I am working on a AJAX autocomplete script and the autocomplete is working, but I would like to add some more functionality to by adding navigation through the list with the UP and DOWN arrow keys. I seem to have the javascript working where when I press down one of the arrow keys it seems to change the className, but it immediately will change the className back to the original className.Would anybody be able to tell me why this is happening?
document.onkeypress = KeyCheck;
var HighlightSelection = -1;
I am working on a AJAX autocomplete script and the autocomplete is working, but I would like to add some more functionality to by adding navigation through the list with the UP and DOWN arrow keys. I seem to have the javascript working where when I press down one of the arrow keys it seems to change the className, but it immediately will change the className back to the original className.
document.onkeypress = KeyCheck; var HighlightSelection = -1; function KeyCheck(e){
I know that the function "setHighlightSelection" is very basic, but it's being used for testing purposes.
I have an onclick that does things and changes the className of my 'logo' div. All of the background images for div id 'logo' are styled by external CSS. A button I setup with addEvent alerts the className of 'logo' correctly but the 'logo' background doesn't change?index.css
I'm creating a dynamic site but now I'm coming across a problem when I'm displaying input textbox.The textboxes uses two events onblur and onkeypressThese two events they invoke the same function which suppose to determine the function must be executed between Shownext() and tabbackorFront()When a use uses tab key to go or display the next select dropdown it functions well ut when the user clicks tab+ctrl to go back the function that is called is the onblur instead of the onkeypress.What I need is the way at which the events are called when tab+ctrl is clicked to go back
I just want to be able to use a keypress to do the same as clicking a link. such as [right arrow] will 'click' a certain link, while [left arrow] will 'click' a different link.
I have included a file below that tests onKeyPress in Opera 7.11. I am getting peculiar behavior. When the file is first loaded, pressing the keypad + causes the textarea to get physically larger on the screen, and pressing the keypad - causes the textarea to get physically smaller. I click on the scrollbar then this behaviour stops and subsequent keystrokes are displayed appropriately. Is this some kind of bug in Opera 7.11? Code:
I want a form text field in which when I type OK, the browser window should automatically redirect to GOOGLE.COM & when I type some other thing it show me alert. I'm using onKeyPress but it only let me type "O" any idea how to control all this???
I have an <input> text field where user can type his password. in this <input> tag i have an onkeypress function which execute a javascript function.
this js function check the number of characters typed. But there is a little issue.
when user has type the 2nd character, the function detect only 1 character. ... when user has type 10 characters, the function detect only 9 characters.
It's like the latest typed character is never sent to my js function. here after you can find a sample. Code:
Does anybody know why doesn't onkeypress catch up/down arrow keys while it catches left/right arrows? My only supposition is that up/ down keys are used for moving between form elements, anyway does anybody know any solution to this problem?
In part of this project, I am create a dynamic table row that contains a dynamic textbox in one of its cells. When the textbox is created, I try to attach an onkeypress event and it only works in IE. I feel like I'm missing some fundamental piece here, and am pulling my hair out because of it :mad:. I feel like i've tried everything possible to even get firefox to read this code.
//----- WHERE THE TEXTBOX is CREATED -----// var cellProd = row.insertCell(2); var txtProdQuant = document.createElement('input');
I have a web page where I want to intercept keypress events in an INPUT-tag and check if it is the Enter key, which calls another function that executes a search. My code runs on Netscape 7 for Windows, IE 6 for Windows and IE5.1 for Mac, but not on Netscape 7 for Mac. When I press the Enter key, the event gets caught but it does not get prevented and the search is never executed.
The code looks like this:
function KeyDownHandler(e) { // if not Netscape, get IE event if ( !e ) e = window.event; if ( !e ) return true;
// Get valid ascii character code var key = typeof e.keyCode != 'undefined' ? e.keyCode : e.charCode; // process only the Enter key if (key == 13) { // cancel the default submit if (e.preventDefault) e.preventDefault(); else window.event.returnValue=false;
// submit the form by programmatically searching search(); return false; } else { return true; } }
I have a select dropdown which has two events an onchange and onkeypress. My problem now is when I use the keyboard arrows to select an item from the list in a select drop down the onchange is selected(invoked) before I even reach the second item in the list when using opera and IE but working fine with Firefox and chrome.The onblur event does not work either because the focus must be set to following tag
I have written a script that highlights a table row when the appropriate checkbox is checked. Using element.style is a bit messy and doesn't really fulfil my needs..
I want to just be able to use className, but when I uncheck a row I am having difficulty restoring the original (when the page loaded)className, I need to do this because the rows have different styles Is their any other way to access the original className of an element?
I create an xml file in a text editor: <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?> <elts> <elt id="1" class="c1">content1</elt> <elt id="2" class="c1">content2</elt> </elts>
Then I load the file via xmlHttpRequest into xmlData variable. Why does xmlData.getElementById(Ƈ') return null and xmlData.firstChild.childNodes[0].className returns null also?
I was just battling a small dHTML quirk where I was attempting to set the className attribute of option elements, but it didn't seem to be updating. I did some testing with other elements and came to find the problem was not in my code at all, but rather in my logic...
I had a dehighlightAll(selectBox) function in my code library and decided to use this to reset all the options to white backgrounds. This worked fine with my previous method where I explicitly set the style.background attribute of the options. But when I wanted to use className instead, everything mysteriously stopped working. I thought there must be something wrong with className and started investigating....
I eventually came to the realization that if you explicitly set a style element, it won't be overridden by the className. This was an oversight on my part and thought that it might be useful to post about it, because it could be easy to miss and I haven't seen any posts about it.
It really comes down to the CSS order of precedence ... that is the style field modifies the inline style of the object, while the className references a class ... and as CSS precedence dictates, inline styles override all others. So this is a word to the wise to be careful if you're ever mixing className and style elements...
I'm new to Jquery and I was wondering if this feature exists anywhere. the animate() function where instead of parameters you pass in a classname and it reads the parameters from available css definitions. I am trying to keep my css specifics out of my javascript files.
I'm trying to update a part of my page depending on the option selected from a drop down menu. A few of the options can trigger this event. So to do this i've given those options a class name, that i can check against when they're selected. eg...
So if 'test2' or 'test4' are selected it will check if the class name is present then do the rest. But I cant get the class name from JQuery. I've tried..
I am currently trying to figure out some event stuff with Javascript. I have the page capturing all onkeypress events by calling my function keyPress, and passing the event as an argument.
The key presses get passed to a text field that I have on the page (even if it's out of focus at the time of the key press) by using textfield.focus() within my keyPress function. This seems to pass the event along to the text field so that it registers the stroke and handles it as if the field was in focus at the time of the key press.
My problem lies in that I need to then grab the new value of the text field for use with another part of the script. It seems though that with the way I'm setting focus, it'll execute the rest of my keyPress function (with the outdated text field value) before the text field handles the event.
Is there a way to yield the event to this text field first?
Sorry, this was a long post, but I guess here's a short recap: If I handle key presses via the body of the page, so that regardless of the text field's current state of focus it updates the text field accordingly, is there a way to have that happen first before the rest of my function that needs to use the new value of the text field?
I'm looking to have a lightbox pop up when a user clicks the Back button in their browser rather than just navigating back. The purpose is to ask a question with a Yes/No answer, and if they click No, I allow them to go back. The only thing I've found anything like this is the onUnload event, but that doesn't prevent them from going back. How should this be handled?
I am trying to write a script that uses the IF statement to see wether or not a user clicked the back button to come to a page, and then if it's true to not let the page load and kick them back X number of pages (say 4) This is what I have so far:
I have a website with a list of products and I'm trying to apply a different classname to each product image to show a different picture frame around each one. Let's say I'll have 8 different frames.