JQuery :: Pass An Object To A Function And Not Getting The Results?
May 18, 2011I'm trying to pass an object to a function and not getting the results I need. If I get a reference to the object and pass it like so
I'm trying to pass an object to a function and not getting the results I need. If I get a reference to the object and pass it like so
I have a program that calculates change and added a function to determine what currency that should be dispensed based on the change.Right now with my code as is, the calculate change portion works, also if I manually enter a value into the change field it will calculate the currency to be dispursed. My problem is I can't get it to read the value passed to the currency field from the calculate change portion. Here is my code:
<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=iso-8859-1">
<meta name="Content-Script-Type" content="text/javascript">
I have a function which controls my interface. If people click on alink with the class 'less' i would like a dive to slide up.My code roughly looks like this:
I have a custom function:
function myFunc(o){
and then I have a jQuery event like this:
How can i pass the element to the custom function and then do all the jQuery manipulation from there?
I would like to know how to pass in a reference of this to anonymous function so I can access parameters from anonymous. Here is my code:
I have a function that i like to move 2 image objects around. (it works with 1)
But im getting errors while im trying to pass multiple object id-s.
I believe example will tell you more. code...
In the following example, I use the function "SetUp(SBox,AObjStr)" to send an object reference to the function "Populate(SBox,SObj)".
Seems to work OK, but it is a 2 step process to assign the JSON objects to the selected drop-down boxes. Fairly easy, but somewhat tedious, to change to fewer or more levels as desired with a common bit of code.
However, what I would like to do is simplify it a bit more ... Is there a way to bypass the "SetUp" function to "Populate" the multi-level drop downs directly? I think what I'm looking for is a way to pass a string in the function that would be recognized as an object (in this case a JSON or other form of array) and be decoded to add options to the drop-down choices, but I don't have a clue as to how that might be accomplished without the extra "SetUp" function!
<title> Passing Object Indirectly </title>
<script type="text/javascript">
Im looking to make work my script on both IE and Netscape. It works
fine in IE, but netscape cant handle "dynamic" variables. I need some
Is there a CORRECT way to pass a string as parameter and then use it
as an object in Netscape? IE does that without problem... and Netscape
seems not able to handle it.. Code:
In a JSP, I try to pass a Java object to a javascript function, like this:
Test test = request.getSession().getAttribute("test");
//Test has a field of lasName, such as test.getLastName() will return "john"
//This is for simplizing. In reality this js codes are in different file such as includeFile.js
var obj = <%= test%>;
I want to pass Array or Object as parameter in function But can't, Here is my code
var InfoArray = new Array();
InfoArray['name'] = "ABC";
InfoArray['id'] = "A123";
I want to pass the object to a function that is called with a setInterval, like so:
function Test(obj) {
divTest.innerText = obj.id;
} function ClickMe(obj) {
itv = setInterval( 'Test(' + obj + ')' , 10 );
So when I click a link I want to execute every 10 msec a test. This off course does not work.
On the click of a table row I want to call a function and pass a that particular table row as a table row object to a function. I was wondering how I would do that? And also if I could grab the number of that table row as well.
View 3 Replies View RelatedI am developing a small app in Joomla! where I need to sequentially number file folders. On the page where I add new folders I have a select menu to select the type of folder. In this case, either Action, Reference, or Archive. What I want to have happen is after I select the type of folder, I want to enter the next available number in the form field. I realize to do this without resubmitting the page I need to use javascript and onchange. The problem is I am almost clueless when it comes to javascript (I am working on it though) so I need some help. This is what I have.
<fieldset class="adminform">
<legend><?php echo JText::_( 'Folders' ); ?></legend>
<table class="admintable">
I assume I have to pass my php array into a javascript array then call that based on my select menu. Only I have no clue how to go about doing that.
I am now able to list the folders and files in a directory. However, when I try to pass the values into another function to open the folder/file, I encounter an error saying object expected. I'm guessing that its the in the file paths that is causing the error. so my solution is to find the and replace it with a \ before passing it to the function to open the file. but the str.replace("\","\\") does not seem to work.
View 3 Replies View RelatedThe Date Object returns GMT
Firefox gives: Date {Sat Jul 23 2011 18:02:12 GMT+0100 (Cen)}
Chrome gives: Sat Jul 23 2011 18:02:12 GMT+0100 (Eastern Standard Time)
I was expecting: Sat Jul 23 2011 14:02:12 GMT+0600 (Eastern Standard Time)
My Windows XP (x86) PC gives me expected results.
I am making a small gallery script. When a user clicks an image, I would like for a function to be called that tells the browser where that image is located in an object. For example:
It works, I just don't like it because it is messy and it seems sensible that some workaround exists.
I'm using JSON/jQuery to pre populate a drop down menu. What I want to do, is once I select a plan from the drop down menu and click submit (go button), to get the details about the plan. The drop down menu get's pre populated, but I don't get anything after clicking go. I check the functions and it seems that in the DoPlanSearch() I get the alerts showing the newly constructed URL that gets me the correct JSON. But not sure what happens once the data is processed after that. I say this, because my alert statement in the DoPlanSearchCompleted(data) gets me NULL data.
I'm just getting started with this, I'm not exactly sure what's the best approach. Also, I'm not sure the way .JSON files is setup here works, it does on my Dev server though.
Code has line: function DoPlanSearchCompleted(data)
It should read function UserPlanSearchCompleted(data). The same problem though exists.
Today I've tried to create simple hover effect on a <div>: if the cursor is over the box, the background-image css property of the div is modified. On the HTML side, a <div> with an id:
<div id="round">Blah blah
I'm a beginner in Jquery and I have a big doubt, follow at bellow the code to be better viewed: The method below is static and Static methods do not work with instance, For this reason I passed the 'nameLabel' that the typeis Label by parameter, however I need to catch the exception and show it to the user.
public static string RetornaNomeCliente(string idCliente,Label nomeLabel){
string nomeCliente = String.Empty;
try {
nomeCliente = Cliente.RetornaNomeCliente(idCliente);
} catch (Exception e) {
nomeLabel.Text = e.Message.ToString();
} return nomeCliente;
But I'm using Jquery and this method is used in a Ajax Request and I use the Json to pass the datas, how showed below:
var idCliente= $("#<%= txtIDCliente.ClientID %>").val();
var nomeLabel = $("#<%= lblMensagem.ClientID %>");
var poligonal = "{ idCliente: " + idCliente + ", + lblMensagem: " + nomeLabel + " }";
But the problem is that I need to pass in my Json the nomeLabel with Label, but always a problem happen, because the same is showed like 'indefined'. How to solve this situation?
How to pass data down to chain calls of deferred object? code...
View 1 Replies View RelatedI am trying to minimize the amount of script that I use on my website. I have sections of each page; each section has the same basic layout. The divs and images that I want to make appear and disappear all have nearly identical ids, the only difference is the number at the end of the id.Is there a way to get one script to automatically detect which id number has been clicked and then show all elements with the same number at the end of the id? I would also like it to hide the elements in the hide function below (basically they are the elements that do not share the same id number).I currently have everything working the way I want it to using multiple functions like the one below but I woul
$("#2thumbNail2 , #ledBar").click(function () {
$("#type201 , #type203 , #type204").hide();
$("#image201 , #image203 , #image204").fadeOut("slow");
I tried to pass the external JSON object on validate method. But It's not working.
Here is my sample code:
I want to pass the value to my object id = "Parameters" How can I do that? I had tried the code as posted below but it couldn't work.
I'm using document.all.Parameters.data = tempParams[0]; to pass in the data to
<OBJECT id="Parameters" style="Z-INDEX: 200; LEFT: 0px; TOP: 0px; POSITION: ABSOLUTE;" type=application/pdf height=800
width=1060 VIEWASTEXT scroll=yes></OBJECT>
I also have tried document.getElementById("Parameters").data = tempParams[0]; but still doesn't work.The code attached as below.
<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN">
<title>Management System Manual</title>
I have a list of items and a link to delete one at time. I've build this confirmation delete script but it works in a wrong way: it takes the last item.
<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="css/redmond/jquery-ui-1.8.2.custom.css">
I'm very new at jQuery, and I've gotten myself stuck.I have a set of menu tabs which should show/hide divs on the page, and the active tab should change style.[code]
View 4 Replies View RelatedHere's the problem: I have several hidden divs containing information. When you click on a link, javascript executes which is supposed to move the appropriate info from one of the hidden divs into the visible 'body' div. The javascript isn't working, though, and I'm getting 'undefined' instead
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