JQuery :: Saving The State Of An Ajax Form?

Aug 17, 2009

I have a page with a simple form: 3 hidden fields and 3 selects. I load the data for the first select via Ajax on domready. I have "change" event handlers for all 3 fields. If I select something in the first select, the corresponding data gets loaded into the second select via Ajax etc. So it's a "cascade" of selects. When an option in the 3rd select is being selected, I save the values of all 3 selected options in the hidden fields, and create a button for submitting the form. Until here everything works fine. When a users hits the submit button, he is being forwarded to a results page. Now, when the user hits the back button, and the page with the form gets loaded again, I check if the first hidden field has a value. If so, I try to fill all the form fields with the values the user had entered (i.e. the selections he made), which means I make 3 Ajax calls (to have all the data available), and mark the options the user had selected as selected. That works fine in FF 3 and 3.5, Safari 4, as well as IE 7 right now. IE 6 only display the data of the first select (as if the other two Ajax calls aren't successful or something - no errors though), while Opera 9 doesn't seem to remember the values of the 3 hidden fields (same issue with IE 8, but I'm using IE Tester, which is not always reliable). The html and jquery code (leaving out all the details) look like this:

<form id="myform" action="action.php" method="get">
<input name="manu_saved" id="manu_saved" type="hidden" />
<input name="series_saved" id="series_saved" type="hidden" />
<input name="type_saved" id="type_saved" type="hidden" />


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JQuery :: Saving State For A Table?

Jul 20, 2010

i have used it for creating a table with Sorting and Paging. The table works perfectly without any issues per se except what i need now. I have used the following files: jquery-1.3.2.js, JQtable.js, and jquery.tablesorter.pager.js.

My problem is that there are links in 1 column of the grid. If a user clicks on the link, the user is redirected to another page. But when the user clicks on Back button, the Jquery Table always loads on the 1st Page with default settings and does not load the page on which the row wa present.

i need to go back to the same page of the table (from where the link has been clicked) with the same size for paging and sort order on clicking Back or a Link to the Page.

So in short - is there any pugin which we can use witht the jquery table to save the state and use it to load the table accordingly on Page Load?

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JQuery :: Saving Current State Of Web Page

Sep 7, 2011

I am currently working on a page that has a series of <div> tags that .show and .hide whencorrespondinglinks are clicked, the first <div> is visible when you load the page. When you leave the page and return to it, the page reloads and the the first <div> is visible. Is there any way for the browser to save the current <div> that is visible to stay visible when you return to the page?example of what I am trying to accomplish:I load a page and click on the third link to show the third <div> and then after leaving and returning to the page (by clicking the browsers back button) the third <div> is still visible, rather than returning to the original state of the page where the first <div> is visible.

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Saving State Of Collapsible Panel Using Cookies?

Jun 24, 2011

I have this code for collapsing div below. What I want to achieve is that when I go back to the page, it would remember whether the div was collapsed(style.display = none) or expanded(style.display = block). Here is the collapse/expand script:

<script type="text/javascript">
function toggleDiv(div){[code]....

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Saving Visible Or Hidden State As Variable On Click?

Jul 22, 2010

I am trying to save the state of visibility (hidden or visible) of a portlet as a variable so that It can be saved. Hopefully allowing the user to return to the page without having to toggle portlets open/close again.

My issue: Unable to correctly establish whether or not the clicked portlet is visible or hidden while assigning a variable to be used as post data to a database.

Here is the code so far


<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Strict//EN"
<html lang="en">


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JQuery :: Saving Ajax Call Result?

Jul 11, 2011

I am trying to send the result of an ajax call to another function, however the following code does not work. The output in firebug says that msg is not definedfunction


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Changing An Alert With Saving In AJAX?

Jan 11, 2008

I have a saving script for this sort of profile project I am working on, a user can drag their widgets round the page at their own will and save their position, but I am wondering how to change it so instead of it being an alert (my original idea) into a piece of content, I was going to use Document.write, but it would just make a blank page with the content on. Code:

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JQuery :: Change Field Value With Ajax Call Based On Checkbox State?

Mar 31, 2010

I've created a registration form with sponsorship options hooked to checkboxes. My original form used ASP to keep values in hidden fields to use for totaling everything at checkout time.

Now I'd like to use PHP and Ajax to place the value into the text field related for each option checked.

I'm able to do that making an Ajax call. My problem that I need help with is this: If the visitor decides to uncheck a sponsorship option, the value placed in the associated field remains on the form. How do I replace that value with a null or empty string if they decide to uncheck their original choice?

I've tried JavaScript to no avail so far, both in the client side and server side code. I'm very new at this and I need help. Will jQuery work without having to change a bunch of code?

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JQuery :: Why Does The Hover State Return To The Initial State

Nov 1, 2011

I used the code from the following article...[URL]

$(function() {
$('img[data-hover]').hover(function() {
$(this).attr('tmp', $(this).attr('src')).attr('src', $(this).attr('data-hover')).attr('data-hover',


why does the rolled over image's src return to the original value when the user rolls back off it?

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JQuery :: Success State Of Posted Form?

Dec 12, 2009

I have a form which submits data to a php file, which than sends a pdf file containing the inputted data via php headers. So after the submit, you still see the page with the form on and get a pdf-download now I want to see if the pdf download-window came up and if so, redirect the user to another page (instead of the page where the form is on), but the window to download the pdf should be still there so the user is still able to download the file.

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Saving A Form Value To A Cookie

Apr 16, 2001

I want to save the form value for a persons USERNAME in a cookie when they are logging into my free e-mail service. So when they come back I can lookup the cookie and write the value for their username back into that spot in the form.

I've got it working for the drop-down menu so that it will change to whatever domain they selected the last time they logged in but I can't get it to work for the username box.

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Saving A Form To A File?

Nov 17, 2011

I've been working on my code for some time but I know I'm missing the ability to save the completed time card entry to a file. Can someone assist me with the scripting code for this.I would like the user to be able to specify the location. I have search the forum and I have not found any question like this which surprises me. Please forgive me if I have posted in the wrong area.Currently I have no Java Script code to show for this part of my project because I'm completely stuck. But I have my unfinished XML code that is not pretty because I plan on using a style sheet to enhance. But here is the code for you to get and Idea of what i'm attempting.

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?> <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Strict//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-strict.dtd"> <html


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Chaning URL / Saving Passw W Form

Nov 13, 2007

I need solution to change the url but not the page.

I need something like whan going to a site, the url changes to
whatever, but there is no page count, so I just get the new (right)
address, but when going back I go back to the page I came from.
Secondly I dont want a back-trap.


Say someone opens www.mysite.com, end is gives index.php to the clinet
- which enters a password and the browser offers to save that -
later, when logged out, the client is sent to www.mysite.com/index.php,
and the browser offers to save that password too... for another url,
but still the same page...

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Saving Values From Google Map Into Form

Jul 11, 2009

Quite simply i want the lat and long values shown on the page to be entered into a form rather than the table columns as they are now; [url]

For some reason if I set the ID value into the table tag the values work, but if i add the id to the input tags the values wont show in the form.

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Rapidly Saving Text Form

Nov 2, 2010

I need to make a generic text field with the bizarre requirements that:

a) the text typed is automatically (or rapidly, on short, fixed intervals) stored on the server

b) the text typed in either disappears or is hidden from view (as in password dots) from the user.

I have a good amount of experience with HTML and Java, but done with this level of complexity. I can't get my head around it. The password dots I know will be easy, but rapidly storing the information in the text field boggles me.

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Ajax :: Failed No Ready State Recived?

Mar 23, 2011

I have a link that when clicked pops up hidden div and loads it with the results of an ajax function ( below ). The problem is that no mater what the line if (req.readyState == 4) never evaluates to true. I have used the same code in many other locations on the same site, but for some reason this time the popup opens, but the ajax does not return anything.Please take a look at the code below, this is a 'simple' version of what's going on. I can not take credit for all of this code as most is taken from examples on the interweb, but it has worked, but now does notjavascript

var req;
var doesNotSupport = true;


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Saving Html Form Fields In Xml File

Sep 7, 2011

it's possible to save html form field values in an xml file without using any server side script like ajax or php. i just want to use javascript and i want to do it offline witthout using any server like tomcat.

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JQuery :: Cascade Plugin - Make A Form That Allows A User To Select A State And A City

Apr 17, 2009

I am new to jquery and I need to make a form that allows a user to select a state and a city that they go to school in. I am using the cascade juqery plug-in [url].

Which I think is a great plugin) The problem is there is a lot of data and it takes a long time for it all to load (some 28,000 records).

What I want to do is split it up into different files and then load only the file that contains the data for that start/region.

A sample of my code is blow:

My html:

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JQuery :: Turn On An 'inactive-state' CSS Class For A Group Of Divs, Then Reset One Div To The 'active-state' Class?

Feb 2, 2011

I am attempting to make a menu that has a background image that changeswhen you rollover or click a menuitem. I've got the hover effect working fine with CSS, but am trying to implement the click event via jquery with the following:

{ background-image: url('/images/departments/commdev/sustainability/menu_tab.jpg');

My process is to reset the entire menu to the inactive state, then switch on the active state for the item that was clicked. Eventually, the item that was clicked will display its corresponding body section as well. I've tried using the CSS pseudo-class "active", but since the entire div is the link, that is unavailable. I've also tried multiple variations of addClass/removeClass, toggleClass, and setAttribute/removeAttributebut nothing hasworked so far.

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Toggle State - Trigger Open State From Id Based URL?

Jul 21, 2011

To say I'm new to JavaScript is a bit of an understatement so bear with me. I have a site set up with a variety of layers of toggles. When you enter the site all of the items are collapsed and you click the headings to expand. Each of the toggle-able items have ids. It works great for users who start at the homepage.

However, when I send people to any of the inner topics, all they see is the initial collapsed state of the site. I want to be able to provide a URL that will set the toggle to open, and show all of the content for that section on entry.

Here is my code and js, can anyone point me in the right direction?


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Preserve The Session State Of A SharePoint Browser State?

Jun 1, 2010

How can I preserve the session state of a SharePoint browser state using javascript?

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Show - Hide Form Fields Based On Checkbox State

Mar 4, 2010

I'm trying to get the two followup questions underneath the checkbox to show up only if someone places a check there, but for some reason the way I've got it set up now it's simply hiding the area I want to show up altogether, and the checkbox has no effect on it.

Rather than waste tons of space pasting it here, here's the pastebin: [url]

Alternatively here is the live version:[url]

I'd prefer to have the form collapse when the additional questions are hidden, though if i can get this working at all.

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JQuery :: Get Value Of Form Element On Ajax Created Dynamic Form

Dec 14, 2011

I'm working on a script that will produce multiple dynamic forms based on the results of an ajax request. The ajax request does a db query that will return 0 to x number of rows. For each row, a new serialized form is created. Since the forms do not exist at page load, I'm having problems getting the value of the form elements so that I can run other functions on them (update inputs and selects). I've stripped down everything so that I can show a basic example. In the example, how would I get the value of "#orderID"? The body contains a div (previousList) that has a list of items that when clicked will trigger the ajax query. It also has a div (line details) that will hold all of the forms that are generated.

<div id="lineDetails">
check it out </div>
<div id="previousFrm" class="ui-widget-header ui-state-highlight ui-corner-all">
<h3>Previous Returns/Cancels</h3>
<div id="previousList">
<ul class="previous" id="returnList">
<li id="1000997" class="names">1000997: 101853</li>
<li id="1000995" class="names">1000995: 101853</li> .....
But callingconsole.log("order line value is " + $("#orderID").val());
results in 'undefined'.

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JQuery :: .form.js -> Multiple Simultaneous Ajax Form Submissions

Oct 21, 2009

I have a page with the following properties:

Several non-form input elements (a text field, a few buttons).

There is an "add file" and a "remove file" button. Whenever the "add file" is clicked, new_file_count is incremented and a form is created (ID: "nc-" + new_file_count, NAME: "ncform", enctype: "multipart/form data"). Whenever "remove file" is clicked, the last form is removed, and new_file_count is decrimented. Each form has a hidden submit element named "NEW_SUBMIT".

There is also a text field button, when it is clicked, a hidden field in each form is updated, along with the text in a span element within each form. This works properly.

Finally, there is the non-form "Check in documents" button. When this is clicked, the function LAC_NEW_CHECKIN_CLICK is called (see end of mail). This should iterate through each form, and submit it, and the alerts I put in the validation function would suggest it is doing that.

However, when the actual LAC_submit_checkin function is executed, the checkin is not being executed as AJAX (I'm redirected to the json output of the first form).

The AJAX setup/trigger is in LAC_submit_checkin

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Find A Form Script That Updates The "city List" When State Is Chosen?

Dec 29, 2010

So, for example, if someone chooses "California" out of the State list (select box), the City list next to it gets updated with all of the cities in California.

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JQuery :: Accessing Value In Ajax Form Without Submitting The Form?

Jun 2, 2009

I have a form. Upon submit, the data is sent to the server. Under certain conditions, the form is replaced via ajax with a set of radio buttons that offer the user a a choice.I need to access the radio buttons before I submit the form again.Normally I could just access the buttons with getelementbyid but it is not available, presumably because they were generated via ajax.I could submit the form just to access the radio buttons and then submit it again, but I'd like to avoid that.

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