JQuery :: Next Element In Document Order?

Mar 25, 2010

Is there a way to get the next element in document order? For example I want to get the next "<a>" element, whether it's a sibling, descendant of a sibling, or ancestor's sibling

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JQuery :: Selecting Ul Li Element By Order?

Dec 15, 2010

I Have this code

<li><a href="#">1</a></li>
<li><a href="#">2</a></li>


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JQuery :: Move The Order Of Events On A Dom Element?

Nov 12, 2010

Is there any way in jQuery to move the order of events on a dom element. I have an element (the add button on a jQGrid display) that I want to place a click event in front of the one one put in by jQGrid. I had a look at the jquery.eventmanager plugin but that doesn't really allow the kind of manipulation I want. I also found it didn't like handling the click event anyway.

I'm thinking something along the lines of;

var saved = $(ele).getEvent('click'); //this function doesn't exist yet

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JQuery :: Pull Element Out Of IFrame Into Parent Document?

May 28, 2009

I'm working on a project and within a document I have content being loaded into an iframe. When a user clicks on an item in the iframe, a pop-up div is loaded using the facebox plugin but it's obviously contained by the iframe. Is there any way that I can pull that element out of the iframe into the parent document? Or at least position it so it looks like it's part of the parent document and not the iframe? My reasoning for this is sizing and positioning. I want to expand the size of the facebox div and position it over top of some of the parent document elements but, since it's within the iframe, I'm limited to the size of the iframe and positioning is limited to being within the iframe.

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JQuery :: Passing Document Context When Creating An Element?

Dec 29, 2010

Is there any way to pass the document context when doing a create element? If I have an iframe defined as follows..

var f = window.frames.myIframe;
How can I do this in jquery?
var d = f.document.createElement("div");


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Variable Scope And Crossing Functions - Resize Plugin In Order To Obtain The Varying Computed Width Of An Element When The Window Is Resized

Mar 23, 2010

I am using Ben Alman's JQuery resize plugin in order to obtain the varying computed width of an element when the window is resized (the element in question is a page wrapper that exhibits the expand-to-fit behavior of a block box, and it's computed width is obviously influenced by the resizing of the window. Essentially, what I need to be able to do, is to reference a variable that is defined in a .resize() function ('width_page') in a seperate .each() function.


I now understand that variables can't cross boundaries like in the example above, which leaves me a little stuck. I also understand that this is specific to the context of the .resize() function, and that it can't be taken out of it without using an element selector. Is there some way I can call the .resize() function in my .each() function?

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JQuery :: Get The Position Of An Element Relative To The Document (accounting For Margins As Well)?

May 26, 2010

What is the best way to get the position of an element relative to the document (accounting for margins as well)?I would like to position another element over it. I'm using the offset() function but i am running into issues 1. The values for top & left returned in IE 8 (perhaps other versions) are incorrect.2. Offset() doesn't take into account margins of the element. And when margins are set to auto i cannot seem to get the correct margin values to use

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JQuery :: Run Function Every Time Element Is Removed On Inserted Into Document?

Jun 30, 2009

I want to be able to run a function every time an element is removed on inserted into the document. How can I do this?

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JQuery :: Target Any Element On Document Ready Generated By AJAX On Run Time

Aug 18, 2011

I want to call me function on document ready and target elements will generate by AJAX at run time. Is there any function for that?

I'm familiar about live() and delegate() but main problem is that, We can use it with any event only :(

We can call delegate() or live() with events like click, mouseOver, mouseLeave, focus etc. There is not any way to call it on document ready :(

Is there any other function we can use to do that without any event?

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JQuery :: .hide() Not Hiding Element Before Document Is Ready In IE 6, SlideUp/slideDown Not Working In IE 6?

Apr 21, 2010

Basically, I have an element I want to hide before it is shown when a condition is met. For reference, it's checking whether a particular radio button is selected. if ($('[name="'+q1110.name+'"][value="'+q1110.value+'"]:not([checked])')) $('#_divhide').hide(1, function () { q1110.toggle = false; }); Right now, only in IE 6, it shows that element for a split second, then hides it. I don't want it shown at all unless the radio button is checked. As usual, I can't manipulate anything in HTML unless it's done through JS.

Also, the slideUp and slideDown functions don't work properly in IE 6. They do hide and show, but the animation isn't smooth. The element disappears and reappears without any animated effects. It's kind of a bummer since it works perfectly in FF 3.6.

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Get Links From An Document Element

Jun 2, 2007

I need to get all links from an document element. In sample below how
can i get link to "www.google.com" from element with ID="here"




function bla()


<td id="here">
<a href="http://www.google.com">Google</a>

document.getElementById("here") ........................WHAT?



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HTML Objects - How To Get Element From Document

Jan 10, 2010

I've seen lots of examples of invoking the getElementById and they always are given as a method of the document object. That is, they always show something like:
var theElement = document.getElementById("Fred");
But what I'd really like to do is to get an element from the document, but starting at a particular element in the hierarchy of the document.

For example, suppose I have two forms, form1 and form2, and they both have elements in them named "Fred" (and, yes, I know I shouldn't do that). But what I'd really like to do is something like:
var theElement = form1Element.getElementById("Fred");
assuming that I've already somehow retrieved the form1Element.

But Javascript reports to me that getElementById is not a method of form1Element. And the fact that every example I've ever seen of getElementById invokes it as a method of document would seem to bear that out. The thing is, on the microsoft site it actually shows the generic form of the method as:

Which would seem to imply that it's more generic than just being a strictly document method, that perhaps it's intended to be a method of at least some additional HTML objects. Since that doesn't seem to be the case, how might I go about doing what I'd like to d, which is find the occurrence of the element, by its ID, but only within a particular section of the document hierarchy?

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How To Access Iframe Element From The Parent Document

Nov 8, 2006

I have a parent document which has an iframe loaded in it. The iframe has an textfield element. I want to access this textfield element from the parent document. I have tried the following. But that doesn't work.

(from the parent)

I always get as null.

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Parsing XML Document - Result Into HTML Element

Apr 10, 2010

I have problem with parsing XML document. My XML: [URL]
HTML Code:
function set_text(){
if(xmlHttp.readyState == 4){
var xmldoc = xmlHttp.responseXML;
var root = xmldoc.getElementsByTagName('root');
var parameter = xmldoc.getElementsByTagName('parameter');
for(var i=0; i<parameter.length; i++){
//cycle for reading XML, please add code

I need this result into HTML element:

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Document.getElementByID - Change The Text Of An Element

May 8, 2010

I want to use the document.getElementByID method to change the text of an element.

It works and replaces the old text but the new text is lower down when I want the new text to be on the same line.

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Can't Modify The Body Element From Within The Html Document

May 10, 2010

i cant modify the body element from within the html document.


what i want to do is have a function on the "onClick" event to created the body onBlur=myfunction() and pass it a function when the body blurs.

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Loading A <script> Element After The Document Has Loaded?

Feb 15, 2012

I would like to execute some Javascript after the document has loaded and even after the document.onload functions have been executed.Situation:I'm loading a text-edit field through ajax. When the user submits the form, he is redirected to a PHP file. That PHP file redirects him back to "file.php" using header('location: file.php');What I want to do is to execute some Javascript actions in file.php, but when I print the <script></script> tags the file id displayed blank - nothing is loaded at all. As soon as I leave them out, the page does get loaded.

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Attempting To Create An Element (to Be Added Later To The Document DOM) Using CreateElement?

Jun 18, 2011

I am attempting to create an element (to be added later to the document DOM) using createElement.My test case is just:document.createElement("<p>Hello World</p>");My error console shows the following error:

Error: uncaught exception: [Exception... "String contains an invalid character" code: "5" nsresult: "0x80530005 (NS_ERROR_DOM_INVALID_CHARACTER_ERR)" location: " Line: 10"]

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Document.createElement Element - Remove 'div' Before Returning The Function

Apr 18, 2011

I've written the following small feature test.


I want to remove 'div' before returning the function. Testing in IE something like div.parentNode.removeChild(div); will fail. If I look in the dom 'div's parentNode is null, so that explains that. It needs to be appended to something first I guess.

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Pre-calculate Width Of Element Before Adding It To Document Tree?

Oct 20, 2011

I understand that if I have an element in my document tree, I can use getComputedStyle() to determine its width based on CSS styles.

I want to dynamically create some elements to populate a given div, but I want the size of these elements to be controllable via CSS. When dynamically populating the div, I need to determine how many elements will fit. Currently, I have to add an element to the div first so its size will be calculated, then I can base my calculations off of that. However, this seems like not a great way to do ti.

Is there some way to ask for the size of an element to be calculated as if it were part of the document tree? That way, I could make my changes all at once.

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Have A Generic Script That Set Input Focus On First Valid Element In A Document?

Jan 19, 2006

Is it possible to have a generic script that set the input focus on the first valid element in a document (not hidden or disabled) ?

This script is at the end of a document, but don't work.

<script type="text/javascript">

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JQuery :: Way To Highlight Element Inside Parent Element / When Mouse Hovers Over Child Element?

Oct 4, 2010

i have a menu generated by a list with nested lists. i want the parent link to stay highlighted when the mouse hovers over the sub menus. because those sub menus are also generated by jquery (qtip), CSS alone won't do it (triedul.topnav li:hover a {background-color: #F00;}).is there a way to do this using jquery?

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JQuery :: Add Options In A Particular Order With Append()?

Jul 18, 2010

I'm working on a project where I add or remove options in a select list based on what checkboxes have been checked. So far I can remove them with detach() and add them with append() but is there a way to add them in aparticular order. I was originally just going to hide and show the options but as always IE doesn't like to do it the easy way.

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JQuery :: Display Divs In A Specified Order?

Mar 22, 2010

I have a list of checkboxes that a user can select and drag and drop in any order. The selected items and the order thatthey are in are saved in a cookie value (using a cookie plugin). The function below retrieves the cookie value and loops through the values stored in the cookie and now I want to display only those div sections which are in the cookie and in the same order (this is the part that I'm having trouble with). I have each div with a style of display:none and I could just just the display: value to show them but how do I output them/display them in the same order as the cookie value?

listOrder() {
var list = $(setSelector);
if (list == null) return


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JQuery :: Enforcing The Order Scripts Are Run?

Oct 18, 2010

I've written some code (below) that successfully pulls in data via 2 separate $.getJSON calls, and then I run an ajax function to truncate a data table (by successful I mean the JSON data is valid, but my js isn't). The problem I have that both the ajax function & the second $.getJSON start executing before the 1st is complete. I validated this by the resulting output & my actual data table. I want to enforce a rule that only allows $.getJSON #2 to run after the first is entirely done. I then want to make sure that the ajax/truncate function isn't run until $.getJSON has finished.


Behind the scenes, this first function (get_feed) pulls in feeds from various sources (twitter, youtube, etc) into my database. The return value, via JSON, is the data I want to display for a particular feed (e.g. 10 tweets or 10 youtube snippets).

In the second $.getJSON, I'm aggregating the data into a number of variables (i.e. total volume, total tweets, total blogs, etc). I then pass those variables into google charts' API, and JSON returns the google chart URL i need. Finally, I call on ajax to run a function (truncate) which truncates the table i've been populating (and aggregating from).

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JQuery :: Random Order Of Elements?

Aug 1, 2010

So, I have a document like this (leaving the formal body and head tags out):

<li>Listitem #1</li>
<li>Listitem #2</li>
<li>Listitem #3</li>
<li>Listitem #4</li>
<li>Listitem #5</li>

Now my plan was to make the order of the <li> elements random, so that at certain times it appears like this

<li>Listitem #4</li>
<li>Listitem #2</li>
<li>Listitem #5</li>
<li>Listitem #1</li>


But trying to load the HTML it didn't work. Would you be able to explain me why and how this problem could be fixed? I have tried several alternatives, checked the error console all the time, but they all failed as well.

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