JQuery :: Load Pages Into A Div Using The Load Function With AJAX
Feb 15, 2011
I have the following code to load some pages into a div using the load function. When I click one of the links though, nothing happens. I have read a couple of books on JQuery and looking at the examples they give, this looks correct so I am at a loss.
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Nov 14, 2011
Can the .load() function load .php pages? example: $('#element').load('mynews.php');
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Sep 5, 2010
I want to use AJAX for my whole site so I can load and browse trough pages without refreshing. I use a lavalamp plugin for the menu on each page and some other jquery functions for the different pages.The problem is that when I use AJAX and go to the next page, the javascript there won't be loaded and will start running when I am already on the page. I don't know if the above was clear enough, but my question is: Is there a way I could use AJAX to load the next page, run every javascript function in it and then show it to the user?
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Nov 22, 2010
I'm begginig with jQuery. I'm trying to make a simple menu with jQuery.
this is my .js code.
$('#menutop li').click(function() {
var menu_down = $('.current').text();
How can I load page menu.php or menu2.php with correctly loaded firs page.
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Mar 3, 2011
I have a problem when trying to load an HTML5 element with Ajax (jQuery.load ()).Here is a simplified example of the problem.
Main page :
<!--[if lt IE 9]>
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Jul 5, 2010
if i am using jquery's $.ajax to load content and the content in the url ('test.php')
is <script type="text/javascript">function test() {alert('test called');
how do i get the function test() to execute?as if i call it (from the parent page in the success function)i get told it is undefined
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Jun 26, 2009
My code looks like this:
$('#edit' .postcontent').load('admin-ajax.php', {'action':'qe-
Everything works great - the returned value is loaded into .postcontent perfectly. However, a 0 is appended to the end. Every time. Even if I return nothing, a lonely 0 shows up inside .postcontent.
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Jul 28, 2009
I have a function that uses the ajax load function to post off some parameters and fill a div with the returned content after a db query has been run to create it. This all works fine, however I would like to be able to replace the div with a loading graphic whilst the content
is generated. I assumed this was done by placing the graphic at the start of the function, then using a callback function to remove it and display the actual data once it has been fully generated...
However when I trey to implement this I am getting a strange result in that the callback fires before the content is generated. So my loading graphic disappears and then the content appears sometimes 10 seconds later. How can I ensure the call back only executes once the new content is
ready to be displayed ??
Here's my code ...
function get_report(){
// Hide #report_here div and show loading graphic here ...
$("#report_here").load("/admin/reports/statistics_report/", {
// Parameters sent go here
}, finished()
function finished() {
// Hide loading graphic and show #report_here div here ...
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Oct 15, 2011
big fan -- first time poster. I've been learning javascript and jquery on the fly so bear with me if I seem to lack understanding of what may be semantic basics.
Anyway, I'm building a mobile app using phonegap. One page grabs data for a table from ajax, and each table element has a delete button in one of the cells. In short: the clicks aren't working. I put the alert in to test, and no dice. I'm not asking for help on the internals, I'm just stumped on why the function isn't being activated,
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Jan 31, 2010
I created a page (index.html, including the embedded javascript) with a div loaded by an external html content. But in this new content the click function I defined in the index.html page does not work in the new content. Then my question is: do i need to include all javascript in the external html content?
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Apr 19, 2011
I have a site with a bunch of pages. Most pages have some kind of jquery-enabled behaviour. Some don't. Some pages require the loading of plugins. Not all pages require the same plugins.I have a working, single js script for all the behaviours across my site.The browser loads a page. A plugin, say fancybox, is not required for that particular page. It is, however, required for another page on my site.The browser console flags an error: fancybox, called by my script for its use on other pages, is not present.Therefore "$(something).fancybox is not a function".This probably also means that my single file will stop running on that page.I guess I could include the plugin for loading on that page. That eliminates my error. But it means an unneccessary http request and loading time. Of course, that could be helpful if this page is the first page that the visitor hits before moving on to a gallery page where fancybox is required.
I guess I could also break up my single behaviours file into seperate files for similar pages. Similar in terms of their requirements. That lightens the loading time and eliminates the error, but adds another level of complexity to maintainance. It's not really scalable.
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May 20, 2011
i hv a php code like following:
<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Strict//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-strict.dtd">
<html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml">
the design has 4 menu all around : top, left, right and bottom, while content sits in the centre and for loading php file when everytime a menu is clicked. The code is working fine, but now i'd like to have some animation like fade in when the page loads. how do i do it with jquery? any starting clue perhaps?
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Sep 6, 2010
from reading here and there understood that js does not work insuccessively .load() pages, yet I tried the proposed workarounds but could not get to work, perhaps lacking a bit of understanding about the eventhandlers, of whether there are just being not read inside the html or being ignored or... this html is being injected via .load() into a div which was injected the same way before already
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Oct 13, 2011
Is there any way to load the external HTML pages into a DIV with links.
For example if is click link 1 it has to load one.html, if I click link 2 it has to load two.html.
The link will be given in <a> tag itself. Example <a href="one.html">Link1</a> and
<a href="two.html">Link2</a>
I tried to load using the below script but the URL has to be given inside the script. But my requirement is it has to take from the href and load in the DIV id content.
<script type="text/javascript">
$('a.more').click(function() {
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Feb 4, 2010
I have this code below:
$('#admintable').load("/includes/ajax.php?type=gallery&action=order&var=" + $.tableDnD.serialize());
The problem is that throughout my php project it calls different classes and definitions based on what modules are loaded.Is it possible to get it to load a function that is predefined rather than executing a page that will require me to once again declare all my variables and classes so I can perform just a simple db search.
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Oct 9, 2010
Trying to call the same Ajax function twice on initial load of the page, but only the second one executed. I try to load mainpage, and inside mainpage I try to use ajax to load content1.asp to div1 and content2.asp to div2.
Test scenario (based on the Situation below):
- Page loaded, 1st ajax function skipped, 2nd ajax function loaded
- Remarked 1st ajax function, then 2nd ajax function loaded
- Remarked 2nd ajax function, then 1st ajax function loaded
- Moved the 2nd ajax function to above 1st ajax function, the 2nd ajax function is skipped.
- the 1st ajax function always skipped. But Why? How to ensure both ajax is called upon loading of the page?
<div id="div1"></div>
<div id="div2"></div>
<script language="JavaScript1.2">
ajax('div1', 'GET', 'page1.asp');
ajax('div2', 'GET', 'page2.asp');
ajax.js -
function ajax(strDivID, strMethod, strURL){
if (window.XMLHttpRequest)
{// code for IE7+, Firefox, Chrome, Opera, Safari
xmlhttp=new XMLHttpRequest();
{// code for IE6, IE5
xmlhttp=new ActiveXObject("Microsoft.XMLHTTP");
if (xmlhttp.readyState==4 && xmlhttp.status==200){
if (strMethod="POST"){
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Jun 20, 2010
I have a database site I am currently designing, and would like to use a single page with forms in external html documents to undertake admin tasks (eg. add/remove records etc.)
I have managed to successfully load the form html into the necessary div using the $.load function, however, when I try to process the form, with this code:
debug: false,
rules: {
maker: "required",
which asks 'process_form.php' to process the data, it doesn't seem to send the data in the form to the page. to confirm this, and whilst trying to get the system to work, the 'process_form.php' consists of 2 lines,:
echo $_GET['maker'];
echo '123456';
(ie. one line to return a string literal, and one line to return one of the variables which SHOULD be passed by the form)
This results in just the 123456 string being returned.
I have tried several things: loading the script above in the head of the 'parent' html page (ie. which the form is loaded into); - does not properly fire at all;
loading the script 'in-line' in the imported html - this leads to the result given above; running the script in an external script.js file through an onsubmit directive on the form...does not appear to properly fire the script.
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Mar 16, 2010
I have a master.html where i have navigationDIV and bodyDIV, and on every click of nav tabs i am loading external html page into bodyDiv using following .load() function. $('#bodyDiv').load('home.html') Now I have some basic JQuery functions in external JS file which i have linked in master pagewhere i am using toggleSlide(), hide(), addClass() so and so forth, first time when page is getting load all these functions are working alright but the moment i am loading another tab page all functions stop working even on first tab also. Tab onClick script from where .load() function is getting fired:
<li id="one"><a href="#first" onclick="javascript:$('#bodyDiv').load('home.html')" >Home</a></li>
<li id="two"><a href="#second" onclick="javascript:$('#bodyDiv').load('trade.html')" >Trading</a></li>
Note FYI: I have used Jquery Tab UI on this page, the scrip is as below:
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Sep 16, 2010
I'd like to place an AJAX call to load another SELECT menu in my form, and I'm having trouble finding a tutorial. For your Copying/Pasting pleasure :rolleyes:, here's an example button for which I'd include the onclick():
<button type="button" >Add</button>
And here's an example SELECT menu:
<select id="idNumber" name="weekday_1['workPeriod_new'][] >
<option value="1" >one</option>
<option value="2" >2</option>
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Jan 12, 2011
Adsense wont load on the pages that are loaded within the divs. If you go to the above site, you will see the index page loads a banner fine. But if you click on one of the job links in the middle div, it loads the jobs details to the right. There you can see where the adsense block should be, yet it doesnt load.
I've searched all over for AJAX Adsense combo, most people talk about iframes, but without any content in the iframe it would violate adsense TOC. Most of the discussions are dated back at 2009 or prior.
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Oct 26, 2008
If anyone has gone to facebook.com and logged in, you will notice there is a little bar at the bottom of your screen. Whenever you navigate through Facebook, the main page reloads, url changes, all of that (So no iframe). But that bottom bar never changes. It is always there and never gets reloaded (You can test this by highlighting the bar and then navigating through pages)
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Sep 24, 2011
I have been successfully using the following "myAjax" function to load text file information from the server.
After I load the text file, I store the text "records" into an array by doing something like this:
Where the '}' character is my record delimiter. It could just as easily be ' ' or ' ' or the like.
Again, I am not having any problems doing it this way as it suits my current needs.
Now the question(s)
1. Does the call to read the text data from the external file always read in the entire contents or can I read one line or delimited record at a time and store it to the array directly without the text storage?
2. If the text is always read completely (my suspicion), can I safely delete the "TextInformation" after I convert to the array format? Is there any memory penalty for doing it this way as the text information can be somewhat lengthly and I don't like the idea of having doubled memory usage when I only need the information in array format anyway?
This is the idea I am considering, but I don't know if there are drawback to this method of if there is a better way to accomplish the task.
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Jul 23, 2005
on my home page, there is a frame that serves as a timetable for each
day, i do i make this frame change automatically, assuming i have html
files for each day?
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Aug 27, 2010
I've been searching the net for a few hours now for a js that i can use code... load into a div, but i cant seem to find one.
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Aug 31, 2011
load external pages (from a different server) into a lightbox, without using a iframe.
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Dec 9, 2005
I need a JavaScript code to load pages into another frame. The thing is, I want to control the pages that are loaded using an external javascript (.js) file.
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