Link Tracking - Counter That Will Display Beside A Link With The Number Of Times The Same Link Has Been Clicked
Feb 16, 2009
I need a counter that will display beside a link, with the number of times the same link has been clicked. I do not have FTP access to the site, since it is based on a CMS.
Actually my requirement is when i move my mouse on the link, One alert box shoulb be appear and it will count how many times i move on that link. I already written the code in javascript but it didn't reach to my requirement.code...
I need to not publicly display phone number inside my website page (I use Joomla CMS). In fact the main goal is of course to be able to show the number but not to be crawled by search engine..So in practice instead to see this:Phone: 013456789I would like to see this:Phone: Click here for see the numberBy clicking on that link the number must be displayed...My website for display the phone field use this php code:<?php echo $CustomFields->field('my_phone',$listing); ?>I asked in some forum and some people tell me is possible to customize this php code with javascript for let me hide/show the field value but I don't have a single idea how to do this because I'm not a programmer...I take a look in all javascript libraries but I don't find any javacript ready for use for let me implement it inside the php code.
I am wanting to start tracking the clicks for certain links on an ecommerce site i run (its php based). However, i also want to track the conversions associated with these clicks too. And at the same time i do not want to change the links so that i don't have seo issues as well as issues with link sharing.
Because of these requirements i'm thinking ajax may be the best solution. I've setup a tracking ajax script which works well when the link is pointing to '#' but as soon as i change the link to an actual location the script fails to trigger, the link uses an onclick event. Is there a way to make the ajax script trigger before the page changes? Would this cause any delay on the loading of the page the link goes to?
Now i developed a javascript that could do just what i need but the problem is it doesn't work in every browser as it should be. Because i want to track a link click i need to make a request to my server to say that the link has been clicked. The first problem i had was that i needed to make a cross domain ajax call. But this is fixed by using JSONP. Now my code looks like this:
The first idea was that i wouldn't do anything in the success of the jsonp call and just let the request go, but because this didn't work when i clicked on an external link, i changed it to wait on a response before opening the link. The problem with this code is that it doesn't work in Opera, no request is being send to the server Now i know that JSONP mimics the ajax call by adding a script tag to the page which loads the script of the given url. Now i think when i do this in Opera the dynamically loaded javascript isn't executed. In Firefox, IE, Chrome, Safari it works but not in Opera.
Another idea i had was by dynamicly adding an image to the page. But this has the same problem in Opera and i was unable to track an external link in Safari and Chrome (Webkit.
I'm trying to append the title attribute to the text of my link. I've got it working, except for the fact that all three links are showing the first link's attribute. Check out the demo at http://outdoor/ Hover over the Products menu item, and you'll see the drop-down with the attributes.This is the code I'm currently using:
var $titleText = $("#top nav ul ul li a").attr("title"); $("#top nav ul ul li a").append("<em>" + $titleText + "</em>");
I'm new to jQuery and have a problem with links inside an accordion.
The simplified code looks like this: <div class="active-item"> <div class="available-items"> <h5>Headline</h5> </div>
The problem is, that the links inside the table are not active. If i click them, the accordion is closing What do i have to do, to keep the links inside the open accordion as normal links, without closing the accordion?
Im updating a website to use ajax instead of Iframes. Ajax is working fine to load html content into a <div> yet my issue lies with the navigation buttons that trigger my ajax requests.
I have css styled buttons that contain <a> links </a>, i have removed the href and used a onclick event instead but when i remove the href the mouse will lose its hand cursor on hover and the css styled buttons stop working correctly.
<script type="text/javascript"> function loadXMLDoc() { if (window.XMLHttpRequest)
I'm using Firefox 3.5.5 on Vista 32 Home Premium SP2 and only recently noticed that (javascript/jquery being enabled) link focus is lost when you tab through a page, follow the link to another page and then hit the backspace key to come back. Tab navigation continues at top of page, not with the next link after the one in focus before.
No problems in this respect with IE8 and Opera. As soon as you disable javascript with noscript, the problem disappears and link focus stays, so that tabbing brings on the next link instead of starting on top of page again.
Just confirmed it on jquery/com (following navigation link to Plugins and hitting backspace) and on learningjquery/com (navigation links). A Google search didn't yield any answers nor even any similar reports on this particular problem.
It's even more irksome in my particular case, since I have just implemented a stylesheet switcher in order to enhance certain accessibility aspects, but ironically this particular bug leads to a loss of accessibility.
Does anybody know what might be the reason (version 1.3.2.min related?, cookies related?, etc.) for this and how to solve it?
Below is an example of a synthetic click in Firefox. The browser does not follow the link. Is that the just the way synthetic clicks work of am I doing something wrong? I know the synthetic click occurs because if I add an onclick attribute to the link the handler runs. Any ideas? Code:
I have two links that have the same class name (like class="item191") on the same site. I want to hover one of these links and both links should become highlighted.
Can anyone explain why replace doesn't work in the code below, the anchor text doesn't change when I click on the link.I will be happy if someone can tell me
1. how to change the linktext to "Hide information" when I click on the link. 2. how to hide the showInfoText (which has been visible when I clicked the first time) when I click on the link - now with the text "Hide information" - again. 3. how to make the link clickable again. Just now it is only clickable once.
when you click on the link a new page html page opens and on that new page, information found in a database with the id of 12(as found in the link) will be displayed using external style sheets etc. Can this be done with html css javascript and json? P.S I know how to do this with php however I want this to be done in my mobile app so the actual page cannot be a .php page
I am using the counter script below to display a count from 1-36. Does anyone know how to edit the javascript to flash or blink the number 36 a few times, and then loop the script to start over and count from 1-36 again (and again)?
I try to make the follow. I want that i can click on a text link and that then a link wil be copyed in a input form box (<input type="text" name="img_url" />).
I have google-ed about how i can make this but i cant find a explane how i can do this. I'm sure my javascript skills are the problem....
I cant link out of link inside rotating tabs. The rotation is working fine. I have no problem with it. Bellow is the index.html page with <script type="text/javascript" src="tabcontent.js"></script> wich ofcourse has the JScript that is making it work. You will see another small Jscript on the index.html page that I've been using to try to make the links work, but to no avail.
I hope this makes sense. If anyone wants to see the entire code let me know. Right now I just got the rotator working. I just need to make the links work. I will post it for everyone to use as soon as I get it working.getting the links going.
I'm working on a search engine that is just like google but customized for me and my friends. I have everything working well from the scripts supplied by google however they don't allow image searches. In order to combat this I added a link that links to google images. Is there a way to make the link go to google images and display my search keyword without having to retype it? The site is [URL] if you need to look at it.
I'm sure this has been brought up on these forums multiple times about showing and hiding div tags via links that you click on. The majority of ones that I found have you click a link to open the div and if you click the same link again, the div closes like it should.
But my problem involves multiple links and multiple div files that need to open the div assigned to it when clicked but also hide any previous divs that were shown with previous link clicks.
My Javascript in the head
Code: <script type="text/javascript"> <!-- Show arrow on link click function showArrow(id) {
i want the link only to change color when clicked and content changes in window "#gallery". Then when click on another link, it goes back to original color and new link is now changed. Basically, only when link is acitve or focused on then it's new color so user knows link and content that's being viewed.
How can I detect when a link has been clicked but the new page is still in the process of loading? The document.location.href property still displays the current location (understandably) not the one that's about to load.
I have a page that reloads every 30 seconds in order to access live data. If a user clicks on a link just prior to the page reloading the reload takes precedence over the link click and this is annoying for the users. Whe the page is about to reload I want to check to see if a link has just been clicked (and therefore a new page is about to load) and, if so, cancel the reload.