Alert Fields With Values?
Sep 22, 2009
If I have the basic form below how can I alert only the fields that the user inputs something. I would like to alert the name of the field and it's value. There may be more than one field that has a value.
<form method="POST" name="theForm" action="--WEBBOT-SELF--">
<p><input type="text" name="T1" size="20"></p>
<p><input type="text" name="T2" size="20"></p>
<p><input type="text" name="T3" size="20"></p>
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Jan 4, 2011
I have a bunch of checkboxes like below that the user can check some or all and click the button and see the values of all the selected checkboxes. How can I do that?
function alertValues(){
<input type="checkbox" class ="normal2" value="131971" name="list[]" >
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Feb 3, 2011
I need to get the values of two hidden fields and values that make a query in my database and return this column to a text field in the same form, I have already informed the forum here that can do that with Ajax, researched and made an example But it is not working.
I am sending the code below:
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Jan 27, 2010
I have 4 text boxes that are supposed to load 4 seperate values of data from one field in one table from a database. The field is called interface_cropsettings (from the interface table) and these values have been concatenated and comma seperated in this field.
Once the form is filled out and saved, the data is inserted into the database and the values from these 4 text boxes are concatenated, comma seperated and inserted into that one field correctly.
If the 4 text boxes have the following values:
In the database field they become:
However, if the form is closed and then re-opened, each text box displays the entire database field rather then each value seperated in the corresponding text box.
All 4 text boxes display this:
I already know why the data appears like this in the form, my problem is that I'm not sure how to write the javascript to seperate the values into the correct corresponding fields, assuming javascript is what I should be using!
Also, this is kind of irrelevant but just in case you're wondering, this form is part of a cold fusion application!
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May 20, 2009
So, I am in a Web Development class right now for my liberal arts science credit. We are on a lab dealing with JavaScript and half of it is making the values of some check boxes and stuff show up when the user clicks a "Display" button. I'm not sure I'm explaining it well. Here's the lab:
# In lab 6 you wrote a JavaScript function that displayed the name and email entered from the form. Extend that function to display all of the information the user entered in the form (name, e-mail, region, special interests, interest level, and comments). See if you can nicely format what shows in the alert message. The following hints should help:
1. The first step is to make sure that each GUI field has an id attribute set. For example the name field might have id="name". Remember, every id value must be unique. Two radio buttons will have the same name attribute value, but their id attributes must be unique. You need to do this so JavaScript can find the tags using the document.getElementById method.
2. To display your checkbox information, you will need to include logic as described in the following steps. Once you do this, do the same thing for the radio buttons.
1. Assume you have a checkbox with id="cherokee". Of course, your id attributes will likely have different names. The general steps will be the same, but substitute your names where I'm using "cherokee".
2. The following statement creates a Boolean value (true, false) that determines if the user checked the cherokee checkbox. The checked property in checkbox and radio button objects gives this information.
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Dec 29, 2009
function get_check_value()
var c_value = "";[code]....
how do you make this code pop up the values of (c_value) instead of an alert?..
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Feb 25, 2009
I am trying to run some code that will check if the user enters two values from 'depart' and 'arrival' select lists that would make up an invalid journey:
var cdate, ctime, cdepart, carrive, cname;
with(window.document.example) {
cdate = date;
ctime = time;
cdepart = depart;
carrive = arrive;
cname = name;
if(trim(cdepart.value) == 'Uptown' && trim(carrive.value) == 'Downtown'){
alert('invalid journey');
return false;
}function trim(str){
return str.replace(/^s+|s+$/g,'');
However when I select the values the alert is not shown? I think My syntax is okay, maybe not?
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Sep 22, 2011
so basically this is what I have its 2 sets of radio buttons named budget, premier and superior which values are $2,$3 and $5 respectively. a checkbox that if checked the value would make the the first group of radios multiplied by 2 if not it will remain the same the second group would be weekly, monthly and annually which the values will be multiplied to 1,x(52/12) and 52 respectively to everything above. the total would be displayed as an alert message if the none of the first group is selected an alert would be issued when calculate is pressed and that would be please select level of cover and if none of the second group is selected it would display please select frequency of payment but if none is selected at all both alerts would be displayed on a single dialogue box, i cant make a script to make it function properly .i didnt include the script because i suck it doesnt work
<form name="InsuranceCalc">
<p><h2>calutaling insurance</h2></p>
<p> Please complete the form.</p>[code].............
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Feb 6, 2010
function updatesum() {
document.form1.totalfat.value = (document.form1.satfat.value -0) + (document.form1.monofat.value -0) + (document.form1.polyfat.value -0);
<body onload="updatesum()">
<form name="form1" method="post" action="./submitFood">
<table width="520" border="0"> .....
I like to sum the values from the "satfat", "monofat" and "polyfat" text field into "totalfat" textfield. The values in those 3 text field is retrieve from database. However, when it add up the 3 values, it will not be in decimal place instead it will be in 30.10000000000000000000000002. How do I solve it and how to go about editing the code.
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Jul 23, 2005
i have a form and would like to check two fields.
if field 1 containes the letter 'c' and the other field contains
'undefined', then an error should apprear ina box on the screen.
can anyone point me a piece of code ?
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Jun 15, 2011
I have a xhtml page (JSF project) I have inputText fields, every time I check a checkbox to display a text area, all the information that is in my inputText fields disappears (I already posted in the JSF forum), Is there any way to use JavaScrip to keep the values in those fields? Basically when I check the checkbox I call the onchange="this.form.submit()" , So I would like to know if using javaScript I can capture the values in those fields, and after I change the value of the checkbox and the information is erased, rewrite the values into those field
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Nov 19, 2011
I have the below code in an html page and, since I cannot change the hidden types to text (no control whatsoever on the form), I manually add the values in the code. Clients only need to press "Submit", which is the only visible part of the form on the screen, and they are then taken to a page outside of my website.
<FORM action="...................." method="post">
<input type="hidden" name="Charge" value="0,00">
<input type="hidden" name="MerchantCode" value=".....">
What I want to do is add two Text Fields in the html page where the above code is given to allow clients to add text and somehow "feed" this text to the values of the hidden fields Param1 and Param2. This way, the added text will show up in the page outside of my website where the clients are taken after they submit the form.
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Nov 19, 2011
Sorry if I?m posting this in the wrong forum but I couldn?t figure out through an internet search if js is required for what I want to do. I have the below code in an html page and, since I cannot change the ?hidden? types to ?text? (no control whatsoever on the form), I manually add the values in the code. Clients only need to press "Submit", which is the only visible part of the form on the screen, and they are then taken to a page outside of my website.
What I want to do is add two Text Fields in the html page where the above code is given to allow clients to add text and somehow "feed" this text to the values of the hidden fields Param1 and Param2. This way, the added text will show up in the page outside of my website where the clients are taken after they submit the form.
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Feb 8, 2010
what is the best/easiest/fastest way to get an array of the values from a few input fields?
<input type="text" name="a" value="x" />
<input type="text" name="a" value="y" />
<input type="text" name="a" value="z" />
to [ 'x', 'y', 'z' ]
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Feb 14, 2009
I have a form that I am trying to loop through the elements of and come up with a total, when the form is submitted. The goal is to alert users that they have not entered a minimum or maximum number of choices before letting the form submit. The fields in question might be checkboxes in some cases (with a value of 1) or textboxes in others with user-submitted values. Here is a stripped down example...The html
<form class="phpws-form" id="elections_vote" action="index.php" method="post">
<input type="text" name="Candidate_Vote[2]" id="Candidate_Vote[2]" size="3" value="" />
<input type="text" name="Candidate_Vote[3]" id="Candidate_Vote[3]" size="3" value="" />[code]....
...problem is, is that total is always 0. I know I'm missing something, and I suspect that 'inputs' is not what I want it to be,
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Aug 5, 2009
Is there a way that I could get id values of input fields that are inside certain divs and these divs have same class. For example say I have this code (simplified):
<div class="jep">Some label</div>
<div class="jep"><input id="20"></div>
<div class="jep">Some label</div>
So what I know is the class name "jep" so how to get all the input field id's that are inside divs that holds this certain class "jep" ?
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Feb 15, 2010
I want to do is add the values of seven text fields on a form and pop that value to an eighth field. I thought the code below would work, but I get "NaN" on the sum field.
function addHazWaste() {
document.getElementById('HazardousWaste').value = 0;
var HazWasteTotal = 0;
var HazWaste1 = 0;
var HazWaste2 = 0;
var HazWaste3 = 0;
var HazWaste4 = 0;
var HazWaste5 = 0;
var HazWaste6 = 0;
var HazWaste7 = 0;
HazWaste1 = parseInt(document.getElementById('HazardousWasteSentToLandfill').value,10);
HazWaste2 = parseInt(document.getElementById('HazardousWasteSentToWasteToEnergy').value,10);
HazWaste3 = parseInt(document.getElementById('HazardousWasteIncinerated').value,10);
HazWaste4 = parseInt(document.getElementById('HazardousWasteRecycled').value,10);
HazWaste5 = parseInt(document.getElementById('HazardousWasteReused').value,10);
HazWaste6 = parseInt(document.getElementById('BiohazardousWasteSentToLandfill').value,10);
HazWaste7 = parseInt(document.getElementById('BiohazardousWasteIncinerated').value,10);
HazWasteTotal = HazWaste1 + HazWaste2 + HazWaste3 + HazWaste4 + HazWaste5 + HazWaste6 + HazWaste7;
document.getElementById('HazardousWaste').value = HazWasteTotal;
If I run a separate function that just sets all form field values to zero (including the first line of this function). The summing works!!! Why won't it work the way I wrote it??? It won't work if I set the default value for the sum field to zero, either...
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Dec 8, 2010
I am having some trouble trying to fix my math equation to calculate the total rent by aquiring values from my form fields. Converting the date fields to days and finding the number of days via two date fields is mainly where I am having trouble. Also, I am trying to have a window pop up before submission but the onclick event does not seem to function properly.Below is the math equation I have come up with:
//calculate days from date field
function calcTotal(date1, date2) {
//assign variables
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Jul 8, 2009
I am trying to assign values to a bunch of form fields. However, I don't want to loop through EVERY field in the form, just a specific subset of fields. The fields I am trying to change are all named similarly myField1, myField2, myField3.So, my thought is that I would like to use a for loop and loop through the appropriate fields by simply incrementing a variable and appending it to the end of the string "myField" in order to change the appropriate field.How can I evaluate "myField + iterator" into a useable reference to change the value of said field?
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Jun 6, 2009
I'm working on an ordering form which calculates the total order price using Javascript. I have a checkbox which I want to use to toggle the display of various items, and also reset the value of an item depending on whether or not it is checked.
Further details
I have a checkbox for the colour "Black" which, when checked, hides a SELECT, a bit of text, and "Quantity" field. It also resets the value of the "Quantity" field to zero.
When the "Black" checkbox is unchecked, the three items (SELECT, text and Quantity) are revealed again, and the Quantity field for "Black" is reset to zero and hidden.
The reason is that users can only either EITHER a black item or select from a list of colours. Black items are a different price to all others.
How the form works
When the user enters a quantity into a text field for each item, the price of that item is added to the total at the bottom of the form. When the form is submitted (with PHP validation), it emails the order to a salesperson. The price of each item (for emailing the order) is set using hidden form fields with defined values, while the order total is calculated using the id of each quantity field (e.g. "item_31_85.00").
What I need to know
I want to achieve the following when the "Black" checkbox is clicked:
Toggle the display of three items (SELECT field, text (in a DIV) and an INPUT)
Reset the value of the INPUT field (and reset a different INPUT when the checkbox is clicked again)
My current code
The code I'm currently using in the PHP form is below (truncated for readability):
<input type="checkbox" name="black" onclick="togglecontent('colour_box','colour_price','color_quantity','quantity_reset')" /> Black
Currently I can hide the SELECT and accompanying text when I check the "Black" checkbox, but it won't reset the INPUT value nor hide it. I've not yet attempted to do unhide and hide the Black text and input since I can't get this part working yet.
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May 20, 2009
(validating fields) with reg expression for these currency/price values:
1. 100,000 ,0, 1,000 , 1,000,000 (should only have commas , no decimals) imean for all number formats
2. 1,000,000+ , 100,000+ , 0+ but not '100+00,' (for all number formats with + sign after that)
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Jan 8, 2011
I am trying to pass 2 hidden values from the selected option drop down option.
For example, here is the html for the drop-down:
<select name="description1"/>
<option value="">Select a category</option>
<option value="3563" >Disaster Relief Fund</option>
<option value="3564">New Turbine DC-3</option>
I need "description1" to be passed as the text (or hidden text) "Disaster Relief Fund" and I need a separate hidden text "item1" to be passed as "3563".
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Feb 3, 2009
I've got the following JavaScript code:
Code JavaScript:
= $("#add").click(function() {
if($("#new_title").val() != "" && $("#new_url").val() != "") { // if both text boxes have been filled in[code]....
When the "Add" button is clicked, the last element in the OL is cloned and appended to the end of the list. The SPAN tag inside the LI is updated successfully. What I also want to do is update the values of the .navtitle and .navurl fields in the LI, but I'm unsure as to how I can access them in the DOM tree as I've only just created them. I'm guessing I need to get the clone() function to return a selector I can then use.
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Oct 21, 2011
heres my code:
<script language="JavaScript">
var checkobj
function agreesubmit(el){[code]....
i need to make it like if the button is clicked and there the agreement checkbox is not checked.. it should give an alert that the alert is not checked.. i know that would require a if and else statement but i cant figure out how to do it
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Nov 26, 2011
I designed a form having ten fields, will it be possible to have a jquery function that will make all the values in the form field to be displayed in a separate div outside the form by click of a button or a link?
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Apr 30, 2010
I got an unusual request form a client. I got a form and I have to get values from certain input fields and assign them as a value to a hidden field and then submit it through php.I'm using mootools (1.11). I was tinkering around that for a day and wasn't able to solve it. Here is the html:
<label for="primary_domain0">Primary Domain Name <span class="req">*</span></label>
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