JQuery :: Use The ToggleClass - Toggle The On And Off Class On List Items
Jun 2, 2010
I'm trying to toggle the on and off class on list items but having issues it working.
I only want the 'on' class on the element that is clicked. So if another element in the list is clicked it removes the 'on' class from the one that had it to the one that has been clicked.
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Jun 17, 2011
I have a nested lists which contain city names, and then level 2 is businesses in that city. those are hidden by default so that when you click on the city name the businesses will slideToggle down. What would be the correct script to enable this.I have the effect working, but when I click on any of my top level anchors all of the nested items toggle. I want each city's businesses to act independently from each other.
see example below
<ul id="cityList">
<ul class="city">
<li><a class="parkTitle" href="#">American RV Park</a>
Here is the script i currently have
$('ul.city li a.parkTitle').click(function(event){
example when I click on "american rv park" the div "parkInfo" directly below that first link would toggle
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Jul 15, 2009
I have just started out in jquery and thought it would be cool to add some effects to my football clubs site.
I have a players page with a list of players. In the past each player link would open a new individual profile page. This was not ideal.
Now i want to create a list of players names that show a small bio below their names when their link is clicked.
I have created some code but it just shows the bio of all players when a link is clicked. There are lots of links so repeating all the code with unique id's i believe is not the best solution.[code]...
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May 11, 2009
The following works very well to highlight a table cell with a background color when the cell is clicked:
I just can't figure out how to incorporate a fadeIn and fadeOut effect with toggle or toggleClass. I'd like to be able to control the speed of the hightlight when a user clicks a cell on the table.
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Jun 16, 2010
I am having trouble displaying in an alert the id of the list item which contains an image.here is the structure of li
<li id="IDr">
<img src="ImagesDoneTimelessDSC_0483_Thumb.png" alt="Zombie"/><span>Description</span>
<img class="Pink" src="ImagesPinkBanner.png" alt="Pink Banner"/><span
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Sep 23, 2010
I have a list of links in a sidebar, each with an associated class name. When one of these links are clicked, I want to fade out all of the main content list items that do NOT have this class (ie - if I click on boots, I want to fade out the list items heels and sandals)
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Mar 28, 2011
I'm trying to create a list that contains items which are filters for a search. The list shows 10 items (max) on the page load. if there are more than 10 it changes the class of the elements > 10 so they are hidden, and a 'show more' link is appended. Now if the user has 'unhidden' the previously hidden items and then chooses one, I want the class for all those previously hidden items to change until the user has deselected that item.
Is there a better, smaller way to write this? It works for what i need currently, but there are future features im planning that will not be practical checkingindividualindexes the way i've done it.
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Nov 25, 2010
<input type="text" class="class1">
<input type="text" class="class3">
<input type="text" class="class2">
<input type="text" class="class2 class1">
<input type="text" class="class1 class3">
<input type="text" class="class1">
Given the above, how would I select those that HAVE class1, but NOT class2, don't care about class3
So what I want are the items on lines 1,5 & 6 How could the below be modified to achieve what I want, or do I need something completely different?
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Jan 26, 2010
I am trying to put the finishing touches on my client's website. The site was built with Wordpress as its CMS. For the site's 'Photos' page, I used the NextGen Gallery plugin to manage and display the image gallery. We (my programmer) made some modifcations to the plugin so that users could upload images from the frontend of the site. That was no problem.
Then I added a jQuery script that toggles each image's description text OFF and ON. It looks good on the 1st page of the gallery, but then if you click to page "2" you get taken to a screen that shows all the descriptions toggled ON. I don't know what's doing it, but something is causing all of these descriptions to show at once, which is NOT what we want.
Here's the jQuery script I am using (it's in no-conflict mode so it plays nicely with the other code libraries in wordpress):
var $j = jQuery.noConflict();
$j(document).ready(function( ) {
how I can make a 'description text box' disappear/fadeout when another one gets clicked? Right now you actually have to go back and re-click each one before it toggles OFF, which starts looking terrible after you've clicked a few of them.
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Dec 29, 2009
I'm looking for a lightweight way to be able to switch between 2 divs on a page.
I have found various ways to do this online with jQuery, but none of which are able to handle multiple switches and make it extendable across the pages of my website efficiently.
For example I could have 12 - 15 individual elements on a page (All with same style) each with an option to switch content e.g. "Click here to do something" then once clicked "it would reveal something" (Within that element/<li> tag) - so it's element specific.
For example:
<li class="box>
But of course as it's element specific you have to associate each id together but you can't have two id="2" - as that won't validate.....
Looking around, a perfect example can be seen at: [URL]
And because it's CMS driven and will have multiple categories/pages, you can't list all the id's with the javascript, so it has to be portable/OOP (Is that the word?) so just a main identifier in the JS...??
Where you click to reveal code and it switches div, but only for that element, it doesn't effect anything else.
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Jul 7, 2010
Trying to get data from xml file. Got it. Trying add data in class.
var menuItem = ($(this).find('Label:first').text())
There are 4 menu item. Alert shows up right but it add same data in all menus one by one. How can I add four different menu item in four divs that is using the same class.
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Jan 9, 2009
Was wondering how to accomplish this.I have several table rows that I would like to hide all with the push of a button.For instance:
<tr id="objects_row1"><table class="apples">
<tr id="apples_row1"><td>asdf</td></tr>
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Oct 25, 2011
I am working on a Master-Detail grid that allows users to click on master rows to show or hide details rows. [code]What I want to do is to add Expandable class to SummaryRow if it's collapsed, add Collapsible class if it's expanded. But I don't know how to do that.
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Jul 12, 2011
I'm not able to toggle a ui class in my page. Basically here is my code: in the jquery document.ready I subscribe to the event
$("#bBuscar").hover(changeButtonBackColor, normalizeButtonBackColor);
then the other two funtions are like this:
function changeButtonBackColor(evt)
$("#bBuscar").toggleClass("ui-state-hover ui-corner-all");
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Oct 14, 2010
I'm trying to have multiple divs with the same class acting a s a button. I need to handle the click for each one. I will be obtaining the name attribute and passing that in an ajax call.However, this only works for one of the divs on the page, am I doing something wrong?
$('#mark_sold').click(function() {
var item = $(this).attr("name");
I'm also going to need to know how to refresh an image, too. I will be updating an image in the ajax call.
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May 13, 2009
I have several conditional select boxes that populate from a database, using .ajax(). When the first select has an onchange, the second select populates normally. The same goes for the second and third selects. When I change the value of the second select box, the third box drops all dynamically created options and repopulates. When I change the value of the first select box, I can only empty the second box and repopulate. The third and future boxes keep their values.
The delete and repopulate piece of my function uses this bit of code: var dynamic_options = $("#" + next_dropdown_ID).children(".dynamic_option"); if ( dynamic_options ){ $("#"+ next_dropdown_ID + " .dynamic_option").remove()};
where next_dropdown_ID is the ID of the child select box. I've played with .find() and .filter() but the results are always either (a) ALL options with this class are removed, including the select I'm currently in, or (b)NO options with this class are removed.
Is it possible to delete ALL options on the page that have the ".dynamic_option" class, except for the children of the select box I'm currently in? I was hoping to be somewhat dynamic about it and not have to write an IF statement for every potential select box, so the code will be reusable. I can post the full function and HTML if more context is needed.
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Jul 31, 2011
I have about five <a> tags, I wanna set specific style for the clicked (selected) hyperlink a tag and the others unselected should have another style
so I have this style classes:
.AccordionContainer .menu_header {
background: #3f3c38;
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Mar 9, 2010
I have some jQuery code to add and remove a class to toggle an image. It works for one but now I want it to work if I add other checkboxes. Currently all the checkboxes change the 1st div. I would like to make it toggle it's respective div.
<title>jquery to Show/Hide a Div</title>
<script type="text/javascript" src="http://code.jquery.com/jquery-1.4.1.min.js"></script>
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Apr 17, 2011
I am trying to make this list of cd's work. The letters will have the bands listed under them and then when each band will be clicked on a selection of albums by them will appear. I've so far managed to make all of them appear when it is clicked but can't seem to make only albums for those bands appear they all do.
My Javascript:
Code JavaScript:
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Sep 15, 2009
For some reason my loadFirstPage in the following code is unable to find the dynamically created list items built up in the buildGallery function. I have a button in the extended code that calls the loadFirstPage function on a click which works perfectly when I click it
var buildNavi = function(){
var naviTemplate ='<li class="prev"><a href="#" title="Previous">Previous</a>
</li><li><span class="current"></span><span class="total">
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Mar 12, 2011
I'm creating a hover effect like this. I have a 6 columns of images. There are 2 images per column stacked on top of each other. Like so:
The top row of X's I want to start out as invisible. When you hover over the bottom row of images, the top row fade's in (by toggling the css code opacity from 0 to 100), and then when you mouseover, it fades back out to 0. I'm having trouble setting this up. Here's my HTML:
<div class="carbox" id="box1"><img src="img/impreza2.jpg" class="imgtophidden"/><img src="img/impreza.jpg" class="imgbot" /></div>
<div class="carbox" id="box2"><img src="img/wrx.jpg" class="imgtophidden"/><img src="img/wrx.jpg" class="imgbot" /></div>
<div class="carbox" id="box3"><img src="img/legacy2.jpg" class="imgtophidden"/><img src="img/legacy.jpg" class="imgbot" /></div>
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Feb 20, 2011
I am having checkbox list and on top "add new" link. As I click on add new link dialog box appear exactly on checkbox list with form items and with submit button and as I click on submit button. Checkbox list appear with new added items.
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Jan 27, 2011
I have 21 items in the list, but scrolling by hitting the right(next) icon only takes me to the 13th item and stops.
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Aug 5, 2009
I have selected a list that contains sub-lists. Now, I'd like to search for the list items that contain sub-lists (but not including
the sub-list-items). I think the example below will explain what I'm trying to do.
<ul class="start-here">
<li>Do Not Need</li>
<li>NEED THIS ITEM[code].....
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Jun 3, 2009
I have created a simple portfolio item for a site I am working on, with left and right buttons to move between the visible thumbnails in the portfolio.
The problem is this: when I click on one of the left or right buttons used to scroll the active list items, it resizes the space between all of the thumbnails by 1 pixel per click, up to 10 clicks.
Here is the markup and my javascript:
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Aug 3, 2009
I have a multiple select list
<select id=mylist name=mylist[]>
<option id=1>first</option>
<option id=2>second</option>
<option id=3>third</option>
<option id=4>fourth</option>
<option id=5>fifth</option>
Then I have a string of id's that I want to set to selected like so.
var selectedIds = '1,3,5';
Is it possible to use jquery (preferably in a one liner) to set first, third and fifth to selected.?
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