I'm new to Java Script and I'm having trouble getting something done. What I'm trying to do is have a confirm box open when the user closes the web page that asks a question. If the user clicks cancel, then the page stays closed. On the other hand, if the user clicks OK, then a page opens. The problem is, I have no problem getting it to work if the user "unloads" the page by using a link to another site, but I don't know if it is possible to use java script to re-open the browser, and then open it to a specific page if the user unloads the page by closing the browser.
My logic says it's not possible. Java script works in the browser, so how can it do anything once the browser has been closed? Am I right? If not, can you show me how to edit the code to make it work? Here's what I have so far:
I have a question about opening new pages when a link is clicked on a webpage. What I want to happen is this:
On the main webpage, I would like to have links to other websites. For example:
Link 1 Link 2 Link 3
Now, if I was to click links 1,2 and 3, I would have 4 browser windows open: The window containing the original webpage, plus the 3 windows that were opened by clicking on the 3 links. (I am using a href="www.,,,,," target="_blank"></A>)
Now, what I want to happen is this, I only want the mainpage to have ONE child window so that at any given time, there will be at most 2 browser windows open, the main page window and one child that is opened by clicking on a link. If I click on Link 1 followed immediately by Link 2, I don't want 2 child windows to pop up. What I need to happen is when I click Link 1, it needs to open a window. When I click link 2, the browser window that contains the webpage from link 1 now needs to show the webpage that from link 2. Is there a way to do this using javascript window.open? Code:
I understand how it works, however, when pressing the open button to open the file, I'm getting a javascript error that says "Access Denied". Does anyone know how I can make it possible for a user to select a file and open it from my webpage? This would work great if it actually worked! Any ideas?
I want to open a new browser window using javascript. I don't want to display URL in the dialogue. Here is my code. Code: var windowFeatures = "top=100,left=100,scrollbars=yes,resizable=no,menubar=no,location=no,directories=no,titlebar=no"; var windowObjectReference = window.open(resourceURL,"_blank",windowFeatures); The new dialogue shows the URL but doesn't allow to modify it. Is there any way to completely hide the url? Although I have specified resizable=no browser allows me to resize the window. I am using firefox.
say i have this url in my hand as a string, stored in a variable:http://img.youtube.com/vi/wgGh9RmO5vA/default.jpgi can copy and paste it to my browser manually and see a thumbnail.but how can i automatically open up a browser window and i see the thumbnail? without manually copying and pasting, i want to automaticallly open a broswer window with this string
My current project has me working with UI dialog and I was wondering if it's possible to open a new browser window from a click of the dialog button. I have set up an ajax call to get the url but I'm not sure if this is the correct way.
function createNewProject(irb_id){ jQuery.ui.dialog.defaults.bgiframe = true; jQuery(function(){ jQuery('#confirmDialog').dialog({
I have a variable that I obtain from a php code. This variable contains a link such as http://.......with this variable, say $a, once I obtain it with that php code, I want a browser window to open automatically.I dont know javascript.
I have a button called LOOKUP, which when clicked calls a client side function that increments the nLookUp by 1 and then should open the target URL in new window. How can i accomplist this from cllient side scripting?
<script language="javascript"> <!-- var nLookUp = 0
I want to use jquery to detect what type of browser you are using and display a link to a .wmv file if you are on IE or display a link to a .mp4 file if you are any other type of browser.I have this script declaration in my <head> section.
From my web page I open another link in another browser window. That new window is composed of two frames. I have a <a href="....."> link on the second frame of that window. What I want is that when user clicks on the link in the new window's second frame, the response should open in the original browser window that opened this secondary window(which is made of two frames). How can I do it?I hope i have explained my problem.
I tried to used window.opened.location.href but it didnt work because I have frames in my secondary window...
I am trying to make a script that would open a link every xx randomly seconds.
So far I have come up with this after searching:
<script> function reloadMe() { window.location.reload(); }
This works on refreashing a page every xx seconds between 30 and 60 seconds. But it does not open a link.
Is it possible to make a script that opens a link every xx seconds at random. It would be even greater if it can exclude certian times of the day, or can that be done with a cron job?
I need to have a link open in the parent window after opeining one on my site. What the user does, is he/she clicks a link in their browser. that intern opens another window with a input field and a submit button. after they hit submit, i want the next page to load in the window they first clicked the link for the pop up. how would i do this?
Anyways, I use the Jquery UI Tabs plugin for navigation within a page on my website. I have two tabs on this page and I would like to have one image at the bottom of the first tab content that just simply opens the second tabbed content. I read this wiki on the documentation section of the plugin page: ..select a tab from a text link instead of clicking a tab itself var $tabs = $('#example').tabs(); // first tab selected $('#my-text-link').click(function() { // bind click event to link $tabs.tabs('select', 2); // switch to third tab return false; });
This is the code that I have for the image (it also uses a simple javascript image hover effect on it as well) <a href="#" onmouseout="MM_swapImgRestore()" onmouseover="MM_swapImage('consultation','','../weddings/pagegraphics/consult_b.png',1)"><span><img src="../weddings/pagegraphics/consult_a.gif" alt="set up a consultation now" name="consultation" width="293" height="36" border="0" id="consultation" align="right" /></span></a>
So when I read the the above wiki, i assumed that you put it in head like this: $(function(){ /* $('#tab-me').tabs(); */ $('#tabmain').tabs(4, { fxFade: true, fxAutoHeight: true}); $('.scroll-paneMap').jScrollPane(); var $tabs = $('#tab1').tabs(); // first tab selected $('#consultation').click(function() { // bind click event to link $tabs.tabs('select', 2); // switch to third tab return false; });
Where I used the id of the image as the first "blind click event to link" and the name of the first tab that is opened when you view the page as "tab1" and the name/id of the tab that I would like to open on click is tab2. This is my basic code setup: <div id="tab1" class="tabContent"> <div class="scroll-paneContact"> MAIN CONTENT GOES HERE <a href="#" onmouseout="MM_swapImgRestore()" onmouseover="MM_swapImage('consultation','','../weddings/pagegraphics/consult_b.png',1)"><span><img src="../weddings/pagegraphics/consult_a.gif" alt="set up a consultation now" name="consultation" width="293" height="36" border="0" id="consultation" align="right" /></span></a> </div><div> <div id="tab2" class="tabContent"> <div class="scroll-paneContact" > FORM TO LINK TO FROM TAB1 GOES HERE </div></div>
I have a JS which I have already started to try to customise, but I am having some difficulty with it in that when I click on an image, it does not take me to my html page.with care.html. Although all files are in the same folder, I get an error indicating that the fille cannot be found (I have checked the file name spelling). I am not doing any of this online as the Web pages, when working, will be put on CDs.
I am having difficulty in opening a link in an Iframe. If I explain, I have four pages -Page 1 containing the Iframe -Page 2 containing a series of thumbnails that opens in Iframe on page 1 -Page 3 is the larger image that opens in the Iframe on page 1 after clicking the thumbnail on page 2 -Page 4 is a page with a linking menu that has a link to page 3
The task I am struggling with is to get the link on page 4 to open the larger image of page 3 in the Iframe on page 1. Now I maybe doing something wrong but the code is opening page 2 in the Iframe on page 1. Below are the links to the pages in question. Page 1 Art for Sale - Bertram Enterprises Page 2 Bertram Enterprises Collection_Ver2 Page 3 [URL] Page 4 Jenni Dutton - Bertram Enterprises link near bottom of page - Art for Sale I wish to use this on many more of the images.
I am trying to use facebox on my site where when a thumbnail of a image is loaded, the large image appears on top. Currently when I select the thumbnail link it goes to new page with large image. I have done the following but still doesn't seem to be working.
I have downloaded css and jquery files and places in relevant folder, also given images. <a href="<?=WEB_PATH?>/images/large/<?=$Row['file_name']?>" rel="facebox"> This is where my large image files are saved.
I am looking to have a link open a closeable window that is contained within a browser window. If you click on the "sizing charts" link on this website, this is exactly what I am looking to do:
The window is contained within the current browser window, it can be dragged around, but not outside the parameters of the browser window.
I have a site where one of the links I have set up to open a pop up window which will display Terms & Agreement information, at the bottom there is a check box and a submit button for users to click on if they agree to the terms. I was able to get that working but the thing is when the user clicks in the check box and hits submit I want them to be directed to a page which has a form on it but I wanted the page to open in the original (Parent) window. This is where I am lost cause I found some coding which will open the page with the form in the pop up window but Ideally once they agree to terms and hit submit I'd like the pop up window to disappear and the new page open in the Parent window... is this possible below is the coding I'm using.
Here is the form:
<form method="get" action="this is where my link will go" onsubmit="return yes_no(this.form) " name="Agree"> <INPUT name="agree" name="agree" value="agree" type="checkbox"> I agree to terms <input type="submit" name="submit" value="Accept Terms">
I have a HTML and I am opening another link in a separate window using window.open() . The child window is something like 'http://yahoo.com' which is out side html. I need to refresh the parent window when the child window is closed.
I have a little tabbed content window that uses jquery and I have an annoying little problem: whenever I click on one of the tabs, the page resets to the top, so if you click on the last tab, you have to scroll down to see it again.
Here's a link: [URL]
If you look at this page in IE, I know, it displays all screwed up. I'm too tired to tackle IE today.
I need to allow user to download mp3 files when they click on the link rather than streaming the audio in the browser. Need to use only Javascript to download the file.
I need a counter that will display beside a link, with the number of times the same link has been clicked. I do not have FTP access to the site, since it is based on a CMS.