OnKeyPress In Opera 7.11
Jul 20, 2005
I have included a file below that tests onKeyPress in Opera 7.11. I am
getting peculiar behavior. When the file is first loaded, pressing the
keypad + causes the textarea to get physically larger on the screen, and
pressing the keypad - causes the textarea to get physically smaller. I
click on the scrollbar then this behaviour stops and subsequent
keystrokes are displayed appropriately. Is this some kind of bug in
Opera 7.11? Code:
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Aug 7, 2002
Hi, i'm doing a shopping cart where by when user add a product in cart, it will show the qty, item name, and price.
i want to use javascript to do it in a way tat when i change the qty, the price will change also.
for eg, i type 2 in the text field of the qty, then my price will change to original price * 3.
i keep getting error with the javacript below. hope can get help here.
this is the javascript:
<script language="JavaScript">
function changevalue()
orivalue = document.form.our_price.value;
qtyvalue = document.form.qty.value;
newvalue = orivalue * qtyvalue;
document.form.amount.value = newvalue;
and my text fields are like below..(part of my codes)
PHP Code:
echo "<form method=post action=user_cart.php name=form>";
echo "<input type=hidden name=our_price value=$our_price>
echo "<tr><td width=5% align=center><input type=text name=qty value="$qty" size=2 class=ft1 onKeyPress="changevalue()"></td>";
echo "<td width=15% align=center><input type=text name=amount value="$amount" class=ft1></td>";
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Jul 23, 2005
Is there a way to get rid of that annoying beep when you enter on a form
field with the OnKeyPress event?
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Jul 23, 2005
I just want to be able to use a keypress to do the same as clicking a
link. such as [right arrow] will 'click' a certain link, while [left arrow]
will 'click' a different link.
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Dec 15, 2006
I want a form text field in which when I type OK, the browser window should automatically redirect to GOOGLE.COM & when I type some other thing it show me alert. I'm using onKeyPress but it only let me type "O" any idea how to control all this???
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Mar 25, 2007
I have an <input> text field where user can type his password. in this <input> tag i have an onkeypress function which execute a javascript function.
this js function check the number of characters typed. But there is a little issue.
when user has type the 2nd character, the function detect only 1 character.
when user has type 10 characters, the function detect only 9 characters.
It's like the latest typed character is never sent to my js function.
here after you can find a sample. Code:
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Mar 25, 2007
Does anybody know why doesn't onkeypress catch up/down arrow keys
while it catches left/right arrows? My only supposition is that up/
down keys are used for moving between form elements, anyway does
anybody know any solution to this problem?
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Jun 8, 2009
Since key code for Tab key is not working, find whether tab key is pressed onblur or onkeypress
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May 6, 2011
I am working on a AJAX autocomplete script and the autocomplete is working, but I would like to add some more functionality to by adding navigation through the list with the UP and DOWN arrow keys. I seem to have the javascript working where when I press down one of the arrow keys it seems to change the className, but it immediately will change the className back to the original className.
document.onkeypress = KeyCheck;
var HighlightSelection = -1;
function KeyCheck(e){
I know that the function "setHighlightSelection" is very basic, but it's being used for testing purposes.
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May 25, 2011
I am working on a AJAX autocomplete script and the autocomplete is working, but I would like to add some more functionality to by adding navigation through the list with the UP and DOWN arrow keys. I seem to have the javascript working where when I press down one of the arrow keys it seems to change the className, but it immediately will change the className back to the original className.Would anybody be able to tell me why this is happening?
document.onkeypress = KeyCheck;
var HighlightSelection = -1;
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Jun 6, 2009
In part of this project, I am create a dynamic table row that contains a dynamic textbox in one of its cells. When the textbox is created, I try to attach an onkeypress event and it only works in IE. I feel like I'm missing some fundamental piece here, and am pulling my hair out because of it :mad:. I feel like i've tried everything possible to even get firefox to read this code.
//----- WHERE THE TEXTBOX is CREATED -----//
var cellProd = row.insertCell(2);
var txtProdQuant = document.createElement('input');
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Jul 23, 2005
I have a web page where I want to intercept keypress events in an INPUT-tag
and check if it is the Enter key, which calls another function that executes
a search. My code runs on Netscape 7 for Windows, IE 6 for Windows and IE5.1
for Mac, but not on Netscape 7 for Mac. When I press the Enter key, the
event gets caught but it does not get prevented and the search is never
The code looks like this:
function KeyDownHandler(e)
// if not Netscape, get IE event
if ( !e )
e = window.event;
if ( !e )
return true;
// Get valid ascii character code
var key = typeof e.keyCode != 'undefined' ? e.keyCode : e.charCode;
// process only the Enter key
if (key == 13)
// cancel the default submit
if (e.preventDefault)
// submit the form by programmatically searching
return false;
return true;
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Jul 21, 2009
I have a select dropdown which has two events an onchange and onkeypress.
My problem now is when I use the keyboard arrows to select an item from the list in a select drop down the onchange is selected(invoked) before I even reach the second item in the list when using opera and IE but working fine with Firefox and chrome.The onblur event does not work either because the focus must be set to following tag
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Aug 17, 2010
I have an extremely easy function:
<script language="javascript">
function plakken() {
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Sep 5, 2009
I am currently trying to figure out some event stuff with Javascript. I have the page capturing all onkeypress events by calling my function keyPress, and passing the event as an argument.
The key presses get passed to a text field that I have on the page (even if it's out of focus at the time of the key press) by using textfield.focus() within my keyPress function. This seems to pass the event along to the text field so that it registers the stroke and handles it as if the field was in focus at the time of the key press.
My problem lies in that I need to then grab the new value of the text field for use with another part of the script. It seems though that with the way I'm setting focus, it'll execute the rest of my keyPress function (with the outdated text field value) before the text field handles the event.
Is there a way to yield the event to this text field first?
Sorry, this was a long post, but I guess here's a short recap: If I handle key presses via the body of the page, so that regardless of the text field's current state of focus it updates the text field accordingly, is there a way to have that happen first before the rest of my function that needs to use the new value of the text field?
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Jan 27, 2009
If I type characters using a Chinese text input (one where I type 2-3 latin characters for each Chinese symbol) there is no onkeypress or onkeydown event triggered. Any idea how to detect those characters please? I need to catch those chars in JS to pass them to a plug-in.
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Jul 17, 2009
I'm creating a dynamic site but now I'm coming across a problem when I'm displaying input textbox.The textboxes uses two events onblur and onkeypressThese two events they invoke the same function which suppose to determine the function must be executed between Shownext() and tabbackorFront()When a use uses tab key to go or display the next select dropdown it functions well ut when the user clicks tab+ctrl to go back the function that is called is the onblur instead of the onkeypress.What I need is the way at which the events are called when tab+ctrl is clicked to go back
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Nov 27, 2009
I have problem with event listening in CKEditor. I searched these forums for answer, but I didnt found it.
I need someting like "onkeypress" on textarea for CKEditor. If I think well, I can must use "DOM" of CKEditor, because it is not simple textarea - but I am lost here. I really dont know how to do it. I need simple draft saver - onkeypress will launch a function which will check if timer is on. If yes, return false. If no, use ajax to save content of textarea.
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Oct 26, 2007
I want to switch a big function from a document.onkeydown = function to a document.onkeypress = function, or vice versa depeding on the type of browser.
However it is quite a big function so it's pretty much out of the question to have it appear in full twice.
Any ideas how to change the target event (onkeydown/onkeypress) without writing the whole function twice?
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Jul 23, 2005
<script language="JavaScript1.2" style="text/javascript">
function checkLocation() {
if (navigator.userAgent.indexOf("Opera")!=-1) type="OP"
else if (document.all) type="IE" // ie 4 & up
else type="XX"
if (type=="IE")
moveNav.style.pixelTop=document.documentElement.sc rollTop
This is suppose to keep the Nav bar at the top of an IE browser. (Yes, it
wobbles a little bit, but what can I do?)
With most other browsers, the Nav Bar stays nice and stationary at the top,
thanks to a nice CSS solution. However, with Opera (at least Opera 7.54 that
I have) the nav bar wobbles a bit like I would expect it to in IE, but still
it gets hidden under most scrolling situations. What's the cure for Opera?
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Mar 30, 2006
I have strange situation, in my webb apps i use a lot of AJAX.
in my developer computer i use opera and naked apllication (it's using
Python Application Server cherrypy www.cherrypy.org), in production I
covered my application be Apache server which serves static files. The
problem is that AJAX working in Opera but only on production server
(cherrypy behind Apache), on developer machine it's not working. Others
browser (IE, FF working without any problem. Does anyone know
solution for this? Or is is a way to lookup what is happen under Opera
engine? any plugin or something what shows AJAX status call?
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Jun 28, 2006
I really want to make my scripts work in Opera. I really, really do.
But it seems like an uphill struggle. First of all, I can't get ANY
kind of debug output. No error messages in the "javascript console" -
but then, I have never seen ANYTHING in Opera's javascript console. Is
there some kind of voodoo I need to perform in order to make that work?
Then, when Opera doesn't like something about a script (even if it works
fine in Spidermonkey), it will sometimes refuse to load it entirely,
which means I can't even do alert() based debugging. What the hell?
Can anyone give me some insight as to how they go about making their
scripts run properly in Opera? I make a point of sticking to ECMAScript
standards (and then making per-browser exceptions where needed *COUGH
IE*), but Opera just doesn't want to cooperate.
This is in Opera 8, by the way. I haven't upgraded yet, since I don't
use it, and I think more people still use 8 than 9 so that's what I want
to target.
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Jul 18, 2006
i have such a problem:
this code works only in IE! how can i make something same in Opera 9?
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Jul 20, 2005
Has any user of Opera 7.11 noticed that it does not reload all files
when the reload button is clicked? I can click on my html file to cause
Opera to load and start and it's OK. But if I then correct an error in
a *.js file and click reload I often get a javascript console with the
same error that I just corrected and line numbers that refer to the old
file. This has got to be something that I am doing wrong, but I can't
see it.
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Mar 27, 2005
I'm in the process of migrating a script to use DOM core methods but I've hit a roadblock in the aforementioned browser. The following code snippet illustrates what I'm basically trying to do, it really is incredibly basic!
var newimg = document.createElement('img');
newimg.setAttribute('id', 'placeholder');
newimg.setAttribute('src', 'images/large/courtyard.jpg');
I'm then positioning the element on the page using appendChild(). Everything works perfectly on Firefox 1, IE5+, Opera 8, Konqueror 3.3.1 (Linux) but not in Opera 7.54. I suspect the element is being created as associated styling on #placeholder is being applied (just some padding and borders) but the image itself is not being displayed. I assume therefore that the problems lies with setAttribute()?
This seems like the sort of problem that others would have encountered, but I haven't been able to find mention of it anywhere.
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Nov 6, 2005
I am using this code:
to disable a button after user clicks it (this is to make sure user clicks it only once). It is needed to prevent multiple clicks on a button since each click calls a servlet.
This code works in IE but does not in FF and Opera.
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