Search & Replace Row In Table?
Jul 23, 2005
My page populates a table with a list of names and other information from a
JavaScript object. I receive changes (adds, change & delete) to that list,
convert it into a JavaScript object. I do understand how to add the new
names to the list.
I have 3 questions:
1) How can I search through the table rows to find the rows to be changed
or removed?
2) How can I resort the table, so the names continue to appear in
alphabetical order.
3) How can change or remove data in the cells, once I've found the
appropriate row?
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Mar 5, 2009
What's the best way to search all visible text on a page and do a find eplace on a string?
I've seen all sorts of ways to do it by tag type or ID... but I want to scan the entire page.
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Jun 29, 2009
i have a implementation where i need to perform a search and replace. i will try to explain to the best of my ability. i have a variable, var a = "THIS IS SOME SOME TEXT";
then i have another array variable, var b = new Array(); which contains elements in key=value format eg. SOME=NEWSOME so what i need to do is, i need to loop through this array and if SOME exists in var a, then i need to replace it with NEWSOME. so for each value before =, if it exists in var a replace it with whats after =. and replace only once, so if SOME exists multiple times just replace the first occurence.
so essentially my final string would be, THIS IS NEWSOME SOME TEXT.
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Aug 9, 2007
I want to change this code so that I can have multiple word variables I can change, possibly separated by comas I guess?.. Open to other idea's as well. Do you also know how I can make it so that it's NOT case sensitive? Code:
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Jun 29, 2009
i have a implementation where i need to perform a search and replace. i will try to explain to the best of my ability. i have a variable,
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Jul 20, 2005
I need to search and replace patterns in web pages, but I
can't find a way even after reading the ad hoc chapter in New Rider's
"Inside JavaScript".
Here's what I want to do:
function filter() {
var items = new Array("John", "Jane");
for (x = 0; x < items.length; x++) {
//Doesn't work
pattern = '/' + items[x] + '/'
//Doesn't work either
document.body = document.body.replace(pattern,"IGNORED");
ie., create an array of items to look for in the BODY section of the
page, and if any item exists, replace the item with IGNORED.
Anyone knows how to do this?
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Oct 15, 2010
How can I search and replace Text with jQuery? I'm new to Jquery and Javascript.
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Jun 1, 2009
I have a large string, but need to search for a specific character and replace it only if it is between two other items. Examplemystring would be something like this<parent><child1>1 & 2</child1><child2>1 & 2</child2><child3>1 & 2</child3></parent>I need to replace the & symbol in child2, but not 1 or 3. I am trying to figure out how to replace just any & signs in child2, but I need to leave them alone in child 1 and 3.I know I can do a replace(), but just not sure how to limit it to only the one I need
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Jun 14, 2009
In a string (that contain the Flash version installed), I want to replace:
all "," by "."
"win" by <nothing>
all spaces by <nothing>
So far I do it this way:
strFlashVer = strFlashVer.replace(/,/g, '.');
strFlashVer = strFlashVer.replace('win', '');
strFlashVer = strFlashVer.replace(/ /g, '');
but I'm sure theres better way (I'm not really good with reg exp).
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Jun 14, 2011
I'm trying to reduce a large number of pdf files to text format. Acrobat has a batch processing feature that will convert the files, and also allows a JavaScript to be executed as part of the conversion process.
I would like to add JavaScript code that allows me to replace and/or remove certain text/characters from the file.
Examples would be:
A) Remove all double, triple, multi-spaces and carriage returns
B) Change all uppercase characters to lowercase
C) Remove all punctuation
What i'm really aiming for is to be able to run the batch process in Adobe, then have a javascript filter out all that junk within a file with X amount of lines, not just one.
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Oct 23, 2010
I have around 100,000 html files that I need to do a search/replace on. I currently have the word "Manchester" in all of these files which needs replacing with the full file path location;
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Jun 10, 2009
is it possible to combine the the following functions with each other in an array for example and if so, would someone be kind enough to show me how. the reasons are 1. to see if it is at all possible and 2. to learn so that I can combine further possibilities in the future. the first script compares user keywords from search mashines and the second replaces certain strings/paterns with others.
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Oct 13, 2009
I have a validation regular expression: [?&-#$%():;,._ 0-9a-zA-Z] in a hundreds of pages in edit boxes. Is there anyway I can on-the-fly add two items to this list: (after a page loads)
1) A single quote : '
2) A double quote : "
Sort of like a search and replace for the ENTIRE form (html document).
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Feb 11, 2011
I am trying search and replace text in a table tds.
Search is case insensitive and it should replace the text with same text adding bold style. code...
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Apr 1, 2010
trying to write a function where i can pass an array and string and replace the value in return. i.e
var inputStr = "010203040506070809111213141516171819";
i want to pass this value in function and replace each number (number ranges are 01-09 and 11-19 only) i.e if i pass 01 want to replace that with A,02 with B etc.. so problem is i would pass input string and pass back as string after replacing those values by running through the below function. wrote the following,cant seem to split my inputStr into 01 02 etc tried splice and split no luck :
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Nov 30, 2010
I currently have an html table that I would like to make searchable. I found the following tutorial [URL]...-an-HTML-Table but I cant seem to get it to work. I removed all of the line numbers from the sample code and also made sure that the script was pointing to a valid jQuery copy (I used the one hosted on google) and it is not working I get the following error from the error console
Error: missing ; before statement
Source File: file:///C:/Documents%20and%20Settings/user/My%20Documents/Site/test.html
Line: 189, Column: 48
Source Code:
elseif (jQuery('#txtSearch').val().length == 0) {
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Feb 8, 2010
is it possible to use <div> in place of <table> ?
I have a existing table with <tr>,<td> ...I am trying to convert it into a <div> . I'm not sure how to go about it. Can you show me sample code how to do this ?
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Apr 14, 2011
I'm working on a CPU-graph with ajax.I now have a table that shows it's percentage.I want to be able to, when I click on the table, it replaces the table with a <div> of the same size.basically I'm just asking for table replacement on clicking it so no need to show any of that, i believe.The base structure is like this:
HTML Code:
<table width="300" height="200" onclick="--function to replace--">
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Feb 1, 2010
only show rows that match certain criteria. In my example the table displays first name, last name, date won, and game name. I've tried several examples on the internet and the ui.tablefilter plugin, to no avail. They allseem to depend on a certain structure in the table. I am limited in howI structure the html because thehtml of the table is generated by an gridview control. Ihave gotten the below piece of code to work, but it takes at least 10 seconds to run and I only have 40 records.I assigned a class of gameName to the data fields in the column that contains the game name.
var searchGameName = $.trim($('#txtSearchGameName').val());
$('#gvPromotions tr').each(function()
{$("td .gameName:not(:contains('" + searchGameName + "'))").parent().parent().remove();});
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May 8, 2009
I have a PHP script that searches a database and outputs the results in a table with several TD's. The user can select a radiobutton and press a button to edit that record. I need a JavaScript to do this :
Highlight the entire row when the mouse is over it (using in-line class). Un-highlight when the mouse exits it (in-line class again). Allow the user to select the radio button by clicking anywhere in the row Highlight the selected row (with another in-line class) My scripts endlessly have problems. Below is a small sample from the table...
A non-highlighted row is class "tcell"
a highlighted (mouseover) class is "rhtcell"
a radiobutton selected class is "selcell"
<table align="center" border="0" width="1000" class="stable">
<form method="post" action="index.php">
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Apr 19, 2010
The javascript below is looking for the word 'margaret thatcher' in the body and surrounding it with a link. It's lower-case but the script is ignoring the case so that won't matter. But, the problem is that because Margaret Thatcher is a proper noun, it will be capitalized in the body text yet replaced with lower-case text. How can I modify this script to look for the word while ignoring the case but use the same text it found as the replacement instead of using the text object?
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Feb 17, 2005
ok basically i want to move two rows in a table.
for example i have the table:
1 name1 address1
2 name2 address2
3 name3 address3
4 name4 address4
and i'd like a javascript function to which i could pass a line number, a destination number, and it would then reorganize the table accordingly.
example: rebuildtable(4,2) would result in:
1 name1 address1
4 name4 address4
2 name2 address2
3 name3 address3
and rebuildtable(1,4) in:
2 name2 address2
3 name3 address3
4 name4 address4
1 name1 address1
I have tried a method using innerHTML, I seem to be able to access <tr>s' innerhtml (if i do an alert on them i can see their current status), however when i want to replace one tr with some other html it fails for some reason.
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Mar 19, 2009
is it possible to highlight a TABLE-CELL instead of the searched word within that cell as a result of a google search.
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Apr 30, 2010
I'm pretty new to Jquery and have a question. I'm loading html tables using tabs. One of the tables has signs within the cells. These aren't displayed properly and I wish to replace them with
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Apr 30, 2009
I have a div ( id="rightheader") and inside there is a table. The following code replace all content of the table with empty space and then remove the table header.
but that just doesn't produce anything.
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Dec 10, 2010
I have a search field on the website, and when I type a word to search, it search good, but after preforming the search, the search term from search text field disappears and become the default 'Search' word.
How can I make search term stay in search field after preforming a search ? For example, when I type into the search field 'JavaScript' I want that term to stay in search field and after the search is done.
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