Show Every Row One By 1 During Processing?
Jul 28, 2009I am new in php.
I want to show every row one by one during processing with check icon in the right side from row 1 up to row n? code...
I am new in php.
I want to show every row one by one during processing with check icon in the right side from row 1 up to row n? code...
I have a problem with processing the radio button to show different data.
Here is an img specification
<IMG SRC="https://my/current/location/file.gif" name="Pt2" width="15">
I would like to use a .css specification, to allow me to stop
hard-coding that location in all my files. I can't seem to find the
correct .css incantation for this.
I want to process a form with java script to check values of fields, etc and then have it format that dooment nicely for it's submission. in the book that I have that briefly touches on javascript, it says that newline characters(/r, /n) vary depending on the OS. Is this true? Is there any easy way to get around this without asking what OS they are running?
View 2 Replies View RelatedI wish to carry out standard form validation (i.e. is it a date?, is
there a value in the field, is it a number) using the onBlur event
rather than the onSubmit event. This (of course) leads to problems when
cancelling an edit as leaving a field to press the cancel button will
trigger the onBlur event and therefore the field validation. Is there
any way to know the destination field / button that caused the onBlur
event? In Ingres ABF/W4GL (mid eighties language of similar
functionality to javascript) there was an available attribute called
the targetfield so the code could run...
onBlur myfield =
if (targetfield != CancelButton) {
carry out validation
Is there something similar in javascript or will I have to program
round the houses i.e. onBlur records which validation to run and
onFocus runs the validation (unless it's a cancel button)?
I'm loading an XML file which has a processing instruction
(<xsl-stylesheet href="..."/>). I need a cross-browser solution which
will load the XML file and have it's XSL PI run and translate the XML
to genereate the desired output.
Is it possible to use JavaScript to apply different actions to a form
depending on a value within the form (eg sending form data to
different cgi scripts depending which radio button is checked)?
I forget how to parse the variables passed on the URL like this:
<A HREF=""blahhh"" TARGET=_blank>"blahhh"</A>
How would I check this for a value and add some code to a page if it is equal to this value?
I want to create a form that allows users to enter comments about a currently playing song. I want to pass the "song_id" and textarea input to AJAX for further processing (calling a php file that updates mysql). So far I have an ajax function
This is my first time using jquery and Ive designed a small and simple fadein/out script that acts as a rollover on this navigation bar: [URL] Here is the code:
$(document).ready(function() {
It works great. However, if a user quickly moves their mouse over the nav buttons and repeats the process, the rollover affect will fadein/ out over and over again until its completed the cycle the amount of times the user moved the mouse over the button back and forth. I wish to change this behaviour so that, somehow, the processing is aborted if it is noticed the mouse is not present after a fadeout is completed.
About images, when an image is resized into Firefox ; the image seems to be clean ( ex : 150x150 to 130x130 ). Into IE , the same image is very bad , IE do nothing to treat this image. Maybe Jquery can do that ? In php I know how to do this but it's for too many images with differents sizes ...
View 2 Replies View RelatedI have a snippet of javascript to check and make sure all the fields in a form are filled in. If they aren't then it shows an alert box telling you to put something in that form. If all the fields are filled in then it submits the form. That piece of code is this:
function checkFields() {
var errors = "no";
if( == "") {
alert("Please enter an e-mail address..");
errors = "yes";}
if(document.street_team.name_first.value == ""){
alert("Please enter your first name.");
errors = "yes";}
if(document.street_team.name_last.value == ""){
alert("Please enter your last name.");
errors = "yes";}
if(document.street_team.loc_state.value == ""){
alert("Please enter your state.");
errors = "yes";}
if(document.street_team.loc_city.value == ""){
alert("Please enter your city.");
errors = "yes";}
if(errors != "yes"){
Then i used a button to start the script. That code is this:
<button onClick="checkFields()">Join</button>
The problem is that if you don't have something filled in and the alert box pops up, once you click "ok" it still processes the form. Any ideas on how to keep it from doing that?
i have a form like this on a page called emailform.htm:
<form method="post" onSubmit=NewWindow()>
<H3>From: <input type="text" name="from"></H3>
<H3>Message: <input type="text" name="body"></H3>
<input type="submit" value="Send the Message">
when submitted, it calls this function:
function NewWindow(){'sendmail.php', 'newWin', 'scrollbars=no,
toolbar=no, width=200, height=200');
two problems:
1. the form values are not getting passed over to sendmail.php.
2. after the popup window pops up and loads sendmail.php, the original page, emailform.htm, changes to an error page.
so, what do i need to do to get the form values to be passed, and how do i keep the original page either from changing at all, or, if thats not possible, get it to simply reload itself.
In the following code I am trying to print out the value of document.body.onclick from javascript:
<BODY onclick="alert('ok')">
<script type="text/javascript">
However, the alert in Javascript code prints out "undefined" when I open this page and not the actual value of onclick.
I feel like I've been server-side programming so long that I completely forget how client-side works. I have a super simple form:
<form action="page2.html" method="post/get">
First name: <input type="text" name="firstname" /><br />
Last name: <input type="text" name="lastname" />
<input type="submit" value="Submit" />
Is there a way to use Javascript on "page2.html" to access the contents of firstname and lastname and display them?
I am using MYSQL to store articles. I wanted to present the articles in order by id, then let the user choose one of them and send the id of the article to another php page for processing, using ajax. To do so i have placed a simple form in the articles. like so:
$result = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM articles ORDER BY id DESC")
or die(mysql_error());
while($row = mysql_fetch_array($result)){
I am using mozilla and javascript to change the style background color
for my select with onfocus() and back to white with onblur().
When i process onfocus(); i have to click on the select three times to
get the popup menu and everything seems slow. No errors are reported
in the console however it seems as if the click event is not being
processed after the focus event is processed.
I have looked through the groups and it appears as if there is no way
for me to force the popup open (expand contents).
I was reading the gecko dom docs; but am not absorbing the solution.
Any thoughts as to the problem, erros, solutions?
Can the UI dialog be used for this?
View 1 Replies View RelatedI try this sample [URL], where data is procesed on server. I prepare tables in DB and data. and nothing isn't displayed in datable? Then I create same server_prcosing php and I checked syntax from php it was OK same as json, but jquery.datable did not process any data on screen.
style type="text/css" title="currentStyle">
@import "css/demo_page.css";
@import "css/demo_table_jui.css";
@import "css/smoothness/jquery-ui-1.7.2.custom.css";
<script src="lib/jquery.dataTables.js" type="text/javascript" language="javascript"></script>
$().ready(function() {...
"bProcessing": true,
"bServerSide": true,
"bJQueryUI": true,
"sPaginationType": "full_numbers",
"sAjaxSource": "SearchForms/server_processing.php"
i might be tired right now but I cannot seem to figure out a good way to show an alert before processing a form, the form is not processed using AJAX, just passed on to a PHP script I might however want to implement AJAX when processing the form, hmmm, maybe that will sort me out then I guess /pär
View 4 Replies View RelatedIn our application we have used json data and we get json data from the server and on client side we display in grid. We have functionality of paging and filter. so on paging and filtering we process that json data and show to user. For filtering we are comparing each value to the filtered criteria and when json value is more thatn 35 kb it takes around 8-10 second to filter it. So is there any way that we can minimize the processing tiem.
View 1 Replies View RelatedI have the following (valid) json string:[code]Using firebug, I can see that the GET is returning the entire json string. However, alert only results in one of the two "text" strings being displayed ("and again"). Analyzing the watch/stack window shows that the "json" object resulting from the getJSON call has been reduced to a single "chat" element, instead of both "chat" elements present in the array.
View 1 Replies View RelatedI'm looking to create a processing page for a submit that has a little rotating processing image with a little verbage like "please wait while we process your information" Just so the page looks like it's actually doing something. Code:
View 1 Replies View Relatedtesting the time JavaScript takes to process in Firefox?
I thought Firebug / Venkman debugger would show JS processing time in m/s but I can't find it.
Can I find this info out another way e.g. looking at CPU processing time?
How to get the JavaProcessAlert() function to have its effect displayed on the page before and while the ActualJavaProcess() is working. I assume it has to go out of the script block and then back in, but have no idea as to how to make it do so automatically. I hope the code is understandable.
<script type="text/javascript">
function JavaProcessAlert(){
var Update = document.getElementById('DisplayedText');
Update.innerHTML = "Processing";
<!-- Not sure of how to get from here to body and back to ActualJavaProcess()
automatically for "Processing" to display while ActualJavaProcess() functions. -->
}function ActualJavaProcess(){
<!-- Takes time to complete function -->
Update.innerHTML = <!-- Whatever the result is -->;
<p id="DisplayedText" >Get Result</p>
<p><input value= "Start" onclick="JavaProcessAlert();" type="button"></p></form>
I have resorted to using a forum after 2 days of head scratching. What I need is some script to monitor the output of a php file that outputs "yes" or "no" depending on weather it is your turn in a multiplayer game.I would like it to just check every few seconds (in order to not crash the server) if it has changed. While the PHP file is showing "yes" I want it to show some buttons to make a move and when it is showing "no" for it to just say something like "enemy's turn". I hear that this kind of thing could be achieved with jQuery and AJAX but I have never used JavaScriptI already feel like I'm making a big ask but if you don't mind I would also like a way of submitting your move to a php file to make the move (submitting something to MySql)
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