Solutions For Saving Dynamically Created Elements?

Jun 24, 2010

Question: I need a few good idea on the best way to save a webpage (even better a node of a webpage) in which a user has created new elements. (via javascript?)

Concept: User creates elements on a canvas (via Javascript) then has the option to save the layout of those elements. upon pushing save the Javascript packages the created and/or changed elements and sends then to the server to be processed by PHP
and saved.

Hurdles: saved data must include style attibutes, text, child nodes and so on. The when other users view the page PHP will build the elements from the original user saved file.

What I have Done:I have managed to use Xmlserializer to output the "canvas" element in firefox and safri I have used .outputHTML in IE to complish the same thing.Of course there are a few differences when comparing the two strings, mainly having to do with commas.IE does not surround id's in commas and FF does. This has me thinking there has to be a better way more consistant way. on other ways to save dynamic elements using Javascript, and PHP.

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Accessing Dynamically Created Elements?

Dec 23, 2010

I'm trying to write a script for a website that reads from a database and makes a separate table for each entry in the database. Since the number of entries can change, I want to dynamically create a div for each one, which I can later hide or display based on user selection. However, when I try to access the dynamically created elements by their ID, they return null. Is what I'm trying to do here actually possible?

for(var i = 0; i < tables.length; i ++)
var newDiv = document.createElement("div");
newDiv.setAttribute("id", tables[i].name);
newDiv.setAttribute("name", tables[i].name);
newDiv.setAttribute("class", "hidden");


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Removing Dynamically Created Elements

Mar 24, 2011

I am creating textboxes dynamically using the following code:


I want to have a function that will remove textboxes and the newline that is created. I have the following function to remove the text boxes but I cant remove the new lines that were created so an empty space is left on the page.function RemoveElement() {

var d = document.getElementById('spanManualInput');
var oldbox = document.getElementById('Value'+i);

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JQuery :: Get A Reference For Elements That Are Created Dynamically?

Oct 20, 2010

I can see the raw HTML in firebug etc, but the dynamic elements (the ones created by jquery for example), obviously don't appear there. I struggle referencing some of them - Ideally I'd like to be able to trigger a display showing what handle to use for any given element - for example by clicking on them.

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JQuery :: Selecting Dynamically Created Elements?

Aug 18, 2010

Previously when developing my own modal windows I have been creating a "mask" div directly in my markup, in the CSS setting it to be display:none and then setting it to show() by jQuery when a button is clicked.

I'm sure there is a better way to do this but i'm getting a little stuck.

I tried adding the "mask" div and its content to the body using prepend() when my button is clicked but i found i then can't select any of the added elements in jQuery.

How can you select elements you have added to a page by jQuery?? Also if this is the right approach whats the best way to insert a block of html to a page??

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Dynamically Created? Form Elements Not Available In Php $_POST

Dec 12, 2009

I'm created a set amount of dynamic elements based on some elements in another form to try to submit them when the current form is submitted and this just doesnt work. It creates all the elements succesfully and puts in their proper names and values, but on the next page they are not available in $_POST in php.Here's the exact javascript I'm using, I tried appendChild and innerHTML,

var elem = document.getElementById('submission_options').elements;
for(var k = 0; k < elem.length; k++)

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OPTION Elements Added To A Dynamically Created SELECT Box Via DOM Are Not Visible In IE

Sep 3, 2005

The code below works great in Mozilla.

In IE the selection box is created, and there is a drop-down box if I click
on the down arrow, but I can't see the OPTION text for each option. The
options are invisible, yet the box seems fully functional. I went into the
debugger and sure enough the selection box has "OPTION" child nodes with the
correct "value" and "text" attributes.

What could be wrong?:

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JQuery :: Remove Dynamically Created Elements With Button Click?

Jun 6, 2011

So I have a table with rows and basically I cloned it and then appended it underneath another table. The user can click on the plus button to clone the table (which on the UI looks just like a row of fields) over and over. Next to the plus button I have a minus button that I want to use to remove the cloned table. Here's my code for the add table button:

Basically what I need to do is write functionality for the remove button that when clicked removes the bottom most table. Is there functionality in jquery where you can say "find last occurrence of 'addrow' and remove it onclick"? [code]...

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Unable To Submit Html Form With Elements Created Dynamically?

Mar 1, 2011

My requirement is to submit html form with Attachment filesfor a web based email application.I have used javascript to achieve Attach more files functionality.When user clicks on ttach more files link, following HTML is dynamically generated using javascript:

<input type=file name=some_namesize=/>

The Javascript code is:

function addRow(tableID) {
var table = document.getElementById(tableID);
var rowCount = table.rows.length;


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JQuery :: Binding Events To Dynamically Created Elements That Do Don't Exist At All On Page Load

Jul 26, 2010

In the examples for live() and delegate(), the selectors match at least one element that already exists. Will either of these commands work on elements for which there is no match at all on page load?

In my case, I want to bind a keyup event to the textareas that jeditable creates. I could probably create custom plug-in (to the plug-in :) to do the job, but I'd like to use live or delegate if they would work.

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Dynamically Created Form Elements Not Recognized By Request.Form?

Oct 21, 2010

I'm working with a form that has both static and dynamic form elements (add textbox, etc), and while I can access the static elements via request.form, the dynamic elements cannot be accessed. I have the dynamic elements appended within a div that lies within a table.

Here is the javascript:


function add3<%=strGoalCount%><%=strObjCount%>() {
var foo = document.getElementById('fooBar<%=strGoalCount%><%=strObjCount%>');
var numi = document.getElementById('theValue');
var num = (document.getElementById('theValue').value -1)+ 2;


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Saving To Database From Fields Created By DOM

Feb 6, 2009

For some reason I cant get the values to save to database. Here is an example and have tried many ways to save. Works normal if the textbox's are already part of the page & is a normal form but does not save when document.createElement() is used.:confused:

<script type="text/javascript">

function test(which){
var val=document.getElementById('prompt').getElementsByTagName('input');
for(var i=0; i<val.length-3; i++) {
tbID='textbox' +(i+1)+'[' +which+']';
} .....

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Opera Not Saving Created Cookies

Jul 19, 2010

On my website I have a simple shop where you can add items to your cart. To make things nicer, we have Javascript to handle the process to make it faster. The problem I am having is that Opera does not save the cookie that the javascript creates.

Here's the relevant code:
function createCookie(name,value,days){
var expires = "";
if (days){
var date = new Date();
expires = "; expires="+date.toGMTString();
expires = "";
document.cookie = name+"="+value+expires+"; path=/";

Full code: [URL]
You can see it live if you go to [URL] click on "Kaupa" (Icelandic for Buy) on any item. You will see a nice simple animation once you do. Once an item has been added, a cookie is created but in my Opera 10.53 the cookie does not exist. Browsing any other pages will result in the cart being empty. What am I doing wrong? Works for every other major browser except Opera.

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Refereing To Object Dynamically After It Is Created Dynamically?

Jan 18, 2011

Im sure this is a very silly problem, but im trying to create a li and then set its class in jquery but it doesn't seam to be working

var listid = field + "_errormessage";
if (errorMessage != "")


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Saving The Document After Adding Content Dynamically

Apr 21, 2006

I am facing a certain problem when I try to add a content to a page dynamically and then save the page. I add a content dynamically to the page on a mouse click and then after the content appears in the screen, I try to save the HTML file from the browser. When I open the saved HTML file, I am not able to see the dynamically added text. This happens only in IE.

This is the code that I use.

"document.body.insertAdjacentHTML("beforeEnd", "<div id='idCanvas'> Sample Text </div>");"

This code successfully adds the new text to the page. But, when I try to save the page from "File -> Save As" and then open the saved file, I am not able to view that text. I need to get that text in the saved document as well.

I also tried using:

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Dynamically Add Textbox For User Entry And Saving Data Entered?

May 5, 2009

I have an ASP page that displays, along with other data, a list of items that refer to a specific element in a database. Instead of adding an Add button, I would like to display a text box below the last item in the list to have the user input any new data. Once they enter the data and hit Enter, the data they enter should then be added to the list and another text box added beneath this item (just as forms and tables in Access do). However, I'm not sure how to implement this functionality.

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Chat Solutions

Oct 23, 2000

I know you can get remotely hosted Java applets that link into IRC.

You can also get Java applets that you host yourself that link into IRC.

I would prefer the second option because it is obviously more flexible with no adverts, but i am aware that it sucks up bandwidth. How much would this be, with an average of this :

once a week, 10 users in the chat room for 2 or 3 hours, typing an average amount.

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Add 'name' To Dynamically Created Iframe

Nov 1, 2006

If I do this:

el = document.createElement("iframe");
el.src = "test.htm"; = "frm"; // or el.setAttribute("name","frm");

the iframe gets created but the 'name' attribute is not added under IE
6. I tried setting the 'name' after appending the iframe but still no joy.

How can I add a 'name' attribute to an iframe so that IE 6 sees it?

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Autcomplete For Dynamically Created I/p Box

Mar 20, 2010

I have an input box "product" besides it there is an add input button which adds another input box product upon clicking.This array of input boxes I have created is through document.createElement('input').My autocomplete is working for the initial input when I click add Input button for the generated box also the autocomplete shld do I make it work? Autocomplete script is working so I didnt post it here..I just want it to make it working dynamically created i/p boxes

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Autcomplete For Dynamically Created I/p Box?

Mar 19, 2010

I have an input box "product" besides it there is an add input button which adds another input box product upon clicking.This array of input boxes I have created is through document.createElement('input').

My autocomplete is working for the initial input when I click add Input button for the generated box also the autocomplete shld do I make it work??

PS:Autocomplete script is working so I didnt post it here.... I just want it to make it working dynamically created i/p boxes

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Get Values Of Dynamically Created IDs

Oct 15, 2009

I add a new row to a table using something like this:


So if I add 1 rows, I get 2 text boxes with the ID of 1-medication as I already have a row in place (static) This works fine. However when I try to get the value of 1-medication, I thought I'd get something like value1,value2 but instead I just get value1 If I change the function above to putput a text box with ID of 2-medication, I can get the value of that by itself just fine. why if I have more than 1 item with the same ID, I can't concatenate each value?

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Dynamically Created Radio Buttons

Jul 23, 2005

I create a table containing radiobuttons in client script depending on
what choices the user makes.

It works fine the radio buttons appear *but* they are *not clickable*.
Why? Is there a solution? I'm using IE 6.0 Code:

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Getting ScrollHeight Of Dynamically Created Iframe

Jul 23, 2005

There seems to be some strange behaviour when trying to get the
scrollHeight and scrollTop of an iframe in IE6.

I have tried several ways of getting these values when the iframe is
written into the html. The following return the correct values in IE6,
where the iframe's id is 'f':


The following give a strange value for scrollHeight (definitely not
the length of the contents of the iframe) and scrollTop is always 0:

document.getElementById('f').document.body.scrollH eight
document.getElementById('f').document.body.scrollT op

When I dynamically create the iframe, using myFrame =
document.createElement('IFRAME'), I get the same strange values as
above when I do this:


However this works as correctly in Opera 7. I find this all very
confusing. Can anybody shed light onto how I might get the correct
values in IE6 when using the createElement() method?

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Dynamically Created Fields With Firefox

Apr 4, 2006

I want to give the user the abillity to add extra fields as needed.
I've got it working in IE (surprsingly this works in IE but not in
Firefox), however, basically I have an input field for a paragraph. If
the user decides they want two paragraps then they can click an image
and a new textarea field is show that allows them to add another
paragraph. The fields are named as an array for example name="para[0]"
the next one would then be name="para[1]". Firefox creates the field
and shows it to the user however when you submit the form the new field
does not come through. My array of paragraphs consists only of the
original number I started with. Any added by the javascript are lost.
Again IE this works fine, Firefox it works till you submit the form.
Any ideas?

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JQuery :: Get/set Textbox Created Dynamically?

Mar 18, 2011

I dynamically create a textbox as follows, but I cannot retrieve the value entered by the user:

bp_boards = '
<tr id="hwNumberBoards">
<td>No. of modules:</td>[code]....

The dynamically created textbox shows up on the page but after the user enters a value, I cannot retrieve it from jquery(alert ($("#hwNumberBoards").val()) is "undefined")

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Get The Dynamically Created Text Box Values?

Jul 28, 2011

i have a button that helps me creating more than one dynamic text box and dropdownlist... how it possible to capture the values in those dynamic comtrols ?

i am trying the following but did not work ..when the code is excuted it gives me [object]

// Create Text box 1
var newStartDate = document.createElement('input');


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