JQuery :: Scope Of Accessing Array Object

Feb 14, 2011

I'm a little puzzled over the possibility of accessing an array. I've declared the previd id - in the proxy.invoke call which works just fine (we have already implemented an .each loop which also works. My problem is this - after accessing the proxy.invoke function, the previd is populated correctly with push but after the call, we cannot seem to access the previd array to make a join to a string. Here's the basics of the code.

var previd = [];
proxy.invoke("validdateIDCard", p_caregiverid,
function(validaterID) {
var valcard = validateID;
}, onPageError);
var finalvalue = previd.join("|"); <-- this is where the problem lies - cannot seem to read the variable...

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Accessing An Object Within An Array Nested Within Another Object?

Oct 5, 2011

I'm writing a program that involves a network of interconnected nodes (or simply objects in my example below). It depends on being able to access properties of an object's linked objects (a bit oddly worded, sorry)...Problem is I'm not sure how to properly access those properties... see below please.

//This is an example of a problem im having in my own code...
//I want to access the name of the object within the links array wintin the object...


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Object Scope - Add A Property To The Object To Store The Data Loaded?

Aug 5, 2011

I have an object with a single Method to load content from a xml file. The problem is... how do I add a property to the object to store the data loaded?? I tryed adding a simple Array inside the object, but didn't work.


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Scope And Object Question

Apr 6, 2006

I had a need for a two dimentional array. Looking for this solution, I
ran accross a statement than all Javascipt arrays were arrays of
objects. So I created a function prototype, at least thats what I was
calling it:

function objRow(vartype, varaddr1, varaddr2)
this.type = vartype;
this.addr1 =varaddr1;
this.addr2 =varaddr2;

Next I did:
var myobject=new objRow("1", "1234 Main St.", "Apt 101");

At this point I was able to see myobject.addr1 or any other variable in
the object instance.

Now I added this object to a table.
var aryTestTable= new Array();
aryTestTable[0]= myobject;
At this point I could see
Next I tried an additional object
myobject=new objRow("1", "1234 Main St.", "Apt 101"); //with
different data
And added it to the table
aryTestTable[1]= myobject;
Where I could see:
aryTestTable[1].addr2 or any other variable.

so far so good. Then I started the actual application code where I was
reading a database table and creating the objects and adding them to
the table. This was in a for loop wherein the myobject=new objRow("1",
"1234 Main St.", "Apt 101"); was instantiated.

After the for loop was finished, I could not access the data in the
table - undefined.

So my questions are: Have the my object instances popped off the stack?
and What is the alternative way to implement this table of rows of

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Object Loses Scope With Onchange?

Mar 10, 2009

I will do my best to explain this one and sorry if the title isn't that great. I am trying to write a javascript object and it is my first time, so it isn't that great and of course I have trouble.The object is suppose to populate a dropdown (popMake()) and then add an onchange event (checkValue()) to it. It seems to do this fine but when the select box is changed, I no longer have access to object, it's parameters, etc. In checkValue I don't have access to this.currentMake which was just set or anything (already said that).I believe it has something to do with scope (possibly closure, but I didn't see how it would fit her). So how can I do something like this and still have access to the object after the click?Code below:Code:

window.onload = function() {
var mm = new makeModel();


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Scope Issues With My Javascript Object

Mar 26, 2006

I'm having trouble getting the following code to work properly. Every time I try to access the private testing variable from the priveleged MyMethod it gives an error. Says it can't find testing and that it has no properties so I can't run a push() command on it.

function MyClass()
var testing = new Array();

// define the method
function MyMethod()

// make the method priveledged
this.MyMethod = MyMethod;

// a test function it ensure the variables declared here are isolated
function Start()
var myClass = new MyClass();


document.write("[" + myClass.testing + "]");


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Scope With Onclick Iteration Within An Object?

Dec 13, 2011

i'm having a slight problem understand how to use this.myVar in an object. And I use prototype.


Does anyone know how I can use this.myvar within the function. I have tried binding and bindAsEventListener.But nothing I've done has been able to get the right value!

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Scope Of JSON Object In IE Versus Firefox

Aug 5, 2007

I'm a newbie to JSON and have been trying to parse some data and send it to a function that writes some html. I can do this in IE, but I can't get it to work in firefox. Code:

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Sliding Panel - Take The Object OSidebar Out Of The Global Scope

Jun 10, 2011

I created this code for a sliding panel and it works well. But I'm struggling to take the object oSidebar out of the global scope. I would prefer that it were a property of the clicked event object. That is, I want to be able to use 'this.oSidebar' within the click event. I've posted the whole page here along with the click image.


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Jquery :: Accessing Object Using Variable String

May 8, 2011

I have an object whose name is mural. I have assigned the name mural to the title of an anchor element. When user clicks and element I want to store the title of the anchor in a variable called sprite. I then want to access that object whose name corresponds to the sprite variable string.

Here is my code:
HTML Code:
var mural= new Object();

var stamps= new Object();
var sprite=$(this).attr('title');
$(".image-holder").css("background-position",'sprite.top, sprite.left');

It's not working because the the variable sprite is just a reference to $(this).attr('title'), how do I make it reference the object? Oh and I know that .cc jquery statement probably wont work, I'm not sure yet of the correct way to have two values that don't need quotations in as the second argument.

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JQuery :: Accessing JSON Data Object Via PHP Script?

Mar 18, 2010

I've got the following code:


I was just wondering how will I be able to access the content of the data variable in script.template.php?

The other problem is that when I use the $.getJSON method (instead of just $.get), the script doesn't appear to get called.

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JQuery :: .Post() - Accessing The Returned Json Object?

Sep 28, 2010

The below code posts a couple of vars to a php file which sends back a json object containing (in the test case) one object called 'faves' with 2 variables (let's say called var1 and var2). I can't seem to access the variables after the ajax call. The result is always an 'undefined' error message. I've tried:


All to no avail. Can anyone tell me what I'm doing wrong here? I have checked with FireBug that all the data returned is good and well-formed etc.

$(function() {
$.post("<? echo base_url(); ?>test.php", {
id: "<?php echo $id; ?>",


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JQuery :: Accessing Form Inputs When Part Of An Array?

Dec 28, 2009

im pretty new to jQuery, but familiar with JS in general. im trying to get a dom element by id to change the read only attribute. using jQuery i'm doing the following: var field = $('#name[index][index]').

but when alerting the field value, i get [object Object] and not an inputObject as i would expect.

i can use the normal getElementById and it works as I would expect. Is this a problem with jQuery?

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JQuery :: Accessing An Objects Array From An $.ajax Call?

Jan 12, 2010

I have an object with a member function that changes something on the objects state. This works perfectly fine in the easy case. But when I use an $.ajax call within the function it doesn't work. Here is the example code and failing QUnit tests: [URL]

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JQuery :: Accessing Methods And Properties On An Object Of A Passed Element?

Jan 25, 2010

I have an object on the document element that allows for other components to register with it, i have a custom event something along$(document).bind("register",function(thechild)..So in the child object when they are created i call$(document).trigger("register",this);And indeed i get the DOM object. However i'm looking for the plug in object, i want to be able to call methods on the passed childobject and access it's Config.Does that make sense? How can i write a plug in that is applied to various objects that also registers itself with an 'overseer' object on the document element in such a way that i can allow that overseer object to call methods on any registered child objects?

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Accessing An Object's Methods

Sep 8, 2005

I have a javascript function that needs to access methods of a java
object(localTag). In my JSP I'm trying to include hidden fields for
the Strings returned from the getter method calls of the object like

<html:hidden name="FrmCustomerHolding" property='<%=
"localTag.getTagName()" %>' />
<html:hidden name="FrmCustomerHolding" property='<%=
"localTag.getTagValue()" %>' />

If I can do something like this, what is the correct syntax and how do
I access this property in my javascript? When I have a hidden field
that is just a String, I access it in the javascript like
"document.getElementById("theString").value" and it works fine, but I
can't seem to find how to access the String value of a method call.

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Finding / Accessing DOM Object?

Oct 3, 2009

I seem to be rather bad at formulating my questions, so let me try another way; given the following:


How do I get/set that textarea value?

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Accessing Certain Columns Of An Array

May 3, 2011

If I have this array
testarray = [
["1", "test1", "test11"],
["3", "test3", "test33"],
["5", "test5", "test55"],
["2", "test2", "test22"]
How do I access the 2nd column of the 2nd row?

I tried:
But it says undefined.

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Accessing Array From Function

Jul 9, 2007

<script type="text/javascript">

function popsizes(colorcode) {
var BLK=new Array();
BLK = ["2XL","3XL","4XL","5XL","LG","MD","SM","XL","XS"];

elem = document.getElementById("selcolor");
for (i=0; i<elem.options.length; i++){
sizelist = colorcode[i];
document.getElementById("selsize").options[i] = new Option(sizelist);


In an event, i'm passing in "BLK" as the colorcode param. This is creating my selsize select box with B, L, K, and undefined options until the for loop finishes. ie, its taking the passed in colorcode as a literal string, instead of referencing the array. Anyone have a pointer as to how i can access the arry, instead of the literal string?

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Accessing CSS Object In Opera And Firefox

Feb 21, 2010

What it is supposed to do is pull down the background image of my nav panel by setting the CSS height to match the length of the page. I got it to work in IE but it does not work in Opera or Firefox. I'm not sure how to access the correct object in Opera and FF.

To view the problem:

Well, I'm a new user so I can't post the link to the problem.

And here is the code:

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Accessing And Changing Two Items In An Object?

Jul 7, 2011

I have an object that defines the default color, and then when the color is updated, the different css classes need to be updated as well. So here's what I was trying to do

var colorPicker = {
mainColor: "red",
backgroundColor: this.mainColor + "bkgd",

So problem 1 is I keep getting "undefined" returned for "this.mainColor". If I use colorPicker.mainColor, it hasn't been created yet so it throws an error.Problem two is if I update mainColor from another function, say to make mainColor = "green", then backgroundColor doesn't automatically update.

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Accessing Object's Internal Properties?

Mar 31, 2011

I am fairly familiar with the concept of Objects and their properties and methods, but javascript being object based as opposed to object oriented has me stumped on how to access an object's properties from an onclick event handler created for another object created within the original object.In the example below, I have a constructor function called anyObj. to which I pass an object reference to an element.

anyObj has 3 properties and one function increaseWidth()

increaseWidth() creates a new button with an onclick event handler and this is where I have a problem.The onclick function needs to increase the value of anyObj's this.width property. I originally had a line this.width += 10; in the onclick but quickly realised why this wasn't working because the this in the onclick function refers to the new button object and not the this.width property of anyObj.

The workaround I have used, and it works, is to make a copy of all the this.xxxxx properties. eg. width = this.width; and use the width variable in the onclick as you can see below. This "workaround" works fine but doesn't feel ideal to me.So, what I am asking advice on is, is there a better way to access the anyObj()'s properties from within the onclick function than the way I have done it? Obviously I would prefer to not have to make copies of all the anyObj() properties like I have to make them accessible to the onclick function.


function anyObj(divObj){
this.elem = divObj;
this.width = 50;


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Javascript Accessing An Array Of Checkboxes

Jan 15, 2006

In my HTML, I have several of the following:

<input type='checkbox' name='right[]' id='right[]' value=&#390;' />

All are the same except the value is set differently for each one. The
reason for the [] is so I can access the checkbox values as an array on
the processing page (when clicking 'Submit');

However, I want my Javascript code to examine these objects first. My
onclick event handler function (below) is called (I get the 'hi there'
popup), but it does nothing afterward (i.e., neither 'checkbox' alert
appears, and the handler, strangely, seems to return 'true').

I suppose my problem is that I am not specifying the checkbox array
properly. I tried several variations, but I've been working on this
problem alone for several hours and am getting nowhere. Code:

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Accessing An Array Entry's Item?

Oct 29, 2009

I created an array, whose entries looks like this:

[41, "The bird flew into it's cage"]
[33, "He drew fire from Joe"]
[33, "Roger asked her her name"]


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Accessing Values Of Array Type List Box[]

Sep 6, 2007

i have a php page in which i have a listbox as below:

<select NAME="scopeid[]" id="scopeid[]" class=sel1 multiple size=4>
<? while ($qrrs=mysql_fetch_assoc($qrrid)) { ?>
<option value="<?=$qrrs['scopeid']?>" <? if($db->isinarray($scopeid,$qrrs['scopeid']) ){ print " selected "; } ?>><?=$qrrs['scopedescription']?></option>
<? } ?>

<input type="button" name="add" value="Add" class=button onclick="Add()" style="width:40">

how do i pass the values of listbox[] to javascript?

below is my javascript:

function Add() {

alert gives me only the last selected value and not the entire values. i.e if the user has selected 2 ,3 and 4th option, it gives me value of only 4th item instead of all three. how to do it?

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Accessing Array Named Form Fields?

Mar 15, 2010

I only manage to access non array named form fields.

<form method="post">
<input type=checkbox name=check[]>


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