How can I pass some data into datepicker so that the calender displays the date based on the data provided?I am trying to get data from a database then store it in some variable that datepicker can use to display the date...example code?
When datepicker closes the calendar window I'd like to pass both the date and the id of the <input> tag in the code below. The documentation mentions 'this' but no info on how to use it or how to use 'inst'.
I am using jquery plugin in my code. I want to disable the previous days in datepicker so that user will not be allowed to select any previous dates beyond the current date.
For ex. the current date is 03/09/2010 then user will not be allowed to select date beyond 03/09/2010 date. It will get disabled.
I have a problem regarding the validation of jquery datepicker plugin. I have a textbox to which the datepicker is used. The problem is when I select a date for the first time, the date is displayed in the textbox and the validation message is triggered stating that "This field is required". But when i change the date, in the same textbox, the validation message does not appear.
I'm using the datepicker plugin, I want to define minDate as the value of another input (it's also a date) but this code is not working : $("#date_retour").datepicker({ changeMonth: true, changeYear: true, dateFormat: 'dd/mm/yy', minDate: $("#date_depart").val(), maxDate: $("#date_depart").val()+1m, defaultDate: $("#date_depart").val() });
I'm using Keith Wood's datepicker jQuery plugin v.4.0.2 (not the jQuery UI datepicker) with jQuery 1.4.2, and I want to use the jQuery UI Cupertino theme v.1.8.2.
I reproduced the example on this page [URL]... under the Layout/Style tab. The inline example worked, but the popup example failed.
I tried many permutations and combinations of loading .js and .css files, none of which worked. Would someone please point out the error of my ways? Code snippet and screenshots below.
With my very limited knowledge of both jQuery and JS i made a small script (with a little help) that duplicates a tablerow when a button is clicked. This works like a charm, however, i would like to add a datepicker to it. This also works well, but just once and not on the copied fields or visa versa. It's probably because the datepicker "thinks" there is just one field.I found several sources to solve the problem, but again, with my newbie knowledge, it's just to hard. I am playing with this for almost two days and can't get it solved.
I'm new to this and i'm trying to use the jquery datepicker plugin. What I want to know is which files to download and in what folders should i put them so that i can use it. I've been using date picker by linking to external js files but i'm trying to figure which files to save on my computer.
I am using jquerydate pickerwithkeith-wood plugin for multiple selection and multiple months.
i have a division tag that displays the date and besides i have one more division tag that holds an image. when i am clicking on the image division tag i need to show the calender.
with hidden field but it is not working and this is not the one that i exactly want. if i can avoid hidden field and only with div tag then it would have been far better.
I have a webpage where i load eachdifferentcontent through a function load and after i load that content a problem with jQueryoccurs...if i go directly to the page where i have the "datepick" without load the content it works, but if i load some content stops working...
If you want to try it live to understand what is happening here is the url: [url]
When you open the webpage if you click on the textbox it will show the calendar, but if you navigate on the right menu and then press the text box won't work...
I'm using the datepicker.ui in a form that also uses the validate plugin. The form happens to use the accordion functionality found here, but I've also tested this in a simpler form that uses the standard syntax for both scripts.
When the user initially picks a date using the datepicker, validate runs and flags the input as invalid, even 'though the field isvalid. choosing another date, or choosing the date a second time, sets the field to valid.
I'm using thisjQuery validationEnginebut I'm having a problem validating input fields which are transformed usingJonathan Leighton's datepicker. I need to validate that two dates are the same, so i have a custom callback (validateDOB) to check this. When I run this callback in the firebug console it correctly tests the values against each other, but the callback isn't triggered with the validation engine. I am not sure if i am missing something obvious here. This is the order I load my js files, then my instantiation calls and the callback (see below).
I have successfully implemented the Datepicker plugin but am having very difficult problems with the image alignment of the calender icon.
The icon seems to have no padding/margin/spacing between the input box and the image, and is also not aligned correctly.
I have viewed the documentation but can see no reference on how formatting is achieved.. I looked at jquery-ui css (redmond) and can see no reference to how this is aligned.
I created a dialog which has 3 text fields. I added a datepicker to one of them. On submit I'm trying to post the data in the fields to a web service.The first time you fire up the dialog, I'm running into two problems. One, the values I'm getting from the fields are all emtpy. Two, the datepicker doesn't actually populate the field it's attached to. The 2nd time, they all work fine.This is part of the $(document).ready handler:
The datepicker is connected to three fields (drop downs for..) [Month]/[Day]/[Year]-[Datepicker(Calendar)] now I just wanted to get the dropdowns' values and pass it on a textbox (namely: selectedDate - you can see below) having a format of [mm/dd/yyy]
Code from [url]
Update three select controls to match a datepicker selection
Without using a global variable, how do I pass a variable from one plugin to another? For instance, \autocomplete gets some variable on line 14 and dialog saves the variable on line 17.
I created a quick plugin. You can see it at http: [URL]. It has a strange feature. This plug-in treats the jQuery wrapper object as a group, and passes the whole wrapper in as the context object (the "this") for the functions supplied. Generally, when functions are supplied as parameters, either the context is irrelevant, or each DOM element in the jQuery wrapper is passed. But I don't do that. My plug-in keeps a reference to the jQuery wrapper and calls the functions in that context. This is necessary, because the whole idea is to act on a number of elements as a group -- in this case by fading in and out all members of the group when any individual one is hovered -- but I don't recall seeing this done elsewhere in the jQuery ecosphere.
Iam using JQuery DatePicker Plugin , created by Kelvin Luck [url]. Plugins default format is d/m/Y. how to change its default format to US Date format (m/d/Y).
I am using jqueryUI dialog, and want to pass some data to it. data() seems the best method, right? The following works. $(".delete").click(function(){$("#dialog-delete").data('row','Hello').dialog("open");}); Now instead of just passing a single value, I want to pass an element. I tried the following, but am obviously doing something wrong. $(".delete").click(function(){$("#dialog- elete").data('row',$(this).parent()).dialog("open");});
I'm trying to pass a var via object to .load() ... .load(URL, {"myname":var}, function) { ... This will not work unless the var is in quotes and therefore not a variable anymore. I want to be able to use a form to feed data to the program that loads the data.
I am working on a servlet. I am obtaining the JSON data and I want to pass it to the jQuery to construct and display the table out of it.
Everytime the servlet posts a request, it gets the JSON data, and i want to display that as a chart and table using javaScript. For that I need to know how to pass the json data parameter to a jQuery from servlet.