Random Password Function

Feb 9, 2010

function randomPassword()
chars = "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ1234567890";
pass = "";

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Random Password Generator In File Handling?

Jun 28, 2010

actually i am working on a project "random password generator". What basically is to be done in this project is to generate user password for the username randomly he has provided. Then, this password is to be stored in a text file in the following manner

UserName Password
Sdjksj HJudfdsfd

Now my problem is that every time I just try to generate a new password, either a new file is made or the heading is rewritten again and again or if I just try to change the variables true and false, then the username and password headings are not printed. Please help. If someone knows how to do this using if-else method then please tell me, how it can be done? The code is attached.


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Tell Password Function To Have Input Type="password" Onfocus?

Jan 24, 2011

How do I tell my password function to have input type="password" onfocus. I also want the text "Password" to disappear onfocus.


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Random "Pronouncable" Password Generator

Jul 29, 2002

this script lists the basic elements of a word and chooses a random word structure to make the word pronouncable... or... at least 50% of them ;). I'm sure there is a way to do this to cut down on the code... but here goes anyway...


* *
* Random "Pronouncable" Password Script *
* *

var letters = "bcdfghjklmnprstvwxyz";
var vowels = "aeiou";

groups = new Array();
// groups[3]="qu";

function generate(number) {

// randomize letters

var vowel1 = vowels.charAt(Math.floor(Math.random()*vowels.length));
var group1 = groups[Math.floor(Math.random()*groups.length)];
var letter1 = letters.charAt(Math.floor(Math.random()*letters.length));
var vowel2 = vowels.charAt(Math.floor(Math.random()*vowels.length));
var group2 = groups[Math.floor(Math.random()*groups.length)];
var letter2 = letters.charAt(Math.floor(Math.random()*letters.length));
var vowel3 = vowels.charAt(Math.floor(Math.random()*vowels.length));
var group3 = groups[Math.floor(Math.random()*groups.length)];
var letter3 = letters.charAt(Math.floor(Math.random()*letters.length));
var vowel4 = vowels.charAt(Math.floor(Math.random()*vowels.length));
var group4 = groups[Math.floor(Math.random()*groups.length)];
var letter4 = letters.charAt(Math.floor(Math.random()*letters.length));

// specify the structure of the words (in order for them to be pronouncable)
// feel free to add your own...

structure = new Array();

var password=structure[Math.floor(Math.random()*structure.length)];

if (number==1) {
else {

<div align="center">

<td colspan="2" align="center" style="font-family: verdana; font-size: 12pt; font-weight: bold;">
Random "Pronouncable" Password Generator
<form name="passform">
<input type="text" name="passbox" style="font-family: verdana;" onfocus="this.select()" /><br>
<input type="button" value="Generate! (Words Only)" onclick="generate(0)" style="font-family: verdana" />
<input type="button" value="Generate! (With Number)" onclick="generate(1)" style="font-family: verdana" />

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Created One Simple Login Form With 5 Fields Namely Username,email Id,password,retype Password And Phone No?

Jul 26, 2011

i have created one simple login form with 5 fields namely username,email id,password,retype password and phone no.i have created alert message for each function,so that when there is an error it displays alert message..now i have to replace all alert messages with inline validation(displays errors beside textbox).



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Code For Simple Login Form Having Fields Username,email Id,password,retype Password And Phone No?

Jul 28, 2011

below is the code for simple login form having fields username,email id,password,retype password and phone no. i have done inline validation forcheckName() .i am not getting for the other fields can u tell me how to do it..



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2 Password Boxes On Same Page Using JavaScript Kit Encrypted Password Generator

Apr 28, 2010

I'm having trouble getting two password boxes to work on the same page, which I created using the JavaScript Kit Encrypted Password Generator [URL].

I've used the code that this generator produces, with some modifications as given by cheesebagpipe [URL]. These changes enable the user to press the keyboard's enter key to submit the password (as an alternative to clicking the submit button), and will also refocus the text box and select the text in it if the user enters the wrong password.

The code works fine on pages with just one box (e.g. [URL]), but what changes are needed to make two work on the same page? (I'm new to web design and clueless when it comes to JavaScript, which I know isn't the most secure method of password protection, but will do for now).

At the moment, on pages with two boxes (e.g. [URL]), neither of the boxes work; this appears in the address bar instead: [URL] ('help!'=whatever has been entered in the text box).

The full code for both boxes is given below.

<div id="passwordBoxes">
<div id="password2">
<form name="password1" onsubmit="submitentry();return false;">
<span class="WhiteLogin">Keyboard classes login</span>


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Validate New Password With Repeat Password Before User Press Submit?

Feb 15, 2010

I want to validate new password with repeat password befor user press submit.

<p align="center">To reset your password, provide your current password</p>
<form id="form1" name="form1" method="post" action="pcq.php">
<table border="0" align="center" class="mytable2" style="margin-left:175px" >


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Password Protecting A Shadowbox Function

Aug 23, 2009

So the page is [url]

If you click on 'Tide' you can see the password prompt appears. But the problem I am having is that even if you press cancel or do the wrong password a few times it still open up the shadow box.

This is the script for the password protection

This is an example of how a working (non shadowbox) version works successfully.


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Make Password Retype Password Field Same?

May 8, 2011

How would you make a password feild and a retype password feild and they have to be the same?

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Password Protection - Encrypting The Password And The Content

Aug 28, 2008

This is a secure solution for password protection with JavaScript. It works by encrypting the password and the content. Nothing is revealed in the source code, and it cannot be beaten by disabling JavaScript.

The download contains three files:

Protect Content.html lets you generate your own protected content.

Demo.html is a protected document, and as long as it remains unbroken, it's your proof that this software works. You can also use it as a template for your own protected pages.

Demo, with hint.html is another protected document that tells you the password. This is meant to show that the first demo is not a trick or a fake.

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JQuery :: Confirm Password EqualTo Function Of Validate Plugin Are Not Working Properly In Firefox3.0.10 And Firefox2.0

May 11, 2009

Is there any body known about this problem?

My code:
//js code
“data[User][password]“: {
required: true,


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Random Function

Jul 23, 2005

I don't know if this is easy or not, I have no clue on how to start it.

I have Seven different states.

I will be having a form with 7 textboxes, and I will enter 7 different
states each time in the textbox.

When I click on the button, it would call a function
the function would output :

6 different combinations of 3 states. So I would have 1-6 and for each
would list three states I entered in the textboxes.

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Applying Random Function To A Div?

Jun 20, 2009

I have found the following code posted by fellow user called Thalantyr in 2006, which randomly changes the colour of buttons and images. It basic but works fine as is.I would like to apply the random function to change the background image of a <div>. The div already has an id with css properties attached. Is there away to apply the function using a class? I have tried changing the 'var eles=document.getElementsByTagName('*')||document.all;' section but it stops working. Code below.

<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN"

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ShowImg Function - Display Random Images

Jan 19, 2009

I have to access code in an external javascript page (random.js) which I have done. But then I have to create a second script element to create the function showlmg() and within that I require statements to declare a variable named imgNumber equal to the value returned by the randomInteger() (which is from the external sheet found in data files from the textbook therefore I know they are right). I am supposed to use 9 as the value of the size parameter in the randomInteger() function. The second statement should be command that writes the following text to the document: <img src='imgNumber.jog' alt= ' '/>.

So basically the coding I have done is:
<script type= "text/javascript" src= random.js"> </script>
<script type="text/javascript">
function showlmg() {
var imgNumber= randomInteger(9);// Return a random number from 0 to 9.
document.write("<img src='imgNumber.jpg' alt=''/>");

All in the head of the document and then
function randomInteger(size) {
return Math.floor((size+1)*Math.random());} from the external file.
<td colspan="2" class="center">
<script type= "text/javascript">

To post in a table on the page... I believe the issue is in the declaring a variable the is equal to the result of the function random integer which the text book or anywhere that I can find online fails to explain how to do.

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Multiple Function And Array Using Random Integer?

Aug 4, 2009

I've been asked to do the following using javascript:

-Create a function named randInt() with one parameter of "size". Declare a variable named "rNum" equal to a random integer between 1 and the value of the size variable. Return the value of the "rNum" varialbe from the function.

-Create a function named getQuote() with one parameter anemd "qNum". The function should create an array named mtQuotes with five quotes; there should be no quote for the array index "0". Return the value of the mtQuotes array for the qNum index.

- In the div element of "quotes" insert a script with the following commands: Declare a variable named "randValue" which is euqal to a random integer between 1 and 5 (use the randInt() function). Declare a variable named "quoteText" containing the quote whose array index value is equal to randValue. Write the value of quoteText to the web page.Here is what I have...it returns undefined.

<script type="text/javascript">[code]....

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Math Function - Task To Generate Two Random Numbers

Jun 21, 2011

I've got my code, and the task is to generate two random numbers, the user then inputs an answer for them added together, then the program checks the answer and displays either "correct" or "wrong". Here's some of my code:

<TITLE>Assessment Task 3 : Rohan Gardiner</TITLE>
function maths(){
var response;
var answer;
answer = document.questions.answer.value;
if (answer==document.adding){
response = "correct";
} else {
response = "wrong";
} document.questions.result.value = response ;
} function randoms() {
rndNum = Math.random();
Num = rndNum*20;
document.write(Math.round(Num)+"+"+ Math.round(Num1));
} function adding() {
document.write(Math.round(Num) + Math.round(Num1)); }
<h1 align="center">Rohan Gardiner Assessment Task 3</h1>
<FORM NAME = "questions">
<SCRIPT Language=JavaScript> randoms(); </script>
<INPUT TYPE = "textbox" NAME = "answer" > <BR>
<INPUT NAME = "dobutton" TYPE = "button" Value = "check" onClick= "maths()">
<INPUT TYPE = "textbox" NAME = "result" >

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Run A Gif Animation And Random Image Function From A Html Button Onclick?

Aug 25, 2010

Trying to click (onClick) an animated gif image of an on/off switch to start a second animation which is located on a different location on the web-page (a 7-frame animation of a generator with moving parts) immediately followed by a random image selection function placing an image in a 3rd location on the page (next to the generator image). The random images are supposed to look like the result of the generator animation---the item that �pops out� of the generator.

We thought the process to achieve this would be an �OnClick� on the on/off switch-animated-gif to start two javascript functions (generato animation function & random image function). To further complicate matters, we are doing this website in iWeb. We�re using iWeb SEO Tool to add the javascript to the header and HTML snippet in iWeb to place the HTML code. Not sure we�re actually doing the snippet right though---is it supposed to relate to the images---or is it separate? When the gifs are place on the iweb page, they work in the browser upon page load---the �on-click� & the random image function are NOT working...so we know we�ve done something(s) wrong.

We�re thinking that we�re probably missing some code that describes where the 3 different image-spots are on the page (image #1 is the on/off switch gif, image#2 is the generator gif, image#3 is the generator output.png)....or just aren�t coding the string of functions correctly---or maybe our strategy for achieving this is just no correct (?).Here is the code we have tried that didn�t work.

script language = JAVASCRIPT>
<!-- Hide script from old browsers
function gif_animation(){


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Loop Function - Create Button When Cliked - Pop Up 9 Error Boxes At Random

Oct 13, 2009

I am trying to create a button that when clviked on it will pop up 9 error boxes at random and the user clicks onthem as fast as he/ she can and when the error oxes are done there is a message that asks if you want more here is my code:

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Random Photo + Rotation Query - Continue From The Random Image And Change To The Next Every 3 Seconds?

Aug 31, 2011

I'm trying to use Javascript to have an array of images that load randomly AND work in a slideshow manner so change every 3 seconds (in a logical order). The code I have below presents a random image but how do I get them to continue from the random image and change to the next every 3 seconds?

<script language="JavaScript">
images = new Array(3);
images[0] = "<a href = 'photo1.html'><img src='images/photo1.jpg' alt='Photo 1'></a>";
images[1] = "<a href = 'photo2.html'><img src='images/photo2.jpg' alt='Photo 2'></a>";
images[2] = "<a href = 'photo3.html'><img src='images/photo3.jpg' alt='Photo 3'></a>";

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Prevent Repeating In A Random (Math.random) Array?

Aug 6, 2009

I've looked for a solution to this issue, but it seems like a little different scenario than other situations. I made a system for generating friend requests on Facebook. I have a grid that is 6 x 3, for a total of 18 cells. Each cell has a picture in it, and the picture is linked to the Facebook friend request page. My problem is that since each cell is populated at random from the array, I'm getting lots of repeats. For example, some picutures are in 5 cells, and some are in none. I'm trying to figure out how to make it so that once a picture is used once in the grid, it does not get used again in the same grid.I still want every cell filled at random on each page load, I just want to prevent the repeating.

Here's my current code:
<script type="text/javascript">
var vip_list=new Array(
new Array('http://profile.ak.fbcdn.net/v225/1616/88/s1220771654_2158.jpg','http://www.facebook.com/addfriend.php?id=1220771654'),
new Array('http://profile.ak.fbcdn.net/v223/1233/29/s904885342_9055.jpg','http://www.facebook.com/addfriend.php?id=904885342'),


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JQuery :: Function Not Working On IE Browser - Change Text Input Type To Password Input Type

May 23, 2011

I have to change text input type to password input type and i am using jquery script. This script work for FF, Chrome and Safari browser but not worked on ie7, ie8.

Script is as:-

How can i update my script, so that it works cross the browser.

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What Is The Code For Random Quotes And Random Links

Apr 18, 2011

For my website I would like to create a famous last words generator (randomized), and random page generator (within my site). What is the code for random quotes and random links?

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Random Quotes In H2 Tag Math.Random()?

Dec 14, 2011

I am new to javascript but have been using java for quite a while. I am looking to make a random quote (out of ten possible quotes) appear in my h2 tag in a page i am working on. In java, i would make a random number generator, in javascript it looks like this:

var randomnumber=Math.floor(Math.random()*11)
Then make an if statement:
if randomnumber=1 {
var quote="Live long and prosper"

document.write(var quote); Could someone more experienced than me tell me if my code looks good and how would a go about getting "var quote" in my h2 tag?

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JQuery :: Challenge Play - Random Color - Write A Function To Return A String That Can Represents A Color

Jun 3, 2010

JavaScript Challenge Play--Random Color (The English Version of JavaScript)

Write a function to return a string that can represents a color.


1. The color is random. The color string can be similar to "cf9c63", also similar to "rgb (211,100, 180)".

2. Code should be concise, clear, easy to read, good performance, and better than my solution.

And go to [url] to see more!

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Username And Password

Oct 16, 2006

I need a javascript that will accept the username "frederic" and the
password "ozanam" on my page "member,html" that will allow those who
input this data to access my page "member2.html".

I had a script that did this but when I updated the page on which it
resided I did not keep a copy of the javascript. Code:

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