JQuery :: Resize Event Doesn't Work In Firefox?
Mar 10, 2011The code:// JavaScript Document
function checkWindowSize() {
var width = $(window).width(),
new_class = width > 1800 ? 'large' :
The code:// JavaScript Document
function checkWindowSize() {
var width = $(window).width(),
new_class = width > 1800 ? 'large' :
someone wrote a script for me to simulate an image map on a background header in wordpress. it works great in chrome and ie, but not firefox.
<script type="text/javascript">
function geturl() {
I'm working on a image slider, which will slide left to right and vice versa on mouser over event. the images are dynamically loaded from the database using ASP script. I use mootools.svn.js for the sliding implementation. and Ajax to pass the id of the image to another page as a query string. this is implemented in a onclick="getValue('<%= id %>')" event. This works fine in IE8, but when I test in Firefox 3.6 and Chrome the onclick event doesn't work. when I comment the mootools.svn.js, the onclick event get fired.
I set the min-height of an object on my page based on the size of the window. It works perfectly in all browsers but IE (of course). How can I fix it?
function resize() {
document.getElementById('container').style.minHeight = window.innerHeight + "px";
The function runs on body load and resize.
I need an event that checks if the size of a DIV has changed. The "resize" event works in IE but not in FF. Or, more precisely, The "resize" event works in FF but NOT for resizing DIVs. Is there an event that works like the "resize" event but also can be used in with DIVs in FF?
View 2 Replies View RelatedI have problem with $.ajax call with Firefox. At all other browsers works fine(Opera, IE6,Chrome) My code:
url : "statistic_json.php",
type : "post",
dataType : "json",
my code is as follows:
<td><a href="#" id ="putsomeDynamicvalue">ingresar</a></td>
<script type ="text/javascript">
why this code doesn't work in IE but is fine in firefox? The big image that appears when the image item is hovered over comes up in the imagewrap but doesn't disappear on mouse leave, in IE
<script type="text/javascript">
$(document).ready(function() {
var container = $("#imagewrap"),
content = $("#centrecontainer");
I have something like the following form:
<form action="/profile.php" method="post" id="profile_form">
... bunch of labels and input elements go here ...
Then a jquery call (which is supposed to serialize the form for ajax) in a <script> tag at the bottom:
$("#profile_form").submit(function() {
alert('never get here with firefox 3.6');
I get to the alert just fine using Chrome, IE8, Safari and Opera. This is with the latest version of jquery.
I've just started with jQuery [code]In FF, the sliding stops in the middle and then it changes to be seeable without an effect.
View 5 Replies View Relatedi am having an issue setting equal div heights The following works in IE but not in FF. In maincontent i have a nested div. Strange thing is when i uncomment the alert, and click the popup the div height is being set in FF??
I have the following jquery script for a link with id showHideNav on my page and I want to show/hide (toggle) 2 DIVs (#navigation and #welcomeOuterWrapperDiv) when the link is clicked:
$("#showHideNav").click(function() {
// store a cookie so we know if this link has been clicked in this session
var linkClickedCookieName = 'MoreLessLinkClicked';
if (showNav()) {
$("#showHideNav").html("More ↓");
I have problem with this code:
jQuery('.container').on('click', '.item a', function(event){
showContent(jQuery(this).attr('href'), event);
I'm doing a tree-like structure using divs inside divs. I use event.stopPropagation() to stop parent events from firing when clicking inside them. This works just fine in Chrome and Firefox, but in IE8, I get an error message ("Object doesn't support this property or method") and the events propagate to the parents.
This works fine in Firefox and Chrome, but IE8 throws an error on event.stopPropagation(); saying "Object doesn't support this property or method". I have tried passing event as an argument to the function that handles the stopping of propagation but that doesn't help either. What's wrong and how do I fix it?
I'm trying to add a simple growing effect to a div using jquery, i'd like to create a button that changes his dimentions on the over event of the mouse and turn back to the original dimensions once the mouse is out.
I've used the hover event and I've created 2 functions:one for the growing effect used on the over status and the other one for the reduce effect used on the out status.In IE 7 I've got this error: the growing function is working but the reduction function is not working at all the error code on javascript it's only "Invalid property value".
Here some code:
function makeBig(){
I'm messing around with the two new event handling methods .on() and .off() but I seem to be doing something wrong... My code;
<div id="links-wrapper">
<a href="#">Click me #1</a>
<a href="#">Click me #2</a>
<a href="#">Click me #3</a>
What happens is that a click event is being attached to the anhors after the html loaded. The handler alerts which link you clicked and should then remove all events from the anchors from the given selector (resulting in that you should not be able to fire the event again) but this doesn't happen.
I found the bug ticket with similar problem: [URL] but it was closed as invalid. The problem still exists for me. I have the following live event: $("a:not([onclick])").live('click', ajaxLinkHandler); It's not applying to content loaded via $.ajax(...).responseXML which I used to append in the following way:
// withing ajaxLinkHandler
var content = $(loadedDocument).find("[component='"+ id +"']");
i have a basic 2 column page, on the left is the navigation, on the right the content.i'm loading in the content with the load() method - some php generated html code which looks like this e.g.
<div id="container">
<div id="toggle">TOGGLE</div>
<div id="showArticles">
so if i click on the toggle div.. nothing happens so i tried to put a <p id="toggle"> in the navigation bar which is static (not being load()-ed in via jQuery) and it worked so it seems to me, that jQuery can't get the click event out of the load()-ed page
This is my code:
I've set the animation to large numbers (1000) to make it very obvious.
The helper will show before the other fieldSets have been hidden. The show animation begins about half way through the hide animation. Since both elements are occupying the same space, this makes the container jump around in size as it breifly expands to fit one under the other.
I'm using my custom component that has a combo box (jsf's h:selectOneMenu, which has a onselect event)in it and it already has a onchange event, so I want the onchange event to trigger another onselect event with jQuery and it only works in Firefox.
I tried it without the component and it looks like this:
<script src="http://code.jquery.com/jquery-latest.min.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript">
and again works only in Firefox, and not IE and Chrome. It works with onblur event, but the onselect is closer to what I need.
Is it not working because the html <select> tag doesn't have a select event but Firefox can do it for some reason?
I have some problem with onunload where I want slideUp my menu when I go out form site. I have the slideDown function fire at body onload and this function work properly. but the slideUp() at onunload not.
My code:
$(window).unload(function() {
alert('Handler for .unload() called.');
and even the alert work. Only the jQuery slideUp not working.
I have a js(using jQuery lib) file where all events and following actions(functions) are written. For one of such events there is a function that prepends one more similar element from which prepending was called:
$(...).before("<div id='id1'></div>");
so that when I will click to just prepended element one more element should be prepended and so on.The problem is that when new element is prepended, click event doesn't work on it. jQuery doesn't recognize it, like doesn't see it.
I have a problem with a Javascript, which doesn't works in Firefox
You can have a mouse over the 2 first pictures, but after the second
picture has moved over the screen, nothing is happening when you move
the mouse over the slideshow The source code:
i am using the following code to set the height of the div based on its contents. it works fine in IE but not in mozilla.
<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-transitional.dtd">
<html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml">
<head runat="server">
I wrote the following page in a day or two. Everything seems to work excellent, apart from in Firefox (FF) in which it doesn't seem to work at all. None of the other browsers have any trouble with it.
I'm pretty new to Javascript (everything you see in the source code is pretty much all I know) and I have absolutely no idea why it doesn't work in Firefox.
The page in question could be found [link has been removed]. It's all there is to it.
So yeah, how to actually make this work in FF?
i am using the following code to set the height of the div element based on its contents inside the div using the property scrollHeight. it works fine for IE but not firefox.