JQuery :: Update The Values Of The .navtitle And .navurl Fields In The LI?
Feb 3, 2009
I've got the following JavaScript code:
Code JavaScript:
= $("#add").click(function() {
if($("#new_title").val() != "" && $("#new_url").val() != "") { // if both text boxes have been filled in[code]....
When the "Add" button is clicked, the last element in the OL is cloned and appended to the end of the list. The SPAN tag inside the LI is updated successfully. What I also want to do is update the values of the .navtitle and .navurl fields in the LI, but I'm unsure as to how I can access them in the DOM tree as I've only just created them. I'm guessing I need to get the clone() function to return a selector I can then use.
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Mar 30, 2008
I've got a slider in jquery and I want it to populate an input box with a value as it is slid. I also want the user to be able to enter a value into the input box and for the slider handle to move to the appropriate position.
I've found an example of the bare-bones slider in the jquery docs and some basic documentation, but I've no idea how to get it to do what I need, and can't find any simple, fully featured examples anywhere which do what I need.
<script type="text/javascript">
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Mar 10, 2010
Trying to construct a sql statement to update field values contained in a form. I would like to only update the values that are changed. If the current $_POST[] values populated in the form are not changed, there is no need to add that field to the UPDATE statement... but i am not sure how to do this with javascript and pass only those values. Can someone help?
Some say that it is not worth the code processing to do this but I would like to do this if possible. I know that phpmyadmin works this way.
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Feb 3, 2011
I need to get the values of two hidden fields and values that make a query in my database and return this column to a text field in the same form, I have already informed the forum here that can do that with Ajax, researched and made an example But it is not working.
I am sending the code below:
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Aug 7, 2010
I am more of a front end guy with experience in xhtml/css and want to get my hands dirty with some back-end programming (Javascript/jQuery/AJAX/PHP) and was wondering about a specific task involving (mainly) what I would believe is AJAX.
I was wondering if there is a way to have a page with a starting price of $299 (lets say a basic vacuum) then below that are 20 or so customizable add-ons to choose from through simple checkboxes. That (to me) should be easy enough, but I would love to have the grand total at the bottom of the page be updated in real time as the user checks or unchecks certain add-ons (kind like how apple.com does it).
What is a good starting point for this, and would it be possible to send out the order as an email with the total price sent to the business owner.
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Nov 11, 2010
i am currently developing a cart for a website at my company.What i am attempting to do is update the grand total field dynamically as the product total (determined by quantity & price) are being populated.Each product in the cart is being generated by a foreach (php) reading from a mysql database.As the total values are not being prepopulated im not exactly sure what the logic would be to get the desired values.
I will also mention im relatively new to the whole web development area, i started begining of this year and feel i could still learn alot about the 'logic' of a computer.If anything is unclear about what i stated above feel free to request additional information.
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Aug 7, 2010
I am more of a front end guy with experience in xhtml/css and want to get my hands dirty with some back-end programming (Javascript/jQuery/AJAX/PHP) and was wondering about a specific task involving (mainly) what I would believe is AJAX. I was wondering if there is a way to have a page with a starting price of $299 (lets say a basic vacuum) then below that are 20 or so customizable add-ons to choose from through simple checkboxes. That (to me) should be easy enough, but I would love to have the grand total at the bottom of the page be updated in real time as the user checks or unchecks certain add-ons (kind like how [URL] does it).
What is a good starting point for this, and would it be possible to send out the order as an email with the total price sent to the business owner. Like I said, I can sorta get my way around this stuff
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Jun 5, 2009
Currently, I have a php form with various inputs, and a div where I am embedding an (initially) empty open flash chart object.Right now, I am calling a php file on the submit of the form, which takes the form data, calls a python script to process the form data, and then creates an open flash chart object using the data the python script returns.There are a few problems with this:
1. When the submit on the form is called, it goes to a different page where the chart is displayed, when I would really just like to update the contents of the chart div where I initially embedded the empty chart.
2. The processing of the form in the python code can take some time, so what I would really like is to have the chart "check" the output of the python script periodically and update the chart each time, adding the new data points to the old ones.
I know I can do all of these things with javascript and Ajax, I just can't seem to find any tutorials or examples that are exactly what I am looking for.
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Jun 15, 2010
I've been playing a lot with jQuery though, and thought I'd have a try with the Google Maps Javascript API v3
I have a bit of code;
Everything works perfectly, except the form fields don't update once the marker is moved. I expect this is a really elementary javascript mistake!?
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Feb 8, 2010
what is the best/easiest/fastest way to get an array of the values from a few input fields?
<input type="text" name="a" value="x" />
<input type="text" name="a" value="y" />
<input type="text" name="a" value="z" />
to [ 'x', 'y', 'z' ]
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Dec 7, 2009
I have a form that works out some basic math questions e.g. area etc. I run a function when a form field is updated to do the calculations, however I'd like to run a different calculation depending on which form element was updated. Is there a way to say something like:
if (area1 was updated) {
work out this calculation
if(area2 was updated) {
work out this calculation
and so on?
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Jan 27, 2010
I have 4 text boxes that are supposed to load 4 seperate values of data from one field in one table from a database. The field is called interface_cropsettings (from the interface table) and these values have been concatenated and comma seperated in this field.
Once the form is filled out and saved, the data is inserted into the database and the values from these 4 text boxes are concatenated, comma seperated and inserted into that one field correctly.
If the 4 text boxes have the following values:
In the database field they become:
However, if the form is closed and then re-opened, each text box displays the entire database field rather then each value seperated in the corresponding text box.
All 4 text boxes display this:
I already know why the data appears like this in the form, my problem is that I'm not sure how to write the javascript to seperate the values into the correct corresponding fields, assuming javascript is what I should be using!
Also, this is kind of irrelevant but just in case you're wondering, this form is part of a cold fusion application!
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Nov 26, 2011
I designed a form having ten fields, will it be possible to have a jquery function that will make all the values in the form field to be displayed in a separate div outside the form by click of a button or a link?
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Jul 13, 2010
Each instance of what I need edited also has an id on the page for referenceSo things like <p id='titleonebox' class='editable'>Title that can be edited</p> If I'm updating the DB I have it all figured out because I'm updating X where X is X.However on the index page itself I have 'headers' that I want editable for each div(The divs are populated via the DB and they edit fine)I've tried using save.php from jquery's jEditable documentation but it won't save the value when I refresh the page.
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Feb 4, 2010
I have a contact info form with about 16 fields. I need to hide a subset of fields for address when the end user either (1) tabs out of the subset group, (2) clicks anywhere outside the subset field group.
I do not want to hide the fields when the end-user is tabbing within the subset of address fields, yet the focusout handler is triggered when it shouldn't be.
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Jan 21, 2004
I have a form which calculates values and gives the user a total depending on their selection in the drop down box. At the moment the value is displayed in a text field and I have got all the javascript to do this.
What I would ideally want is to embed the total in the page, rather than a text field. The total appears to the user like it is normal text in a page, only it will update when the form values are changed.
I presume that I want document.write to do this? Does anyone know how I could do this/ or if there is a page that does this sort of thing where i can 'borrow' the code?
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Sep 22, 2009
If I have the basic form below how can I alert only the fields that the user inputs something. I would like to alert the name of the field and it's value. There may be more than one field that has a value.
<form method="POST" name="theForm" action="--WEBBOT-SELF--">
<p><input type="text" name="T1" size="20"></p>
<p><input type="text" name="T2" size="20"></p>
<p><input type="text" name="T3" size="20"></p>
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Feb 6, 2010
function updatesum() {
document.form1.totalfat.value = (document.form1.satfat.value -0) + (document.form1.monofat.value -0) + (document.form1.polyfat.value -0);
<body onload="updatesum()">
<form name="form1" method="post" action="./submitFood">
<table width="520" border="0"> .....
I like to sum the values from the "satfat", "monofat" and "polyfat" text field into "totalfat" textfield. The values in those 3 text field is retrieve from database. However, when it add up the 3 values, it will not be in decimal place instead it will be in 30.10000000000000000000000002. How do I solve it and how to go about editing the code.
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Jul 23, 2005
i have a form and would like to check two fields.
if field 1 containes the letter 'c' and the other field contains
'undefined', then an error should apprear ina box on the screen.
can anyone point me a piece of code ?
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Jun 15, 2011
I have a xhtml page (JSF project) I have inputText fields, every time I check a checkbox to display a text area, all the information that is in my inputText fields disappears (I already posted in the JSF forum), Is there any way to use JavaScrip to keep the values in those fields? Basically when I check the checkbox I call the onchange="this.form.submit()" , So I would like to know if using javaScript I can capture the values in those fields, and after I change the value of the checkbox and the information is erased, rewrite the values into those field
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Nov 19, 2011
I have the below code in an html page and, since I cannot change the hidden types to text (no control whatsoever on the form), I manually add the values in the code. Clients only need to press "Submit", which is the only visible part of the form on the screen, and they are then taken to a page outside of my website.
<FORM action="...................." method="post">
<input type="hidden" name="Charge" value="0,00">
<input type="hidden" name="MerchantCode" value=".....">
What I want to do is add two Text Fields in the html page where the above code is given to allow clients to add text and somehow "feed" this text to the values of the hidden fields Param1 and Param2. This way, the added text will show up in the page outside of my website where the clients are taken after they submit the form.
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Nov 19, 2011
Sorry if I?m posting this in the wrong forum but I couldn?t figure out through an internet search if js is required for what I want to do. I have the below code in an html page and, since I cannot change the ?hidden? types to ?text? (no control whatsoever on the form), I manually add the values in the code. Clients only need to press "Submit", which is the only visible part of the form on the screen, and they are then taken to a page outside of my website.
What I want to do is add two Text Fields in the html page where the above code is given to allow clients to add text and somehow "feed" this text to the values of the hidden fields Param1 and Param2. This way, the added text will show up in the page outside of my website where the clients are taken after they submit the form.
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Feb 14, 2009
I have a form that I am trying to loop through the elements of and come up with a total, when the form is submitted. The goal is to alert users that they have not entered a minimum or maximum number of choices before letting the form submit. The fields in question might be checkboxes in some cases (with a value of 1) or textboxes in others with user-submitted values. Here is a stripped down example...The html
<form class="phpws-form" id="elections_vote" action="index.php" method="post">
<input type="text" name="Candidate_Vote[2]" id="Candidate_Vote[2]" size="3" value="" />
<input type="text" name="Candidate_Vote[3]" id="Candidate_Vote[3]" size="3" value="" />[code]....
...problem is, is that total is always 0. I know I'm missing something, and I suspect that 'inputs' is not what I want it to be,
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Aug 5, 2009
Is there a way that I could get id values of input fields that are inside certain divs and these divs have same class. For example say I have this code (simplified):
<div class="jep">Some label</div>
<div class="jep"><input id="20"></div>
<div class="jep">Some label</div>
So what I know is the class name "jep" so how to get all the input field id's that are inside divs that holds this certain class "jep" ?
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Feb 15, 2010
I want to do is add the values of seven text fields on a form and pop that value to an eighth field. I thought the code below would work, but I get "NaN" on the sum field.
function addHazWaste() {
document.getElementById('HazardousWaste').value = 0;
var HazWasteTotal = 0;
var HazWaste1 = 0;
var HazWaste2 = 0;
var HazWaste3 = 0;
var HazWaste4 = 0;
var HazWaste5 = 0;
var HazWaste6 = 0;
var HazWaste7 = 0;
HazWaste1 = parseInt(document.getElementById('HazardousWasteSentToLandfill').value,10);
HazWaste2 = parseInt(document.getElementById('HazardousWasteSentToWasteToEnergy').value,10);
HazWaste3 = parseInt(document.getElementById('HazardousWasteIncinerated').value,10);
HazWaste4 = parseInt(document.getElementById('HazardousWasteRecycled').value,10);
HazWaste5 = parseInt(document.getElementById('HazardousWasteReused').value,10);
HazWaste6 = parseInt(document.getElementById('BiohazardousWasteSentToLandfill').value,10);
HazWaste7 = parseInt(document.getElementById('BiohazardousWasteIncinerated').value,10);
HazWasteTotal = HazWaste1 + HazWaste2 + HazWaste3 + HazWaste4 + HazWaste5 + HazWaste6 + HazWaste7;
document.getElementById('HazardousWaste').value = HazWasteTotal;
If I run a separate function that just sets all form field values to zero (including the first line of this function). The summing works!!! Why won't it work the way I wrote it??? It won't work if I set the default value for the sum field to zero, either...
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Dec 8, 2010
I am having some trouble trying to fix my math equation to calculate the total rent by aquiring values from my form fields. Converting the date fields to days and finding the number of days via two date fields is mainly where I am having trouble. Also, I am trying to have a window pop up before submission but the onclick event does not seem to function properly.Below is the math equation I have come up with:
//calculate days from date field
function calcTotal(date1, date2) {
//assign variables
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