JQuery :: Send Values By Post That Form Contains?
Jul 1, 2011
How can I gather all values from the form (select, input (text, checkbox....), textarea... ) using jquery and send them by post. The number of items is not fixed, I need something that will gather everything that form contains.
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Mar 5, 2009
I need to capture input from a form in the run time and send those values as URL parameters using HTML POST.
I am using:
Here searchText and searchFilter are the input values. When I run the app, I don't see the values but I see "frm.searchText.value" and "frm.searchFilter.value" getting passed as parameters.
What is the right way to apply javascript here?
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Mar 4, 2010
I have an error when I POST to a page. Whatever monetary choice of donation that is made, the POST does not work to send the values to the next page and the default value of $20.00 is registered.
After looking at my code for a day I dont see the errorL
Here is the code
Contributions are tax deductible for residents of the United States and Jamaica.
Yes, I want to become a contributor. Please accept my donation as indicated below.
Here is the test site. [url]
For this test all menu choices takes to the Donation page.
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Jan 27, 2011
I want to send the values of form elements to servlet so that server side validation can be done.
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Feb 4, 2011
We want to store the values from the form input box, then send via ajax below:
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Sep 25, 2011
I have a form with checkboxes. I am trying to put the selected items into an array and then just simply go to the next page (an AJAX page within the same HTML doc using jquery mobile). I dont want the form to submit the values in the URL. using "return false" seemed to be working before but now it isnt!?:
HTML Code:
<form name="form1" onsubmit="validateDrink(); return false">
<input type="checkbox" name ="drinks1" value="beer" id="beer"/>
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Aug 4, 2011
I have a web form (yeah) that I would like to have jquery direct the post and the form values to one of two php pages depending on the choice selected.
Ideal flow:
If a person selects radio button "email" and clicks submitsend form values to page1
-Generate and send email and report success
-User never actually sees page1
If a person selects radio button"view" and clicks submit send form values to page2.
$(document).ready(function(){$("#listrequest_form").submit(function() {
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Mar 2, 2006
I am having trouble finding a code example that uses javascript to get values from a form submitted on a previous page using the "POST" method. I've found some examples on how to parse the query string, but unfrotunately my form on the previous page has WAY too many charcters being submitted to be able to use the "GET" method (there is some upper limit here, I think it may be 255 or some number similar).
By the way this ONLY needs to work in IE, but it is better if it works in all browsers.
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May 11, 2011
The script below works, but only returns one headline/url from the html list.I am coming from a procedural background and know there must be a better way to pass all the urls and headlines (the link text) to my PHP script, which populates my database, but even after reading 'Jquery in Action' I am flummoxed.how to attack this problem? The .each portion of my script does not seem to work as I expect it to. I have also tried append, which would seem to be a solution ... really all I need is the "which" value from the url, so passing a simple array of those values to PHP would suffice.
$("#latest-news button").click(function () {
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Jun 30, 2009
I was guessing if it was possible, using jQuery, to have a link that, when clicked, opens the relative url and sends to it a post request. I'm trying to do this with the $.post function, but i found the problem that the request is sent, but the page isn't opened.
This is my code:
<script type="text/javascript" src="jquery.js"></script>
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May 20, 2010
I have two variables that I would like to use jQuery serialize and send to a PHP file with a post. I don’t know how to format the command to serialize them. Here is the start of the code. How do you serialize the day and month variables?
var currentTime = new Date()
var day = currentTime.getDate()
var month = currentTime.getMonth() + 1
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Aug 21, 2009
I've used a few jquery things before, but I haven't a clue when it comes to javascript, so I've mainly just modified variables here and there. This is my first attempt at actually writing something, and well.....its not working
Im trying to send an ajax post to an external file, which simply returns 'Complete' after updating the db. My html gives me an ul, with li elemnts, representing names of comics.
Anyway heres my code:
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May 14, 2009
I've been trying to figure out how to echo back error messages from a PHP edit page, for example. Say if I am editing a grid and sending that info with json to a php page to update a database, if there is a validation or other problem, how do I echo that back on the page with the jquery? Do I put that in a div container too for best practice?
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Jul 27, 2010
I have a input type button where it send some information by POST from a combobox.
And i have a chart that only works inside of a iframe.
I can i send the post to the iframe?
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Jun 11, 2007
Is there a way for delete variables of a form just before it is
sended to server?
I don't want to delete the input element, but only to prevent that
name/value to be sended to the server.
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Feb 6, 2010
I have checkbox inputs like so:
<input type="submit" value="One" id="one" />
<input type="submit" value="Two" id="two" />
Say they are both checked.. How would I send those values through the code below properly?
value = $('input:checked'); // not sure how to collect all checkbox values here so they can be sent..
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Dec 6, 2011
I just started using jQuery, but i can't get it working. On the index.php page I want a search form, that post's to search.php. Following next, I want that the html of search.php (which will only be a table with the results), is show into the 'results' div in the index.php.
This is the code im using:
<script type="text/javascript">
/* attach a submit handler to the form */
alert("Ok - 1");
The alert's are for debugging, but none of them show's up.
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Jun 6, 2011
I have a date picker with a textbox input for 'from' and 'to' the page loads with default values which display in the textboxes.What I want to do is: when the page loads, these values are sent to my SQL server, the server checks for entries that are within the range, then reports back on the page the results.Subsequent changes to either from or to dates should result in a similar call to the server for validation. no submit button, just change date = changed output.I figure the best way to do this is with AJAX. So I have a date picker, but how do I send the results to a PHP file to do what it will with them? And once the php file is done with them, how do I put the results back on my HTML page?Now for some code:
In <head>
So that's all the code that makes my Range Select date picker. My question is very similar to http:[url]....with-ajax-and-jquery-datepicker except that I probably lack even more knowledge than that OP - I need a step-by-step baby solution to how this all works.Where in my code does the $.ajax() function go? How do I handle two dates, not just one? How do I get the output on screen? Finally, in my PHP script, would this at least provide me output?
$from_date = $_GET['from_date'];
$to_date = = $_GET['to_date'];[code]...
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Apr 14, 2010
I want to send three text box values to server using jquery ajax. problem is that, i dont know the exact syntax to send three data. When i try sending one data(also change no.of parameters to one at server side method), its going good but when i try to send three text box values, its giving jquery error:"Internal server error". I think I am not sending data in correct way. Example below contains only two sending data, because i was trying to send 2 data first.
Below is the code:
function testCAll() {
type: "POST",
url: "dbTest1.aspx/SendMessage",
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Mar 15, 2010
I too have a problem with Ajax POST method and Send. I have set up a Site Search using the Google Ajax Search API, and it works fine. The search term is stored in the variable (?) query. Just to make sure, I have set up a new variable (searchTerm) to read the value of query, and a temporary Alert box shows that this variable does indeed contain the search term.
I want to store the search terms in a database so I can see what people are searching for. So I set up a POST method to send the searchTerm to a php file, which uses if (isset($_POST['searchTerm'])) to obtain the searchTerm and then insert it into a MYSQL database. But it doesn't work.
When I couldn't insert into the database, I added a second (temporary) insert using a dummy value as the else part of the above if statement, to test (1) if the Ajax file was actually setting the php file going, and (2) to check my Insert code was working. Both work.
So the problem is clearly that either the Ajax code doesn't Send correctly, or the php isn't receiving it. I am stumped to find what is wrong. Here are the two relevant sections of code:
To repeat, the php is running and always loads the dummy variable from the else section, indicating that isset($_POST['searchTerm']) is null.
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Oct 28, 2011
I need to send data through POST to other domain.
My script is:
But I am still getting the error XMLHttpRequest cannot load [url]. Origin [url] is not allowed by Access-Control-Allow-Origin.
XHR finished loading
I set in the destination
I don't know why it dosen't work.
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Nov 5, 2010
Once a page is loaded, is it possible to access the post values?I want to get the data out of the post and use it to create some elements. I prefer to use jquery rather than server side parsing.
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Feb 2, 2011
I have a script that post some values to a php file and on it if i echo or return anything i cant get the value,
the alert is always empty
$.post("file.php",{x}, function(data){
php file
echo 'test';
also tried with return but also get an empty alert
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Jun 3, 2011
I've have a function to take the value entered in a form text box, add 50 to it and put the result in another text box.
When I enter 650.5 I get 700.5 exactly how I'd expect. But when I enter -650.5 instead of getting -600.5 I get -650.050 as though it is failing to parse the float due to it being negative. My understanding of parseFloat was that it recognises negative numbers. Is there a nice simple way to get this to work?
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May 13, 2010
I'm running into an interesting problem. I'm constructing a form that will allow a person to enter text into a textarea and then preview it. Currently, the person has to click preview, look at the text and then use the back button, which causes problems with losing changes/the entire block of text. So my next thought was to allow for a UI dialog box to pop up and to submit the form values via a .load call to my PHP script. This works really well, but I notice if I preview and close the window (either with the X or with escape) more than three times, I start getting a blank window.
My code is as follows:
<script type="text/javascript">
function preview(){
$('body').append('<div id="preview" title="Preview" style="display:none;"></div>');
bgiframe: true,
modal: true,
resizable: false,
height: '600',
width: '80%',
$('#preview').load('page.inc.php', {Submit:'Preview', highlights: document.getElementById("Highlights").value, });
close:function() { $("#preview").dialog("destroy"); $('body').remove('#preview'); },
cancel:function() { $("#preview").dialog("destroy"); $('body').remove('#preview'); }
The PHP side just echos the text right now, so nothing crazy going on there. I also find that unless I hide the preview div, after the second preview the div starts appearing in the page, as well as in the dialog box, so I'm not sure if that's standard or not.
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Feb 5, 2010
I have tried to search for the answer to this, but came up empty. I am writing a form checker (and submit) in jQuery, and am testing with Chrome. Once I do my validation, if all is ok, I simply submit the form using...
and here is my form tag.
<form name="courseForm" id="courseForm" action="courseDetail.asp" method="post">
In IE it works fine with either POST or GET methods in the form tag, but in Chrome it will only work with GET.When I try to use POST, the form does submit, but I don't get any data sent to the page at all. The only thing I am doing different than usual, is the form does not have a submit button. I am using a "button" tag and using jQuery to capture the click event. <button type='button' name='courseSubmit' class='blueButton'>Save Changes</button> why the POST isn't sending the data in Chrome? Simple workaround is to change it to a GET and it will always work, but I see that as a bandaid fix, and not really a solution to the problem.
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