Primitive To Object Conversion Workaround?
Jun 2, 2010
I'm currently constructing a javascript "terminal" on a site I'm building so that I can test objects and functions outside of the web developer terminal in google chrome.
Given that I have active javascript defining an object called item, typing item in the chrome terminal returns Object and goes on to list the properties of item.
Moreover, I can define a function in the terminal like this: function(x) { return x }, and then function(item) will return Object and list the properties. However, if I use form data and user input in the place of the argument, the datatype becomes a string and not an object, so typing item in the form and clicking a button that performs function(document.form.text.value) returns the string item and not Object.
Is there any way to convert this primitive string to an object so that I can then iterate through properties, and so on?
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Nov 21, 2005
I was having trouble getting the object.focus() method in IE and in FF working, so came up with this workaround.
What I wanted to do was check if a textfield was numeric, if not, inform the user then select the text and set the focus back to the field.
Sound simple? object.focus() simply doesn't work in firefox or (I've been informed) IE.
Instead of checking when the field losing focus (onblur), check when the next field receives focus (onfocus). Then call a function that gets the element index of the object, and use that index to check the element above it. Difficult to explain.
Here it is...for the textfield you want to check, put this into the next form object after it onfocus="checkNum(this)"
then put this script in the header section...
function checkNum(obj){
var idx;
//get object index
//check for numeric
if (isNaN(document.forms[0].elements[idx-1].value)){
alert('Value must be a number!');
But there is one problem!!! As I just found out.
If the next field is a group option, they all have the same name and so this will not work.
for those that do not know, the function isNaN is a js function that is the same as the vbscript equivalent IsNumeric.
isNaN means isNotaNumber.
Hope this helps, I know the focus() failure of JS has been the bane of many coders.
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Sep 2, 2011
I have such problem when I post my object from client to server (php).
The object should be like so:
I converti it:
And send it though jquery and ajax:
property val is the object...
Then on side of server I gota string $_POST["val"]:
I try to convert it:
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Jul 23, 2005
How can I avoid type-conversion (object variable --> string) when
passing an object variable to a function?
my_function('bla: ',myerrorobject);
I get the "myerrorobject.filename" in the alert-Box, but I get an
"undefined"-error, if I try to access myerrorobject.filename (or other
properties) in the function "my_function". Why?
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Jun 21, 2011
I'm having trouble sending JSON data; error msg [code]it works if i hard-code the values, but when i use the user-defined variables i get the error.[code]
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Mar 12, 2010
I am getting an Invalid JSON Primitive error while posting the data to a local webservice.
Stack trace :
Jquery code on the page
I have also added the [ScriptService] attribute to the web service.
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Feb 6, 2007
we probably all know the problem that select boxes under IE are always
overlap DIV layers. Afaik there are two workarounds:
1. hiding the select box
2. IFrame beneath the DIV layer
But I don't know how to do that.
We want to show a DIV layer as tooltip.
The DIV layer has no defined size (neither a width nor a height
attribute). The size depends on the text the user defined for the tooltip.
My questions:
1. How can I know when the tooltip is 'over' a select box, so I can hide it.
2. How can I define an IFrame that has the same size as the tooltip,
when I don't know the tooltip's size?
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Mar 16, 2007
I have an onchange method for a select box that goes something like
this (the select is in a form named aForm):
function page_on_change() {
pageElement = aForm.my_page_id;
aForm.nav_page_name.value =
pages[pageElement.options[ pageElement.selectedIndex ].value];
var si = pageElement.selectedIndex;
for ( i = 0 ; i < pages.size ; i++ ) {
document.getElementById("id_" + i).style.display='none'
document.getElementbyId("id_" + si).style.display='none'
IE fails on the statement:
document.getElementbyId("id_" + si).style.display='none'
and says it doesn't support this property.
What is the workaround?
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Jan 15, 2010
use something like this to workaround the lack of a "Select All Friends" button for Facebook groups, events and pages?
<frameset cols="25%,75%">
<frame name=inviteall src="inviteall.html">
<frame name=main src="">
This bit isn't mine, I found it. You normally have to use this by copying it and then pasting it into the address bar when you are on the "Select Friends" screen.
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Dec 9, 2010
I have developed a widget. I am using the jquery core api. Im having a problem when the widget is used in a weebly site. I know weebly uses prototype and I am using the workaround:
var $j = jQuery.noConflict(); however there is still a clash of some sort. I think every prototype.js function is being called or something because the page is taking a long long time to load as there are many requests being made which look like this:
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Jul 20, 2005
I was calling a function in a js file from an image onClick event, but
someone still using Netscape 4 (!) complained that it didn't work. I
read that img onClick doesn't work in Netscape 4, so swithced it to
"javascript:show(...);" and the code works, but I read in this group
that it was not wise to do that, here's the working version, using the
not recommended approach:
<a href="javascript:show('art_2.jpg',÷»',ò^');" target="_self">
I'd appreciate any suggetions that will let me call the "show" function
from an onClick image event that will work in most IE/Netscape 4+ browsers.
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Jun 4, 2009
I dynamically make a textarea and save the text, but when I try to output it with javascript, the newlines screw it up... if you don't understand what i mean, here is some code:
With that newline in javascript, the javascript throws an error. i am working in jsp, so how would i change the text that is put into the textarea with javascript without changing the newlines?
Here is how i try changing it:
But it doesnt change anything,
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Mar 23, 2007
mailto protocol and Notes v6.5.5 which duplicates the address in the To: field (not a valid email address) and/or posts form data in the To:, cc, or Subject: field rather than in the body of the email where it belongs. I created an entire site relying on the mailto: protocol to submit requests. (Can't use either server side apps or cgi email. Don't ask - it's a long and rediculous story.) Anyway, then we got the new release of Notes and the whole thing has been rendered useless for request submissions.
Is it possible to write a script that will duplicate the mailto: form action and keep it client side? Big hurdle is that it has to pull info from all types of form elements, just like the mailto: protocol does with email clients that actually support it properly.
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Jul 23, 2005
I have a string that I'm properly URL-encoding to be passed in a URL.
Here's the tag from the HTML source:
<A HREF="javascript:openPopWin('takeit.php?568&10&dr.+hobo%27s+scalpel',
325, 325, 'scrollbars')">
But when I mouse-over the link, the %27 shows in the status bar as a ' and
when I click on it, I get a JS error because of the extraneous '. The +s
are not being decoded - why is this one character, and is there a way to
prevent it?
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Jul 23, 2005
I have a string that is encoded simply by replacing the letter with the
next letter in the alphabeta. I need a function to convert it back.
Following is the function:
function cnvtBack(encoded)
var orig = "";
for (i=0; i < encoded.length; i++)
var letter = "";
letter = encoded.charAt(i);
if (letter > 'a' && letter <= 'z')
letter = <<previous letter in alphabeta >> // HOW?
orig += letter;
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Apr 20, 2007
Is there a free js library for doing unit conversions? I am putting
together an app that needs to convert volume and weight, among
others. You'd think that one exists, but I have yet to find it.
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Jul 6, 2009
conversion of meters to centimeters using java
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Apr 9, 2010
so my professor suddenly took a left turn in class and we jumped from using HTML and CSS to programing in Javascript. It's not even covered in the book we're using for a text book. So I'm having some problems with it (big surprise right?) My assignment: Write a Java Script that will print out the Temperature in Celcius from 0 to 35, AND the corrosponding temperature in Fahrenheit. So basically it would generate the following:
0 Degrees in Celcius is Equivalent to 5 Degrees Fahrenheit
1 Degrees in Celcius is Equivalent to 6.125 Degrees Fahrenheit
2 Degrees in Celcius is Equivalent to 7.25 Degrees Fahrenheit
3 Degrees in Celcius is Equivalent to 8.375 Degrees Fahrenheit and all the way down to 35 degrees.
Here's the code I have so far:
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Aug 23, 2005
Value entered in textarea is: "this "TEST" is not going well"
JS sends to server this value: "this "TEST" is not going well"
How to force JS not to convert the string ? I want JS to send exactly what
is typed in the form controls. Is there a function to call?
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Sep 8, 2010
I ran into this issue yesterday, and no matter what I try I can't seem to get it work correctly.
I need to parse out single quotes from a field, and replace them with double quotes, so it doesn't blow up later, like it did yesterday.
I've tried using regex, but I'm sure its not the correct syntax.
javascript Code:
document.all.SalesOrderForm.ShipNote1.value = document.all.SalesOrderForm.ShipNote1.value.replace(/'/g,""");
document.all.SalesOrderForm.ShipNote1.value = document.all.SalesOrderForm.ShipNote1.value.replace(/'/g,""");
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Apr 21, 2010
Im need to create a conversion-script for a company that do step-competitions. You should be able to input a time-variable, choose what activity you did from a drop-down meny, click convert ("omvandla" in swedish") and the script prints what that is equal to in steps. I found a code online that does other conversion so i just redid that code to fit my demands. Everything looks alright in the browser, but the script doesnt print anything when i click "omvandla". Forgive me for posting the entire code, which is pretty long. But most of the code is just repetition, cause you have 58 types of activities to choose from.
Some words are in swedish, but the only two i think you need to understand is:
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Jun 10, 2010
let me know how to convert a string to double in Jquery. String is an amount field like (3,154) which needs to be converted to Double.
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Jul 1, 2010
i've found out how to find the distance between 2 lat lng points using google's distanceFrom method:
// NR14 7PZ
var loc1 = new GLatLng(52.5773139, 1.3712427);
// NR32 1TB
var loc2 = new GLatLng(52.4788314, 1.7577444);
alert(loc2.distanceFrom(loc1) / 1000);
However, I'd like to be able to convert a distance to lat lng. The main reason I'm doing this is so that I can figure out the bounds of a certain area of a co-ordinate. For example I specify a point, and then I need to draw a box around this area going x distance North, South, East and West, but until I know how many units make up a kilometre this wont be easy.
I guess I could go to google maps, click on a point and then click on another point and keep doing that until I get exactly 1km away from the original point, then just minus or plus for the lat and lng to find out the unit value for 1km, but I have a feeling that this wont be accurate. Can anyone lend any advice, I realize that what I'm asking is more a map question than a google maps javascript api question, but perhaps someone has come across this before?
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Jul 12, 2001
Can someone help me with the converting the values to string by using the 'toString'. in java script.
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Oct 5, 2011
Is it possible to convert a document file to an image using javascript? Anyone ever tried it? Please suggest any codes for it because I've done my research and I see it only working for php, java and other languages.
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Jul 20, 2005
I'trying to use a regExp in Javascript to replace any all upper case word in a string by the same word having only its first letter in upper case.
This expression detects the words:
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