Search And Replace Code
Aug 9, 2007
I want to change this code so that I can have multiple word variables I can change, possibly separated by comas I guess?.. Open to other idea's as well. Do you also know how I can make it so that it's NOT case sensitive? Code:
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Dec 13, 2011
I found this for instant search :
demo : [url]
Now i just want to edit one thing, when you search for something, results are shown under the search field, when you click on each result, goes to a link.
I want when clicking on a result, not going to link, just show that result string on the search field. where should i edit in script?
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Mar 5, 2009
What's the best way to search all visible text on a page and do a find eplace on a string?
I've seen all sorts of ways to do it by tag type or ID... but I want to scan the entire page.
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Jul 23, 2005
My page populates a table with a list of names and other information from a
JavaScript object. I receive changes (adds, change & delete) to that list,
convert it into a JavaScript object. I do understand how to add the new
names to the list.
I have 3 questions:
1) How can I search through the table rows to find the rows to be changed
or removed?
2) How can I resort the table, so the names continue to appear in
alphabetical order.
3) How can change or remove data in the cells, once I've found the
appropriate row?
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Jun 29, 2009
i have a implementation where i need to perform a search and replace. i will try to explain to the best of my ability. i have a variable, var a = "THIS IS SOME SOME TEXT";
then i have another array variable, var b = new Array(); which contains elements in key=value format eg. SOME=NEWSOME so what i need to do is, i need to loop through this array and if SOME exists in var a, then i need to replace it with NEWSOME. so for each value before =, if it exists in var a replace it with whats after =. and replace only once, so if SOME exists multiple times just replace the first occurence.
so essentially my final string would be, THIS IS NEWSOME SOME TEXT.
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Jun 29, 2009
i have a implementation where i need to perform a search and replace. i will try to explain to the best of my ability. i have a variable,
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Jul 20, 2005
I need to search and replace patterns in web pages, but I
can't find a way even after reading the ad hoc chapter in New Rider's
"Inside JavaScript".
Here's what I want to do:
function filter() {
var items = new Array("John", "Jane");
for (x = 0; x < items.length; x++) {
//Doesn't work
pattern = '/' + items[x] + '/'
//Doesn't work either
document.body = document.body.replace(pattern,"IGNORED");
ie., create an array of items to look for in the BODY section of the
page, and if any item exists, replace the item with IGNORED.
Anyone knows how to do this?
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Oct 15, 2010
How can I search and replace Text with jQuery? I'm new to Jquery and Javascript.
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Jun 1, 2009
I have a large string, but need to search for a specific character and replace it only if it is between two other items. Examplemystring would be something like this<parent><child1>1 & 2</child1><child2>1 & 2</child2><child3>1 & 2</child3></parent>I need to replace the & symbol in child2, but not 1 or 3. I am trying to figure out how to replace just any & signs in child2, but I need to leave them alone in child 1 and 3.I know I can do a replace(), but just not sure how to limit it to only the one I need
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Jun 14, 2009
In a string (that contain the Flash version installed), I want to replace:
all "," by "."
"win" by <nothing>
all spaces by <nothing>
So far I do it this way:
strFlashVer = strFlashVer.replace(/,/g, '.');
strFlashVer = strFlashVer.replace('win', '');
strFlashVer = strFlashVer.replace(/ /g, '');
but I'm sure theres better way (I'm not really good with reg exp).
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Jun 14, 2011
I'm trying to reduce a large number of pdf files to text format. Acrobat has a batch processing feature that will convert the files, and also allows a JavaScript to be executed as part of the conversion process.
I would like to add JavaScript code that allows me to replace and/or remove certain text/characters from the file.
Examples would be:
A) Remove all double, triple, multi-spaces and carriage returns
B) Change all uppercase characters to lowercase
C) Remove all punctuation
What i'm really aiming for is to be able to run the batch process in Adobe, then have a javascript filter out all that junk within a file with X amount of lines, not just one.
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Oct 23, 2010
I have around 100,000 html files that I need to do a search/replace on. I currently have the word "Manchester" in all of these files which needs replacing with the full file path location;
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Jun 10, 2009
is it possible to combine the the following functions with each other in an array for example and if so, would someone be kind enough to show me how. the reasons are 1. to see if it is at all possible and 2. to learn so that I can combine further possibilities in the future. the first script compares user keywords from search mashines and the second replaces certain strings/paterns with others.
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Oct 13, 2009
I have a validation regular expression: [?&-#$%():;,._ 0-9a-zA-Z] in a hundreds of pages in edit boxes. Is there anyway I can on-the-fly add two items to this list: (after a page loads)
1) A single quote : '
2) A double quote : "
Sort of like a search and replace for the ENTIRE form (html document).
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Feb 11, 2011
I am trying search and replace text in a table tds.
Search is case insensitive and it should replace the text with same text adding bold style. code...
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Apr 1, 2010
trying to write a function where i can pass an array and string and replace the value in return. i.e
var inputStr = "010203040506070809111213141516171819";
i want to pass this value in function and replace each number (number ranges are 01-09 and 11-19 only) i.e if i pass 01 want to replace that with A,02 with B etc.. so problem is i would pass input string and pass back as string after replacing those values by running through the below function. wrote the following,cant seem to split my inputStr into 01 02 etc tried splice and split no luck :
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May 13, 2011
From this code.
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Nov 27, 2009
Here is the code implemented on the search results page:
<div id="cse-search-results"></div>
<script type="text/javascript">
var googleSearchIframeName = "cse-search-results";
The original code (from my Google custom search control panel) included a FrameWidth of 600 and I changed it to 500 but it didn't make a difference.
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Jun 5, 2009
Website for a external search engine for your website, or give me a HTML code or CSS code?
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Aug 24, 2010
I'm looking for a script or applet that will allow users to search by zipcode or selected category for results. I would like something already built so I can just customize it to our needs. I'm sure it will need to have a database setup for it to work which I am fine with doing. I can modify scripts and files but I have no idea where to start with this from scratch.
We also use the same data for our "Layar" app for the iphone and driod phones. Has anyone messed with layar scripting and databases? We are using hoopala now which makes data entry simple but we cannot modify their database to add category options. It would be nice to find an alternative to hoopala so we could use one database for both the layar app and the zipcode/category search on our site.
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Apr 19, 2010
The javascript below is looking for the word 'margaret thatcher' in the body and surrounding it with a link. It's lower-case but the script is ignoring the case so that won't matter. But, the problem is that because Margaret Thatcher is a proper noun, it will be capitalized in the body text yet replaced with lower-case text. How can I modify this script to look for the word while ignoring the case but use the same text it found as the replacement instead of using the text object?
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Nov 18, 2010
Currently I'm trying to modify OOTB code for a search box.
I'm not sure if this is best addressed within the JavaScript or CSS.
After a search term has been typed in, the users picks a match which opens in a new window, then they close the new window, and try to back space over the typed term, there is a white bar that remains below the text entry box.
For example, if the word bathroom is typed in the text box, a list of possible matching topics is displayed. You pick the option to Where is the bathroom?. This opens a new window/tab - just close the tab. The original search box still displays the term bathroom, but if you backspace to remove the term, then a white bar remains below the text entry box.
How do I get rid of the white bar when the text entry box is empty?
The code being used is shown below - attachment shows the problem as it appears in IE and FF:
A temporary page [url] with the search box.
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Oct 28, 2011
I am trying to create a javascript code in which I prompt the user for a number (an integer from 0 to 100) to search for, then search a function with the number they entered and then display whether the number was found, and if found, a location where it can be found within the list.
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May 15, 2010
how to fix the coding so when a user select a category it will add a different hidden filed for that option for example: When the user selects category "Men" the hidden filed
automaticly will be added the search
and when the user selects category "Kids" the hidden filed
automaticly will be added the search[code]......
how do I make the "Select Catagory" a Must Choose and if not chosen to give message that say"Please Select a Category"
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Apr 16, 2009
JavaScript learner, first time poster. When I grow up, I want to be a JS guru. In the meantime, if I had hair, I'd have pulled it out yesterday. I've been working for a few days now, trying different techniques to perform what I think should be a simple function. Here's the situation:
I have an HTML page:[URL]... ...which calls a function in a JS file on another server [URL].. which I did not write, nor can I change. The JS file determines the date and time, checks it against a list of conditions, then displays one of two gifs indicating whether or not an online help person is expected to be online, based on the date and time.
The list of conditions in the JS changes from time to time (holidays), so I want to continue calling the JS but the problem is the graphic it references does not fit into our available space for it. The function within the JS:
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Feb 20, 2011
I have the following JQuery code in place [code]For now that replaces the text of all of the anchor tags within the div 'twitter_update_list with the text GO however I want to modify this so it replaces all of the anchor tags in that div in this way EXCEPT for the very last anchor tag in that div which I need to stay as it is.
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