Link To Show Hidden Div But Reset Others With Other Link?
May 28, 2009
I'm sure this has been brought up on these forums multiple times about showing and hiding div tags via links that you click on. The majority of ones that I found have you click a link to open the div and if you click the same link again, the div closes like it should.
But my problem involves multiple links and multiple div files that need to open the div assigned to it when clicked but also hide any previous divs that were shown with previous link clicks.
My Javascript in the head
<script type="text/javascript">
<!-- Show arrow on link click
function showArrow(id) {
I have four links which show a div and when you select another link it closes the current div and shows the new one. I'm trying to add a 'Close' button within the currently open div which obviously will hide the div and allow it to be opened again by selecting a link.
HTML Code:
My problem is that when the box has been hidden by the close link it will not be shown by the links.
I am trying to create a tell a friend script and add the ability for the users to send the email to more recipients than what is hard coded into the form. I have come up with this so far but is wont allow me to let the user 'show more email fields' a second time. I dont know how to write the javascript to allow this? When I tried duplicating the divs and adding a 'show more' link inside the first hidden div it just showed both sets when I clicked.
I need a counter that will display beside a link, with the number of times the same link has been clicked. I do not have FTP access to the site, since it is based on a CMS.
I'm searching for code for hide link in all over my site pages, it could be java script or anything.For example; when a visitors enter my site then when he first click to any link or anywhere in the page including blank white section of the page then automatically load another link in new tab (not new window) for one time only, this site using same thing what I'm wanting. After page load When you click anywhere in this site a new tab open with the link of for one time only. One time per one visitor.
I've got rows of divs in this manner <div class="row">This is row 1 <a href="click">click here to show more</a></div> <div class="hidden row"><p> hidden text for row 1</p></div> <div class="row">This is row 2 <a href="click">click here to show more</a></div> <div class="hidden row"><p> hidden text for row 2</p></div> <div class="row">This is row 3 <a href="click">click here to show more</a></div> <div class="hidden row"><p> hidden text for row 3</p></div> <div class="row">This is row 4 <a href="click">click here to show more</a></div> <div class="hidden row"><p> hidden text for row 4</p></div> I wish to have some javascript to toggle the hidden row for its corresponding link.
i want to add something to my script that will make the 'Click here to download the file.' link appear after 40 seconds with a countdown timer for ad purposes.
Current state of script:Code:
i cant find the code i need anywhere, does anyone no what code with enable me to do this?
i need it to be like where the link doesnt appear straight away.
How can I make a link or banner to be hidden after x clicks on it? And if possible to count only different IP clicks? Like if 30 users click on the banner and it is no longer shown in the site, unless I put some more clicks for it.
I am using multiple links at the same page with same class(cannot access using id because of multiple links) like
<a class="coupon_link" href="#?stockAlert=45">Click here to get coupon</a> <a class="coupon_link" href="#?stockAlert=46">Click here to get coupon</a> <a class="coupon_link" href="#?stockAlert=47">Click here to get coupon</a>
I start to create a page with a vertical menu, and when the user click in one item, jquery function create a new tab with the name of the item clicked and show the corresponding page. and the user can close this tab. But my problem is: when the page loaded contain links, this link repeated in all the other pages loaded, and when I click in this link , it doesn't add to the tab.
I am pretty new to JS but I've managed to create a function to show and hide a div according to a link's URL, but I am gonna have lots of url's and lots of div's to show and hide, its not a problem to show and hide them, the only trouble is that they stack, if I show div 1, and then press link 2 to show div 2, Div 2 is gonna be below div 1, and what I want is that when I click link 2 to hide div 1 or any other shown divs, I am sure its possible but i don't know how to do it. I think it would be possible by storing the id of the div in a variable, but the only problem is that when I call that function, the variable always changes so it would be a matter of storing the id in a variable outside the function, but i don't know how to do that, or what are the rules?
This is my code: JS function showHide(product) { var el = document.getElementById(product); el.className = (el.className == 'hide') ? '' : 'hide'; }
HTML <div id="1" class="hide">Content of Div 1</div> <div id="2" class="hide">Content of Div 2</div> <a href="javascript:showHide('1');">Show Hide 1</a> <a href="javascript:showHide('2');">Show Hide 1</a>
CSS .hide { display:none; }
I need to have the javascript function call in href because of an applet I am using. In resume, the divs are hidden at the start, when I click one link, the div shows, when I click the other link I need the previous div shown to be hidden (class="hide"), and show the new div and so on.
This specific to the messages posted by members for various sections on this forum. when I read through the message text, and if the member has typed in some link of other site, on mouse over of this link i see small image of the link contents. I wanted to know how to do that? Are the images stored in the database and shown on mouse over or its something else.
I want a new image to show when the user mouses over each link. I prefer a jquery plugin. Does anyone have recommendations for me? I'm a newb when it comes to Javascript so the easier the better
just wondering, anybody has script/tutorial that does the show link after 45 seconds like rapidshare? There's a counter and after 45 seconds it displays the link.
I have multiple divs called article which have a show/hide link to toggle a div inside called articleBody. Problem is when I click the link all divs show/hide. The html structure is below:
<div class="article"> <p class="show"><a href="#">Hide [-]</a></p> <div class="articleBody"><!-- Stuff i need to hide on click</div> </div>
how I can toggle the text to say show/hide as well as just closing that one instance of div article rather than every instance on the page?
I have 11 elements with long description of each element of them. I decided to display the elements on the sidebar and the description of each one of them will be displayed on the body directly when the user clicks on the element.but the problem with this one is put the content (or description) inside the javascript code, and I want the description be on the HTML code to make it later on flexible for changes by the admin after putting the data including the description of these elements on the database instead of hard-coded style.
I'm trying to append the title attribute to the text of my link. I've got it working, except for the fact that all three links are showing the first link's attribute. Check out the demo at http://outdoor/ Hover over the Products menu item, and you'll see the drop-down with the attributes.This is the code I'm currently using:
var $titleText = $("#top nav ul ul li a").attr("title"); $("#top nav ul ul li a").append("<em>" + $titleText + "</em>");
I'm new to jQuery and have a problem with links inside an accordion.
The simplified code looks like this: <div class="active-item"> <div class="available-items"> <h5>Headline</h5> </div>
The problem is, that the links inside the table are not active. If i click them, the accordion is closing What do i have to do, to keep the links inside the open accordion as normal links, without closing the accordion?
Im updating a website to use ajax instead of Iframes. Ajax is working fine to load html content into a <div> yet my issue lies with the navigation buttons that trigger my ajax requests.
I have css styled buttons that contain <a> links </a>, i have removed the href and used a onclick event instead but when i remove the href the mouse will lose its hand cursor on hover and the css styled buttons stop working correctly.
<script type="text/javascript"> function loadXMLDoc() { if (window.XMLHttpRequest)
I'm using Firefox 3.5.5 on Vista 32 Home Premium SP2 and only recently noticed that (javascript/jquery being enabled) link focus is lost when you tab through a page, follow the link to another page and then hit the backspace key to come back. Tab navigation continues at top of page, not with the next link after the one in focus before.
No problems in this respect with IE8 and Opera. As soon as you disable javascript with noscript, the problem disappears and link focus stays, so that tabbing brings on the next link instead of starting on top of page again.
Just confirmed it on jquery/com (following navigation link to Plugins and hitting backspace) and on learningjquery/com (navigation links). A Google search didn't yield any answers nor even any similar reports on this particular problem.
It's even more irksome in my particular case, since I have just implemented a stylesheet switcher in order to enhance certain accessibility aspects, but ironically this particular bug leads to a loss of accessibility.
Does anybody know what might be the reason (version 1.3.2.min related?, cookies related?, etc.) for this and how to solve it?
I have many links on my page. When the user moves over one of the Links, i want to show two or three small icons (perhaps fade in) on the right side of the link so the user could click on it. When the user moves to another link, the previous shown icons should be hidden (perhaps fade out) and the new icons which belong the new link should be shown and made visible. Is this possible?
I have a table that contains information that is hidden within a 'td' element. Users can access this information if they wish by clicking on a link that is held in another 'td' element on the previous row (table structure below):