Processing HTML Events In Javascript
Jun 24, 2007
In the following code I am trying to print out the value of document.body.onclick from javascript:
<BODY onclick="alert('ok')">
<script type="text/javascript">
However, the alert in Javascript code prints out "undefined" when I open this page and not the actual value of onclick.
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Jul 20, 2005
I have to make an application that works on pc and apple mac.
Therefore I am investigating if it's possible to use html/javascript.
The database has 10000 records and is sequentially searched. This may
take 20 seconds or so. I want the user to be able to quit the search
and also I want the outputscreen to be updated immediately when a hit
is found and not wait until the complete search is finished.
The problem is that the click-event of the 'Cancel-button' is
processed after the search is finished. Is there something like
application.processmessages (similar to Delphi) so all pending events
are processed?
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Apr 24, 2002
I want to process a form with java script to check values of fields, etc and then have it format that dooment nicely for it's submission. in the book that I have that briefly touches on javascript, it says that newline characters(/r, /n) vary depending on the OS. Is this true? Is there any easy way to get around this without asking what OS they are running?
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Oct 12, 2005
I wish to carry out standard form validation (i.e. is it a date?, is
there a value in the field, is it a number) using the onBlur event
rather than the onSubmit event. This (of course) leads to problems when
cancelling an edit as leaving a field to press the cancel button will
trigger the onBlur event and therefore the field validation. Is there
any way to know the destination field / button that caused the onBlur
event? In Ingres ABF/W4GL (mid eighties language of similar
functionality to javascript) there was an available attribute called
the targetfield so the code could run...
onBlur myfield =
if (targetfield != CancelButton) {
carry out validation
Is there something similar in javascript or will I have to program
round the houses i.e. onBlur records which validation to run and
onFocus runs the validation (unless it's a cancel button)?
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Jul 20, 2005
Is it possible to use JavaScript to apply different actions to a form
depending on a value within the form (eg sending form data to
different cgi scripts depending which radio button is checked)?
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Apr 5, 2001
i have a form like this on a page called emailform.htm:
<form method="post" onSubmit=NewWindow()>
<H3>From: <input type="text" name="from"></H3>
<H3>Message: <input type="text" name="body"></H3>
<input type="submit" value="Send the Message">
when submitted, it calls this function:
function NewWindow(){'sendmail.php', 'newWin', 'scrollbars=no,
toolbar=no, width=200, height=200');
two problems:
1. the form values are not getting passed over to sendmail.php.
2. after the popup window pops up and loads sendmail.php, the original page, emailform.htm, changes to an error page.
so, what do i need to do to get the form values to be passed, and how do i keep the original page either from changing at all, or, if thats not possible, get it to simply reload itself.
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Aug 11, 2005
I am trying to do the following,
1. Get a piece of HTML from a db
2. Display it on my page
with a requirement - clicking on any links in that HTML should not take
me away from the page.
This does not only include links which are formed by <a>nchor tags, but
also other ways of doing it, like,
<span onClick='location.href="http://someurl"'> Blah blah..
In other words, all the events that can be raised by this piece of html
should be blocked.
Setting all the 'onClick's and 'href's to "#" or blank string is
probably a good idea to start with, but the list of all such possible
causes for an event to be raised, may not be very straightforward to
I was wondering if there could be any way to nullify/block the events
that can be raised by such a piece of HTML.
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Apr 22, 2006
I have been trying to do the following. Using JS I want to create an
input element (text box) and attach a event listener. I have done in
in two different ways. The first is using xml elements directly (as in
e4x) and the second using the dom method createElement (which is much
clunkier to write). I'd prefer the former. I've included a stripped
down example below.
It appears that when creating an input element using the line:
var inputBox = <input type="text" size="30" />
that it does not have the same properties as when it is created with:
var inputBox2 = document.createElement("input");
because when an event listener is attached using addEventListener, an
error is generated on the first, but not the second.
My thoughts on this are either
1. The namespace for the input element is not correct and whether input
can have a listener attached. However, my guess is that it would not
show up in the first div box. Code:
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Sep 15, 2011
Can we have two onFocus javascriptscript events for single HTML Tag?
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Apr 25, 2009
when is bind some jquery events to, for example, <p id="test">. and later i remove this HTML with jquery should i unbind all events first or are they unbinded with removing the html?
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Jul 23, 2005
Is there anyway of a JavaScript MouseOver event acting like an anchor so the mouse pointer changes as if it was an anchor.
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Sep 24, 2006
I'm using this script to allow people to populate form fields just by hitting the words from a list that most appeal to them. The idea is that on clicking a word the field is filled in and then "focus" is moved to the next one. I say "focus" because it's not actual focus, but "virtual focus" held in a js variable. Code:
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Oct 17, 2010
I'm using some click events on normal <a> tags. When I rewrite the links within a html() method call, the click events no longer work. I've set up a very simple example here:When the page is loaded, clicking either of the 'link 2' links displays the correct information.When 'link 1' is then clicked, the main information is redisplayed. However, now, the 'link 2' link in the main paragraph doesn't work, although the 'link 2' link in the menu does.
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Mar 11, 2010
Some stage setting: I have a table, and some of the columns in the table have a class (removed some columns for brevity):
<table id="OrderDetails" width="100%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" class="listtable">
<td class="pagejump" id="row_0" align="center"><img src="JumpBullet.png"/></td>
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Feb 15, 2011
I have been trying to use jquery function .html() but I noticed that it clears all events that are attached to the selectors. Is there a way around this issue? I want to change the content and keep the events.
I am aware of live and delegate functions but I am making changes to an external page so I do not have control over attaching events or knowing what they are at the first place.
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Oct 27, 2009
I have a problem with jQuery appending new text to a div - but then not firing events attached to the inserted text.Let me explain. I have a div that contains a number of divs - the div has a link and a hidden form. Clicking on the link fires a slideToggle event which reveals the form.When you submit the form AJAX handles it and jQuery builds another div with the correct link and the correct form which it sticks on the end of the list. That all works fine and dandy.What I want to be able to do is to click on the newly-added link and have it behave in the same way as the other elements that were on the page when it was built. However, nothing happens when you click on it. Zip. Nadda. Rien du tout.Usually I have found a way round the problem - but I am slightly stuck on my current project. Apart from forcing a page reload, is there any way to get the browser to see the newly inserted link and apply the jQuery action to it?
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Sep 7, 2010
still have a problem with the following code:
<li><a class="open-page" href="/somewhere.html">link1</a></li>
<li><a class="open-page" href="/elsewhere.html">link2</a></li>
i also tried to use .live() - nothing. the links where opened by thecommon way browser handle this anchors - follow the link ;)
how to handle these added elements?
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Nov 4, 2006
Okay you know how you can do something like...
in order to contain all you javascript in the head of your document??
Well why can't I seem to do...
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Oct 20, 2010
I've used to an AJAX call to load a HTML table into div. This is working successfully. I know want to use a click event on buttons located within the inserted table.
The click event is triggering on buttons outside the inserted table but not on the buttons within the table.
Do I need to call some sort of refresh function to so that jQuery is able to pick up these events?
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Jul 23, 2005
I'm working on some code and am running into brick walls. I'm trying
to write out Javascript with Javascript and I've read the clj Meta FAQ
and didn't see the answer, read many similar posts (with no luck
though), and searched through the IRT.ORG Faqs
The Javascript is designed to open an popup window and then inside that
window call another script which will resize that window. There may be
another way around this but the reason I tried this approach initially
was that I wanted to call the onload handler in the popup window to
resize the image only after the image had completely loaded. I've had
some code in the primary Javascript file (showimage.js) before that
works if the image has been cached but on the first load, it doesn't
resize properly which tells me it is probably because it is trying to
resize the window based on the image size but it isn't completely known
at that point. So I removed that code and tried placing the resizing
code in the second Javascript file (resizewindow.js). BTW I've tried
other code to open a popup image and automatically size it ie Q1443 at but that doesn't do exactly what we need.
Even if there is another way to do this with one file, I still want to
figure out why this isn't working in case I run into it in the future.
I thought what I would need to do to use document.writeln to write
Javascript would be to escape any special characters and to break
apart the script tag ie
would become
document.writeln('</SCR' + 'IPT>');
I have a HTML page and 2 Javascript files. All files are in the same
directory and have permissions set correctly.
Here are the 3 files (keep in mind wordwrap has jacked up the
<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN">
<SCRIPT type="text/javascript" LANGUAGE="JavaScript1.1"
Click the house<BR>
<A ONCLICK="newWindow1('house1.jpg','Nice House')"><IMG
function newWindow1(pic,sitename)
{'','','width=25,height=25,sc rollbars=1,resizable=1');
picWindow.document.writeln('<html> <head>');
picWindow.document.writeln('<SCR' + 'IPT type="text/javascript"
LANGUAGE="JavaScript1.1" SRC="resizewindow.js"></SCR' + 'IPT>');
picWindow.document.writeln('<body onload="resizewindow();">');
picWindow.document.writeln('<img src=' + pic + '>');
picWindow.document.writeln('</body> </html>');
function resizewindow()
// Do resizing here.
// Right now this isn't being executed
alert("resizing window");
Can anyone provide some pointers as to why this javascript is failing?
I'm using IE6 on Win2k and when I click on the image to open the popup
window, it does open the window but it is white with no content and the
system immediately goes from about 4% CPU usage to 100% and
consistently stays there until I kill that window with the task
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Jul 21, 2010
I am trying to "ajaxify" my site. Now I have one problem:
$.each(data.Tags_Sidebar, function (indexInArray, valueOfElement) {
var insert = $("<li>");
Now when I click one of those links (href1, href2, href3) generated, the click event won't execute! What's the problem? Also, is it right that I have to transfer the valueOfElement over, like I did? What does stopEventPropagation do? Prevent the href from being navigated to? That's what I am trying to do.
The data object is JSON fed from here:[URL]
The HTML is here: [URL]
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Dec 4, 2010
I have just started my adventure with jQuery. I wrote a post on a forum and a men wrote me:"Don't mix javascript with the html of the view as in your <body onLoad="load()">, but put it in a different javascript file thatyou include. In the JQuery tutorial there are example of how to attach events to DOM elements without "touching" the html. "I know how to put my javaScript code to the a ****.js file but I don't can not find any information how to do:attach events to DOM elements without "touching" the html. I was looking for a tutorial here but I couldn't find
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Jul 23, 2005
Here is an img specification
<IMG SRC="https://my/current/location/file.gif" name="Pt2" width="15">
I would like to use a .css specification, to allow me to stop
hard-coding that location in all my files. I can't seem to find the
correct .css incantation for this.
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Jul 28, 2009
I am new in php.
I want to show every row one by one during processing with check icon in the right side from row 1 up to row n? code...
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Feb 4, 2011
I have a series of images with an animation bound to mouseover and mouseleave events, and I'm trying to get my head around adding a click event that would prevent the mouseleave animation from occurring only for the image that was clicked, preserving everything else as is (until another image is clicked). I've discovered .stop() and I think I'm getting close, but some part of the logic is still escaping me.
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Oct 20, 2005
I'm loading an XML file which has a processing instruction
(<xsl-stylesheet href="..."/>). I need a cross-browser solution which
will load the XML file and have it's XSL PI run and translate the XML
to genereate the desired output.
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