So, I am in a Web Development class right now for my liberal arts science credit. We are on a lab dealing with JavaScript and half of it is making the values of some check boxes and stuff show up when the user clicks a "Display" button. I'm not sure I'm explaining it well. Here's the lab:
# In lab 6 you wrote a JavaScript function that displayed the name and email entered from the form. Extend that function to display all of the information the user entered in the form (name, e-mail, region, special interests, interest level, and comments). See if you can nicely format what shows in the alert message. The following hints should help:
1. The first step is to make sure that each GUI field has an id attribute set. For example the name field might have id="name". Remember, every id value must be unique. Two radio buttons will have the same name attribute value, but their id attributes must be unique. You need to do this so JavaScript can find the tags using the document.getElementById method.
2. To display your checkbox information, you will need to include logic as described in the following steps. Once you do this, do the same thing for the radio buttons.
1. Assume you have a checkbox with id="cherokee". Of course, your id attributes will likely have different names. The general steps will be the same, but substitute your names where I'm using "cherokee".
2. The following statement creates a Boolean value (true, false) that determines if the user checked the cherokee checkbox. The checked property in checkbox and radio button objects gives this information.
I have a bunch of checkboxes like below that the user can check some or all and click the button and see the values of all the selected checkboxes. How can I do that?
Code: <script> function alertValues(){ } </script> <input type="checkbox" class ="normal2" value="131971" name="list[]" >
I am trying to get a checkbox to display an alert when the user clicks the checkbox for "other". Then if they click it again to unchedk it, it should not display the alert again. I keep getting an message that says not an object. Can anyone help me out with this? I have copied the code below for the checkboxes and the code that is in my .js file....
function read() { var numbers = new Array(); for (i = 0; i < field.length; i++) numbers[i] = document.test.checkboxName.value; var counter=0;
I want to read the values of the checkboxs and store the vlaues into an array (there are more than 1 checkboxs) the form name is text and the names of the check box = checkboxname
I want to display a Popup alert if select all checkbox is selected and number of rows in the grid are more than the number of check boxes selected. This code does that but it does on the second click on the select all check box, not on the first click.correction:
Code: <script type="text/javascript"> var TotalChkBx;
I've got a radio group and a checkbox array on my page. An alert pops up if none of the radios (in the group 'test') are check but I also need an alert if no checkboxes (within the array box[] ) are selected? Anyone know how I validate the checkboxes so at least 1 has to be selected?
I'm having the following javascript code,after all the checkboxes are unslected,i'll display the alert to user saying that "Atleast one must be selected",but the checkbox is becoimng unselected,how to make check box selected after throwing this alert.
var checkSelected = false; for (i = 0; i < planForm.locationOptions.length; i++) { if (planForm.locationOptions[i].checked) { checkSelected = true document.planForm.action=''document.planForm.submit(); document.getElementById("refreshing").style.display="block"; } } if (!checkSelected) { alert("At least ONE Location must be selected!"); return false; } return true; }
How would I go about making a function on a checkbox that pops up one alert menu when its checked and pops a different alert when its unchecked? Here's what I have so far I know its wrong I don't know how to change the beginning.
Code: function compare(bing){ if ("bing"=checked){ alert("You agree, your favorite search engine is also bing."); }else{ alert("you disagree, your favorite search engine is not bing."); }}
If I have the basic form below how can I alert only the fields that the user inputs something. I would like to alert the name of the field and it's value. There may be more than one field that has a value.
How to display an alert message with a scroll bar attached?
If this is not applicable, then how to display a popup message with a scroll bar, which acts completely as an alert message in its behaviour, meaning that the user can not act on the page except when he confirms the alert?
how to get the alert box to display in text instead. So when the user clicks on the submit button instead of an alert box, the result would display below the button in text instead of an alert?
<script type = "text/javascript"> function validate (form){ var hrs=(form.hrs[0].checked)? form.hrs[0].value : form.hrs[1].value;[code].....
I have been being banging my head against this for hours. I have an iframe that contains XML. All I want to do is display the XML content in a JavaScript alert. Here is what I have figured out.
This code retrieves the XML document object from the IFrame.
So I tried a simple alert on this and I receive the message:
So I think at this time, I have an XML Object.
So I tried this code:
Running this code, all I get back is an empty alert message which has me confused.
I am trying to run some code that will check if the user enters two values from 'depart' and 'arrival' select lists that would make up an invalid journey: var cdate, ctime, cdepart, carrive, cname; with(window.document.example) {
so basically this is what I have its 2 sets of radio buttons named budget, premier and superior which values are $2,$3 and $5 respectively. a checkbox that if checked the value would make the the first group of radios multiplied by 2 if not it will remain the same the second group would be weekly, monthly and annually which the values will be multiplied to 1,x(52/12) and 52 respectively to everything above. the total would be displayed as an alert message if the none of the first group is selected an alert would be issued when calculate is pressed and that would be please select level of cover and if none of the second group is selected it would display please select frequency of payment but if none is selected at all both alerts would be displayed on a single dialogue box, i cant make a script to make it function properly .i didnt include the script because i suck it doesnt work
<form name="InsuranceCalc"> <p><h2>calutaling insurance</h2></p> <p> Please complete the form.</p>[code].............
I have a classified listing application (php) that shows an alert message on the main page to let the user know if there was an error, if the listing was entered, if a required field was left blank, etc.
the alert msg. displays whenever the page is loaded. However, if someone navigates with the forward or back buttons in the browser, or reloads the page, the alert message displays again.
I am pulling my hair out for a solution that shows the alert only once and then does not show an alert again until a new message is generated.
I tried to display an alert window (avoid pop up since some users blocks it and hence not displayed on onload event in body) But it is not displayed properly like popup window.
Can someone suggest me a way to get the values of CheckBox(es) selected in a CheckBoxList control using JAVASCRIPT.
I am pasting my current code gere but its not working need some suggestions pls.
function CheckBoxList(cntrlName) { var cntrlValue = listValuesCheckBox(cntrlName); return cntrlValue ; } function listValuesCheckBox(objectName) { var list = ""; for (var i=0; i<objectName.length;i++){ if (objectName.Options[i].selected = true){ list += objectName.Options[i].value+ '~' } } return list; }
I've a group of checkboxes and I want to insert the values in table field in 01010 format. So for example, if PHP & HTML checked then the value will go into table field would be 01010.
I am trying to do some JavaScript calculation with checkboxes, and have been able to modify some codes to do bits of what i want to do. (Screenshot attached) However, i want each checkbox to have multiple values, and therefore multiple results.
I can't find any examples, but i've come across something similar with Radio buttons [URL].. I don't 'get' the example enough to proceed. My question is, is it even possible to do with a checkbox, and if so how do i go about doing it please?
The Javascript code:
function count() { var item1price = 10; var item2price = 50; var item3price = 1100; var item4price = 100;
I am trying out checkbox total calculator code examples, which automatically calculates the values of checked/unchecked items, and so far so good. My question is if it's at all possible for each checkbox to have multiple values, so i can have different sets of totals? I have been looking for examples all over with no luck. I have seen examples for Radio buttons, which separates the different totals with commas, but i don't have enough JavaScript experience to understand it fully.