdown menu.
I do $(".c:not(:last)").css({borderColor:"#0f0"}) This is OK in Firefox, but in IE all columns get this color. The :not selector doesn't work in IE. Why not?