II have tried appending ($('#div').append('selector) but all that does is just append the normal visual rendered text to my #div. What I need is the whole selector to be appended.
I tried using .html to copy of the selector over to the DOM, but nothing shows up in that specified div when I look in firebug.
I am using jqGrid to separate my nodes from the static xml file that it is working with.
Here is the node that I need copied into a div in my DOM:
I have figured out how to load a fragment into a container but "unloading" is not as clear. Suggest how to do this properly? I tried load() with no arguments and unoad() but nothing works quite right...
$('#mood').html always contains the value of the values food_rate and tax_rate had before I loaded the new values in. (Before Line 1 and 2 happen)I already red, about event bubbling and event delegation, but the html-elements fax_rate and food_rate exist from the beginning, and only their innerHTML does change.
$('#bank').click(function(event){ // request form $('#middle').load('form/bank.html'); $('#butang').click(function(){
Which means, once after a link namely as "bank" is clicked,then it will extract the bank.html contentinto the middle div. And I already put a button ID named as "butang" over that bank.html. But why after the content is nicely rendered, I can't obtain the alert?
Hmmm... even when I clicking, clicking, and clicking many times at the button named as "butang", can not also give me an alert. How could I apply a jquery into a new html rendered as it firstly it's not there?
I was wondering if there was an easy way to dump the html that gets generated after the page gets loaded to verify it's what I wanted and expected (I'd like to check out the source, not just the results).
I have a page that inserts a div after another div on my page. Basically this div and its content are generated by the server and outputted via Ajax when the user clicks a button.I have something like:
//Listener function $("div").click( function () { alert("thing"); });
Clicking any of the divs that were loaded on the page will give this alert however, clicking on this div that was inserted after the user clicks a button does not respond to this listener. I put my rendered html into the w3c validator and my page has no errors (because I thought that maybe I had a missing end tag which would cause jquery to not work).
I'm trying to add dynamically generated HTML after the page has loaded. I've tried two versions.The latest versions is this, using insertBefore (as appendChild is buggy in a few browsers according to the SitePoint reference) ...
addImageField: function(x) { var newNode = createImageField(x); var src = document.getElementById("imageUploads");
The first alert returns: object HTMLFieldsetElement .The second alert returns: object HTMLDivElement....and the third alert fails to fire, indicating a problem with the code above.Note that if I change the problem line to remove the null reference it still doesn't work (again the third alert won't fire):
After a html document loads in a browser,I want to be able to monitor
the page incase any content on it changes for any reason.
Is there a Javascript function with which I can track 'what has
changed' on the webpage .
This should be irrespective of the type of content on the html page
I have two example for you to ponder on: Ex1: ----- Say in an html document there are two select boxes s1 and s2. The items list in s2 depends on selctions in s1 (page is not
refreshed..ie.. s2 is loaded through Ajax or sumthing)
So after the html page loads I need to get a notification whenever s2
is populated...
Ex2: ------- Say ,in a html page,there's a link,Onclicking which a light pop-up
div is created with some text. How can I capture the content of this dynamic pop-up?
In all this discussion,I'm not taking into account any particular
format of html...the html content can be anything.......I just need
to keep tracking if any content chages after the page loads...
Ideally I need to achieve this using javascript (client side
Try to click the button#btn 3 times... you will find the loaded testing.html will only run the script 2 times.. then it will show no script for the rest....
I tried it on chrome, firefox.
Trying to make a full ajax site may have alternative way to load and remove?
I am working on a page that will load in other pages using AJAX and the .html method. Something like this :
<span id = "edit">Edit</span> <div id = "cont"> </div> //the click edit script
Unfortunately this does not seem to work, entirely. It does trigger the click event but it messes up the post for some reason. I have played around with it for the last 45 minutes or so and it seems like the click event trigger is what is messing things up, if I comment it out it works fine. Could anyone tell me why they think this is? note this is an over simplified version of my actual code, but the structure is the same.
I'm building a tree control that lazily loads branches of the tree using the document.load() method.
The external XML document that is loaded is generated by a servlet as XHTML. What I would like to do is to add the new tree branch to the correct place in the document in the browser window using the innerHTML property of the parent node.
The relevant code snippet that I've written to do this is:
var target = document.getElementById(parentId); target.innerHTML = xmlDoc.documentElement.xml;
This doesn't work, furthermore looking at the W3C DOM API it would seem that the document.xml property is a Microsort proprietary extension which makes it unsuitable for my application.
I'm coding in Dreamweaver CS3 on a Mac, and am running latest Firefox I am in the DOM chapter of SitePoint's "Simply Javascript", where I'm learning how javascript references elements/nodes from the html (much like CSS) PROBLEM: I am failing to receive browser alerts in the following situation
I'm expecting to get browser alerts saying 'p' and 'this is a test of js...', respectively I get nothing, and nothing on refresh NOTE: when I leave the .properties off target, i do get an alert that reads 'null' Q. is my .js running before the HTML has completely loaded? oorrr am i missing something really basic?
I want to load an html div in a variable, modify it in another variable; and then change the document injecting the contents.
1. I load the html to be changed in a variable (code) 2. I modify an attribute of <param> using attr() and I put the result in a var (newcode) 3. I change the html in the doc
I've used the debugger, and all steps give the expected results, except of newcode.html(), which is a null string. Why?
I'm trying to find an example of a country selector (which also provides a state selector if USA is chosen) then you cvan select the city, any samples out there?
On my webpage, I dynamically create an iFrame when a button is pressed, then load a html page from within my own domain into the iframe, based on what html page is loaded into a variable. My question is, can I dynamically change the font family of the loaded html page from the javascript of the main page? My code to create the iframe is:
function setSubTxt(){ var par = document.getElementById('parentDiv'); par.innerHTML = '<iframe src="'+subTxt+'" style="width: 375px; position: fixed; height: 365px; left: 400px; top: 145px; border=none;" name="subIframe" frameBorder=0></iframe>'; frames['subIframe'].window.location=subTxt; document.subIframe.document.body.style.fontFamily = "Arial"; [Code]....
the variable "subTxt" has the url of the html page to be loaded (always on the same domain). The code: document.subIframe.document.body.style.fontFamily = "Arial"; was my attempt to dynamically change the font, but it didn't work. Also, it should be noted that there is no font family set in the html pages which would override this.
I'm trying to use cluetip jquery plugin inside a message_container div which will be updated once in a while through ajax. The plugin works just fine in any other div, but it seems that in message_container div the already loaded external javascripts are not present ie the plugin doesn't work. Do you have any ideas what would be a proper solution for this issue?
I'm trying to create a drop down menu which has several levels. When a level is clicked on, other expanded categories in that level should minimize simultaneously. The trouble I'm having is using a combination of selectors to say 'all divs which match this pattern but not this one'. I've had a look through the selectors API pages
i use it in a CMS. In my content page, when I insert a floating element, I use it to set the margin around element according to left or right float in this way:
I have a problem that I couldn't solve myself. I have 2 forms. name="form1" and name="form2" In each form, there's the same class names for rows. <tr class="draggable">
What I need to do, is to take the last draggable row in a certain form. $( tr_object + " tr.draggable:last" ) <- returns the last tr with class draggable in whole document. How do I limit It's view/search scope to one of the forms only?