JQuery :: Randomize Position Of A Div That Slides In From Left When You Hover Over An Image
Feb 22, 2010
What I am trying to do is randomize the position of a div that slides in from the left when you hover over an image.
Here is the script I am working with courtesy of Build Internet
Here is the css that goes with it
I would like to randomize the value of the top position in the css and the value of right:'30%' with values in a preset range.
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Apr 22, 2010
im trying to make the left Product Categories background position "rollover" menu work on this page: [URL] at the moment the page loads and CSS hover works to set the background position so that the graphic behind makes a roll over effect. i put some javascript to set the background position permantly to the roll over on click (so the user can see which one they are on) but then this knocks out the roll over effect on all other categories - it knocks out the CSS hover: onclick="setStyle('c1','backgroundPosition','0px 0px');
it means that c1:hover no longer works.. i tried putting !important in the CSS c1:hover background position and this fixed it in Firefox but not IE. So how can i write something in Javascript to also say: onclick="setStyle('c1:hover','backgroundPosition','-276px 0px');
i know Javascript does not do hyphens and the way to get for example "background-position" in CSS is to ditch the hyphen and make "P"osition capitol. perhaps something can be done also to get to the CSS hover attribute?
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Jun 2, 2009
I've been looking for an "Ajax CMS" but decided to learn jQuery to learn how to code it myself in order to earn some geek-girl cred among my male colleagues. I've learn a lot about jQuery in a week but as you can imagine I still have a lot to learn.
I have successfully animated an image (move to the left and increase opacity) when the mouse hovers a div and reset the image (move it back to its original position and reset the opacity) when the mouse move outside the div. So far so good...
Here comes the question: What I need to do -and don't know how to - is when the user clicks on the div the image should stay in the hover position while still being able to hover any other divs and activate the animation normally.
When a different div is clicked the previous "Clicked" div should return (animate) to its original position and the new "Clicked" div should stay in the hover position. Content will be loaded when the divs are clicked but there won't be page refresh since I'm loading the content by using the load funtion of jQuery.
I'm including the code:
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Mar 4, 2011
I want to use the .css of jquery to take lets say 5 buttons css position absolute left value. I want increase this value. So it will move the buttons to the right. I have a button that when clicked that it will run this jquery code. Where the 5 buttons moves to the right. I want to do this all at ones. In otherwords I want to put $("#1_button,#2_button,#3_button").css("left": function (value) { code to increase left position value}); I want to do something like that. Is it possible? and how would one do it. what I want it to do is grab all the buttons left position value and then add numbers to it to increase all buttons left position shifting all to the right. So if I add 10px I want all buttons to increase by 10px causing it to move 10px to the right.
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Feb 22, 2011
I know how to get position left - var posLeft = parseInt($('.class').position().left);
But the class I am using has the style display:none; Is there a way around this?
Why doesn't this work?
var posLeft = parseInt($('.class').css('left').replace("px", ""));
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Feb 17, 2011
I want to make 3 panel that functionally like we browse files in mac. I already suceed made 2 panel, the problem is, at the first load, the second panel already shown. I want it keep hide, until people clicked the button.
This the complete script
<style type="text/css" media="screen">
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Feb 8, 2011
I'm tweaking this html form here's the code:[code]Everything works fine but how can I have it so when you click on the trigger (the button.png), the image of only that div slides down. The way it is now, when you click on the trigger, both the images in both divs slide down.
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Aug 30, 2009
Something like starting animation to a page with about 10 jpgs. When the page start is starting slideshow fadein animation between about 10 large pics, and when the last one appears it stays as a background to content and buttons must appear when the last picture is loaded, too with fade in animation. Is sounds not so difficult, but for me become a hard task.
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Apr 24, 2011
I've created a jQuery canvas slideshow to apply image an filter while running the slideshow. Everything seems to be working fine, but when I apply the filter to the image, the slideshow doesn't load other slides and keeps loading the same slide. To have a look at the problem follow the link: [URL].
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Jul 17, 2010
I am simply trying to alert the left position of a css layer.
var Element = document.getElementById('box');
#box {position:absolute;
<div id="box">
The problem is the alert is blank and I can't understand why.
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May 17, 2011
I need a script which will when a user hovers over a link move the page to a certain position immediatly.
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Oct 11, 2011
I tried to create a mouse over effect using jquery. When user hovers #box1_trigger link, the #service_box1 div should change it's background position. The code I created is the following it's not working for some reason.
<div class="service_box box1" id="service_box1">
<a href="#" id="box1_trigger">
<h3> </h3>
<p> </p>
<script type="text/javascript">
$(document).ready(function() {
function() {
$("#service_box1").stop().animate({backgroundPosition:"(0 -250px)"}, "slow");
function() {
$("#service_box1").stop().animate({backgroundPosition: "0 0"}, "slow");
width:318px; height:282px;
background:url(images/services_panel.png) 0 0 no-repeat;
width:100%; height:100%;
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Jul 23, 2005
Was wondering if it's possible to find the left position of a table cell if
the cell is created dynamically.
I have a table with a single cell. When a button is clicked, I'd like to add
another cell to it, give the cell a class style and then find the cell's
left position. Right now I'm using doing this:
cell = document.createElement("td");
cell.className = "cellStyle";
tableRow = document.getElementById(theTableRowId);
How would I get the left position of each cell added?
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Oct 9, 2010
Basically I want my boxes to do what the ones on this site do : [URL] under the menu there are 5 boxes when you roll over them it appears like a div box with a different image slides up, and when you move off it, it slides down again. I've tried playing about with adobe behaviors but can't seem to achieve that affect. How do I get that affect in dreamweaver?
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Oct 30, 2009
Im going nuts with this, first im starting of by just putting a background image in the tb using JavaScript, but it won't work!
Heres what i got
in my 'name.js' file i got
var name=new Array()
and in my HTML i got
<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/html4/loose.dtd">
If I type Hello World into the name.js file and put it in a tb it works fine
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Aug 21, 2010
How do i create an image scroller and a div that slides up like in the flash on the image thing on this site? http:[url].....
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Oct 31, 2009
I'm currently generating some tooltips to display data for certain items in a game. The tooltips and stats work great, however, for certain items, the tooltip gets long and will extend pass the viewable range for the user.
Here are the links:
test page: [URL]
javascript: [URL]
css (for hover div only): [URL]
If you hover over the links of items (like villages, barracks, etc.) a tooltip will pop up to show you the stats. But if you notice, for items like castles, the tooltip can extend past the viewable range for the user.
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Mar 14, 2011
So I have this vertical menu with a few options. Originally it was pure CSS with a basic a:hover to change the background of the menu item. But then it was decided that whichever menu item you last had your mouse on should remain in that hover state.
So I went ahead an busted out some Javascript. Now I'm not exactly talented with Javascript as it's not one of my main languages. This is what I came up with.
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Sep 12, 2010
I would like to know if it's possible to have the button of the date picker on the left instead of the right ?
$(function() {
showOn: 'button',
c: '../img/calendar.gif',
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Oct 20, 2010
there was any premade dropdown menu which opens based on what position you are on the page.
For example, when I'm on the top of the page and hover the mouse over the dropdown menu, the menu opens upward instead of downward because the navigation is mid-screen. But if I was to be more than halfway across the screen and still see the navigation as it was on top of the screen and hover the mouse over it, the dropdown menu opens downward as oppose to up.
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Aug 22, 2011
I've seen several posts around this issue but nothing that seems like a definitive resolution.Cycle defaults to positioning the slides at top:0 and left:0 within the container div. I want them to be bottom:0 and left:0 within the container div.
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Nov 11, 2011
I have been using the JQuery Cycle plugin on my website and love it! It has so many options and seems customizable to do basically anything. My question is about the previous and next buttons. At the moment I am using next:'#next2, .pics img', prev:'#prev2', to make previous and next arrows underneath the image as well as use the image itself a "next" button. I would like to remove the arrows underneath the image and just use left and right halves of the image as a previous and next button. Previous being the left half and next being the right half of course. I've been searching for this being posted before and have not found any discussions on it. Also, the JQuery Slideviewer does what I'm trying to accomplish: JQuery Slideviewer Demo
if(zeroLeft >= pictWidth/2) { var uiprev = ui.parent().prev().find("a"); (jQuery(uiprev).length != 0)? uiprev.trigger("click") : ui.parent().parent().find("a:last").trigger("click"); } else { var uinext = ui.parent().next().find("a"); (jQuery(uinext).length != 0)? uinext.trigger("click") : ui.parent().parent().find("a:first").trigger("click"); }
Is there a way to incorporate this type of button in JQuery Cycle? It seems easy enough to make the image a next button I feel like dividing it between the two shouldn't be that much more difficult.
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Apr 8, 2010
I'm using a very nice jQuery content slider called Easy Slider on my site that I downloaded from Css Globe. The script is excellent and does just what I want - except I can't make it randomise the list, it always scrolls from left to right or right to left! I'm far from good with JavaScript, so my attempts at solving this have been feeble. Although I'm sure it must be an easy fix! I've tried contacting the original plugin developer but have had no response yet. The comments on the Easy Slider page didn't bear much fruit either unfortunately. I've pasted the script I'm using on my site below:
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Feb 19, 2011
is there any feature to slide the images in accordion form left to right and right to left with minimum time frame(delay)?
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Nov 4, 2009
Im trying to build on a script that I found on the internet and modified to my needs.urrently there are three images on the left, which, when clicked, change the image on the right depending on which of the left images was clicked.Simply, when you click the whisky link on the left you see a bottle of wiskey on the right. Here is my script:
<SCRIPT TYPE="text/javascript">
function switchImg(i){
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Feb 4, 2010
I'm trying to make what is hopefully a fairly simple script to randomize font size, font family, image sizes etc. on a page using a.click and disabling the normal hyperlink function.
Essentially looking to "destroy" the page randomly each time a link is clicked.
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