JQuery :: .click() Event Doesn't Work In Load()-ed Document
Jun 3, 2010
i have a basic 2 column page, on the left is the navigation, on the right the content.i'm loading in the content with the load() method - some php generated html code which looks like this e.g.
so if i click on the toggle div.. nothing happens so i tried to put a <p id="toggle"> in the navigation bar which is static (not being load()-ed in via jQuery) and it worked so it seems to me, that jQuery can't get the click event out of the load()-ed page
I have a js(using jQuery lib) file where all events and following actions(functions) are written. For one of such events there is a function that prepends one more similar element from which prepending was called:
so that when I will click to just prepended element one more element should be prepended and so on.The problem is that when new element is prepended, click event doesn't work on it. jQuery doesn't recognize it, like doesn't see it.
I've a strange problem [for me]I want to make that:1 - click on the red, it goes up2 - second click on the red, it comes backbut it doesn't work if I used 4 times #red, but If I change it it's perfect.Where I made a mistake?
No syntax errors - nothing should be getting in the way of this. All I'm trying to do is implement a different an "onclick" call, which calls the function and AJAXes in some values. Here's my code:
Once you in, click on the button with the sign 'Click To Start Shopping' The problem is, the Flash doesn't load I bought this flash template and i was supposed to edit the FLA file for the serverpath. I guess i didn't put the server path correctly. Below is the code in the .FLS file
Below is the instruction from the documentation: 3. Once you have everything correctly running on local, then OPEN THE FLA, go to first frame, layer codes, open “action” panel and set there the final pàth on your server where all the files will be located (create a folder especifically for this): [URL]
I'm developing this website: [URL]...but now I have a problem. Just on IE it's not loaded right If i put any <script> tag on my page to load, even if it's an HTML comment (<!-- <script> ... -->), the jQuery loads, and the jQuery response says SUCCESS, but doesn't show like needs to show on the screen :( If i delete the script tag, it shows perfect on the whole IEs (ie 6, ie 7 and ie 8)
Does anybody have any idea what is happening? what can i do to fix it? Obs: You can click on the other menus, and it'll load perfect, just the fist page not, because has the script tag
When I click the link, it works fine, but when I click the text, nothing happens. The click() event does get fired though, because when I put an alert in it (after "event.stopPropagation()"), it fires.
I could use a simple "window.location", BUT sometimes the link already has an event bound to it which returns false, meaning the link should not open in a new page, but for example in a dialog. However there's no way to find this out AFAIK.
I'm doing a tree-like structure using divs inside divs. I use event.stopPropagation() to stop parent events from firing when clicking inside them. This works just fine in Chrome and Firefox, but in IE8, I get an error message ("Object doesn't support this property or method") and the events propagate to the parents.
This works fine in Firefox and Chrome, but IE8 throws an error on event.stopPropagation(); saying "Object doesn't support this property or method". I have tried passing event as an argument to the function that handles the stopping of propagation but that doesn't help either. What's wrong and how do I fix it?
I'm trying to add a simple growing effect to a div using jquery, i'd like to create a button that changes his dimentions on the over event of the mouse and turn back to the original dimensions once the mouse is out.
I've used the hover event and I've created 2 functions:one for the growing effect used on the over status and the other one for the reduce effect used on the out status.In IE 7 I've got this error: the growing function is working but the reduction function is not working at all the error code on javascript it's only "Invalid property value".
Here some code:
function makeBig(){ $(this).animate({ "opacity":"0.80", "width":"200px",
I'm messing around with the two new event handling methods .on() and .off() but I seem to be doing something wrong... My code;
<div id="links-wrapper"> <a href="#">Click me #1</a> <a href="#">Click me #2</a> <a href="#">Click me #3</a> </div> [Code]...
What happens is that a click event is being attached to the anhors after the html loaded. The handler alerts which link you clicked and should then remove all events from the anchors from the given selector (resulting in that you should not be able to fire the event again) but this doesn't happen.
I'm trying to replace the <head> of a page with the <head> of another page.[code]I call $("head").load("/About head")expecting to replace the <head> section of the current page with that of URL...However, the function seems to insert an empty string into my <head> tag.
I'm having problems getting this bit of code to work. It works when the page is on my local drive, but when I publish it online it doesn't. The code is exactly the same when local or online. The online WIP (that doesn't work) is here:The .load code is meant to load the caption text for the video and also some social media buttons. Like I said, this works just as I want when I open the html page from my local drive.Here is the code
The page I'm creating is [URL] In IE7, the slideshow works fine until you get to a td which contains two img's. Then when you click you get a generic "invalid argument" error. You keep getting that until you mouse off the button and back on. Then you can click to advance the slideshow again. IE7 is the only browser where this happens.
I found the bug ticket with similar problem: [URL] but it was closed as invalid. The problem still exists for me. I have the following live event: $("a:not([onclick])").live('click', ajaxLinkHandler); It's not applying to content loaded via $.ajax(...).responseXML which I used to append in the following way:
// withing ajaxLinkHandler var content = $(loadedDocument).find("[component='"+ id +"']"); $(this.contentContainer).empty().append(content);
I'm writing a page where I'd like to generate a bunch of fields using javascript and then make them usable by datepicker. The problem I'm running into is that when I first click on one of the javascript generated fields, datepicker doesn't load. However, if I click on a second instance of that same field name, then datepicker will load properly. My guess is that I'm just defining the function incorrectly for these events.
I'm trying to write some javascript code that should only run in firefox. I thought that document.all was undefined in firefox, but it actually is defined. When I write it out I get document.all = [object HTML document.all class]
It should just fire off an alert once the page loads, but does nothing, no errors either. Of course it works fine in Firefox.
Test it out here (the alert message is slightly different but everything else is the same, you'll want to remove the spaces in the url of course): www-stage . emd . wa . gov / dev / kids / dev / prototype_test . htm
depending on the partial content (domain) of the url, the links in the page must go to one domain/port or another. I've code that works well in IE but not in FF.
I think the problem is I'm putting the new url using
in FF the operation document.url = newurl; does nothing, the same in IE goes to the page.
Other idea for going to a page formatted in js? ?self.url? one variable that works in all browser? or different variables for each browser and code to differentiate?
I'd like to switch any broken images in dynamically loaded HTML to a warning graphic, something like:
This works with with the 'click' event but not with 'error' or 'load'is there another way to do it? I remember with .live() there were restrictions on what events could be bound, but I can't find that in the documentation anymore for jQuery 1.7's .on()
I've set the animation to large numbers (1000) to make it very obvious.
The helper will show before the other fieldSets have been hidden. The show animation begins about half way through the hide animation. Since both elements are occupying the same space, this makes the container jump around in size as it breifly expands to fit one under the other.