JQuery :: Delay() And Click() - Allow The User To Close The Div By Clicking On It

Mar 9, 2010

I'm trying to display an alert message (a div with text) that fades in, and after 6 seconds fades out automatically. That's easy, but I also want to allow the user to close the div by clicking on it if they so desire. The problem is, the delay() function overrides the click, or so it seems -- clicking does nothing unless I remove the delay().

Here's the code I'm using:

I've tried reordering and combining these into a single statement but it yields the same result.

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JQuery :: Delay Auto-close Overlay?

Feb 6, 2011

I'm creating an overlay with multiple effects and clicks. To setup the overlay and the general effects(slide, fade, duration,.) there's no problem. As for some actions there's need an automated close after a few seconds.Here is my jQeury code for the total animation.

jQuery(document).ready(function() {


Now for what I want exactly to do: Create overlay if clicked on div in the body content. (DONE) Open the refering overlay of witch div container was clicked. (DONE) In my project there are 2 div's (as clickable items) with actions. For one of them the content with in the overlay moves to the right side and showes some other content. (DONE) If that last is done (click and move tot right) the overlay is suposed to close automaticly after a few seconds.

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Trap The Window.close() Event When The User Clicks On The Close Button Of The Browser

Jul 20, 2005

I want to trap the window.close() event when the user clicks on the close button of the browser using javascript. Can anyone shed light on this problem ?

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JQuery :: Close Modal Dialog By Clicking On The Background?

Apr 18, 2011

is there a way to get the modal dialog box to close by clicking on the background - .ui-widget-overlay? I tried


but it didn't work.

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Force Browser To Close After A Delay?

Mar 7, 2006

Using javascript, I want to force a browser window to close after about 30 minutes of non-use. Can someone point me to a script that can do this?

I assume I could use the setTimeout function and keep re-setting it whenever the mouse is moved.

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Close A Div When Clicking Outside It

Jun 4, 2010

I have a time picker, where the user clicks the icon then a div (with a list of times) pops up. My problem is that if i click else where on the page, the time picker div stays open. This happens on all browsers (FF, IE, Safari, Opera)

I have been trawling the net to find something that will close this div when the user clicks elsewhere on the page and this seems to be pretty much what i want to do


The only thing is that it only works the first time. If i want to amend the time at any point, then the div fades out automatically. Is there anyway to reset this jquery once the user has clicked away from the div?

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Close Div When Clicking Outside Of It

Jan 22, 2010

I've got a div that is displayed by clicking a link (visibility is set to 'visible'. Now I want to close the div by clicking outside of it.

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Close Pop Up Box By Clicking Any Where On Window

May 29, 2009

I am opening a pop up box when the user clicks on a drop down box:here showhidepopup() is used to show/hide the pop up box when we clicking on the dropdown box. Is there any way i could close that popup, if the user clicks on any where other than on the pop box?

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JQuery :: Delay Execution Of A Click?

Nov 17, 2011

i have the following two pieces of code:

function slideOut() {
var $slidy = $('#slideout');
right: parseInt($slidy.css('right'),10) == 0 ?
-$slidy.outerWidth() :


As long as i return false and the link is an anchor, i can see the menu slide out. Which is quite clear to me why. When i use a link with a href on another page though, the "jump" is executed before the animation ends most of the time even before it starts.

I would like the click to be delayed weather a certain condition kicks in, or some time passed to end the slide and then jump to the new page. I have been looking throughout the web and found no hint helping me to tackle this. delay() and setTimeout() dont seem to work the way i used them.

I am sure there is a way, its just the blind man's stick in my eye that keeps me from it. I hope someone can help me with this.

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Close Web Browser When Clicking Button In Firefox?

Mar 22, 2011

i used the code window.close();it works well for Internet Explorer but it not worked in firefox

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JQuery :: Active Event Click - Slide Down Delay

Jan 26, 2010

I have a problem with two click functions, the problem is the slideDown delay, if I do click on 'titolMenuBLink' after 'titolMenuALink' the two contents appear on the web...How I can disable 'titolMenuBLink' until the complete action $('#contingutMenuA').slideDown (1500); is done?

$(document).ready (function () {
$('#titolMenuALink').click (function () {
$('#contingutMenuB').slideUp ('fast');
document.getElementById ('titolMenuALink').style.color = '#3e609d';
document.getElementById ('titolMenuBLink').style.color = '#8397ba';
$('#contingutMenuA').slideDown (1500);
$('#titolMenuBLink').click (function () {
$('#contingutMenuA').slideUp ('fast');
document.getElementById ('titolMenuBLink').style.color = '#3e609d';
document.getElementById ('titolMenuALink').style.color = '#8397ba';
$('#contingutMenuB').slideDown (1500);
<!-- Code Menu -->
<div id="titolSeccioLinia">
<div class="titolSeccio">Q pre-part i post part</div>
<div class="titolMenu titolMenuQpostpart titolMenuSeparador" id="titolMenuBLink">QPOSTPART G.A.H.</div>
<div class="titolMenu titolMenuQEmbaras titolMenuSeparador" id="titolMenuALink">Q EMBARÀS</div>
<div class="neteja"></div>
<-- End Code -->

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JQuery :: Prevent The User From Submitting A Form Twice By Double Clicking On The Interface

Oct 12, 2009

I am using jQuery and blockUI to prevent the user from submitting a form twice by double clicking on the interface: This is in my global js file and is called on every pages

$('form').submit(function(){$.blockUI({message:'', overlayCSS:

This was working really well, but if I have validation on one of the form submits that returns false, I of course want to unblock the UI.

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JQuery :: Using Function) To Close A Drop-down When The User Clicks?

Apr 22, 2011

I made a drop-down list that is opened when a user clicks on a button. If the user selects an item, the drop-down is rebuilt so the list is closed. If the user clicks on the button again, the drop-down closes using .toggle() on the button click event, and these two scenarios work great.However, I also need the drop-down to close when the user clicks anywhere outside of the drop-down. This seems simple, but I've been having a really difficult time figuring this out. I tried .focusout(), but this makes the events I have tied to selecting an item not fire at all. I also found this little bit of code from a drop-down plugin that should work perfectly, but it fires when the user clicks on the button, so the drop-down never opens:


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JQuery :: Dialog - Close If Clicking Outside Dialog Area?

Jun 2, 2009

Is it possible to have the jquery ui dialog close when clicking outside the area of the dialog? Like facebox?

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JQuery :: Can't Close Dropdown On Click

Sep 16, 2009

I'm having trouble with hiding a dropdown which is opened when the user clicks on an input.

I can manage to close it when the user clicks on a menu item, but I can't figure it out how to close it when the user clicks outside the menu.

I tried to close it with $("body").click(function() { ... }); which works one time, but the dropdown won't reapper again.

function dropDown() {
$(".dropdown input").click(function() {
var firstLevel = $(this).parent().children("ul");
// expand first level (onclick)


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User Can Close The Browser Or To Open The Window Browser Without Or With A Disable Close Window Button?

Apr 5, 2009

I need to know if the user close the browser or to open the window � browser without or with a disable close window button How can I???

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JQuery :: Accordion Will Click At First Tab And Close The Others Without Opening?

Nov 14, 2011

I've managed to do that so when i click on the first tab it will close the other open tab.The problem i'm facing is when i click on the first tab that it supposedly will not open even if clicked.It does not open but from times to times when i click a lot of times , go out of the accordion and then bring the mouse again in and click just right at the bottom of the first tab(the one it cannot be opened) and the second it sometimes open the first tab!!!

My code:
$(function() {
collapsible: true, active: false


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JQuery :: Close The Superfish Dropdown After Click?

Aug 5, 2009

Is there a way to close the superfish dropdown after click? I have some 'onclick' functions that kick off some behavior and then return false. How do I get the dropdown to go away? I suppose I need to somehow call "hideSuperfishUl"

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JQuery :: Superfish Close On Click Outside Menus

May 4, 2009

I want to use the Superfish menu plugin but with 1 more behavior: when the user clicks outside the menu, the menu closes. (or clicks anywhere, doesn't matter). This way I can have a large delay and just tell people to close the menu by clicking outside the menu, which will improve greatly the usability of the menu.

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JQuery :: Making Horizontal Accordion Close On Click?

Apr 6, 2010

Currently, the script allows you to click on a piece of the accordion to open it, but it is set to close on mouseleave. When I set the mouseleave to .click, it gets confused and doesn't know what state it is in. The code controlling this is below, and the full script is in haccordion.js linked in the page source.modify this script,

haccordion.expandli(config.accordionid, this)


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Log Out The User When Close The Browser

Jun 24, 2009

I want to log out the user when close the browser, so i need to call the java script function when close the window. I used the onunload and onbeforeunload event but it should call on each page navigation and page refreshing. My necessity is, The function should call only at the time of browser closed..that should be mainly supported in all browsers...

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Warn The User Before Window Close

Aug 14, 2010

I have a php application that launches a window that is used for a database import/update (which is closed automatically when the import/update is complete). The thing is that the user could close this window and i want to pop up a warning message (but only if the user closes it) that the user can cancel (stop the closing of the window) or select OK to close the window.

I have been looking for a javascript script that accomplishes this but without luck. Does anyone know how to do this or if it's possible? (i only know a little javascript)

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Warn User When He Tries To Close Page

Oct 9, 2009

I want to display a notification message to users when they close a tab or browser window. What event happens when a user closes the browser?

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Using SetTimeout() To Wait Until User Stops Clicking On A Group Of Checkboxes?

Apr 27, 2009

I have been working on a JS program that will, among other thing, allow users to search for downloads, articles, videos, etc, by selecting various checkboxes grouped under different fieldsets. Basically, when a user selects a checkbox, the pages sends an xhr request to the server and returns a specific set of search results at the bottom of the page. If the user selects a second checkbox in the same group, the previous results are deleted, and the new results are added to the page. The same happens when a user deselects a checkbox and there are other checkboxes within the same group that are still selected. The problem I run into is with real-world users who most likely will not be patient enough to wait for the results for the first checkbox to load before selecting a second checkbox. The result of this is that the server quickly becomes overloaded with requests, and old results are not deleted, or new results aren't even added properly. Basically, I would like to group the checkboxes in such a way that the browser waits until the user stops selecting or deselecting checkboxes before sending the request to the server.

As you can see from the code segment below, when the user selects a checkbox, a loop checks to see if any other checkboxes are selected, and then accordingly adds their values to an array. I have tried using setTimeout() to control how this works, but to no avail.

addResults: function(inputCheck)
// reference to keyword array created in the clickListener function
var keyword = GroupPlan.keyword;


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Editable Table (allows The User To Edit Specific Cells By Clicking On Them) / Form

Aug 29, 2010

I have created a table that allows the user to edit specific cells by clicking on them. Their new entered values set the value on the table. They then should be able to submit a form which sets several hidden inputs equal to the values in the table then passing the information to a php page to process. However, the php page doesn't output anything when it is submitted. This is the form layout.


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Close Tabs And Or Windows When 2nd User Tries To Sign In To Site

Feb 21, 2011

Imagine a wife has signed on to a web site in a browser tab. She does not sign off and walks away to do something else. Her husband sits at the computer and seeing her signed on, opens a new tab and tries to sign on to the same site.

I am trying to write a script that will close other tabs/windows when the husband goes to the same site to sign on.

So, on the sign on page (or even better, the sign off page), when the sign on button is clicked, a piece of Javascript code is run first. The javascript simply goes through all tabs on the browser, and checks to see if any such tabs has an HTML document that came from the same domain as the sign on page. If such tabs exist, then before POSTing the user name and password to the server, the Javascript code will close those tabs that contain HTML documents came from the same domain.

So, I understand I need to set the window.name to a specific value. But does anyone know what the code on the sign on/sign off page to close the other tabs/windows would look like?

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