Values Of The Form Update Text In The Same Webpage - Document.write Possibly?
Jan 21, 2004
I have a form which calculates values and gives the user a total depending on their selection in the drop down box. At the moment the value is displayed in a text field and I have got all the javascript to do this.
What I would ideally want is to embed the total in the page, rather than a text field. The total appears to the user like it is normal text in a page, only it will update when the form values are changed.
I presume that I want document.write to do this? Does anyone know how I could do this/ or if there is a page that does this sort of thing where i can 'borrow' the code?
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Apr 28, 2011
I am working on a little project required Ajax. Therefor, I have to update the web page with javascript or Jquery. However, I run into some problem.The method object.appendChild (..) does not update the document ( no view source) therefore in some complex cases, it does work for me.
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Nov 23, 2011
I want to use the values of text boxes on my HTML webpage to create a webpage URL (like below):
<script type="text/javascript">
My text boxes are as follows:
Now this all works and the result webpage URL prints to id='ID1', but the big question is how do I use this resulting URL in another Javascript section as the src="?
For example:
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May 7, 2006
I'm trying to create output a webpage HTML using javascript, but I don't know how to make it work because of the quotes problems.
I am calling the javascript you see below from within a window that is created by my PHP script. The window contains two frames, and I want the "previewFrame" to contain the HTML code that is located inside the $preview_HTML php variable.
(The $preview_HTML variable contains all the HTML for the webpage. No quotes are escaped. It is just a string variable with the webpage contents in it.) I hope that makes sense.
HTML Code:
<script language="JavaScript">
function loaded() {;
parent.previewFrame.document.write('<h1>Hello World</h1>');
The problem is that all the quotes inside the $preview_HTML variable is causing this javascript to fail. I either end up with a blank page, or partial page, or just garbage, depending on the HTML code inside the $preview_HTML variable.
Basically, I just want to "write" the entire contents of the $preview_HTML variable without having to "worry" about escaping quotes, slashes, etc.
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Jun 21, 2010
I want to use document.write to output the values of an array. If the array is too long, it totally ignores the width of the container div. How do I get the values to word-wrap when they get to the end of the container?
I've searched on this forum, and also googled for the answer but can't find a solution. I'm still fairly new to Javascript.
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Jun 30, 2011
Having some trouble trying to figure out a javascript code that will allow a user a multiple selection of checkboxes and update a specific piece of text based on which and how many checkboxes have been checked.
I have been using document.write in order to give me a change of information based on which checkbox is clicked or if more than one has been checked. The problem I'm having is that this document write is overwriting all of my checkboxes as well so that the viewer can no longer change the selection and is just displayed with whatever 'total1' worked out. Is there anyway of getting the coding to display the answer it finds in 'total1' underneath the checkboxes in a text format? I'm not after a textbox, just plain text if possible?
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Oct 7, 2009
I would like to know how to do things.
1. I would like to know how i would code a javascript so if i edit the text inside of either a certain div or in the javascript document itself (which ever would work, would like to have it take the text from a div but not too picky) and then have it write that text in other parts of the same page and other pages by like putting a javascript code in it's place or however you would do it. Basically if i write "hello world" in the div/javascript document, it will write "hell world" in multiple places just from me editing that one part. ok so help with this would be awsome.
My second thing.2. I would like to take and use some javascript function, such as document.write or what ever to do pretty much the same thing as my first thing as my first problem, but with a div, for like a navigation bar or etc.
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Jun 2, 2004
I have a window (it's a modal dialog as well, but let's ignore that for now), where I need to write data into an iframe. Dynamically generated data. This data contains a form, this form is then sent to a server process, which expects it to be latin1 (iso-8859-1). It arrives as UTF-8. I have set the charset both in the container html (which contains the iframes) and the iframe in question to latin1, I once toyed with accept-charset of the form as well, all was ignored. So I started to recreate the experiment step by step.
HTML, meta tag text/html charset=iso-8859-1, FORM directly in it --> data is sent as latin1 Next I put the HTML for the form into its own HTML, put an iframe into the first documented and had its src point to the new HTML. Both the new and the old HTML had charset meta tags. Form was loaded into iframe, sent properly as latin1.
I removed both metatags, we're still sending as latin1. Next I thought it might have something to do with the dynamic nature of the iframe filling. I only assigned the iframe's src at runtime. Still, latin1.
Then I took the final step, and instead of reading an html into the src of the iframe, I wrote the code into the iframe with document.write. Everything LOOKED the same, but the server now receives the form data as UTF-8.
For this experiment I am using IE 5.5 (it is our compatibility base, another browser is not an option unfortunately - I'm a straight firefox man at home), and yes, the content has to be written into the iframe dynamically. I cannot create a temp file that I would load into it, or I would much rather not (it's a rather complex performance issue)
To clarify: Soon as I'm using document.write, all meta tags and or accept-charset (or what it was called) for the form are ignored completely.
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Dec 7, 2009
I have a form that works out some basic math questions e.g. area etc. I run a function when a form field is updated to do the calculations, however I'd like to run a different calculation depending on which form element was updated. Is there a way to say something like:
if (area1 was updated) {
work out this calculation
if(area2 was updated) {
work out this calculation
and so on?
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Jan 27, 2010
I have 4 text boxes that are supposed to load 4 seperate values of data from one field in one table from a database. The field is called interface_cropsettings (from the interface table) and these values have been concatenated and comma seperated in this field.
Once the form is filled out and saved, the data is inserted into the database and the values from these 4 text boxes are concatenated, comma seperated and inserted into that one field correctly.
If the 4 text boxes have the following values:
In the database field they become:
However, if the form is closed and then re-opened, each text box displays the entire database field rather then each value seperated in the corresponding text box.
All 4 text boxes display this:
I already know why the data appears like this in the form, my problem is that I'm not sure how to write the javascript to seperate the values into the correct corresponding fields, assuming javascript is what I should be using!
Also, this is kind of irrelevant but just in case you're wondering, this form is part of a cold fusion application!
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Jan 16, 2011
I have a simple calculator here that takes the number of songs from the input text box and multiplies it by 500 and then tells you the total. I am doing this on a simple web page for a project for college. I know document.write overwrites my entire page to print the result but I would like to keep the page and design that I have made and to print the result on the same paragraph as where the script and text box are.
Below is my javascript:
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Jul 27, 2010
I am totally new to jQuery and no good knowledge on javascript. However, I was assigned a task, to convert a javascript program to jQuery due to compatibility problem on browsers like Chrome and Safari. My program originally use javascript xmlDoc.load('....') to read XML file, and then use document.write statement to write html tables on client side. Something like this (the sample below may got lots of syntax problem as I jut want to show the major part):
document.write('<TABLE >');
var y=x[0].getElementsByTagName('NoOfRows');
for (i=0; i<=noofrows-1 && i<=y.length-1; i++){
document.write(' <TD>');
Now I changed to use jQuery, I can read the XML file elements. However, when I try to write the table, it failed:
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Aug 5, 2002
Why doesn't this work? The input field doesn't show up at all. I know I'm just missing something really simple here.
<script type="text/javascript">
day = day.getDay()+1;
month = day.getMonth()+1;
year = day.getYear();
newdate= month + '/' + day + '/' + year;
document.write('<INPUT name=Date value='+ newdate + '>');
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Mar 24, 2011
I have a client that has ads on her website that really slow down the site. These ads are called by an off site javascript file and I want to use a jQuery(document).ready or similar method to call these files after all of the site content has loaded. But these files contain document.write functions to add more javascript files. Since I want to load the files after everything else has loaded, this in turn makes the page blank and then loads the ad. Is there a way to position where document.write will write to?
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Jul 23, 2005
I want to make the date at the top right darker blue. But when I do that, all the light blue text next to the pictures also changes.
How can I control the color of the result of document.write output without changing the forground color of the entire page? Note my document write includes variables, so I was hesitant to imbed an html command in the document.write.
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May 17, 2010
I'm working on a website that will basically embed a widget/frame sent by a handler into a user's current page. The user basically adds a script tag to where they would like the HTML to be. The script tag has their settings and is basically a document.write that calls all the code that we want displayed.So here's my problem. We have a map that we need to add in a specific section, and to get the map we have to call another script tag. So we end up having a script tag (map) embedded in another script tag (the code for the widget/frame) or we end up having to document.write inside a document.write.
Now this works just fine and as expected in Firefox, Safari, and Chrome. However, Internet Explorer and Opera wait until the first document.write is completely finished before calling the embedded one. Of course the problem with this, is that it takes the map out of the document's flow and just appends it to the bottom left of the page. Since the rest of the page has already been called, there's no way to move the interior "map" script.Any ideas? Basically just trying to figure out how (if even possible) to render an embedded script tag in Internet Explorer and be able to place it properly. I've tried everything that I can think of, including AJAX and Google's unescape script.
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Jul 20, 2005
First script, 'xxx.js' returns value 'document.write('integer');
So in HTML:
<script language='javascript' src='xxx.js'></script>
will write ie. 123 on my page in browser.
Can I get this integer or text 'document.write('integer')' to variable in
another script? So it would be something like this:
<script landuage='javascript>
a=<script ... src='xxx.js'></script>;
</script> ...
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Aug 7, 2011
when the user types a FIRST NAME into the first name textbox this should update the paxname with the value and a space.when the user types a LAST NAME into the last name textbox this should update the paxname with the value therefore at the end of the process the paxname will have the full name of the person in order with spaces in between. also i would like the first name and last name values to be changed to proper case ie John Smith once placed into paxname the update process does not have to be instantaneous, it can perhaps update the paxname textbox when the focus is gone from the field in question, dont mind how it works as long as it updates.
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Mar 6, 2004
I'm pretty new to JavaScript and am having a problem. I thought what I am doing should work but it isn't.
Basically I have a form that people can put a quantity into. e.g. A, B, C.
I have a JavaScript function called comput that assigns values e.g. A = 5, B = 7, C = 9. Here is the start of the script:
<script language="JavaScript"><!--
function compute(form){
var A = form.A.value * 5;
var B = form.B.value * 7;
var C = form.C.value * 9;
I then declare a variable to add them up:
var ans = A+B+C;
This part of the script works fine. Now I want to write the ans variable. So I use:
document.write ("Your total is "+ans+"")
// --></script>
But it isn't working. Any ideas?
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Apr 22, 2006
I am working on creating a document where you check a bunch of checkboxes to select what to include, then click on a button. A function then opens a new window and writes the HTML code to run scripts in .js files to populate the page. Code:
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Jun 5, 2006
I have been searching for a way to trap changes done to the document object (mainly by the function document.write();).
Example of code that doesn't work:
function myFunction() {
ed.document.onchange = doFunction(document.body.innerHTML);;
function do_function(body) {
It only fires when the page loads, not when I change the text. You are free to use any event that works, but i think onchange was the one to fit this problem. The alert will write the initialpage, but will never write the tekst 'Hello' that is the new change.
Any javagurus out there know a solution to pick up any fired events triggered by document.write();
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Jul 16, 2010
I am trying to write a bunch of text onto a new document using document.write() and somehow need to format it to include line breaks.
For example:
Code JavaScript:
document.write(Line 1);
document.write(Line 2);
I have tried including and it does not work. I have also tried document.writeln() and that also does not work. From what I have found on the Internet, one (if not both) of those methods should have worked.
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Mar 8, 2011
i have one task in which i have to update the information on DIV on one of the webpage which will run on another system which can be any client system. is it possible to update the information of the web page in real time so that if some client is watching the other web page at that time, he will see the latest content.
i dont want to create server side scripting and logic for this as this is very small content. anyone with some idea about this?
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Mar 18, 2010
I am a newbie in web development. I need to create a function that works whenever user print a web page, I would like to get the date and record that date into database. Additionally, the function must work on IE & Firefox. There is onbeforeprint() event in JavaScript, but that only works in IE.
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Jan 27, 2010
I have 4 text boxes that are supposed to load 4 seperate values of data from one field in one table from a database. The field is called interface_cropsettings (from the interface table) and these values have been concatenated and comma seperated in this field.
Once the form is filled out and saved, the data is inserted into the database and the values from these 4 text boxes are concatenated, comma seperated and inserted into that one field correctly.
If the 4 text boxes have the following values:
In the database field they become:
However, if the form is closed and then re-opened, each text box displays the entire database field rather then each value seperated in the corresponding text box.
All 4 text boxes display this:
I already know why the data appears like this in the form, my problem is that I'm not sure how to write the javascript to seperate the values into the correct corresponding fields, assuming javascript is what I should be using!
Also, this is kind of irrelevant but just in case you're wondering, this form is part of a cold fusion application!
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Sep 19, 2005
does anyone know of any javascript method that does the same job as
document.write(), but not necessarily at the end of the document? For
instance, insert some text inside an element that has a specific ID
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