Textbox Style Changer?

Dec 23, 2010

I am no very little when it comes to Javascript but I have seen a few sites using pre populated text boxes for login forms. So Username and password appears in the boxes to save space. The code below works fine onload of the site in all browsers, everything also works fine in firefox but ie the following doesn't seem to work.When a user clicks to enter their password in i.e. it doesn't change the form to password characters so input plain text. Also when you click out of either box it doesn't seem to re-populate the boxes with my Username or Password text.

function HideLabel(txtField){


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Style Changer Not Working?

Mar 8, 2011

on my site, I have added Style 1 and Style 2 in my menu at the top righthttp://www.thisisworthing.com/default.php#when I click on Theme 2, it doesn't work?!I have this working on my other site: http://www.mypubspace.com

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Apply Style To Textbox?

Oct 4, 2011

How would I go about apply the following code below as a style class (Error) to a single textbox?

Here's what I have so far:

document.getElementById('T1').style.backgroundColor = 'FEF6F4'
document.getElementById('T1').style.border = '1px solid #CD0A0A'

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Javascript Image Changer

Jul 23, 2005

When using javascript [1] to display a different image (based on the
time of day) both IE and Moz re-execute the js when using the back
function to return to a page with the js on it, this results in users
having to load several images. Opera doesn't do this.

Is there a right or wrong regarding this UA behaviour?

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Cell Color Changer

Dec 5, 2003

Can Someone Write Me aShort And Easy, Cell Color Changer?



On Mouseover

<td bgcolor="#000000">WOWOW</td>

On Mouseout

<td bgcolor="#FFFFFF">WOWOW</td>

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Getting BackgroundImage For Image Changer?

Jul 2, 2011

this works in chrome and safari, but not opera, ie or ff? grr!http://tigerbaydesign.co.uk/imagech.htmli'm thinking it's tied up with getting the backgroundImage first because i know all browsers are getting inside the action braces..you can view source or look at this:

HTML Code:
<title>image change test</title>
<link href="imagech.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" />


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Animated Image Height Changer?

Dec 25, 2010

I'm relatively new to coding in javascript, so I'm hoping that some kind souls could help me out! I'm trying to make an animated image height changer (example: changing an image's height from 50px to 500px). I'm working on a new web site using HTML5 and want to add some Flash-like animation to my page using javascript and <canvas>.The animation would only need to "play" one time once the web page has loaded. No looping is required and no user interaction (ie mouseovers, etc) is needed.

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Timed Background Changer Is Not Working

Jan 30, 2011

Why this short script won't work?

<script type="text/JavaScript">

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Adding Textbox Numbers - Sum The Two Textbox Fields And Have Result Show In The Total Textbox

Mar 22, 2011

Below is the script and form fields I am working with. What I want to do is sum the two textbox fields and have the result show in the total textbox. The code works fine and the total textbox is updated with the value of form1.basic. The problem occurs when I add the "+ parseInt(document.form2.supporter.value)" code in the script section.

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JQuery :: Obtain ORIGINAL Style Setting - And NOT Computed Style?

May 5, 2010

My understanding had been that $.css("width") would return the original user selected style, eg "100%" or "10em", and $.width() returned the computed width, always in "px". Not so, following the code through for .css(), it calls something called getComputedStyle and the only difference between the two functions turns out to be a post-fix of "px" on the .css() result - not very useful. I need to know whether my user has called me with a proportional dimension, or a fixed one. How to tell with jQuery?

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Hiding Code Between <style Type=text/css">...</style>

Apr 24, 2009

I have built a website and I wish to hide my code between "style type="text/css">....</style>

Is there a way to hide the code between it?

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JQuery :: Using To Style List-style-type?

Oct 12, 2011

This is probably quite a simple problem but I can't figure out the answer. I'm working on a site that has news stories and events coming in. What I would like is to have the news stories to be styled with squares and events with discs for instance. I might be able to change the actual plug-in so the CSS affects this change, but I just wondered how I could change the list-style-type with jQuery.


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Getting Element Style Outside The Style Attribute?

Oct 22, 2009

if I have an html page that uses the <style> or a <link> to call a style sheet these properties aren't available to JavaScript is there a good way to access them? eg

<title>expandable text area</title>
<style type="text/css">


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Pulling Data To Textbox - Display (WinNetwork.userName) NT LOGIN Into The Textbox

Jun 16, 2010

HTML Code:
<script type="text/javascript">
var WinNetwork = new ActiveXObject("WScript.Network");

I have two questions. First i want to display (WinNetwork.userName) NT LOGIN into the textbox. Is there any where i can link both Javascript and textbox. Secondly, when i open the html have i first get warning the internet explorer page im trying to open have activeX. Is there any where i can stop that popup aleart from being displayed.

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JQuery :: Get A Reference To The Textbox That Fired Blur Even, Then Get The Row Of The Matching Textbox

Oct 5, 2011

<script type="text/javascript">
$(function () {
$('input[id *=txtAmt]').blur(function () {
var txtBoxThatChanged = $('How do i get a reference to the textbox that changed?');


In my grid each row has a twin row (not consecutive) the rows each have 1 text box with a name containing txtAmt. When a user enters a value in the text box in a row. I need to put that value in the text box in the twin row. i got the blur function to work on each text box but do not know how to do the rest. I typed a description of the selector in each $().

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JQuery :: Determine The Position (index) Of A Particular Textbox In A Textbox Array?

Jan 18, 2011

I have two textbox columnsof equal length they are accessed in the following manner:

taborder 1
taborder 2 taborder 3 taborder 4 taborder 5 taborder 6 taborder 7 taborder 8

When I leave the first textbox (taborder 1), I need to check and see if the textbox contains avalue. If it does, then I need to check and see if the second textbox (taborder 2)contains a value. If it doesNOT, then I need to loadthe second textboxwith "100" and highlight (select) the text. I am adding a blur event to all the column one textboxes as they all contain"rawCount" in the id. Here is my blur event code:

$('input[id*=rawCount]').bind('blur', function (event) {
// Code to go here

What I am trying to do isadd thecode tocheck and update thecolumn two textbox in the corresponding row (same index)to the blur event of the column one textboxes without having to loop the array each time to find the current textbox array position. Since it is adding the blur event, it has to be possible.

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Handling With Clock - Take Value Of Current System Time In One Textbox In Another Textbox

Dec 31, 2010

I have two textfield in html forms I want to take value of current system time in one textbox in another text box I need manupulation(subtract 30 minutes) on times stored in textbox and want to display result in another textbox. is it possible through javascript?

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Creating Html Tags - Textbox URL And Textbox Anchor

Jul 17, 2011

I wanna make a form that receives: textbox URL And textbox Anchor

And result will be two anchors one <a href, and one phpBB



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Text Value - Add Contents Of Each Textbox And Show Result In Another Textbox

Jan 13, 2011

I am doing a lottery project in which i have 10 textbox and i want to add contents of each textbox and show result in another textbox say 11th textbox.

I am having the fallowing codes below on jsp page.

I want to add contents of textbox from(n50,n51.....n59) and show result in another textbox named (n60)

My question is that the valus stored in textbox is numeric and when i enter the value in any two of the textbox say named (n50 and n51) then the addition of its value must be seen in the result textbox say (n60) here. it does not wait for another textbox value which is left blank. the result of addition should be displayed simelteneously as i enter the value in text box.

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JQuery :: Multiply Two Textbox Value And Put The Result In Third Textbox ?

Apr 12, 2011

I want to multiply two textbox value and put the result in third textbox. All the events are done on keyup event.

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IE Not DOM For Style?

Jul 20, 2005

Is it just me, or does:

obj.setAttribute("style","border: thin solid navy");
(for example - no style seems to be set) not work in IE6 but works fine in NN6?

I don't want to use element.style[.cssText] just because.

Test file:

<title>Javascript test - dynamic elements</title>

<script type="text/javascript" language="javascript">
function createDiv(divId, appendElement)
STYLE="border: thin solid navy; width: 300px; height: 300px;";

// create
D = document.createElement("div");

// set attributes

// append element

function testRun()

<form name="f1">
<input type="button" name="b1" value="test it" onClick="testRun()">
<div id="target"></div>

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Style Of Div

May 14, 2004

I found that if I define the style(visibility...) of a Div in a CSS class, I wouldnt be able to set it through JavaScript. The only way it works is if I declare all the style attributes in the Div tag itself first. Is this how it works?

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W3C And Style.left

Jul 23, 2005

What I wanted was to get rid of offsetLeft and use "proper" way instead....but when I do:

I keep getting empty string, unless I first set it manually (in CSS or js)
to some value...

if that is intended behavior(that is if I haven't f***d up something :) in
my code), and there is no offsetLeft property in W3C recommendation, what is
then "standard compliant" way to make browser calculate coordinates of some
tag on the page???

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Jul 23, 2005

If I didn't set the height of an html element on a web page with html attributes. Then obj.style.height always reports "0" even after the page has completely rendered. Is there any way to get the actual height after being rendered?

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Semicolon Style

Jul 23, 2005

If I code JavaScript as if it were C code with respect to the use of semicolons,
are there any caveats? I understand that I will be typing a few more semicolons
than absolutely needed.

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CSS Text Style

Oct 24, 2005

I'm using "open fonts" and applied CSS. It's not working. Can it embed unique font? If so, what's the secret?

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