Linking A Cookie (posted In A Div) To A Text Box To Search?
Aug 27, 2011
How do I link a cookie, presented in a div, to a text box on the same page - so it can be searched?
Now I have a search box that link to the Google Maps API. I also have the two most recently search items to show up as cookies below the map. My goal is to have the cookies show up as links so that when you click them, they show up in the text box to search.
I'm thinking of three ways to do this and wonder which is the best way to do it.
1) Can I just adjust the div tag to link to the text box?
2) Can I adjust the function relating to how the cookies are posted on the page?
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Apr 30, 2009
I am making a sort of text based game (Just a hobby) I like to do that sort of thing. So, anyway, considering all I can really do is code HTML, and very, very light javascript, I kinda need some help.
I basicly know how to do everything except affect & Use the cookies. So what I need to do with them is to
#1.) Have a code to change the cookie number, say... on the click of a button.
#2.) Have a code where it only displays certain text if the cookie is a certain number.
I cant code JS and have no idea how hard/easy this is.
If it is insanely hard & needs a master coder, just tell me and ill take it off. I dont want to be wasting anyones time.
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Jan 24, 2010
i've followed this javascript and i'd like to link the text to one of my page.How do i place the ahref tag in the script.[URL]...
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Apr 12, 2010
Im currently working on a project for class and have been directed to use Javascript for what im looking to do. Im a beginner when it comes to coding w/ javascript. Over the last couple days I've spent good time reading and practicing tutorials but have yet to do something I imagine is very basic for what I want to do.
At the moment, im looking to insert text into a webpage, that links to images. The images, ideally will layer on top of each other (Multiple images can be shown based on the "text" which activates it) Images shown, if done what im looking for, will have a transparent background to view images set behind one another. I've spent a couple hours looking up code through google, found similiar code which i've tried to manipulate to do what I want. I have yet to put something successful together. Was hoping I could look upon experience programmers to help me out by pointing me in the right direction. Im willing to do the work, just looking for that guidance
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Jan 24, 2011
i want to search the index.xml file throu diff input like combo box and input text shown in the search.html file and output the result in a tale.
<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01//EN" "">
<html><head><meta content="text/html; charset=ISO-8859-1" http-equiv="content-type">
<script type="text/javascript" src="search%20xml/search%20xml%20with%20mouseover%20table/searchindex.js"></script>
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Apr 19, 2010
The javascript below is looking for the word 'margaret thatcher' in the body and surrounding it with a link. It's lower-case but the script is ignoring the case so that won't matter. But, the problem is that because Margaret Thatcher is a proper noun, it will be capitalized in the body text yet replaced with lower-case text. How can I modify this script to look for the word while ignoring the case but use the same text it found as the replacement instead of using the text object?
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Dec 10, 2010
I have a search field on the website, and when I type a word to search, it search good, but after preforming the search, the search term from search text field disappears and become the default 'Search' word.
How can I make search term stay in search field after preforming a search ? For example, when I type into the search field 'JavaScript' I want that term to stay in search field and after the search is done.
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Apr 30, 2005
can u write text on a new line in a cookie. Because from what i have been testing i can only get it to add any additional text to the end of the previous one.
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Mar 12, 2011
Is there some way to use a cookie to store quite a chunk of text?
I'd like it so I could enter some text, for example into a textarea, then have a cookie so that if I close the page, when I open it again the text is still there. (perhaps not in the textarea, though, if that wouldn't work)
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Feb 22, 2010
I'm wondering if there is a way to search or find text within a page using js? I have searched through the web and it seems that it is possible, but everything I read is very convoluted and seems a bit complex for what I need. I've also searched this forum but didn't find what I need.My goal is to search through a page to check for the string "Submitter Draft In Progress". I want to then use the results in an IF statement.
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Aug 11, 2009
I'm pretty much lost at javascript, and unfortunately can use php to accomplish this, so here goeI have existing html page that includes a Week #. ie, 1, 2, 3, 5.... and so on.I'd like to be able to have a text, csv, or similar file that I can update on frequent basis that will list a Week # and than custom field of some type. (likely a date or unix time stamp).Is there a way to open a text file (or csv, etc) in javascript. Than be able to compare and get the correct data?Off the top of my head, I think its possible, and would involve something like the following?1. Create a csv file like below1, this is custom, my other custom2, some more, and this too3, and somthing, see spot run2. Next would be have a javascript open and read the file. You would assign a variable name to each 1st, 2nd and 3rd item of each line.Than the script would loop through each line until it found a a match of Variable
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Feb 24, 2011
This is a follow up to my older thread, about tables and finding images within them. So after getting some help from "Krupski" :thumbsup: I found myself stuck again. I'm trying to go at this rather from an other point of view, instead of getting the cell information I am now trying to get the alt text value. from within the image tag. but being a novice at this well ive hit a wall. :confused: My code so far. searches though the table finding the sad images then i want it to display the Alt-text or an other value table_id or similar. also is there a fast way of putting in Alt text like A1,2,3 B1,2,3 etc like an automated loop. (might work on this after the main problem is dealt with)
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Apr 2, 2009
I have created a html purchase request form that people will fill out and submit to make purchase requests within my company. In this html form, I have a text field that is automatically populated when the page is pulled up. The text field is populated with the name of the person who is logged in and it is read only so they cannot be deceitful or anything.To get to this HTML Request form, you must log in through a webclient thus the server knows to populate your name because you are the one logged in. The text field populates because of its <input NAME = "OBProperty_CurrentUserRealName", which is a keyword the program identifies and knows to populate with the logged in users name into that particular text field.
That works all fine and dandy, so here is where the problem lies. When submitting the overall form request, the populated name isnt being saved/ carried over to the admin page so we do not know who it was submitted by.To make the persons name carry over and save, another field name keyword must be used.
Which is OBKey__163_1. Which it was suggested to me to make that the input name of a hidden field. I need "text field A" to continue to populate the form with the persons name using OBKey_CurrentUserRealName, then pass the persons name off to a hidden field containing the input name=OBKey__164_1, which will thus save/pass the persons name on with the rest of the filled out request form when its submitted.
Here is what I have:
<input name="OBProperty_CurrentUserRealName" type="text" id="buyer" style="width:100%" readonly="readonly">
<input name="OBKey__163_1" type="hidden" id="OBKey__163_1">
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Oct 15, 2010
How can I search and replace Text with jQuery? I'm new to Jquery and Javascript.
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Nov 22, 2002
Highlight a portion of the text and you can search it on the major search engines. The search box can also be used as a conventional search box too....
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Feb 2, 2011
is there a way to use javascript to search a text file for a keyword string? I'm including a file on my webpage, but I first want to search it for a keyword,and then include it if it's found
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Jun 14, 2011
I'm trying to reduce a large number of pdf files to text format. Acrobat has a batch processing feature that will convert the files, and also allows a JavaScript to be executed as part of the conversion process.
I would like to add JavaScript code that allows me to replace and/or remove certain text/characters from the file.
Examples would be:
A) Remove all double, triple, multi-spaces and carriage returns
B) Change all uppercase characters to lowercase
C) Remove all punctuation
What i'm really aiming for is to be able to run the batch process in Adobe, then have a javascript filter out all that junk within a file with X amount of lines, not just one.
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Dec 1, 2010
My work website, [URL] has an activity search on the top-right side of the page that searches congregation details. It mostly works fine, except that if you search "greenwood" instead of getting shown Greenwood Uniting Church, it tells you that there are no congregations within 15km of Greenwood. Yet if you search "Kingsley" (Next suburb over, less than 15km from Greenwood) it finds the Greenwood Uniting Church.
We worked out that the issue is that there is more than one Greenwood in Australia, so it needs to be clarified that the state of WA needs to be added to the search. The easiest way (I feel) is to check whether WA has been included in the text, and if not, to add it to the search text. This is the code I've got so far (written by a friend, who wasn't certain whether it would work or not):
PHP Code:
echo '<script type="text/javascript">';
// Check that there's state appended to the search
echo 'function checkState(){';
echo 'var searchField=document.getElementById("suburb-address");';
echo 'if (searchField.value.lastindexOf("WA")==0) { ';
echo 'searchField.value+=", WA";';
echo '}';
echo '}';
echo '</script>';
(It's included in a Wordpress Plugin, hence the echo tags)and the form itself:
PHP Code:
echo '<form method="post" action="http://'.$current_site->domain . $current_site->path.'home/activity-search" onSubmit="javascript:checkState();return true;">';
echo '<label>Suburb:</label><input type="text" name="address" id="suburb-address" title="Enter Suburb & State" />';
echo '<select name="categories[]" >';
echo '<option value ="">All Activities</option>';
$categories_list = split('[
]', get_setting('categories', $db));
foreach ($categories_list AS $cat){
$cat = trim($cat);
echo '<option>'.$cat.'</option>';
} echo '</select>';
echo '<label>Country:</label>';
echo '<select name="country" id="country">';
echo '</select>';
echo '<label>Radius:</label>';
echo '<select name="radius" id="radius">';
echo '</select>';
echo '<input type="submit" name="submit" value="Search" class="btn" />';
echo '</form>';
I'm wondering whether the if statement is valid, but I'm not knowledgeable in Javascript, so I don't know where to begin.
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Mar 9, 2009
Firebug's console is showing when visiting my test.html page Headers, Post and Response. In the Post tab it is showing: "id 9". I need to create a new page and get that 9 in it so I can use it. I don't mind jQuery, Ajax or Javascript but I need that 9. I know that with php I just need $_REQUEST["id"]; but I cannot use php.
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Jun 12, 2011
The background of this thread is about CAPTCHA:
HTML Code:
<script language=javascript>
document.write("<img src="+id+".jpg>")
above is the js code I use to generate a random id, which in effect displays id.jpg on the web page (assume we have id.jpg in the right folder).
When a user sees that page, he is going to choose what word describes the picture best. (purpose of CAPTCHA: verify the user is a human)
HTML Code:
<select name="selected[1]">
<option value="">Click to identify</option>
The selection is sent to backend php script using POST method.
Here is my problem: In the php script, I know, for example, the user chose Dog to describe the mysterious jpg generated by js code. But there's no way for me to know the id of the jpg file generated by js code. Hence, I will not be able to check whether the user chose a valid description of the jpg file.
How can I send information about the id of the jpg file to the php script?
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Feb 1, 2010
I'm looking to use JQuery to setup something like this:(Textbox input via search)(Multi-select select/option box here with results already populated)There are a large number of results already in the multi-select box and I'd like to narrow them down on the fly by text input into the "search" field. What would be the most efficient way to do this?
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Apr 7, 2009
I have written a JS search function. I want it to work with IE, Firefox, Opera and Windows Safari. At this point it is working in all four of these browsers except for one feature: if the word I'm searching for is at the bottom of the textarea (not in the visible text) then the search function will not scroll the text up so that the find is visible.
I should quickly say that this does work in IE but not in the other three browsers. I'm at a loss as to how to get the textarea to scroll the found word into view in FF, Opera and Safari.
<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "">
<html xmlns="">
<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8" />
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Sep 8, 2010
I have this search box form with 2 select boxes :
<form action="search.php" method="get">
<select name="RingType">
<option value="Nose">Nose</option>
<option value="Toe">Toe</option>
For example, when a visitor selects "Belly" RingType, I want "Belly Ring" to appear in the search box.
when the visitor selects "pearl" NecklaceType, I want "pearl necklace" to appear in the search box.
if the visitor first selects "Belly" RingType, and then selects "pearl" NecklaceType, I want "Belly Ring pearl necklace" to appear in the search box.
After making his selections in the search box, if he types something in the search box, it should add to what is already there in the search box. Or, if he first types something in the search box for example, "jewelry" and then selects "pearl" in the necklacetype select box, the search box should show : "jewelry pearl necklace"
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Mar 6, 2011
I have a text area to enter a search, and I have already written the JavaScript part of it (unsure if this is where the problem lies). The text that will go into the text area is a URL. the search button is disabled if there are spaces in the query, or if the field is blank, else the button is enabled. The problem I'm having may or may not be to do with my script. The HTML is set to 'onKeyUp' and 'onBlur' to run the function. now, it works fine, unless the user uses the mouse to copy and paste a URL into the text area. the button remains disabled until the user focuses out of the text area then back in. if ctrl+v is used, then the function works.
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Sep 1, 2011
import java.util.*;
i have added a code which extracts all the data from a web search page... but i need to split the titles ,urls and snippets.. which parser or package can be used to extract only titles,snippets and urls in a web search page.
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Feb 11, 2010
I'd like the text in the search box to disappear when the box is clicked in. Easy, right? I've found several how-to pieces online, and gotten it to work with at least two different methods. However, I found a rather snotty discussion of form semantics that made me wonder: what's the right way to accomplish this, can I tighten up this code to be clean and tidy, and most importantly, can someone explain it to me so I can understand it? Forms tend to leave me confrazzled.
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