I found that if I define the style(visibility...) of a Div in a CSS class, I wouldnt be able to set it through JavaScript. The only way it works is if I declare all the style attributes in the Div tag itself first. Is this how it works?
My understanding had been that $.css("width") would return the original user selected style, eg "100%" or "10em", and $.width() returned the computed width, always in "px". Not so, following the code through for .css(), it calls something called getComputedStyle and the only difference between the two functions turns out to be a post-fix of "px" on the .css() result - not very useful. I need to know whether my user has called me with a proportional dimension, or a fixed one. How to tell with jQuery?
This is probably quite a simple problem but I can't figure out the answer. I'm working on a site that has news stories and events coming in. What I would like is to have the news stories to be styled with squares and events with discs for instance. I might be able to change the actual plug-in so the CSS affects this change, but I just wondered how I could change the list-style-type with jQuery.
if I have an html page that uses the <style> or a <link> to call a style sheet these properties aren't available to JavaScript is there a good way to access them? eg
<html> <head> <title>expandable text area</title> <style type="text/css">
What I wanted was to get rid of offsetLeft and use "proper" way instead....but when I do:
document.getElementById('someDiv').style.left; I keep getting empty string, unless I first set it manually (in CSS or js) to some value...
if that is intended behavior(that is if I haven't f***d up something :) in my code), and there is no offsetLeft property in W3C recommendation, what is then "standard compliant" way to make browser calculate coordinates of some tag on the page???
If I didn't set the height of an html element on a web page with html attributes. Then obj.style.height always reports "0" even after the page has completely rendered. Is there any way to get the actual height after being rendered?
If I code JavaScript as if it were C code with respect to the use of semicolons, are there any caveats? I understand that I will be typing a few more semicolons than absolutely needed.
how can I get/set text from <style> tag? innerHTML doesn't work in IE 7 (8?) and neither does document.getElementsByTagName("style")[0].firstChild.nodeValue = "";
I have the following function in my attempt to build a 'treeview' It should (and does in Firefox) display an indented <p> tag (css indents it). The problem however, it doesnt work in IE. When this function is fired IE builds a VERY small <p> tag without any content in it... I think the problem might by caused by style.display but I don't know how to solve it.
function r_treeview(test, path) { // get DIV element elm = document.getElementById(path); pid = 'sub'+path;
// add paragraph (p) to contains var test if (!document.getElementById(pid)) { var pTag = document.createElement('p'); pTag.setAttribute('id', pid); pTag.className = 'subp' pTag.style.display = 'block' elm.appendChild(pTag); pTag.innerHTML = test; } }
I know this is probably a really simple this to do, but for the life of me I can't figure it out. I want to find out the value of a style for a certain element. So say in the CSS I said 'content' had a width of 100px, but I want to get that value with Javascript.
I am trying to style a <tr> that is generated using innerhtml. I have tried giving it a class, an id, and styling it inline. Not sure what the deal is. If i try it with the <td> it works fine.
Can anyone make a textbox have an ATM style decimal? You know as you type the decimal stays put for example it starts with 0.00 then if keypress 1 is shows 0.01 then if keypress 2 is shows 0.12 and so on. Get it?
Code: function changeStyle(obj,newStyleType,newStyle) { //altoona design var myObject = MM_findObj(obj); myObject.style.newStyleType = newStyle; } and i called it like this:
HTML Code: <td id="mywish" style="font-family: Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif; font-size: 14px; color: #990000; font-weight: bold;">Go to» My wish list</div></td>
its supposed to chane the color of the text when rolled over, but nothing happens...can someone please tell me why its not working?
I'm trying to hunt down a tutorial / example of how to do one of those in-page popups (used heavily by facebook).
Im making a site where i list a lot of products in thumbnail view, and when a thumbnail is clicked i'd like the page to have a darkened overlay to make it look faded out with the popup within the page containing more information and a larger images. What i am trying to do is similar to the lightbox javascript image viewer, but with actual database driven content within the popup, not just a photo.
i've search google and am having a bit of trouble, mostly because i dont know what this is called exactly.
I am trying to get the body tag style values. Code: <body style='width: 100%; position: relative; min-height: 100%; top: 0px;'> I would like to get the text 'width: 100%; position: relative; min-height: 100%; top: 0px'
A friend of mine gave me a script that does exactly what I wanted. It adds reminder text to a text box when the page loads and onBlur if the box is empty. The only thing I want to change is I want the helper text to also have style=color:#888888 and the user text to have style=color:#000000. I'm a complete novice and I know the work is pretty much already done but I don't know how to add a style change onto this code in an efficient way.[code]
The JavaScript underneath makes _one_ tab bold while the others receive the 'none' CSS property. This works in a frameless page, and has always worked. However, my current project _requires_ me to use frames :-( (leftFrame, topFrame and mainFrame) and when I tested this script in frames, it gave me a "invalid property" error. What can I do? Code: