I have a problem with two click functions, the problem is the slideDown delay, if I do click on 'titolMenuBLink' after 'titolMenuALink' the two contents appear on the web...How I can disable 'titolMenuBLink' until the complete action $('#contingutMenuA').slideDown (1500); is done?
I want a div to change between 2 slides using the blindZ effect when the mouse hovers over a menu div. however, I am getting a 2 second delay before the first slide moves. I have played with all the timing options I am aware of..
I have three <div> with text. On clicking on a menu <div>, the associated text <div> will slideDown(). When I click the next one, I have the last one hide() and the next slideDown(), but I would rather have the last one fadeOut() before the next one slideDown().
But the next <div> 'pushes' the last one down as it fades.
Here's what I've got now. The only one I've tried to get to work the way I want is the <div class="work_button"> And no giggling at my elementary code:
function slideOut() { var $slidy = $('#slideout'); $slidy.animate({ right: parseInt($slidy.css('right'),10) == 0 ? -$slidy.outerWidth() :
As long as i return false and the link is an anchor, i can see the menu slide out. Which is quite clear to me why. When i use a link with a href on another page though, the "jump" is executed before the animation ends most of the time even before it starts.
I would like the click to be delayed weather a certain condition kicks in, or some time passed to end the slide and then jump to the new page. I have been looking throughout the web and found no hint helping me to tackle this. delay() and setTimeout() dont seem to work the way i used them.
I am sure there is a way, its just the blind man's stick in my eye that keeps me from it. I hope someone can help me with this.
I am using a basic jQuery accordion and what I am trying to do is add a button inside each section where if the user clicks the button, it will collapse the section, leaving all the sections closed. I just don't know how to get the button to close that section.
I have a 300x150 container div with a small inner div that has a image link button inside..When the user hovers over the button, it currently does .hide on the visible container div and .show on another div.However, I don't want the event to fired instantly, I would like for the animations to take affect 3000 milliseconds after their mouse has entered the button div to prevent the event from firing without the users intention.
I'm trying to display an alert message (a div with text) that fades in, and after 6 seconds fades out automatically. That's easy, but I also want to allow the user to close the div by clicking on it if they so desire. The problem is, the delay() function overrides the click, or so it seems -- clicking does nothing unless I remove the delay().
Here's the code I'm using:
I've tried reordering and combining these into a single statement but it yields the same result.
I've been using this little bit of code to show a div when the user rolls over a link: $('a#eventspopupbtn').mouseover(function() {$('#menu').hide('fast'); $('#eventspopup').show('fast'); return false; }); I have been trying to extend this bit of code so that there is a short delay built inso that if the user rolls over the link by mistake or 'just passing through' the div is not displayed. I tried using setTimeout but couldn't get that working (unfortunately, I can't share that with you because I lost the code).
I would like to create a plugin that I can put before a click event on a button. The click event should occur if the user's time on the page hasn't expired. The plugin should check the user's time, and then stop the click event if the time has expired. With the plugin, I'm essentially putting two click events on the same button, as I need to check the expiration when the button is clicked. The plugin is working on my test page, but I'm afraid that this is contingent on an arbitrary ordering of the click events by jQuery. If I have my click event chained after my plugin, can I be assured that the plugin would always stop the click event if the time is expired? Or could jQuery execute the click event before the time gets checked?
getting all the header text:jQuery("#accordion h3").text();how do you get the active index? and how do you use that index to get the active header?how do you get the header text for the active header?
I have 4 images and these images are changing automatically with duration of 2 seconds with show hide animation.and there are 4 bullets with mentioned above 4 images. these bullets are highlighting for example if image number 1 is showing than bullet number 1 is highlighting. same thing for other 3 bullets and images.
I'm using the jquery cycle plugin. the entire page is a slide show. Its working pretty well so far but now i want the body background to change as the slide changes.Is there someway to us .live() to catch the event, and then dynamically change the body background?
How can I give a click on a link when it is just created and added to DOM?
None of this works: function openProfilePage(profile){ $('#profile-link').remove(); var link = $('<a/>').attr({'href':'profile.php?user='+profile, 'target':'_blank', 'id':'profile-link'}).css({'top':'-200px','left':'-300px', 'position':'absolute'}).html(profile);
I have an object that has a click event I'm trying to trigger. However in the click event I have the following if statement:
if(event.button != 0){return true;}
This if statement allows right clicks to go through and activate but it also prevents me from triggering the event. Any ideas on how to prevent this? If I remove the if statement from the first click function everything works as intended.Here's my example code based off of the trigger event examples:
I'm having a little trouble with 2 differentJS scripts. I have a drop down slide menu and a parralex slide gallery. Both work on separate pages and puton the same page they still work however the submenu of the slide down menu does not. if I remove the style sheet that belongs to the gallery
Then the munu works, however (obviously) the page layout goes wrong. if i remove<h1 class="title">Alex Holland Perspective</h1> the menu works however page layout goes wrong andI loose my header
I am currently working on a small slide with jQuery that has just 2 states, when I click on next it goes to the right and when on the right I click on previous is goes to the left, so far so good.
But now I want to add an extra functionality that tells it to slide whenever a link on the main state is clicked. It basically works like this:
Now when I click on test1 or test2 it should slide just like it would when I click the nextbutton. Only I have no clue how to tell jQuery to execute this action so I hope someone is willing to help me out with this.
I wanna create a functionality where on clicking a (minus) button a div show slide up and and the image should change to (plus). Again on clicking the plus button. the content div should slide back out
I then loop thru the array to assign the text and bind the click event after having created the buttons with IDs of "button_<index>".
for( var index in buttons ) { $("#button_"+index).html ( buttons[index].text ) .click( function() { clickButton( buttons[index].action ) } ); }
The text appears correctly in the button, but every button defined only fires the list bound click, in this example the action equal to'2'whether I push "Button 1" or "Button 2".My actual case has four buttons, all firing the event for the fourth button.I've tried not chaining the .click(), going thru the loop twice once for the .html and once for the .click, neither of which made a difference. If I hard code each button .click, it works fine.
allows the chart to slide on (click on Report a Link , right next to the search box): [URL] I need to imporove the way this functions on my site. Here is how the report a link functions on my site:
I want to call the click event of the link (anchor tag) on the click of the button. I used this code below in the click event of button to call links click event and it works fine in IE.
But, this doesn't work in Firefox. I googled a bit and found that in firefox, you have to do something more to achieve this behaviour. So, I ended up doing this on button click to work in firefox:
var link=document.getElementById('linktag'); var e = document.createEvent('MouseEvents'); e.initEvent(
The above code does the click on link when I click on the button. But my problem now is that I have defined a link as
and when click is called and mailto links opens my email client, it somehow ignores the subject and body parameters of the link. It works properly when i actually click a link element. but it doesn't work when i simulate the click event by code written above. above dispatching event code somehow ignores the link parameters?
I prefer jQuery over flash and not sure how to tackle this, so please advise as best you can. Trying to create a site that allows for images to go full browser and then have the ability to have the other images slide in based on a click.
I also want to float a menu that will allow it to pull in other media (video, that would slide in the same way). The best example I can share is this: http://j.mp/5U79i1 What he is using is flash based (slideshowpro director and slideshow pro for flash). Not interested in flash for this personal project.