Opera Browser Problem
Oct 4, 2006
When a visitor goes to my site, audio should start playing automatically. I'm using "Wimpy Player" (wimpyplayer.com) to play my flash files.
However, some browsers require that a viewer "click" on a flash file to activate it.
That's a big problem.
My audio playing flash docs are hidden in a frameset that is "0" tall, so when a viewer looks at it through say, Opera for mac (hint), they have no idea what they're missing.
Is there a way to "activate" the flash docs automatically?
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Sep 16, 2010
Ive tried all codes that can be found on the net bout disabling the back button on browsers... But negative with OPERA browser...
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Oct 16, 2007
I am trying to make a webpage where I wish to disable text selection on entire body without affecting text input in a form by user. Though I found a couple of javascripts on the net, they don't seem to work with all three browsers (IE, FF, Opera). Code:
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May 3, 2006
I am trying to open a print dialog box in Opera browser using javascript code as
<script language=javascript>
window.print(); //This is working in IE, Netscape, Firefox, but not working in Opera
where as if I am using the following code Opera browser understands and able to open print dialog box
<input type="button" value="Print this page" onClick="javascript:window.print();" ID="Button1" NAME="Button1">
My requirement is to open print dialog box in Opera browser using script block.
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Feb 24, 2010
i don't know what has changed in last releases of Firefox and Opera but before i used this script to detect browser versions (IE, Opera, FF) and block or redirect depending on version
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Oct 29, 2011
I'm using a nice little script which replaces the usual file upload input with whatever image you want and then with JS makes sure that an invisible 'browse' button is underneath the mouse pointer whenever the mouse is moved over the image you want to use.
It works on every browser ie7 ie8 ie9 FF safari chrome but not on opera. On Opera the regular file input appears.
I've had a good hoke round the 'net and I know there's loads of scripts which do similar things. But either they are too complicated for me to figure out how to use them eg uploadify (bit of a newbie) or they do similar things but just not as well - like making the custom image the same size as the file input would be (there's issues with that too).
Here's the script I'm using - there's not much to it
How come it doesn't work in Opera grrrr... Is there anyway to fix it? This is perfect for what I want apart from not working in Opera.
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Apr 20, 2011
The following code is working fine in firefox n not working in IE8... I get the Object Expected Error when the code hits the if(GBrowserIsCompatible())..... line in the javascript code. Clear cache and browser history does not work. Does anyone have a resolution for this?
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Oct 23, 2007
Is there a way in Javascript, or perhaps in HTML, to force a browser to
re-render an image on an HTML page after a round-trip between the client
and the server ?
In my particular case, the image is changing on the server although the
URL for it remains the same, but the browser is still displaying the old
image from its cache rather than the new image from its URL location.
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Oct 24, 2011
I want to use jquery to detect what type of browser you are using and display a link to a .wmv file if you are on IE or display a link to a .mp4 file if you are any other type of browser.I have this script declaration in my <head> section.
script src="http://code.jquery.com/jquery-latest.js"></script>
In the body section I have the following
<div id="block"></div>
script type="text/javascript">[code]....
Nothing is being output on the page at all. I've tried to patch this together from various example on various web sites. How can I make this work?
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Sep 18, 2010
On my site i use a lot of features that are unsupported by older browsers, and right now it looks pretty stupid when the features are only partially shown. So i was wondering if there's a way of making the browser look to different css files depending on which browser and version it is. For example, css3 gradient backgrounds are supported in firefox 3.6 or something, but not in 3.0. All the hacks out there is to 3.*, so it changes for the allready working 3.6 too if i hack it. I want to controll it so that i have a specific css file for the none-supporting version and lower and one for the supporting and above. I looked at a bad browser plugin (because it has some of the basic features im looking for)
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Feb 1, 2010
is it possible to scroll / jump to say, 10px above a div? i tried adding padding, but it doesn't work.also, when I use <a href="#xxxx">, is it possible to prevent the browser from adding #xxxx to the url in the browser?
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May 31, 2010
I need a script that will redirect to a specific page is the browser is safari version 4. if the browser is NOT safari 4 I want the browser to stay on the current page.
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Apr 13, 2009
I have to open a new window when user closes the browser window. But the problem is that on browser close unload event calls and the same event is called with we refresh the page. So it is opening the popup window on both window close and window refresh.
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Jul 23, 2005
<script language="JavaScript1.2" style="text/javascript">
function checkLocation() {
if (navigator.userAgent.indexOf("Opera")!=-1) type="OP"
else if (document.all) type="IE" // ie 4 & up
else type="XX"
if (type=="IE")
moveNav.style.pixelTop=document.documentElement.sc rollTop
This is suppose to keep the Nav bar at the top of an IE browser. (Yes, it
wobbles a little bit, but what can I do?)
With most other browsers, the Nav Bar stays nice and stationary at the top,
thanks to a nice CSS solution. However, with Opera (at least Opera 7.54 that
I have) the nav bar wobbles a bit like I would expect it to in IE, but still
it gets hidden under most scrolling situations. What's the cure for Opera?
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Mar 30, 2006
I have strange situation, in my webb apps i use a lot of AJAX.
in my developer computer i use opera and naked apllication (it's using
Python Application Server cherrypy www.cherrypy.org), in production I
covered my application be Apache server which serves static files. The
problem is that AJAX working in Opera but only on production server
(cherrypy behind Apache), on developer machine it's not working. Others
browser (IE, FF working without any problem. Does anyone know
solution for this? Or is is a way to lookup what is happen under Opera
engine? any plugin or something what shows AJAX status call?
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Jun 28, 2006
I really want to make my scripts work in Opera. I really, really do.
But it seems like an uphill struggle. First of all, I can't get ANY
kind of debug output. No error messages in the "javascript console" -
but then, I have never seen ANYTHING in Opera's javascript console. Is
there some kind of voodoo I need to perform in order to make that work?
Then, when Opera doesn't like something about a script (even if it works
fine in Spidermonkey), it will sometimes refuse to load it entirely,
which means I can't even do alert() based debugging. What the hell?
Can anyone give me some insight as to how they go about making their
scripts run properly in Opera? I make a point of sticking to ECMAScript
standards (and then making per-browser exceptions where needed *COUGH
IE*), but Opera just doesn't want to cooperate.
This is in Opera 8, by the way. I haven't upgraded yet, since I don't
use it, and I think more people still use 8 than 9 so that's what I want
to target.
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Jul 18, 2006
i have such a problem:
this code works only in IE! how can i make something same in Opera 9?
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Jul 20, 2005
Has any user of Opera 7.11 noticed that it does not reload all files
when the reload button is clicked? I can click on my html file to cause
Opera to load and start and it's OK. But if I then correct an error in
a *.js file and click reload I often get a javascript console with the
same error that I just corrected and line numbers that refer to the old
file. This has got to be something that I am doing wrong, but I can't
see it.
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Jul 20, 2005
I have included a file below that tests onKeyPress in Opera 7.11. I am
getting peculiar behavior. When the file is first loaded, pressing the
keypad + causes the textarea to get physically larger on the screen, and
pressing the keypad - causes the textarea to get physically smaller. I
click on the scrollbar then this behaviour stops and subsequent
keystrokes are displayed appropriately. Is this some kind of bug in
Opera 7.11? Code:
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Mar 27, 2005
I'm in the process of migrating a script to use DOM core methods but I've hit a roadblock in the aforementioned browser. The following code snippet illustrates what I'm basically trying to do, it really is incredibly basic!
var newimg = document.createElement('img');
newimg.setAttribute('id', 'placeholder');
newimg.setAttribute('src', 'images/large/courtyard.jpg');
I'm then positioning the element on the page using appendChild(). Everything works perfectly on Firefox 1, IE5+, Opera 8, Konqueror 3.3.1 (Linux) but not in Opera 7.54. I suspect the element is being created as associated styling on #placeholder is being applied (just some padding and borders) but the image itself is not being displayed. I assume therefore that the problems lies with setAttribute()?
This seems like the sort of problem that others would have encountered, but I haven't been able to find mention of it anywhere.
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Nov 6, 2005
I am using this code:
to disable a button after user clicks it (this is to make sure user clicks it only once). It is needed to prevent multiple clicks on a button since each click calls a servlet.
This code works in IE but does not in FF and Opera.
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Jun 24, 2011
I have this code
If you'll use Opera browser, it will display lightbox style animation after clicking on marker on the map. Other browsers are not so kind
Chrome give an error Uncaught TypeError: Object [URL] has no method 'click'
To display animation in bumpbox(lightbox alternative) I use this html code
<div id="neco" style="display: none">
<a href="clouds.swf" class="bump">clouds</a>
and this javascript
google.maps.event.addListener(markerName, 'click', function mojafunkcia() {
I assume that html element cannot access that javascript function because it ist nested within other function (please see source code on turie.eu), but I'm not very skilled with javascript, so I'm not sure.
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Nov 30, 2011
$.browser is being deprecated however I still need to know what browser is hitting the page. In some cases I need to modify a layout or position an element by some pixels. The number of pixels is different for different browsers.How can I detect the browser using jQuery without using $.browser?
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Jul 23, 2005
How do you view javascript errors in Opera?
IE pops them in a modal box and NS has the excellent javascript console.
What does Opera have?
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Jul 23, 2005
How to get multiple onLoad in Opera (v.7)?
Example shows what I mean - it works well IE and Mozilla, but not in
Opera Code:
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Jul 23, 2005
the problem is, i have this javascript code in my aspx page that i want
it to work on almost all browsers, especially opera and safari :
function resize(){
displayFrm = document.getElementById("ifrmDisplay");
innerDoc = (displayFrame.contentDocument) ?displayFrm.contentDocument :
objToResize = (displayFrm.style) ? displayFrm.style : displayFrm;
objToResize.height = innerDoc.body.scrollHeight;
the code above gets called every time a new page is loaded inside the
iframe (ifrmDisplay) what its doing is resizing the iframe so it can
have the same size as the page inside it, so i can eliminate the need
for vertical scroller for the iframe, i assumed that it works on opera
and IE at the same time, when i tried it out, it worked on IE but not on
opera. after lot of time in researching how i can get workaround this
issue with opera, that is the best possible solution i have and yet it
doesnt work. so i gave up and asking you if you can help me out here ,
coz this is jst driving me crazy!
the problem is im not a javascript expert, to be honest i jst started
doing javascripts about two days ago, that is why im in need for help
by the way, here is inner html for the iframe if its any use
<iframe id="ifrmDisplay" style="Z-INDEX: 99; LEFT: 187px; WIDTH: 567px;
POSITION: absolute; TOP: 136px; HEIGHT: 408px" src="" scrolling="no"
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