Accessing An Object Within An Array Nested Within Another Object?
Oct 5, 2011
I'm writing a program that involves a network of interconnected nodes (or simply objects in my example below). It depends on being able to access properties of an object's linked objects (a bit oddly worded, sorry)...Problem is I'm not sure how to properly access those properties... see below please.
//This is an example of a problem im having in my own code...
//I want to access the name of the object within the links array wintin the object...
I'm a little puzzled over the possibility of accessing an array. I've declared the previd id - in the proxy.invoke call which works just fine (we have already implemented an .each loop which also works. My problem is this - after accessing the proxy.invoke function, the previd is populated correctly with push but after the call, we cannot seem to access the previd array to make a join to a string. Here's the basics of the code.
var previd = []; proxy.invoke("validdateIDCard", p_caregiverid, function(validaterID) { var valcard = validateID; previd.push(valcard); }, onPageError); var finalvalue = previd.join("|"); <-- this is where the problem lies - cannot seem to read the variable...
I have a javascript function that needs to access methods of a java object(localTag). In my JSP I'm trying to include hidden fields for the Strings returned from the getter method calls of the object like so:
If I can do something like this, what is the correct syntax and how do I access this property in my javascript? When I have a hidden field that is just a String, I access it in the javascript like "document.getElementById("theString").value" and it works fine, but I can't seem to find how to access the String value of a method call.
What it is supposed to do is pull down the background image of my nav panel by setting the CSS height to match the length of the page. I got it to work in IE but it does not work in Opera or Firefox. I'm not sure how to access the correct object in Opera and FF.
To view the problem:
Well, I'm a new user so I can't post the link to the problem.
I have an object that defines the default color, and then when the color is updated, the different css classes need to be updated as well. So here's what I was trying to do
So problem 1 is I keep getting "undefined" returned for "this.mainColor". If I use colorPicker.mainColor, it hasn't been created yet so it throws an error.Problem two is if I update mainColor from another function, say to make mainColor = "green", then backgroundColor doesn't automatically update.
I am fairly familiar with the concept of Objects and their properties and methods, but javascript being object based as opposed to object oriented has me stumped on how to access an object's properties from an onclick event handler created for another object created within the original object.In the example below, I have a constructor function called anyObj. to which I pass an object reference to an element.
anyObj has 3 properties and one function increaseWidth()
increaseWidth() creates a new button with an onclick event handler and this is where I have a problem.The onclick function needs to increase the value of anyObj's this.width property. I originally had a line this.width += 10; in the onclick but quickly realised why this wasn't working because the this in the onclick function refers to the new button object and not the this.width property of anyObj.
The workaround I have used, and it works, is to make a copy of all the this.xxxxx properties. eg. width = this.width; and use the width variable in the onclick as you can see below. This "workaround" works fine but doesn't feel ideal to me.So, what I am asking advice on is, is there a better way to access the anyObj()'s properties from within the onclick function than the way I have done it? Obviously I would prefer to not have to make copies of all the anyObj() properties like I have to make them accessible to the onclick function.
function anyObj(divObj){ this.elem = divObj; this.width = 50;
I have an object whose name is mural. I have assigned the name mural to the title of an anchor element. When user clicks and element I want to store the title of the anchor in a variable called sprite. I then want to access that object whose name corresponds to the sprite variable string.
Here is my code: HTML Code: var mural= new Object();'0px'; mural.left=-'510px';
var stamps= new Object();'0px'; stamps.left=-'1886px'; var sprite=$(this).attr('title'); $(".image-holder").css("background-position",', sprite.left');
It's not working because the the variable sprite is just a reference to $(this).attr('title'), how do I make it reference the object? Oh and I know that .cc jquery statement probably wont work, I'm not sure yet of the correct way to have two values that don't need quotations in as the second argument.
The below code posts a couple of vars to a php file which sends back a json object containing (in the test case) one object called 'faves' with 2 variables (let's say called var1 and var2). I can't seem to access the variables after the ajax call. The result is always an 'undefined' error message. I've tried:
The scenario is of two different web servers. The parent frame (html page orginates from server 1) has script like function x1() { ..... alert('parent invoked'); .... }
Inside child frame (html orginates from server 2) the html refers to parent script like { ..... parent.x1(); .... }
It throws Microsoft Jscript runtime error: permission denied. I am using IE based on WinCE 4.2 version platform.
I have an object on the document element that allows for other components to register with it, i have a custom event something along$(document).bind("register",function(thechild)..So in the child object when they are created i call$(document).trigger("register",this);And indeed i get the DOM object. However i'm looking for the plug in object, i want to be able to call methods on the passed childobject and access it's Config.Does that make sense? How can i write a plug in that is applied to various objects that also registers itself with an 'overseer' object on the document element in such a way that i can allow that overseer object to call methods on any registered child objects?
I'm getting strange error "Object doesn't support this property or method" while accessing the application recently. The same code I am using since long time. The below code is written in java class:
I just got this script for a countdown on a website and I got it to work locally but when I upload it to the server i get the error "index.html:22 Uncaught TypeError: Object [object Object] has no method 'fancycountdown'".
I have checked to make sure all other javascript files are loading and they are and I can't figure out whats wrong. You can see it [URL]
I am following an example of an array in Here is a part of the code:
var rollOverArr=new Array(); function rollover(pageImageName) { if (! document.images) return; if (! rollOverArr[pageImageName]) return; if (! rollOverArr[pageImageName].outImg) {
This does not give any error but the alert says "joker" instead of "king". Is there anything wrong with my code or is an Object something that just can not be used as a key.
If it is the latter can someone please suggest another way for me to do it? Can I use a concatenated String instead of an object? My only problem then is how would I extract the values from the String, does JavaScript have a tokenizer method like Java?
Is it possible to have an Array object (or an object derived from Array) that is 'aware' of other code modifying its contents? I'd like to have such an "onModify" function process an array everytime the [] operator is used to make a change. I know you can derive from Array, but you cannot directly override the [] operator. Any way to make this possible?
// possible definition of 'SpecialArray' ... function OnModify() { // process the list }
How do I explain this? I am grabbing several elements from my document and placing them in an array, using jQuery. When I test the Code: typeof this item, it returns as an Object, not an Array, which is problematic for IE. Firefox seems not to have an issue with Code: Object.length , but IE won't have any of that, so I need Code: Array.length or do I? In the end, I just want IE to know how many keys are in the Array/Object...
What I'm trying to do, I think, is to use elements of an array as a part of an object. Here's a lil' code snippet:
I'm trying to insert each of the elements of the katMusik-array into the checked-line, thus checking the checkboxes with those names. However, it doesn't seem to work.
I have a function were the input parameter can either be an string,array,dom node or NodeList (getElementsByTagName()) and I have somthing like this function which works great for what I want in every case except if the pNd is the NodeList at which point I end up with the nodeList in the first element of the array instead of acting like the array would.
function doSomething(pNd){ if(pNd.constructor != Array){pNd = new Array(pNd)} return pNd }
So my question is how is there any easy way to figure out if pNd is a NodeList ? When I use pNd.constructor on NodeList all I get is [object]
i'm an actionscript3 developer who is somewhat new to js/jquery and am struggling through creating a site using jquery.I would like to be able to use the show/hide/toggle methods to switch between content using a standard navigation list. basically, what I want to do is this:1. store list of 10 <divs> in array with the id set to w1_blog, w2_blog, etc2. list of 10 links with ids = w1_blog_a, w2_blog_a, etc.3. store references to divs and links in array/s4. add event listener to each link5. .click event calls function that loops through each blog entry and shows the one matching the link (w1, w2, etc) and hides all others.I could do this in 2 mins in as3 but I'm struggling with the js syntax, despite it being very close to as3. It should (I think) look something like this:
$(document).ready(function(){ var blogArr = new Array(); var blogLinkArr = new Array();