I am trying to get two values from a web service response.
The web service was called using jquery $ajax:
url : "http://localhost:3032/ufs/integration/copymoveTerm",
type : "POST",
dataType : "xml",
All I want to do is to get the values of UNDO_COUNT and MSG into separate variables.
Here is the jquery I am trying to use:
function undoSuccess(xmlData, status, xmlResponse)
$(xmlResponse).find('res:OUTPUT').each(function () {
var undoCount = $(this).attr('res:UNDO_COUNT).text();
var msg = $(this).attr('res:MSG).text();
I have tried it with and without the name space "res:". I have tried it with xmlData and with xmlResponse I have tried changing the web service so that UNDO_COUNT and MSG were elements in their own right or were attributes of OUTPUT all without success it just bypasses the initial find on OUTPUT.
I am doing a simple ajaxPOSTform to email script. When string pairs are passed to my processing asp page(email script), spaces are beign removed from the string. It displays the correct string before recieving to asp page.
var tmp = $('#someform').find('input').serialize();
And it works almost fine. If we have fields like:
<input type="text" value="some words" />
Serialization seems to behave a bit weird. In general it's serializing spaces into + which later cannot be (or I have no idea how) deserialized correctly. If you want proof of concept go under this link: [URL] If this question is so obvious that was asked and answered bilions of times I recommend to add special notice into documentation. I googled a lot and I have seen very complex examples of how serialization works or is not working at all but nowhere was an example with value with two words in it.
I want to grab images from the database and then display them in a row going downwards. I be using position absolute in css. I want to put them in a row going downwards but having the exact space inbetween each image. Currently I made a row of images going downwards but the space inbetween keeps on increasing when more and more images are needed to be displayed.
Yet the space inbetween images increases the space when there is more and more images displayed.
The first 3 are always have the right space inbetween them. The 4th and so on adds 10px of space more for each image that is displayed but it's gradually. For instance image 4 would be you would take 70 which is image 3 top value and instead of adding 30 the code would add 40 to it. it increases the spaces by 10 for every image past the 3rd image. Yet the firebug will show the top values as if each image has a difference of 30 for the top value.
I was thinking can't I use position X and Y like with jquery or javascript can't I get the current x and y values of image one or 2 and then decrease the X and Y in a way that the spaceing inbetween each image is exactly the same. In our example I want to have like a 30px space inbetween the images and never increase the space as more images are displayed.
I'm using Tablesorter since few months and it was working very well.I did a small change yesterday in my php code: numbers over 1000 are nowformatted like this: 1 000, 1 000 000 instead of 1000 or 1000000.Since I did this change Tablesorter seems to have problems sorting this kindof formatted numbers with spaces. It just doesn't sort the way it should
I am using the infamous hidden IFRAME trick to manage some image uploading. My server-side ASP page passes back XML to indicate success or failure. It was a snap to grab this in FireFox and parse it using the standard JQuery methods. Then I spent most of an afternoon trying to do the same in IE, I finally found this page and this comment: [url]
JavaScript, IE, XML, IE uses MSXML and an XSL stylesheet to transform the XML to some HTML document that pretty-prints the structure of the XML. That way when you access the iframe document you indeed access an HTML document that IE renders. However IE stores the original XML document in an XMLDocument property of the HTML document object so to access the XML data (and not the HTML document) you can do e.g. var xmlDoc = window.frames.frameName.document.XMLDocument; [...]
The solution thus ended up as follows:
From there I can use all of the normal JQuery code to traverse the XML. Anyway I am not sure if this is an IE bug, a JQuery bug and/or presumably specific to this wacky IFRAME scenario versus a normal document.
I am trying to parse a value into a plugin, but it does not work. an alert(myborderimage); shows that I am getting the value, but I cannot parse it to jQuery $(document).ready(function(){ var myborderimage = $("#myborderimage").val(); $('#myborder').borderImage('url("borders/+myborderimage +") 30% 35% 40% 30%'); });
I have the need to grab the HREF value from a link to an image, parse it, append it with "-144x127" and reassemble it for use as the src for a dynamic thumbnail. I have the following worked out, but... surely there's a better way?
Of course it would be a lot easier to split on the file extension, but I won't necessarily know whether the file is a GIF, PNG, JPEG... so...?
I am having difficulty displaying a specific key from a json file. I am trying to parse the following json file using query:
I am using this type of function to parse the data:
$.each(json.route,function(i,route){ <!--add a paragraph tag to the results div and enter the speficied key--> $("#results").append('<p>Result: '+ route +'</p>');
Using this I am able to print all the keys from the route but I am not able to print a specific key.
What I want to do is just get the results for the key "fuelUsed" using this method:
I'm trying to get jquery to parse some text in a variable as HTML, has anyone tried this before and got it to work? Can this even be done, or do I have to parse as text?
The page im loading with $.get has a syntax error that is killing my entire script. Is there anyway to test if it contains a syntax error and/or just ignore it?
$.get('http://www.example.com/',function(response){ var someText = $(response).find('#myDiv').text(); // Script doesnt run after this because response contains a syntax
Supposed that I have a json object but I don't know anything about its keys and values. Is there anyway to print out all the key and value pairs in that object?
In my app, I have a file upload form that submits to an iframe, withthe server returning an XML document. Though I am able to consume thisXML using jQuery in Firefox 3.5 and Chrome 4 without issue, the samecode fails in Internet Explorer 8. The relevant snippet of my codefollows:
$('iframe#destination').load(function() { var response = $(this).contents(); console.log(response.find('mediaurl').text());
I've been dabbling in the coding for a few weeks now and I want to build my own plugin for fun, but I think there's something that I don't fully understand (that's probably systemic to the syntax or order).
So this is what I have so far...and it's pretty cool
1) As a general question, is there an order in which "commands" should be called? I'm assuming that it should be some logical order. For example, if I asked to apply the green formatting to the div before it has been created (via the .append command), it wouldn't work right? The only exception is if I call a function, I could put that function pretty much anywhere in the document.
2) How come I can use $('.searchstyle').hide() inside a function, but I can't select for it outside of the function? Does it cease to exist after the function has been run?
2a) Does it have something to do with XML data? (I was able to do what I wanted in an isolated example when had the output data put in the html).
Ex XMl :: "<?xml version='1.0' encoding='UTF-8'?><profile><title>PricelessCitiesNewYokrRegistration.</title><site></site><application></application><fields><field><label>Email</label><type>text</type></field><field><label>Password</label><type>password</type></field></fields></profile>"
And The form Should like below .
Email :: TEXTBOX Password :: TEXTBOX
Submit Button
When you click submit button it will take those two values and send to back end.
I am using jQuery for ajax call and receives HTML as a response.
Response I am getting is
I would like to parse this response and fetch "1","Debopam" and "Poddar" from the response HTML. How to do this and is there any way to parse it using jQuery selector.
I am submitting a form via AJAX. The form may either return HTML (when there are input errors) or JSON (successful response). If during request I specify "dataType: 'json'" then HTML doesn't get thru correctly, if I don't then JSON is displayed as plain text. I am sending the "application/json" header back correctly. I don't understand why doesn't jQuery just pick that up and parse it as JSON? Is there an option? Is there something I can do to make this work?
I see that jQuery provides a function to turn an object into a set of URL query parameters: $.param({foo:"xxx", bar:"yyy"}) => "foo=xxx&bar=yyy" is there a function which does the opposite, i.e.parsing a query string into an object? The reason is that when I make an Ajax request, I want to take some parameters from the original page and include them in the new request, and modify others. I can get the original page's query string from location.search, which may contain, say, "?foo=xxx&bar=yyy" Now, suppose I want to submit an Ajax request with the same value of foo as the original page but a different value of bar, what's the cleanest way to do that? Remember that the original query string might have the two parts the other way round, i.e. "?bar=yyy&foo=xxx" If I need to write a function to split this myself, I know it's not a major undertaking, but I just wanted to see if I've missed something in the API.