JQuery :: Keydown Function Not Returning The Correct Keycodes
Jan 11, 2012
The event which in the following keydown function code is not returning the correct key codes. I have checked this in Chrome using the developer tools and the console.log(e.which) statement in my code.
I've created a script that should display a certain image based on the day of the week and the time of the day. After uploading the page to the site I receive no errors, however I'm not getting the display I should be seeing. It always returns the image from the final "else" statement. I'm thinking the problem is that I have two "&&" operators in each "if" statement, and I don't have the proper syntax, or perhaps I'm not writing it properly. Code:
I'm unable to get the value from the array i've created. Here is the code. basically what i'm trying to do is check the url address, and save that into a variable and then call that variable to lookup a value in an array.
So if the url was http://localhost/dma/505/ then the function would look at the address bar, set the 505 to a variable then use that variable to look up the dma name in the array. The last part is where i'm having issues. Code:
I have a function that requires the ability to count the number of entries in an array.
I'm using the following to call my function inside an input tag:
Here is the javascript:
And when errors.length is alerted, it outputs 0. I can only figure that there is an issue when using custom named keys in an array, since this works when I use only integers, however, I have the need to use a custom key index as shown.
Im trying to add a class to an element when the down arrow is pressed using keydown but once you release the down arrow the class is removed from the element.Is this normal behaviour?
This simple program displays the Keycode & event type for a key pressed. Good for a quick reference.
<html> <head> <title>Keyboard Events and Codes</title> <style type="text/css"> body {font-family:Arial, sans-serif} h1 {text-align:right} td {text-align:center} </style> <script language="JavaScript" type="text/javascript"> // array of table cell ids var tCells = ["downKey", "pressKey", "upKey", "downChar", "pressChar", "upChar", "keyTarget", "character"];
// clear table cells for each key down event function clearCells() { for (var i = 0; i < tCells.length; i++) { document.getElementById(tCells[i]).innerHTML = "—"; } }
// display target node's node name function showTarget(evt) { var node = (evt.target) ? evt.target : ((evt.srcElement) ? evt.srcElement : null); if (node) { document.getElementById("keyTarget").innerHTML = node.nodeName; } }
// decipher key down codes function showDown(evt) { clearCells(); evt = (evt) ? evt : ((event) ? event : null); if (evt) { document.getElementById("downKey").innerHTML = evt.keyCode; if (evt.charCode) { document.getElementById("downChar").innerHTML = evt.charCode; } showTarget(evt); } }
// decipher key press codes function showPress(evt) { evt = (evt) ? evt : ((event) ? event : null); if (evt) { document.getElementById("pressKey").innerHTML = evt.keyCode; if (evt.charCode) { document.getElementById("pressChar").innerHTML = evt.charCode; } showTarget(evt); var charCode = (evt.charCode) ? evt.charCode : evt.keyCode; // use String method to convert back to character document.getElementById("character").innerHTML = String.fromCharCode(charCode); } }
// decipher key up codes function showUp(evt) { evt = (evt) ? evt : ((event) ? event : null); if (evt) { document.getElementById("upKey").innerHTML = evt.keyCode; if (evt.charCode) { document.getElementById("upChar").innerHTML = evt.charCode; } showTarget(evt); } }
// set page-wide event listeners document.onkeydown = showDown; document.onkeypress = showPress; document.onkeyup = showUp; </script> </head> <body> <h1>Key and Character Codes vs. Event Types</h1> <hr> <p>Enter some text with uppercase and lowercase letters:<br> <form> <input type="text" id="entry" size="60" onkeydown="showDown(event)" onkeypress="showPress(event)" onkeyup="showUp(event)"> </textarea></p> </form> <table border="2" cellpadding="5" cellspacing="5"> <caption>Keyboard Event Properties</caption> <tr><th>Data</th><th>keydown</th><th>keypress</th><th>keyup</th></tr> <tr><td>keyCode</td> <td id="downKey">—</td> <td id="pressKey">—</td> <td id="upKey">—</td> </tr> <tr><td>charCode</td> <td id="downChar">—</td> <td id="pressChar">—</td> <td id="upChar">—</td> </tr> <tr><td>Target</td> <td id="keyTarget" colspan="3">—</td> </tr> <tr><td>Character</td> <td id="character" colspan="3">—</td> </tr> </table> </body> </html>
I know this is a simple question with a simple answer, but I can't seem to wrap my brain around it.Sorry for the infantile nature of this post. Anyhow, I am making an AJAX call via JQuery and need the function to return a value from a calling function, like so:
I have a weird bug that's occuring in pretty much all the browsers. If I close the tab, and then hit Ctrl -> Shift -> T to bring it back the width() method returns 0 on an appended image instead of what the image actually is. Hitting refresh on the tab removes this bug and everything works fine. I will also say that trying .css('width') and document.getElementById('divShadowLeft'); Both also return 0 for this bug.
I can't show all the code for security reasons, but I'll just outright ask.. what are the reasons that width() would return 0 on an image? I've checked to make sure that it was visible (both display and visibility properties), and I checked the length of the property to ensure it was there. I just can't figure out why width() is returning 0.
I have a very simple PHP script that returns JSON like this: {"question":"What day is it?"}
And I'm trying to call it from another page using Ajax. My code looks like this: var url = "/test.php"; $.get(url, function(data){ $.each(data, function(i, value) { alert(value); }, "json" ); });
When I run it I get each character printed out one at a time in a separate alert. And then when I used this line of code: alert(typeof data); It tells me that 'data' is a string. Shouldn't it be a JSON object?
[URL]..Default.aspx I have both a carousel with images andalso animagemap(notnot published yet)with coords that when clicked i want to write to a cookie file which image or image map coordinate was clicked, so when they are hyperlinked to the next page the correct div opens based on first reading the cookie written to on the previous page. Anybody have a basic script for reading and writing to a cookie using jquery in this fashion?
I am trying to write a function that is being invoked when some one clicks the submit button on the form.<form name="sectionA" action="optionpage.cfm" onSubmit="return abc()">I have three tables with initials textboxes. I want to check if they are empty and return false(stay on the same page), else go to action page.Here is what I am doing, I Created three functions tableA(), tableB(),tableC() call them from function abc(). These functions tableA(), tableB(), tableC() return false if one of the field is empty and stop furthur processing and remain in the same page. If none(errors), then go the other page.i.e if table B has empty fields, page should stop furthur processing and remain in the same page.Here is how I am doing it Can somebody please point out what I am doing wrong here.Even when there is empty field, the code moves me to the actionPage.
I wrote a simple code in javascript and it is working fine with IE and Firefox but the out put in php array count is correct in IE but not correct in Firefox
<script language="javascript"> var arrdimensions = { "codimesion":{"s":{'0':'dimesion1','1':'dimesion2','2':'dimesion3','3':'dimesion4','4':'dimesion5','5':'dimesion6','6':'dimesion7'},"c":1,"m":"50", "sc":1, "f":"nopcs[]"} }; function adddimensions(what) { [Code]...
The following code is supposed to return a variable containing text, currently the code posts the data but returns an "undefined" variable. Can someone tell me what's wrong? code...
So for whatever reason the convertToArray function in the following code returns false if the argument is more than 1 character long. If it's 1 character long it just returns the character as an array with only one value.What I'm trying to do is take a string of numbers, plus signs, and minus signs and convert it to an array.
I have a little problem in one of my functions, I would like to pass in a form field name and set the value to something that is passed in. here is my code:
function pickitem(id,type){ opener.document.getElementById("form").type.value = id; window.close() }
so i'm passing in an id and a formfield e.g. txtName The problem is with the type.value - i haven't touched javascript for ages so i'm really rusty!!
I'm attempting to simplify my javascript code when it comes to ajax, but afterwords it only prints 'undefined' to the screen rather than what I want it to print.
I want to be able to put something like this on my main page onclick="document.getElementById('output').innerHTML = print_output();" where print_output() is the ajax function. This way I don't have to use a function to assign values directly to innerHTML and I don't have to muck about with a js file whenever I want to change my page layout.
To do this, I created a recursive function:
function print_output(return_value) {
if a value has been passed to the function, simply return it if(return_value || return_value == 0) { return return_value; }
but like I said, it prints 'undefined' out to the screen. Why isn't this printing the contents that it receives from 'index.php' like it's supposed to?
The code is below but basically I have two global variables, then I have a function and then a function within that, I am simply trying to update these global variables from within the nested function so i can then go on and use them in another function! this sounds like quite a straight forward request to me, but maybe it can not be done? When I do an alert on the variables (after I have apparently updated their values) I get 'undefined'!
Code JavaScript: var resultLatB; var resultLngB; function getLatLngFromTown(town, callbackFunction) { var localSearchB = new GlocalSearch(); localSearchB.setSearchCompleteCallback(null, function() { if (localSearchB.results[0]){ resultLatB = localSearchB.results[0].lat; resultLngB = localSearchB.results[0].lng; pointA = resultLatB; pointB = resultLngB;
Now if I remove the ".getElementsByTagName('a')" it will actually work, but it also includes the <a> tag thats within the <li> tag, which I don't want. document.getElementById('title').innerHTML=pname.innerHTML; </script>
I have several functions with code along the lines of:
var xmlDoc = requestXML("ajax.asp?SP=SelectRelatedTags&tag=" + array[i]);
The requestXML() function includes the code:
var xmlDoc = null; http_request.onreadystatechange = function() { if (http_request.readyState == 4) { if (http_request.status == 200) { xmlDoc = http_request.responseXML; } else { alert('There was a problem with the request.' + http_request.status); }}}; http_request.open('GET', url, true); http_request.send(null); return xmlDoc;
However, the last line (the return) executes before the readyState reaches 4. How do I return the xmlDoc to the functions only once the xmlDoc has been assigned? I tried putting the return statement in a while loop with the condition that the readyState must = 4 - this worked, but makes the browser popup a message saying the script is slowing down the system.
I have a setup where I have a function, calling a function, calling a function. All functions do what they're supposed to do, but they don't return to the first function when all is done, so it doesn't display an alert that it's supposed to.
For those that don't want to look through tons of code and think they might know what I'm doing wrong, here's the "coles notes" version. code...
I am wondering how can I return the variable senttext from the function below?I have declared it and when I alert(senttext) below it appears as I want it but I need to return it and pass it to another function. When I change alert() to return the variable becomes undefined?
var senttext; function getData() { if (window.XMLHttpRequest) {
I have a function where in I call another function that assigns a value to a var. code...
For some reason my code below is returning 'undefined'. But when I place an alert(); before the 'return' it shows the correct value. However when I place an alert(); to show the var that is set to what the function returns it says 'undefined'.
Firebug throws no errors. I am using a little bit of jQuery.