JQuery :: Use Form Data Sent To The Server Using Formwizard Plugin?
Jul 14, 2010
I found this formwizard script example online but I don't know how to use the data with php for emailing and saving to database for example.The script attaches the result to <p id="data"></p> like this
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Sep 16, 2010
From the little I've read in this plugin's source code, ajaxSubmit() switches to "iframe mode" whenever it detects a file link in the form. The file is uploaded fine, but the server, which normally replies with different content. based on HTTP_X_REQUESTED_WITH header, fails to do its thing. This header is normally set to "XMLHttpRequest" on normal jQuery .ajax() calls.
The server I'm running is on rails, and I'm using the "request.xhr?" test.
I admit I'm not too familiar with iframes (or jQuery, for that matter:), but surely there must be a way to get around this, so that this can act as a simple drop-in replacement. Should I be looking at other headers, like "Accepts" or the kind, or should the plugin (or my code) be forcing the HTTP_X_REQUESTED_WITH header?
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Jan 26, 2011
I stumbled on this problem while testing StatusNet for our next release; we use jquery.form's .ajaxForm() to do various AJAX form submissions, including the primary message-sending form which includes a file upload control.
We've not seen problems before, but since upgrading from an old Form plugin version 2.17 to 2.49 a couple months ago, I've noticed our development branch no longer works properly in Opera: the actual submission goes fine, but we're unable to access the XML return data (which usually contains HTML fragments to put back into the UI).
I have a test case which demonstrates this at [URL] (source of the main page & submit handler are included there), using current jQuery 1.4.4 and jquery.form 2.52.
Under Firefox 4.0b10 and other browsers, the forms submit correctly, and we can read nodes and text out of the returned XML just fine.
But on Opera 11.00 and 10.63, the submission goes through but we get back an HTML document containing only "<head></head><body></body>". On Opera 9.63, it also includes the text "Blank page."
I tried to trace this down in jquery.form's history, and the trouble seems to have started around 2.39 with a commit ironically titled "iframe load fix (mostly for Opera)", which changes the event handling for forms submitted via iframe: from that version on, a 'load' event handler is added directly as an onload attribute on the iframe's source, whereas previously it was added with attachEvent or addEventListener.
It looks to me like the iframe is throwing a load event for the "about:blank" page, instead of for the submission.
I can revert back to 2.17 or another working version for now, but I'd like to make sure this is fixed upstream;
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Jan 20, 2010
im using the validate plugin with the meta data plugin
jQuery("#com-createForm").validate({ meta: "rules" } );
and then in the html i have for example
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May 6, 2009
m relatively new to Jquery and have come accross these two plugins.Having looked at the ajax examples offered for the form plugin i wasintruiged to find out how i could go about validating the form usingthe formvalidate plugin during the beforeSubmit callback.Ive seen that you can validate the ajaxform as shown in the followingxample.malsup.com/jquery/form/#code-samplesHowever i'd like to use the formvalidate as it offers alot more....
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May 18, 2011
TEST .js
// JavaScript Document
$.post('http://example.com/test.php?image_no='+no_image, function(data) {
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Mar 3, 2011
I have the following piece of code:
data: someData,
url: submissionUrl,
where someData is a vanilla object of key/value pairs, submissionUrl is a valid URL and ajaxSuccess/ajaxError are both functions.Using jQuery 1.5.1, the GET request is delivered to the server without the data. Using jQuery 1.4.4, the request contains the data.Has something changed in the way I should be assigning data to an ajax request in 1.5.1? The docs don't seem to suggest I'm doing anything incorrectly.
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Jun 1, 2009
<div>Hi jQuery,</div>
<div> </div>
<div>I'm trying to learn the json and ajax</div>
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Jul 22, 2010
I have a JQGRID table and when I click submit I wanna post entire grid data to server.
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Nov 23, 2011
I am trying to build a table from backend data and then perform a filter on it using the picnet table filter. After much messing about I have discovered that the problem lies with the table data returned from the server. As a test, all I want to do is get jQuery to make an alert when a table cell is clicked. I added a hard coded table cell at the beginning of the table and when I clicked on it, the alert appeared. However, clicking on any other cell had no effect.
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Jun 10, 2010
I built a pretty simple Ajax request which needs to send some data to the server and put the resulting HTML in a div. Unforunately, I need to POST the data. I used .post() and it worked fine ... *on Chrome and Opera!* ... on Firefox no data gets posted even though firebug shows the data in it's console. I ended up building the longest possible request, just to try all the options. No luck. As soon as I POST anything, Firefox won't receive the data. If this was a Firefox issue, wouldn't I read about it everywhere? What's wrong?
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Sep 4, 2010
I'm not sure how to make something draggable which is dynamically loaded. The click event works fine on the new content though.
Like for example [code]...
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Jun 23, 2010
Wantto import data from excel to SQL server from a web page, but wonder whether it is possible to do it without uploading the excel file from client's machine to server first.
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Feb 8, 2010
You can use JQuery's data method (e.g. $('#MyID').data('MyVar', 'MyValue');) to easily store/retrieve information.
However, I was wondering if it is possible for my PHP generated page to add HTML tags that initialize the JQuery's data method variables. Regularly, I want server side variables to be accessible client side. It would be very helpful if I could initialize data method variables during PHP page generation.
If this is not possible, are there any suggestions on how to efficiently communicate server side variables to client side?
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May 5, 2009
Having looked at the ajax examples offered for the form plugin i was intruiged to find out how i could go about validating the form using the formvalidate plugin during the beforeSubmit callback. Ive seen that you can validate the ajaxform as shown in the following example. [URL] However i'd like to use the formvalidate as it offers alot more..
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Jul 23, 2005
What i want to do is that this function post data to the server (ASP) and
the server will response with 'OK' My question is how can i send data clientside from Javascript to the server ? (navigate ? with url ?)
and check the returned data in the same function ?
function ShowData(TxtArt)
alert(TxtArt + ' : ' + parent.frames.Bottom.TxtUsrName.value + ' - ' +
parent.frames.Bottom.TxtRemarque.value); // testing purpose
// post the data to the server. ex .. myURL.asp?userID=1000&Art=ART1201
// fetch the data from the server. to verify if the 'OK' is recieved ->
the server will response with 'OK'
// if 'ok' -> i will update clientside an frame (ex. contents of
Any idea's ?
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Oct 5, 2011
Relatively new to jQuery but have a problem with getting data to display.Using a webform with 2 forms. User slects and inputs data into the first form, clicks a button then using jQuery .ajax submits the serialized data to a php script. The script processes the input into multiple paragraphs of text which is based on the input from the first form.The data is returned to the webpage and displayed in a text area (of the 2nd form) where the user can edit it to fine tune the wording. The 2 forms are displayed in different tabs so it is easy to move back and forward between the 2 forms.
The problem occurs when the user goes back to the first form and enters or selects different text and then click the submit button to generate a whole new text for insertion into the textarea on the second form. For certain fields the modified text is displayed.However if the whole of the text in the textarea is deleted, then the user clicks the submit button to re-generate the text content area then nothing at all is ever interted into the textarea. If have user alert to check that data is returned from the php handler and this text is correct. BUT when I click on the tab to see the textarea (id is "draftrec") there is no text inserted. The relevant function is below and the line that should insert the text into the textarea is:
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Jan 4, 2006
Read the first reply below first/instead, it's probably more helpful than this one
There's a lot of talk about AJAX these days and it seems to me it's turning into a hammer for a lot of problems that aren't really nails. If you want your pages to call home but don't want to have to deal with XML parsing and extremely spotty browser support, here's a very simple way to effect communication from Javascript to the server. The server can only (easily) communicate back on the next page hit with this method, but as a one way conduit from client to server post page rendering it can hardly be beat.
I've set it up with a really simple case that keeps track of the total time each user spends looking at a page in ten second increments. I have, for clarity (I hope) stuck it all in one PHP file, but it'll work the same with any server side language:
// this block isn't really too well coded or useful, it's intended more as a simple proof of concept
if (isset($_GET['ip']) && ip2long($_GET['ip']) !== false)
// if there's a GET variable (this.php?ip=something) and it appears to be a valid ip...
$fname = sha1($_GET['ip']) . '.time'
if (file_exists($fname) && strpos(($pre = file_get_contents($fname)), '='))
// if we have a file and it looks like it might be in the right format, increment the value contained therein
list($ip, $time) = explode('=', $pre);
file_put_contents($fname, $ip . '=' . ($time + 10));
// else just write it in and hope for the best
file_put_contents($fname, $_GET['ip'] . '=10');
//actually returning an image here can help get the loading message out of browser's status bars
header('Content-type: image/gif');
<body onload="javascript:setTimeout('serverTick();', 10000);">
<script language="javascript">
var ip = '<?php echo $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR']; ?>' // give the javascript an ip or a hash or something to pass back that will be reasonably unique
function serverTick()
setTimeout('serverTick();', 10000); // call this function again in 10 seconds
var notshown = new Image();
notshown.src = '<?php echo $_SERVER['PHP_SELF']; ?>?ip=' + ip; // calls this file in attempt to preload an image, instead triggering the above block of PHP
This will work in far more browsers than AJAX will, and it's not subject to any domain restriction, it can post to another server without generating security exceptions. It may be possible to get data back in the body of the image and it's definitely possible to get data back coded as image dimensions, if you want to push this method a little further.
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Apr 13, 2010
how Google Analytics or Google Adsense lets you copy and paste javascript to your site and you can load data/track visitors/etc. Well, I want to do the same thing for my customers, on their domains, where they load dynamic prices on my server (long story). Is $getJSON the best solution in this day and age? I would prefer to not force them to use frames and I am not worried (nor are they, for reasons I wont' get into) about users who don't use javascript.
In short, our site processes payments for them and there is a unique feature that offers dynamic prices. So if they have javascript code with an order button image, I want them to hit my server and have their javascript code read my server, find the updated price, and display it to their user. note they will be using .html pages, not php, and they are not programmers and I want to simplify it.
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Jan 3, 2011
I would like to use jQuery to prepopulate a form - ie make a call to a php program to get data from a database and pre-populatea form with appropriate data for the user. Can anyone point me in the right direction for some examples on the simplest way to do this?
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Oct 23, 2011
How can I pass some data into datepicker so that the calender displays the date based on the data provided?I am trying to get data from a database then store it in some variable that datepicker can use to display the date...example code?
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Sep 28, 2010
I was trying to get the tablesorter plugin working. I'm not working with flat data, but with database-data appended to a div by javascript. The tablesorter plugin is working with flat HTML data, but no with that dynamic data.
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Jul 22, 2011
I am writing a small data entry screen that will post the form data to a page and return a message. But i cannot get the Success or Error functions working properly.
Here's the code where strData is the posted querystring of:
I'm not sure whether it should be in a form and using the onsubmit or click of a button.
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Mar 25, 2011
Im trying to convert the contents of a canvas into a data url and then post it along with other inputs to the controller in order to save an image.
The PHP:
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Jul 23, 2005
I have a form whereby I can add multiple contacts to a single address.
There is only one firstname/lastname/telephone box - when the user
clicks the add button, I read the values from the form fields and
record them into a hidden text input field. This part works because
during debugging, I have converted the <input type=hidden> into a <input
type=text> to visably confirm my data is being copied into the 'hidden'
Once the user has entered in one or more names, they can click another
button and submit the form for processing. My idea is that I would then
parse this hidden field server side...
I have a WAMPHP based server and as a test, I dump out my entire $_POST
(basically, the name and value in every INPUT tag).
My PHP script picks up the name of every input tag, including the hidden
field (like it should) but for some reason, the value that was written
to the hidden field is not passed to the server. Thus, for the PHP folk
reading this post, my hidden input field is called mylist and
$_POST['mylist'] exists, but its empty. Even though before processing,
I could visably see the input in the box (for debugging remember, I made
the input tag box a normal, unhidden one).
Here is what I have done to try and resolve:
- I have used both Mozilla 1.7.5 and IE6 - both provide same results -
my hidden field name gets passed, but not its value.
- I have created another hidden field and given it a default value ie I
have <input type="hidden" name="extraone" value="xyz"> and I get
$_POST['extraone']="xyz" passed to my php server, like I would expect -
however, the value of mylist is sent empty, even though it has data.
- I have even put in a javascript alert box just before the form is sent
to the server and can see the result in my (unhidden) box, and the same
value displayed in the javascript alert - but again, the value of the
mylist does not get sent to the server.
The only difference is that my hidden field (even if its displayed like
an ordinary text input box) does not post data written to form fields as
the result of a javascript function. Interestingly though, the server
does know about the input tag box since it does receive
$_POST['mylist'], it justs receives it empty.
What gives? If the form reads my input from one field, and writes it to
another field, then it should be sent to the server, true?
Also... my tags are all inside my <form></form> tag (which is proven by
double checking, and the fact that I do get the input tag box name sent
to my server).
Since I can see the data values in the box, it tells me my javascript is
doing what it should be doing - so I don't see any point in including my
javascript (though I have no problems doing so if someone requests
it). On the php server, I am using a simple phpinfo(); to check the
data is being received...
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Apr 5, 2006
Do you know a dynamic way to send 10kb of text or more using an iframe?
I tried to do that with by creating, in javascript, a dynamic iframe,
then create a form into this iframe and put the data in a textarea and
then call a sumbit(). Code:
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