JQuery :: VALIDATION Not Validating When Submit Button Clicked
Aug 10, 2009
Here is my handler:
Here is my button:
How do i trigger a validate when the submit button is clicked?
All of my validations work while I am working with the form but the button does zilch.
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Jun 19, 2010
im trying to learn how jquery ajax function works by validating some form after submit is clicked.
the alert didnt pop until i added the registration_ok = false; right before, so im assuming it has something to do with the ajax functions's scope.... why does the ajax function not affect the registration_ok variable outside the function? and how should i solve this problem? any better way of doing it?
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Jun 4, 2011
Is there a way to validate a form using a link and NOT a submit button? I have a link on my form that I'm using as a submit button to do some ajax posting. However, I need to validate some of the input fields before the data is sent to the database.
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Jul 13, 2011
In the following .submit function, I am attempting to grab the value of the selected option in the facilityCodes dropdown list when I click the submit button and then during the submit function,select the facilityCode again in the dropdown list when the page reloads and then disable the list so that the user cannot change it.However,the situation is when I reload the page after the submit button is clicked the dropdown defaults to the first option and the list is enabled.I apparently am not understanding how.submit works so that I'm selecting the option I'm defining in my code below and then disabling the list AFTER the page reloads due to an error on the page. My question is how can I accomplish this?Here is my code:
$(function() {
$("#ARTransferForm").submit(function() {
var msgsCount = 0;[code]....
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Sep 21, 2009
I am having the following issue, when I try using an image to post Icannot get the validation to run. When I click the button the formsubmits and nothing is checked. I've been searching all over the web One way of coding doesnt work and the other
does. I have included both below.
$().ready(function() {
var container = $('div.container');
var validator = $("#CustForm").validate({
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Jun 19, 2010
I have recently downloaded the jQuery Validation Plugin, and I want to use the bottom part of the demo [url] (Validating a Complete Form) and I have some questions to ask:
1. I want the validation to work after the user clicked "Submit"
2. If a column is wrong (username already taken or password length invalid) I want not only error message but also a picture in front of the error message.
3. I hope that after the user clicks "Submit" and then found a column is wrong then correct it, after the user corrected it and click to other place or other column the validator starts again to check the column the user just edited whether the user just corrected a wrong column or edited a correct column into error.
4. I hope to display a image in right of the column if that column is correct after the validator works.
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Sep 14, 2009
I have a submit-event attached to my form. The form contains a few different submit-buttons and I wan't to chech which one of them that triggered the submit. Shouldn't be to hard but i can't find out how to do it.
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Nov 23, 2005
it a .net app, in my client javascript code I would like to find out what event caused the page to validate. No, setting a hidden this or that will not do. I just want to know what event caused the validation.
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Sep 30, 2009
I currently use javascript in an anchor tag to submit a form using
<a href="#" onClick="document.myformname.submit(); return false;">Submit</a>
The only problem is, JQuery doesn't acknowledge that my form has been submitted.
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Jun 4, 2009
I have a form with 2 submit buttons.I have the following:
Code HTML4Strict:
<form action="page.php" method="post" onsubmit="return errorsOnSubmit(this);">
My question is how can I in my errorsOnSubmit() function check which submit button was clicked?
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Oct 12, 2005
I have three submit buttons on a form:
<input name="update" type="submit" id="update" value="Update Record" />
<input name="delete" type="submit" id="delete" value="Delete Record" />
<input name="clear" type="submit" id="clear" value="Clear Form" />
In the onsubmit() function for the form I have called a function named confirmAction()).
In this function how can I determine which button submitted the form?
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Jul 17, 2009
I've got weird behavior on the contact form at this address: http:[url]...The initial validation works (i.e. leave all fields blank and click submit). If you then enter anything valid into any one of the required fields and click submit again, the jQuery validation doesn't seem to occur again (or, if it does, it passes everything even though other required fields are not valid) and it passes everything to the PHP file for processing.Here is the code for the form:
<form id="contactForm" method="post" action="contact-us_assets/contact-
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Aug 9, 2009
I need help with the Validation plugin. I have a form with a required field. When the form is valid I want the form to submit and I also want to disable the submit button. I have a function that does the disabling, but I'm not sure how to call this function within the
"validate" method. Here is my simple call the the validate method.
$(document).ready(function() {
and here is my disable function --
jQuery.fn.diableOnSubmit = function() {
var input=this.find("input.submit")
input.click(function () {
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Oct 13, 2009
About the jquery Validation plugin. I need to lock the submit button on some forms to prevent multiple submissions, but I don't want to permanently lock it, in case there's a validation problem that the user needs to resolve. I did come up with a way to temporarily lock it and change the text to "Saving, Please Wait..." for a few seconds, then revert it to an unlocked submit button.
The problem I'm having is that this conflicts somehow with the jquery validation plugin. Some fields that have error messages if the user attempts to submit the form with missing data. If I use the temporary locking submit button (which uses an animation to create a duration) then these error messages do not display.
Is it possible to test for a validation value in a separate function before running this lock function? If valid, lock, if not valid, don't lock, because it isn't possible to submit an invalid form anyway. I tried wrapping the locking submit function in a setTimeout, but that didn't have any effect at all in delaying it.
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Jun 24, 2009
I have a drop down selection box with items in it. I need to be able to pass the selected item through using an onclick event for the "Submit" button. Is this possible?
I have a Javascript that is calling a div to popup. This div is the drop down selector. I want the user to click a button to make the drop down appear, then they must select an item in the list and then hit submit. The submit button being clicked I need to bring in the selected value from the drop down and use it in the script that originally told the div to pop up (this is the first button that the user clicks, it actually runs the script which passes 2 variables, and is basically waiting on the drop down selection to save into a 3rd variable, which will then call a PageMethod).
I have
function AddTemplateToUUT(uutnumber,testerid){
var templatename=SelectTemplateToAssign();
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Sep 9, 2009
At the bottom of this page: [URL] There's a sign up button... When you click on it, the button is disabled, and the word 'Signup' is replaced by 'Signup in process'. The HTML on the button is:
Code HTML4Strict:
<button type="submit" id="SBIAgree" class="actionCreate" disableonsubmit="Signup in progress..." name="MSignal_SI-IA*">
And there is a tonne of javascript on the Fastmail Site here: [URL] I think it's something to do with the 'disableonsubmit' function, but when I tried to separate out that part of the JS into a test page myself, I can't get it to work. I wondered if anyone might be able to advise about the core JS elements that make this functionality work?
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Sep 16, 2009
I've created a form with combobox with different values (this is for my website). What I want is when the user clicks 'submit' that it goes to a different page on the website depending on the value the person has selected in the combobox. Values are numerical, for example 1000, 2000, 5000 etc. I've been trying this for a couple of days now without success!
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Sep 20, 2011
I am having a problem with my script used to disable my submit button. I want the button to disable upon correct submission of the form, and the button to be kept enabled if the required fields are not filled in. I have the following code at the moment (which only does the first if statement).
<script type="text/javascript" >
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May 1, 2010
Would anyone care to post your favorite script for disabling the submit button on a form when there are input errors, and reenabling when all errors are resolved? I'd be curious what the different approaches are to this. I looked through my various SitePoint javascript books and surprisingly didn't find an answer to this scenario specifically.The behavior I'm trying to achieve (most efficiently) is having a form start out with the submit button enabled, but if there is a validation error, such as a required field being left blank on blur, the submit button is disabled. It's easy then to re-enable it when the user fills in that field, but harder to get the script to check and see if there are any other lingering errors before going ahead and enabling it.
My natural inclination would be to just keep a count of errors that increments and decrements when errors occur and are resolved. Then the script would check to see that the error count is 0 before re-enabling the submit button. It seemed easy, but I think I'm getting mixed up somewhere in conflicts of variable scope, and it's not turning out right.A google search rendered an example where someone was using a string variable to store errors, concatenating and replacing data to the string as errors were logged/resolved.
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Jul 15, 2009
I am using the Jquery validationss plugin for my form validations. NowI have a situation where I have two submit buttons in a single form(say button A and button B). For button A, I want to run validationsbut for button B I don't want to run the validations and submit theform without validating.. How can i do this?
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Oct 7, 2011
Im trying to use javascript history to resize an iframe when a submit button is clicked inside the iframe.
This is what i found so far.
Us this with iframe:
But im not really sure on how to apply this to my iframe, and i know that the resize part also needs to be edited, but what is missing?
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Feb 13, 2009
I am using the Validation plugin to validate a form that emails the current pages URL to the recipients entered in to the "email to" field. I want to validate that field for multiple emails addressed separated by commas...and ideas on how to do this? I'm a bit new to jQuery so I am a little confused how to approach this. I was thinking somehow altering the email function so that is parses the input and does a for each on every email address. Is this correct thinking? Is there an easier way to do this?
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Oct 2, 2009
I have a form with multiple fieldsets which are visible conditionally. There are three submit buttons "Abandon", "Save" and "Save & Continue". Each button should validate specific controls of the form and submit it. I tried setting "onsubmit: false" and checking for "$('#myForm').valid ()" on click of these buttons., but that validates all controls of the form.
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Jul 19, 2009
I'm using the Validation plugin for JQuery and was wondering if there was a function to submit the form without causing it to validate the form. I have a table with a list of radio-buttons and above that is a drop down list of states. The drop down list of states is used to filter the table rows and when the selected item changes it posts-back to the server (via $("#frm").submit()). I don't want this to cause any validation to occur. Is there another function I can call besides submit(), or some other method?
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Mar 5, 2011
I am a newbie to jQuery and still learning the ropes. I would greatly appreciate your help in resolving the following issue: I am using jquery.validate.js plugin to validate a form.
The form has two groups of radio buttons with names ( g1 and g2 ). It also has other elements like textboxes and select boxes.
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May 30, 2010
I'm using the following javascript code to validate a form:
My HTML code is as follow:
The fact that my using xhtml strict I'm having an error when validating my html file. Can't use name attribute in form.
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